The Richest Man In the World: Starting From Receiving 7 Billion Red Envelopes

Chapter 534: Professor Lin, do you still say that you are not a god? !

"The world's richest man: from receiving 7 billion red envelopes (

Spit out visceral debris!

In an instant, Li Xianhao lost his vitality.

In fact, this is also normal.

You know, when he was on earth, Lin Fan had taken many physique growth potions.

Not long ago, he gained another 440 Constitution.

This makes his power completely surpass ordinary people, and it is almost the same as the superman in movies and TV.

This is Lin Fan's first murder.

Generally speaking, there will be some discomforts.

However, Lin Fan looked at Li Xianhao who was lying in the ruins in the distance and stopped breathing, but the whole person appeared very calm.

It looked like it had just slaughtered a chicken and duck.

The vast amount of knowledge, and the power far beyond ordinary people, seemed to make his mind different from ordinary people, adding a kind of detached divinity!

Then, Lin Fan slowly turned sideways, as if nothing had happened, and continued to lower his head to eat the rabbit meat.


At the same time, everyone in Bangzi Country heard an emotionless voice.

"The selected Li Xianhao died, and the air quality in Bangzi Country dropped by 50%."

Then, a black mist burst out of the Void Gate.

Suddenly, the air in Bangzi Country became foggy.

Bangziguo live broadcast room.

Countless barrage billowed out like a downpour.

[Tada Oppa: Murder! This is wanton murder! 】

[Li Min: He must be sanctioned! 】

[Poor Ha: Protest! 】

[Jinxiong Oppa: We must punish him! 】

[Li Tian: Extremely wicked! This is a murderous demon! 】

[Feng: This is a dangerous man, let all the heroes destroy him! 】

[Obasan: After he killed someone, he ate rabbit meat casually. Devil, this is the devil! 】

[Li En: Moreover, the air in our country of Bangzi has deteriorated so much. I just took a breath of air and almost didn't choke on it. 】

[Jincheng: The air suddenly deteriorated, and my grandmother suddenly suffered from asthma. She is now trying to rescue her. If something happens to her, Lin Fan will be the murderer! 】

[MM: The air quality has deteriorated, causing a lot of red spots on my body, which makes me itchy! Lin Fan, he is Satan! Is the destroyer of the earth! He must be punished! 】



[Not coming back in autumn: This... Why did Professor Lin suddenly make a move? 】

[Abby: It's a terrible force that knocks people away in one palm. 】

[He Lao: That Li Xianhao shouldn't die, right? 】

[Qin: His pupils are godless, he vomits liver and spleen fragments, he is dead. By the way, I am a forensic doctor. 】

[Tiantian: Damn it, really dead? Didn't Professor Lin kill someone? Now how to do? 】

[Hongzhong: I just checked the Internet, Professor Lin did kill Li Xianhao, and also reduced the air quality in Bangzi Country by 50%. Now, the live broadcast room over there is condemning Professor Lin. 】

[Xiyangyang: I like Professor Lin very much, but why did he kill? 】

Standing on the live broadcast, Xiaobing said firmly: "Professor Lin must have a reason, I believe him!"


Aijin has been paying attention to live broadcasts, especially live broadcasts.

When he saw Lin Fankeng killed two monsters and gained 40 points in total, he was very angry.

Why, why is Lin Fan so lucky?

When Lin Fan caught a plump rabbit, he immediately complained: "Why do you want him to find food? Why don't you starve him to death?"

But when Lin Fan suddenly slapped Li Xianhao to death, his entire face was instantly pale, and his whole person was immediately frightened.

However, after seeing the barrage of Bangziguo's live broadcast, Xiaojin's eyes began to turn again.

After thinking for a moment, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and his hands jumped quickly on the keyboard.

[Dwarf tight: Murderer!

Throughout history, when tribes and ethnic groups are in crisis, only by uniting can they overcome the difficulties.

This time the crisis of the end times corresponds to the earth.

Therefore, all of us humans belong to one tribe!

Only by helping each other can we tide over the difficulties together!

Of course, when Lin Fan met people from the same tribe...

People inquire about courtesy, but he speaks coldly, which is rude.

There is no reason to shoot and hurt people. This is impossible.

Relying on strength to slaughter fellows is unrighteous!

Cruel means, this is unkind!

Rude, unable, unkind, unrighteous!

The murderer should be condemned and punished! 】

China is a country of etiquette, and most people are very kind.

They thought it was wrong for Lin Fan to kill someone suddenly. After seeing the blog posted by Aijin, they couldn't help but became more determined about this idea, and began to forward and comment one after another.

Shortly watching her soaring flow again, her whole round face smiled into a ball.


Capital, meeting room.

Many men in white shirts looked at the video of Lin Fan's murder in the live broadcast room, and they were a little startled.

"40 points of physique, unexpectedly brought such a powerful force?"

"Why did you kill suddenly?"

"It's a bit too much."

"Why is Professor Lin so tyrannical?"


At this time, the man sitting at the top, turned sideways to the side, the man with a straight waist and staring eyebrows said, "What do you think?"

The man groaned: "After Li Xianhao ate the rabbit meat, there was a cold look on his face. He should be preparing for a bad idea."

"In addition, his waist is bulging and he should have a pistol."

"And when he reached out to get the pistol, Professor Lin immediately shot him."

"I think Professor Lin did nothing wrong."

All the people in the conference room were all stunned.

There is a pistol around his waist, and there are bad ideas.

If you do something that is detrimental to Lin Fan, it is absolutely terrifying.

To know…

Huaxia has only Lin Fan as a hero. Once he has an accident, the entire Huaxia will encounter unknowable disasters!

The man sitting at the top immediately said: "We need to rectify the hero's name!"

As a result, many psychologists and expressionists, and many criminal investigation experts have accepted interviews, and conducted systematic and detailed analysis of Li Xianhao's actions, psychological changes, and possible consequences.

[Sweep the Eight Wastes: Fuck! I just thought that Professor Lin was a bit too cruel. Now, I just want to say, Professor Lin, you killed too right! 】

[Wish: The experts have said too much, Li Xianhao does have a gun at his waist! Moreover, he has been smiling yinly, he must have been ill-intentioned. 】

[Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong Chong: Professor Lin kindly gave him rabbit meat, he even wanted to threaten Professor Lin with a gun, what a realistic version of Farmer and Snake! Good kill! 】

[Song: Isn't it? After Li Xianhao ate a large piece of rabbit meat, when Professor Lin didn't give him rabbit meat immediately, I knew he was not a good thing, because I found out that he even showed his face to Professor Lin. ! 】

[One, two, three: Fortunately, Professor Lin took the lead, otherwise, when Li Xianhao took out the gun, the consequences would be absolutely terrible! 】

[Human Center: Professor Lin is our only hero in China, fortunately, Li Xianhao did not succeed. 】

[The person in the wind: That short and tight even said that Professor Lin was rude, incapable, unkind, and unrighteous, I yuck! 】

[Designer: That short tight **** has always been crooked. 】

[Ling: Last time I saw Professor Lin resting in another world, I said that Professor Lin was a glass heart and was completely decadent. Then, the first time I killed an arrow leopard, I said Professor Lin was luck...

Now, it is said that Professor Lin is rude, incapable, unkind, and unrighteous. People like short and tight are simply mouse shit! 】

[Summer that the wind blows: Dwarf keeps slandering Professor Lin, begging to block it! 】

[Winter Melon: Dwarf keeps slandering Professor Lin, begging to block it! 】

[The person who jokes: Dwarf keeps slandering Professor Lin, begging to be blocked! 】


Huaxia people are very sensible, which has an important relationship with 5000 years of cultural heritage and the popularization of education.

Soon, everyone reacted, and began to understand Lin Fan, and at the same time, they kept attacking Xiaojin.


Relative to everyone's discussion and understanding.

Xia Bing, Xia Xue, Qin Yuxuan, Hu Tian and others felt relieved.

Because they saw Lin Fan's powerful strength.

As a result, Lin Fan would be a little safer in another world.

The stars in other worlds are much brighter than the earth, and they are extremely bright.

Looking up at the starry sky and feeling the breeze on the face, it makes people feel very enjoyable.

In a blink of an eye, it was the next day.

A flaming sun rose slowly from a distance, dyeing the entire sky bright red and gorgeous.

A breeze blew, and all the weeds swayed.



Although it was early morning, there were already tens of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room.

[Excited: So beautiful! 】

[Tang Dynasty poet: Seeing this scene, I can't help but think of seeing cattle and sheep in the wind. 】

[Legend of Dragon: I really want to go here for a walk, it must be very comfortable. 】


Lin Fan just walked on aimlessly and leisurely.

In a blink of an eye, it was the afternoon.

Today, he passed by hills, bushes, and smoky wasteland.

The audience in the live broadcast room kept watching.

[Wang Jinfei: Professor Lin has been away for most of the day, and he doesn't seem to be tired at all. He didn't catch a breath or sweat...40 physical fitness, it's amazing. 】

[Spring: This is normal. After all, Professor Lin slapped a person to death yesterday. 】

[Xiu: But, I don’t know if you have noticed it. Apart from being not tired at all, Professor Lin’s clothes don’t seem to be soiled a bit. Isn’t there a lot of dust in the place he just passed by? 】

[Xiao Xiao: Yeah! I also found out that the clothes are just like they were just taken out of the washing machine. It’s amazing. 】

[Jun: This reminds me of the Juechen Clothes in the myth and novels! In addition, I also noticed that Professor Lin suddenly took out the knives and various spices yesterday. However, Professor Lin didn't carry a backpack, and the pockets on his second body seemed to be flat. Didn't they carry those things? This is like a space ring in a myth novel...]

[Ziqi: Hiss! Isn't Professor Lin a god? 】

[Shop Xiaoer: Fairy? It's really possible! Zhou's conjecture, hail conjecture, Riemann conjecture and other difficult problems have plagued mankind for dozens of hundreds of years, but it must be difficult for gods! Also, those earthquake predictors, super batteries, insulin rehabilitation medicines, carbon-based lithography machines, prostheses, etc., are also similar in reason. This is definitely not difficult for the gods! 】

[Autumn: It turns out that Professor Lin is a fairy, then our China will definitely not be the end! Very good! 】

[Upright: That's right! Hahaha! 】


Lin Fan also knew that he was being broadcast live now, maybe it was too boring to walk.

So, for the first time, he said: "There should be a lot of people watching the live broadcast, right? As you can see, I'm in another world now."

"Everyone should have seen my power yesterday. Maybe, many people are guessing that Professor Lin has such a powerful power, maybe he is a god."

"But, I want to declare here that I am not a god."

After a pause, he said: "There is not much difference between the alien world and the earth on the whole. There are green grass and green trees here."

"Unfortunately, I like to eat a little fruit every day, and so far, I haven't found fruit trees..."

When Lin Fan was talking about this, he accidentally saw an apple tree on a cliff tens of meters high.

Several big red apples hung on them very well.

See here...

Lin Fan's eyes lit up slightly.


Lin Fan took off hard.


Huntley, who has gained 10 physique, has the ability to take off 2 meters.

Lin Fan gained 440 Constitution points. In addition, when he was on Earth, he had used physique enhancement potions many times.

He jumped hard, it was absolutely terrifying.

In the next instant, Lin Fan appeared under the apple tree on the cliff.

[Skill: Gravity Control! 】

"Boom boom boom!"

All the apples, falling like raindrops, all appeared in his hands.


Lin Fan took the apple and landed on the ground very smoothly.


I opened my mouth and bit on the apple. It was crisp, refreshing and very delicious.

Some people, even if they encounter fruits they know in the wild, they may not dare to eat them.

They can't guarantee whether this is poisonous at all.

However, Lin Fan was not worried.

Because, he already possesses the special ability that is not invaded by poisons.


From Lin Fan's jump to the current scene of eating apples, all appeared in the live video.

The whole live room was quiet at first.

Then, a barrage of pouring rain broke out.

[Xiong Da: Professor Lin, do you still say that you are not a god? ! 】

[Stone Man: Professor Lin, do you still say that you are not a god? ! 】

[Stupid: Professor Lin, do you still say that you are not a god? ! 】


[Anonymous: See Professor Lin, no! Great God Lin...No! Lin Shenxian! 】

【Five Elements Lack of Money: Meet the **** of forest, and beg the **** of forest to bless me to make a lot of money. 】

[Mr. Huang: Meet the immortal Lin, and ask the immortal Lin to bless me to be admitted to a prestigious university. 】

[Arwen: Meet the **** of forest, and ask the **** of forest to bless me in the lottery! 】

[Sweetheart: Meet the immortal Lin, ask Lin Shengxian to bless me to give birth to a big fat boy! 】

[Don't forget: we have Lin Shenxian in China, so we don't have to worry about the end of the world anymore! 】

[Tang Song: Great! 】

is not that right?

Isn't the fairy able to jump dozens of meters high?

Isn't it that the gods can let the apple fall into their hands with a single move?

Before, everyone joked that Lin Fan was a god.

However, at this time, many people have already regarded this incident as a fact.

Regarding this doomsday event, everyone's mood... finally began to relax.

PS: Happy New Year's Day everyone!

In addition, I welcome everyone to read my book "Super Red Envelope Fairy Group".

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