The Rise Of Australasia

Chapter 128 - Chapter 128: Chapter 128: Breaking Doors and Dismantling Houses for Transportation (Happy New Year!)

Chapter 128: Chapter 128: Breaking Doors and Dismantling Houses for Transportation (Happy New Year!)

As everyone had expected, after prying open the hollow stone brick, a dark corridor was exposed inside.

“Someone slim, go in and take a look at the situation.” Barty Crouch ordered.

Under Barty Crouch’s command, two slim people immediately packed up and descended with two burning torches.

At this time, the defense force inside the temple had been completely cleaned up and there were no people around the building, so they didn’t have to worry about the torches being exposed.

Moreover, the burning torches could determine the situation inside the corridor. If there was a lack of oxygen, the torches would stop burning, giving the two a warning.

After waiting for a while, the two climbed up and wiped off the sweat; “Director, this is a complete corridor, one side leads to the back of the statue, and the other side leads to some secret chambers deeper inside. The doors of the secret chambers are made of huge stones and are estimated to be several tens of centimeters thick.”

Barty Crouch nodded indifferently, not flustered even when hearing about the solid stone doors.

“Prepare for blasting. Since civilized methods can’t open those stone doors, we can only resort to violent means.” Barty Crouch said with a smile.

Explosive production is one of the compulsory courses for intelligence personnel. For this mission, Barty Crouch had specially brought a lot of explosives in advance, in case of emergencies.

Work continued to enlarge the pried hole, allowing more people and explosives to enter.

After walking for a while along the long corridor, Barty Crouch and the others finally saw the stone doors of the secret chambers clearly.

After feeling the material of the stone doors, Barty Crouch took out a hand- cranked drill, and several people quickly drilled holes of varying depths in the stone. They then placed the small explosives in these holes.

To ensure their safety, all these explosives were delayed explosives, with an explosion time of three minutes.

This time was also enough for everyone to evacuate from the hole and prevent themselves from being buried from the explosion’s vibration.

Boom boom!

With a few muffled noises, the ground started to shake slightly, and then returned to calm.

After waiting for a short while and ensuring that there was no movement, Barty Crouch led the people back into the corridor.

At the entrance of the secret chamber, the stone door had been blasted into several pieces, and the broken stones were much easier to deal with compared to the intact door.

After the crowd moved all the broken stones, a dark secret chamber appeared before them.

“Director, what are we waiting for? There must be a lot of treasures in here, and if we give them to His Highness, we should all be able to get medals, right?” One of the subordinates said impatiently.

They didn’t care how much treasure was in the chamber, and they knew it was not within their reach.

But if they successfully handed over the treasures to Arthur, would they receive a medal?

“What’s the hurry? Have you forgotten what you learned before?” Barty Crouch scolded, then threw the torch from his subordinate’s hand into the chamber.

The originally thriving torch went out instantly, like a bucket of cold water, pouring down everyone’s excitement.

“The secret chamber is completely sealed, and there is a lack of oxygen inside. Everyone, pay attention, and we will enter later.” Barty Crouch nodded and ordered.

The history of this temple was already hundreds of years old; who knew what could be stored inside?

Barty Crouch couldn’t imagine the wealth of ancient Indian state, considering that the prosperity of the British Empire was largely due to the support of India.

After waiting for almost half an hour, and the torches no longer went out when thrown in, everyone finally entered the secret chamber.

Raising the torches, the magnificent scene inside the secret chamber made everyone drop their jaws. Even the experienced Barty Crouch was a bit surprised at this moment.

Gold coins, jewelry, and tableware made of gold were piled up like a mountain, while on the other side was a heap of brightly colored gemstones.

Among the two piles of treasures, the most eye-catching was a gold elephant over a person’s height. Some people even tried to lift it, but could not move the giant elephant at all.

On all sides of the secret chamber, numerous wooden boxes were stacked, and although they were covered in dust, it seemed that it couldn’t block the golden light leaking from the treasures inside.

“Oh my god, how many medals would that be?” The crowd’s minds were filled with visions of the three medals, and they had already started planning how to show off to others after receiving them.

“Hurry up and get everyone in, move all these things out. And stop thinking about it, as a qualified intelligence personnel, you’d better not reveal the various merits and medals you received. Moreover, you haven’t gotten them yet!” Barty Crouch interrupted everyone’s fantasies and ordered.

Everyone sprang into action, carrying the treasures out to the entrance of the hole, and then transferring them to horse carriages.

In order to facilitate the transportation of these treasures, all they could do was apologize to all the people in the temple.

Under Barty Crouch’s command, everyone turned their knife to all the monks in the temple, allowing them to meet their beloved Buddha.

To facilitate the transportation of these gold and pearls, the crowd even dismantled the temple’s gates and various buildings, only to find some materials that were convenient for transportation.

The corridor led to a total of six secret chambers. Although the amount of treasure in the six chambers varied, the total was definitely a huge number.

Even with more than a hundred strong intelligence personnel, this massive relocation operation lasted from night until dawn.

In fact, not all the treasures in the temple were transported. Some silver utensils and jewelry were abandoned by everyone because they took up space and were of low value.

But discarding them was also a matter of knowledge. Everyone abandoned the silver and utensils around the temple, which was enough to cause a scramble and competition among the people nearby.

Anyway, they were able to create some chaos here and delay the attention of the British Empire.

By the time the local rulers and the British began to notice the temple, Barty Crouch had already left India on a transport ship.

Everyone dared not sort out the batch of treasures on the way, but could only hurry up the transportation and reach Australia, to find a safe place to do so later.

Several disguised Australian transport fleets took away these horse carriages and intelligence personnel in batches, and like their previous approach, they first detoured to surrounding areas and countries before heading to Australia.

The entire operation and transportation took a lot of effort. From September 3rd to September 20th, the fleet arrived at Sydney Harbor in full force.

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