The Rise Of Australasia

Chapter 101 - Chapter 101: Chapter One Hundred and One: Sir Title (Subscribe!)

Chapter 101: Chapter One Hundred and One: Sir Title (Subscribe!)

Translator: 549690339 I

Given the current per capita income in Australia, one can receive at least 120 pounds a year in funding just by receiving any one of the three medals.

This is higher than the income of most Australian families. The average annual income per household in Australia is just over forty pounds, not even half the basic income brought by one medal.

More importantly, this reward, which is ten times the per capita annual income, is just the most basic reward of these three medals, and the detailed requirements and reward system will be announced later.

What does this imply? Although the ways to receive the three medals and the rewards will differ, they will definitely be more than a hundred pounds per year.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as you can win any of these medals, you can guarantee you and your family a lifelong supply of food and clothing, and even bless the next generation.

This is exactly what makes these three medals attractive. Judging from the reactions of Australians in attendance, at least most of them are keen on the distribution of these three medals.

This is exactly Arthur’s purpose. By providing rewarding conditions that touch the hearts of the majority of people, it enhances the enthusiasm of Australians for these three medals.

And these three medals can only be acquired by those who are extremely patriotic and contribute to the country and the royal family.

Under such premises, it is absolutely possible to attract a considerable number of Australians to do something for their country and attempt to obtain this medal.

“The Victoria Memorial Medal and the Royal Knight Medal will be awarded by me personally, and the Australian National Medal will be issued by the Prime Minister at the time. I hope that many Australians will receive these medals in the future, becoming role models for the entire Australian nation, a source of pride for the Australian nation, and the pillars of the country and the royal family,” Arthur said with a smile.

Having Arthur personally award the medals is a good choice for raising the prestige of these three medals.

As the ruler of Australia, Arthur’s status is supreme in Australia.

A medal personally awarded by the head of state is undoubtedly more valuable and memorable than an ordinary medal.

Of course, doing so will also increase the value of the medal itself and the benefits the medal can bring.

“In addition, the Royal Assistance Committee will start a new year of relief work The relief work of the last year has achieved good results. At least 800,000 low-income people have received our relief food, ensuring that they will not go hungry at any time. In the coming year, I hope that the scope of the Royal Assistance Committee’s work can be expanded to include all of Australia and even the New Guinea colony. I wish all great Australian people can live a happy and content life in this country, where everyone need not worry about hunger. This will be the goal that the royal family and the government strive for!” Arthur asserted firmly.

What do the common people most like to hear? Naturally, it’s about their welfare policy, including various aspects of food, clothing, shelter and transportation.

Arthur’s plan is simple, which is to provide jobs for the majority of Australians through domestic large-scale construction, so that they have a decent income.

At the same time, relief is given to some special groups who cannot work due to physical reasons, such as the elderly who are either widows or widowers, orphans, and those who are physically challenged.

The policy towards them is very likely to arouse the sentiment of Australians, as these people often represent the lowest level of society.

As long as the normal lives of these people can be guaranteed, doesn’t it mean that any Australian could get great relief when facing such situations?

With the end of Arthur’s speech, the National Day ceremony of that day also officially ended.

The subsequent government’s specific instructions for issuing the three medals and the Royal Assistance Committee’s new round of relief plans have nothing to do with Arthur.

In this long-awaited National Day holiday, Arthur can finally take a good rest.

The government acted quickly, even during the prescribed National Day holiday, the detailed interpretation of the three medals has been posted on the bulletin board of the Administrative Building, and it will be made known to more people along with the new circulation of the Victoria Newspaper and the Australia Daily.

Among the newly issued three medals, the Victoria Memorial Medal holds a somewhat unique significance.

The Victoria Memorial Medal is the most difficult to get, although it covers a global range, it requires substantial contributions to the reputation of the royal family and the monarch, or having dealt with significant crises to the royal family and the monarch.

Of course, its rewards are also the most lucrative among the three medals. In addition to the reward of ten times the annual per capita income of Australia, which each medal will have, the recipient will also receive the honorary title of Australian Sir, non-hereditary.

Although it’s different from those hereditary noble titles that come with land ownership, it’s still equivalent to the lowest noble title, which is rather attractive to Australians.

In addition, the direct descendants of the Victoria Memorial Medal recipients will have the opportunity to directly enter the university when they come of age, bypassing the admission process of the National University.

For present-day Australia, where there’s a shortage of university students, this seems a pretty good deal.

After all, thousands of people sign up for the annual National University admission, but the final number of admitted students is always so few, with only eight hundred in the first year, and even fewer, just over six hundred, in the second year.

Under such circumstances, an opportunity to enter a university without any need for admission examinations is quite attractive.

The difficulty in obtaining the other two medals is similar, requiring only a substantial contribution to the royal family and the nation.

In particular, the Australian National Medal is the easiest medal to obtain, but it also offers the least in terms of rewards.

As a medal personally awarded by the incumbent Prime Minister, in addition to a monetary reward, the Australian National Medal also includes a wide range of promotions and encouragements within Australia, including, but not limited to, newspapers and announcements.

However, these conditions are still quite attractive to Australians. After all, under good circumstances, who wouldn’t want to be known nationwide, especially when the government steps forward to make announcements and publish them in newspapers.

Once you receive the Australian National Medal, you can be promoted as a national hero, a pride of the people. Isn’t it somewhat exciting to think about? Although the difficulty in obtaining the three medals has disappointed some people, the rich monetary rewards and various benefits still make many people very keen.

What can be anticipated is that in the near future, there will definitely be a group of people trying every means to obtain the medals.

This is often the situation that the government and Arthur want to see. After all, no matter how hard they try, the ultimate beneficiaries are bound to be the royal family and the government.

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