Wang Fugui sighed.

After a while, he slowly picked up the phone.

When he saw that the caller was Lin Fan, his face didn't change much.

some days ago……

Wang Fugui is also very worried because Lin Fan owns 20% of the shares of Yadi Group.

Now, this matter has been left behind for the time being.

Compared to shares, Super Battery makes him even more annoying.

After a while, Wang Fugui pressed the answer button.

"Mr. Lin, hello, is there anything wrong?" Wang Fugui said in a tired tone.

Lin Fan said: "You should know the super battery, right?"

When Wang Fugui heard this, he couldn't help getting more headaches.

Is this major shareholder going to attack the company because of the super battery matter?

This is really a wave of unrest, one wave after another!

Wang Fugui sighed again in his heart.

He cheered up and said: "Judging from the data, the super battery is indeed very remarkable, even, it can be said that it is epoch-making."

"If it is used in new energy vehicles, it can reduce the dimensionality of all cars on the market today!"

"However, the super battery has not yet been invented."

"All employees of the Yadi Group are actively preparing a response plan."

"Mr. Lin, you can rest assured that our Yadi Group will be able to meet the troubles that will arise."

Lin Fanyan could not help showing a strange look on his face.

Response plan?


Co-author...Wang Fugui didn't know that the paper on Super Battery was written by himself?

After a while, Lin Fancai said, "The super battery has been invented."

"Huh?" Wang Fugui stagnated slightly, and even his heart stopped for a while at this moment.

The invention of the super battery has appeared!

What should Yadi Auto do?

Wang Fugui hurriedly said, "Mr. Lin, did you get any news? Could you please tell me, where did you know it?"

After all, Lin Fan is not an ordinary young man.

It is a super boss who can buy 20% of the shares of Yadi Group.

He knows some news, which is also normal!

Lin Fan said: "The news? What news? I wrote the "Principles and Application of Super Battery" in Nature. I invented the super battery. You can visit Jiangbei. I will come to Super Battery and Yadi. Sign some contracts for group cooperation."


Wang Fugui's mobile phone fell to the ground, and there was a crisp sound.

Then, he hurriedly picked up the phone and ‘hello’ to the phone several times, but no one responded at all.

Only then found out that the phone had been hung up.

Wang Fugui couldn't help muttering: "He wrote "The Principle and Application of Super Battery" and invented the super battery...this, this..."

"Boom boom boom!"

At this time, there was a rapid knock on the door outside.

"Come in!" Wang Fugui said.

Several directors walked in hurriedly, holding a pile of documents.

They said as they walked, "We asked the technicians to re-simulate the data in "Principles and Application of Super Battery", and the data inside is still prepared correctly, Wang Dong..."

Wang Fugui didn't wait for them to finish, but interrupted directly: "Who is the author of "The Principle and Application of Super Battery"?"

The directors turned over the information in their hands and said, "Lin Fan."

"Lin Fan, Lin Fan, hahahaha!" Wang Fugui looked up to the sky and laughed. He was extremely happy, and instantly wiped out the previous troubles.

The directors next to him were puzzled.

"Wang...Wang Dong, what's wrong with you?"

Wang Fugui did not answer, but picked up his mobile phone and said, "Secretary, help me buy a ticket to Jiangbei, yes, the nearest flight!"



After Wang Fugui arrived at the airport, he went to Panlong Villa non-stop.

He settled his mind, and then pressed the doorbell.


Lin Fan slowly opened the door and said, "Come in."

Although, Wang Fugui had seen Lin Fan's photos and knew that he was very young.

However, after seeing him in person, he was still surprised.

However, he quickly put this idea behind his head and hurriedly asked: "Mr. Lin, you just said on the phone that you invented the super battery?"

When this sentence was said, Wang Fugui's whole heart began to madly chaotic.

This matter is too important to him and to the entire Yadi Group.

Lin Fan nodded and said, "Yes, the patent has already been applied."

After speaking, he turned on the tablet computer, which showed the patent documents in electronic version.

See here...

Wang Fugui's excited whole person trembled.


Super battery is really invented!

Yadi Group is about to rise completely!

Lin Fan said: "How?"

Wang Fugui took a deep breath, and then suppressed his excitement, and said: "If the super battery is the general agent of our Yadi Group."

"We, Yadi Group, can give you another 35% of the shares. In addition, 40% of the profits generated from the sale of super batteries belong to you."

"Mr. Lin, what do you think?"

Lin Fan originally owns 20% of the shares of Yadi Group, plus 35% of the shares, which makes a total of 55% of the shares, more than half of the shares, and became the largest shareholder of Yadi Group in one fell swoop.

Even, it has the power of a veto!

Plus the 40% profit of Super Battery!

I have to say that Wang Fugui is really sincere.

Lin Fan nodded casually and said: "Yes."

As long as he is not allowed to manage, everything actually doesn't matter.

Wang Fugui said and heard, the whole person immediately bloomed.

His biggest dream is like developing Yadi Group into the world's top automobile company.

Now, this dream may soon be realized!

Then, he borrowed the computer to hold a shareholder and executive meeting.

Although, Wang Fugui is the chairman of Yadi Group.

However, the signing of such a major contract still requires the approval of the senior management and shareholders.

A fierce debate and explanation.

Two hours later, a contract exuding warmth appeared in Lin Fan's hands.


Lin Fan turned around as usual

In just ten seconds, all the thick contracts were clearly seen.

Then, Lin Fan signed the name directly.

Without any hesitation, Wang Fugui quickly affixed his official seal and signed his name.

He held the contract that was still warm, and the blood all over his body seemed to boil.

After a while, Wang Fugui said, "Mr. Lin, then I will go back to the company first."

Although, the sky is completely dark.

However, he also wants to rush back to the company as soon as possible, so that Yadi Group will be fully prepared for the next super battery new energy vehicle.

Lin Fan yawned and said, "Okay."

PS: Four hundred chapters are finally here. I have entered a period of tiredness. I am working hard to adjust. I will update these today. You must plan the following plot carefully and work hard to write a good story.

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