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Stocks plunged 20%!

Shunli Express, Wanjia Group, Hengfeng Group... These are all very large companies, and many of them have close cooperation with Dafang Group.

Now, they're all disbanded?

This is definitely not a small loss for Dafang Group.

Even, this is only an apparent loss.

If so many big companies cancel their cooperation together, it may cause some kind of chain reaction, which is the most terrifying.

World Bank Stop Lending!

Although Dafang Group has an extremely large industry, its cash flow is still relatively limited.

Most of the raw materials, labor, bases, etc., all rely on the huge loan of the World Bank, which can be ordered.

Now, the sudden suspension of lending by the World Bank is as if the Dafang Group is stuck in the neck, making it completely breathless.

A thorough investigation of taxation.

A thorough tax check is a very normal thing.

This is a regulation that all businesses should follow.

A review is conducted at least once a year.

Before, Fang Lei didn't care too much.

But today, he was extremely flustered.

Because, there is a real problem with his taxation, a very deep problem.

Fang Lei had a very bad premonition in his heart. Perhaps, the problem will be discovered after inspection.

And once found, then...

On Fang Lei's forehead, a layer of fine sweat gradually oozes out.

Then, he hurriedly made another call.

After a while, the phone finally connected.

Fang Lei said: "Boss He..."

However, before he could finish speaking, a deep voice sounded inside.

"Fang Lei, what exactly did you do?"

"Well! Now the mine king family, the ancient Zhang family, the richest Ma family, the giant Ran family... all have issued a ban on you!"

"In this case, call the labor and management! Do you really want to kill the labor and management before you die?"

After speaking, he hung up the phone abruptly.


A rush of busy voices continued to rippling in Fang Lei's ears.

He was completely stunned.

The mine king family, the ancient Zhang family, the capital Ma family, the giant Ran family... which one is not a terrifying existence like a giant.

It's all about your goals.

As a result, they issued a ban on themselves together?



Fang Lei's face turned pale, and the whole person panicked and panicked to the extreme.


Dafang Group is over!

Fang family, it's over!

But why is this? !

At this time, Li Weiwen next to him shouted, "How is it? You are talking! When are you going to avenge your son?! Always stand and think like a fool!"

Son's revenge?


Imperial Hotel?

that young man?

At this moment, Fang Lei suddenly connected everything in series.

It's him!

It's him!

All this was caused by him!

Thinking of this, Fang Lei was also burning with anger.

Fang Lei shouted sharply: "What is it called?! It's all your fault for pampering him like this!"

Then, he kicked Fang Wenjie in the stomach and shouted, "You bastard!"


Suddenly, there was a miserable howl in the luxury villa.


Lin Fan was completely unaware of all this.

At this time, he has come to the luxurious presidential suite of the Emperor Zun Hotel.

He took advantage of the spare time to put hot water in the bathtub, his mind moved slightly, and the space flickered.

In the next instant, Lin Fan appeared underground at Jiangbei University.

At this moment, a black watch was shining brightly.

When Lin Fan appeared, the black watch made an extremely cheerful sound.

"Master, Xiaobai finally sees you again."

It is the super smart watch Xiaobai.

Lin Fan said, "It's been a long wait."

When the words fell, Lin Fan picked up Xiaobai and put it on his hand again.

Then, the surrounding space shook slightly.

In the next instant, Lin Fan returned to the luxurious presidential suite of the Imperial Hotel.

at this time…

The spacious bathtub was just filled with water.

There is a good smell in the air.

Lin Fan took off his clothes and lay in the bathtub with a look of relaxation and enjoyment on his face.

Most people spend half an hour in the bathtub at most.

Because, after half an hour, either the skin will be rotted by blisters, or the hot water will cool.

However, Lin Fan's physique was far superior to ordinary people, so he naturally didn't worry about his skin being rotted by blisters.

What's more, he also has the perfect water control technique.

As for the problem of hot water becoming cold, there is no need to worry about it.

Because Lin Fan has the perfect level of fire control, he can heat water to any temperature with a single thought.

Lin Fan stayed in the bathtub for two full hours before slowly crawling out.

Then, lying on the long-lost soft big bed, she fell asleep beautifully.


In a blink of an eye, it was the next day.

When Lin Fan pushed open the door of the luxury suite, a waiter was already waiting at the door.

He bent down and said respectfully, "Mr. Lin, do you need breakfast now?"

"Well, let's go." Lin Fan said.

"Yes." The waiter said.

Not long after, Feitian Jinque Bao, Pan-fried Red Beef, Golden Noodles, Pearl Pork, Silky Soup…

All the food is made of exotic animals and plants, and carefully cooked by top chefs, making each food extremely delicious.

After eating, Lin Fan nodded in satisfaction and said, "Not bad."

"Dong dong dong!"

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Come in." Lin Fan said.

Then, Wang Zhihai, Wang Qianjin, Wang You, and the others with their full hair, all bowed their waists and walked in with great respect.

"Hello, Mr. Lin."

Lin Fan nodded and said, "Well, how are you?"

Wang Zhihai asked, "I wonder if Mr. Lin is still satisfied with this place?"

"The food, the environment, and the layout are all good, and they are more attentive." Lin Fan said.

As the old head of the Wang family, Wang Zhihai has heard so many flattering words in his life...

However, now, after hearing a few very simple compliments from Lin Fan, a young man who looked like he was only in his twenties, his entire face turned flushed, extremely advanced.

Wang Zhihai said excitedly: "Mr. Xie Lin praised."

"Our Wang family has been adhering to the teachings of our ancestors, and strives to build the Emperor Hotel into a more popular and high-end hotel... In this way, we will welcome Mr. Lin's return with a better appearance."

"Now that I have been affirmed by Mr. Lin, it's really, really great!"

Wang Zhihai's words are very sincere, and can even be said to come from the heart.

Lin Fan nodded secretly.

Then, the two had a brief exchange about the situation of the Emperor Hotel.

At this time, Wang Zhihai seemed to have thought of something and said, "The reason why our Imperial Hotel has reached the present level is entirely due to your trust in our Wang family and the planning and implementation of our ancestor Wang Fengyi..."

"Ancestor Wang Fengyi has always cared about you. When his life was about to come to an end, he froze himself in the dormant cabin and left a will. The dormant cabin could not be opened until you appeared... I don't know, are you willing to meet the ancestor Wang Fengyi? ?"


Speaking of Wang Fengyi, Lin Fan's mind couldn't help but think of that man who kept smiling at all times, had outstanding ability, and was extremely efficient.

Frozen in a dormant chamber?

In a sense, Wang Fengyi can be regarded as the first old friend he heard after a thousand years.

Lin Fan nodded and said, "Okay, let's go see you then."

Wang Haizhi said happily, "Thank you, Mr. Lin."

When Lin Fan came to the gate of the Emperor Hotel, there was a long line of luxury suspension cars waiting outside.

Pedestrians passing by in the distance all stopped and looked sideways, and sighed from time to time.

Lin Fan boarded the front suspension car and drove across winding roads, beautiful tree-lined avenues, and clear river bridges...

Finally, they arrived in front of a manor with a very wide area and beautiful scenery.

Here... it is the Wang Family Yard.

Under the introduction of Wang Zhihai, Wang Qianjin, Wang You and others, we went all the way.

After a while, Lin Fan came to the steel laboratory below the courtyard.

In front of the door of the laboratory, several large characters were written: Sleeping Pod No. 0.

Yesterday, Lin Fan had already learned from the super smart watch that 50 years after he touched the ball of light, a scientist named Ferien had invented a machine called a dormant capsule.

This machine has the special ability to freeze people, thus completely suspending all life activities of the human body.

Obviously, Wang Zhihai chose this method.

However, later research found that this freezing method has great side effects.

That is, once thawed, all the organs and bodies of the human body will be unbearable, and then they will die completely in a very short period of time.

Because of this flaw, freezing technology was later banned globally.

At this time, two medical staff in protective suits were standing in front of the gate.

After seeing Wang Haizhi and others, they all said hello, "Hello, Mr. Wang."

Saying hello at Wang's house is very simple.

The man directly addressed him as Mr. Wang.

The woman directly addressed her as Ms. Wang.

Most are not wrong.

Wang Haizhi nodded and said, "Open it."

"Yes." The two responded.


The door opened slowly, and a biting chill filled the air, causing people to shiver uncontrollably.

At this time, an old man with gray hair, age spots all over his face, and no teeth in his mouth was frozen in a transparent container and did not move.

Although, he is very old.

However, Lin Fan still recognized the other party easily, this is Wang Fengyi.

When Wang Haizhi saw Wang Fengyi, his face couldn't help showing a touch of excitement.

This is his ancestor, and the great existence that led the Wang family to glory.

Everyone in the Wang family grew up listening to his deeds, and there are almost no people who don't admire him.

Now, you can see it with your own eyes.

Maybe even a few words for a short exchange.

How can this not make Wang Haizhi excited?

After a while, Wang Haizhi suppressed his excitement and asked respectfully, "Mr. Lin, we are defrosting now, what do you think?"

When saying this sentence, Wang Haizhi's face showed a sad look again.

Because, once thawed.

Wang Fengyi will soon be completely dead.

"Well, let's unfreeze it." Lin Fan nodded.

His expression and tone were all very flat.

It looked like he didn't know the consequences of thawing at all.


With a soft click, the frozen container began to thaw rapidly.

After about 30 minutes, it turned into a green solution.

Then, Wang Fengyi, who was full of flowers, suddenly opened his eyes and jumped his head out of the solution.

He lay beside the container, gasping for breath, as if he might die at any moment.

About a minute later, Wang Fengyi finally recovered.

With cloudy eyes, he began to scan the surroundings.

Soon, he set his eyes on Lin Fan.

Suddenly, Wang Fengyi became extremely excited and shouted, "Lin... Mr. Lin, you are back!"

"I knew it, I knew it, you can definitely come back."

Maybe it was because he was too excited.

Perhaps, it was the reason for the sequelae of the dormant cabin.

Wang Fengyi was suddenly out of breath, his whole face was pale, and he seemed to faint at any moment.

see this...

Wang Haizhi cried anxiously, "Doctor! Doctor, hurry up!"

Lin Fan said, "Don't worry."

When the words fell, Lin Fan waved his hand.


A soft green light shone out and instantly enveloped Wang Fengyi.

[Skill: Perfect Grade Light of Life. 】

Soon, Wang Fengyi regained his breath, and there was an extra touch of red on his originally sallow face.

Then, Wang Fengyi's gray hair began to turn black.

Immediately afterwards, the skinny body felt a little fuller.

When Wang Fengyi entered the dormant cabin, he was already 110 years old.

However, at this time, he was like a young man in his 40s.

This scene was all seen in the eyes of Wang Haizhi next to him.

His eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

Between gestures, treat people who come out of the dormant cabin, and let them rejuvenate!


What power is this?


In the past, Wang Haizhi often heard the legend about Lin Fan.

However, since there are no videos and photos left.

Therefore, Wang Haizhi only listened to some legends of gods and monsters, and did not take it too seriously.

At this moment, he suddenly felt... Maybe, those are not legends of gods and monsters at all, but things that really happened!


Lin Fan's expression was always indifferent.

Wang Fengyi looked at his powerful hands, and said with great excitement, "Thank you, Mr. Lin, thank you!"

Obviously, he knew that this was what Lin Fan did.

Only Lin Fan has such a powerful ability.

Lin Fan waved his hand and said, "It's rare to see my old friend, so I'm just doing a little favor."

Wang Fengyi said: "This must be a small favor for you, but it saved my life! I don't know how to thank you, but, I will definitely think of it as back then, Do everything for you!"

His tone was very serious and sincere.

Obviously, this is his psychological words.

However, Lin Fan didn't care too much, and instead said: "By the way, this is Wang Haizhi, and the grandfather of the current general manager of the Emperor Hotel."

After Wang Haizhi heard Lin Fan's words, he finally recovered from his shock.

He knelt on his legs and said excitedly, "Wang Haizhi kneels to the ancestors!"

An old man with gray hair bowed to a middle-aged man with black hair and called him his ancestor...

This picture is really weird.

However, everyone present felt it was right.

PS: Two-in-one chapter!

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