Lin Fan's mind is full of newly acquired biological knowledge.

Therefore, instead of staying in school for a long time, he drove a Mercedes-Benz G and went straight back to Panlong Villa.

On the coffee table in the living room, there is a stack of materials... "Human Islet Rehabilitation Medicine Technology".

Next to it is a bottle of transparent liquid.

Obviously, this is the reward for just completing the task.

This bottle of transparent liquid is exactly the rehabilitative medicine for human pancreatic islets.

Lin Fan thought for a while and said, "Xiao Bai."

"Master, please tell Xiaobai as much as you like." The super smart watch on his wrist made a crisp sound and flashed with gentle lights.

Lin Fan twitched at the corner of his mouth. Where did this guy learn his lines?

"Can you help me register a patent for the human pancreatic islet rehabilitation medicine?" Lin Fan raised the liquid and documents in his hand as he spoke.

Although, Lin Fan is not short of money.

But let him directly contribute the technology.

Sorry, he is not a bad guy.

The super smart watch bursts out a red light beam, scanning the document and the human pancreatic islet rehabilitation medicine.

After a while, he said, "Of course there is no problem."

Immediately afterwards, countless codes appeared on super smart watches.

After about ten minutes, Xiaobai spoke again: "Master, the global patent has been registered."

At the same time, an electronic version of the patent documents appeared on the screen of the super smart watch.

Lin Fan said, "Good job."

Xiaobai happily said, "Thank you for the compliment, the master."

On its screen, an emoticon pack with a smiling face appeared.

Lin Fan glanced at the computer not far away, and muttered, "I'd better write the paper."

While talking, strode forward.

After 5 seconds, the computer turns on.

I saw...

Lin Fan's hands are flying, jumping quickly on the keyboard.

Pages of extremely complicated papers appeared on the screen densely.

About an hour later, a complete paper appeared!

Lin Fan wrote his name in the first position.

Wu Tian and Zheng Qian are written in the second position.

It was Zhao Xueqin and Li Rongfa who led Lin Fan to watch the experiments on the super battery thesis.

Therefore, Lin Fan wrote their names on the second work.

This time, Wu Tian and Zheng Qian showed him the biological experiment, and Lin Fan naturally would not favor one another.

"I sent it to Science last time, so let's go to Nature this time."

Lin Fan muttered to himself, found out the editor mailbox of "Nature", and clicked send.

Then, Lin Fan said again: "Xiaobai, just like last time, let the paper be reviewed in the shortest time."

Xiaobai said: "Leave it to me, master!"


At this time, it was early morning in the United States.

Barry Aiken, editor of the journal Nature, is lying on the soft bed, sleeping soundly.

The next moment, the stereos, TVs, washing machines, refrigerators in his house...all the electrical appliances that can make sound, all rang with the loudest sound.

Barry Aiken stood up in fright, his eyes widened, and he exclaimed in surprise: "The machine has become a monster!"


Then, he fell straight to the ground, and was shocked to faint.

It was also at this time that the electrical appliances in the room were calm again.

And the house of Esmond Bevin, who is also the editor of "Nature", followed... all electrical appliances made noises.


That night, all the electrical appliances in the homes of many "Nature" editors were automatically turned on and made noises.

Some editors were frightened, others were frightened... and some editors discovered the email in the computer mailbox-"Principles of Human Islet Rehabilitation Medicine".

The next day, in the Biomedical Laboratory of Humphu University, under the leadership of several world-renowned biomedical professors, an extremely busy experiment was carried out.


Lin Fan didn't know this at all.

He just woke up from his sleep and glanced at the phone screen.

"0:00, China Merchants Bank remits 7,532,102 yuan."

Lin Fan put his phone aside and muttered, "Let's see what you can sign in today and get something."

"Sign in!"

【Ding! Congratulations, you have won the mountains in the southern suburbs of Jiangbei City. 】

"Mountains in the southern suburbs? Mountain tops? What's the use? I can't be the mountain king..." Lin Fan shook his head and said, "Forget it, it's better than 10 million."

"Jingle Bell!"

At this time, Lin Fan's cell phone rang a brisk ring.

He glanced at the call alert, it turned out to be Liu Yuhang's call.

Lin Fan still has a good impression of Liu Yuhang.

First, if Liu Yuhang had not provided information about the century-old ginseng, Lin Fan might have to spend more time to obtain the century-old ginseng and obtain the right to purchase medical water.

Secondly, it is because Liu Yuhang's character and personality are all very good.

Therefore, Lin Fan directly pressed the answer button.

"Brother Fan, good morning! Didn't you bother you to rest?" Liu Yuhang's loud voice came as soon as the phone was connected.

Lin Fan said, "No, I have also been up for a while."

Liu Yuhang said, "That's good! Brother Fan, I want to tell you good news!"

"Good news?" Lin Fan asked suspiciously.

Liu Yuhang did not answer immediately, but instead asked, "Brother Fan, the mountain in the southern suburbs of Jiangbei is in your name, right?"

Did Liu Yuhang know when he got this mountain?

Is he so magical?

Although thinking like this, Lin Fan still replied, "Yes, what's the matter?"

"Sure enough, it is Brother Fan! Hahaha! Brother Fan, congratulations, that mountain has found ore, gold ore!" Liu Yuhang exclaimed excitedly. UU reading www. uukanshu.cOM

That tone was happier than his own mountain, he found the ore.

Lin Fan was stunned for a moment.

He never expected that gold ore would be found in that mountain!

So, didn't he become the legendary mine boss?

Liu Yuhang continued: "Brother Fan, do you know? According to expert estimates, the gold ore content in your mountain is worth more than tens of billions of dollars!"

Originally, Lin Fan had some novelty and joy because he became the mine boss.

However, after hearing Liu Yuhang's words, it became a lot more plain.

Worth tens of billions?

I own several companies and buildings of the same value.

And he owns the shares of Ali Group and Penguin Group, which has reached more than one trillion!

It's tens of billions of dollars, so you don't really need to care too much.

So Lin Fan said, "Really? Then my luck is okay."

Acquired gold mines worth tens of billions of dollars.

Only one sentence, is my luck okay?

Is this okay?

It's just... too good, okay!

Change a person, I am afraid I will jump up happily, right? !

However, immediately afterwards, Liu Yuhang thought about Lin Fan's three-day period, which had increased his funds by 400%, and felt a little relieved.

After all, for a financial genius, tens of billions are not a big deal, right? should…

PS: Welcome to read my book "Super Red Envelope Fairy Group".

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