Chapter 138: Chapter 138 picked a bracelet that was worth close to a million dollars

She originally thought that the world would be peaceful once she returned, but who knew that Zhan Xinrong would start to privately chat with her in a short while. Zhan Xinrong: [ you’re really not going? No, have you figured out what’s going on? That’s the gold and Silver Pavilion! ] Luo Wanrong didn’t quite understand. Hadn’t she expressed it clearly enough? Even Chen Xiangxiang made a call to Luo Wanrong. “We’re very good friends. I still hope that you can come along.” Luo Wanrong’s tone was indifferent. “Something really happened. It’s not convenient.” However, her tone sounded perfunctory. It was unlike the other people in the group who could not go. They were either out of town or attending a dinner party and could not leave. However, all of these people expressed regret and envy for not being able to attend. Only Luo Wanrong’s “Not going”was harsh and harsh. Chen Xiangxiang was silent for a moment and did not try to persuade him further. She hung up the phone. Not long after, Mu Yuyang was being sarcastic in the group. [ at that time, we agreed that everyone was a team. How long has it been since someone wanted to fall behind? ] [ even if I invited you to eat at the gold and Silver Pavilion, you are not willing to go. Who Do you think you are? First, find out if your family has the right to eat at the gold and Silver Pavilion. By then, it will be too late to regret! ] His sudden black face made many people come forward to prove their innocence. Mu Yuyang: [ I’m not talking about you guys. I know that you guys really have something to do, and I’m very sorry. I’m talking about the people who really don’t know how to appreciate favors. ] Luo Wanrong originally did not want to pay attention to it, but she could not stand that the other party would send a message to everyone before sending it, causing her phone to ring continuously. [ I’m the one who doesn’t know how to appreciate favors, Alright? ] Luo Wanrong was annoyed to death. The group was silent for a few seconds. Mu Yuyang: [ since you’ve already admitted it, then you should quit the group. Your Hearts are no longer together, so why are you still staying in this group? ] Luo Wanrong originally did not want to continue staying in this group. Every day, she would see all kinds of rainbow butts exuding fragrance. It was so beautiful that her toes dug out a huge villa. If she wanted to leave the group, she would leave the group. The world was so peaceful. It was simply too great. Luo Wanrong: [ alright, I’ll leave now. Thank you, Bye Bye! ] After sending this message, she did not wait for anyone else to reply. She decisively left the group and deleted it. She was in an unprecedented mood. Just for the sake of successfully leaving the group today, she felt that she was worth eating another bowl of rice! — After Luo Wanrong left the group.., mu Yuyang made a phone call to Chen Xiangxiang alone. “Don’t mind her attitude. Ever since that short-lived ghost returned, her attitude has been very strange. I think she’s sick in the head, or she’s trying to curry favor with the Yan family.” Chen Xiangxiang was not comforted. Instead, she was a little unhappy. These words reminded her that on the day Yan XI returned, Luo Wanrong was the first to turn against her. It was not that she had not thought about solving Luo Wanrong’s problem these days, but everyone else was on her side. Why was Luo Wanrong’s attitude still the same? Mu Yuyang said, “Anyway, it’s her loss if she doesn’t come. I think she will regret it sooner or later.” Chen Xiangxiang came back to her senses and said with a slightly sad tone, “We had promised to be good friends... but forget it.” Mu Yuyang remembered her sadness. When they were about to arrive at the gold and Silver Pavilion, he instructed the driver, “Let’s go to the yinfeng mall next door.” After the car turned into the Yinfeng Mall, Mu Yuyang got off the car and went straight to the jewelry and luxury goods area on the first floor. Not long after, Zhan Xinrong walked in as well. “Why aren’t we going in?” Mu Yuyang said, “Since Xiangxiang invited us to such an expensive gold and silver pavilion, we can’t go to the banquet empty-handed. I think we should spend some pocket money to buy a big item for Xiangxiang.” Zhan Xinrong felt that it was not a problem. After all, this was how their friends operated. However, she did not expect Mu Yuyang to be so ruthless. He actually chose a bracelet that was worth nearly a million dollars. “Between classmates, there’s no need to give such an expensive gift, right?”Zhan Xinrong hesitated for a moment, but she still voiced out to stop him. Mu Yuyang did not mind. “It’s not a personal gift. It’s a gift from everyone. Of course, it has to be more expensive. “Other than Luo Wanrong, there are a total of eleven people in our group. Everyone is playing so well. It’s not difficult for each of us to raise 80,000 to 90,000. We can just save on a few clothes.” Zhan Xinrong frowned. “But there are only six people in total, including you and me. There are still five people who can’t come for the time being...” Mu Yuyang: “Xiangxiang already said that she would invite them alone next time, so it’s not a big deal to raise money to give them a gift first, right?” Zhan Xinrong watched Mu Yuyang swipe his card, but in the end, she did not say anything. If she said too much about this kind of thing, it would only make her seem very stingy. Of course, that was not allowed. The two of them walked out of the mall’s main entrance and walked towards the parking lot. Who would have thought that it would be so coincidental? They just happened to bump into Jin Zhao, Ying Shiyu, Xi Yan, and the others getting out of the business car. From their discussion, it seemed like they wanted to go to the cafeteria on the top floor of the Yinfeng Mall for a meal? The cheap cafeteria on the top floor was quite famous, but that was only for ordinary people. What good food could they get for a buffet that cost 198 yuan per person? In comparison, they were going to eat at the gold and Silver Pavilion, which was 3,000 yuan per person. Even if they were rich, it would be hard to get a meal there. Mu Yuyang stopped and walked towards the group of people. “Xi Yan, Xiang Xiang is treating at the gold and silver restaurant today. The XI family is there, so why aren’t you going?” Xi Yan stopped in her tracks. “You’re not a member of the XI family, so what has it got to do with you?” This person had been secretly bullying his sister not long ago. Although his sister said it was fine, Xi Yan would never forget it. When his sister had taught those thugs a lesson, she had fainted and fallen into the hospital. Mu Yuyang was the main culprit. He had not gone to settle the score with him, yet he still had the nerve to approach him? Mu Yuyang was a little annoyed. “I just think that it’s not good for you to not go to the Xi family’s family banquet, right? Or did no one inform you at all?” Jin Zhao quickly grasped the main point. “Did they invite you?” Mu Yuyang raised his chin. He had been waiting for this moment. “Of course. The XI family’s great aunt said that it would be crowded, so she invited all of us.” “But you guys are so close to Xi Yan. Why didn’t Xi Yan invite all of you to the gold and silver pavilion for a meal?” “Anyway, Xiang Xiang is a diamond VIP of the gold and Silver Pavilion. She can enjoy a free meal for the rest of her life.” Ying Shiyu’s expression was indifferent. “That’s probably because we know our limits. Unlike some people, when they hear that it’s free, it’s like a dog seeing a bone.” Mu Yuyang: “You! !” He was about to go crazy from anger. He actually described himself as a dog! Zhan Xinrong did not really want to go against the people from grade 12 Class 1, but at this time, he still had to stand up for his partner. “We came with gifts and sincerity. See, this bracelet was bought by more than ten of us to give to Xiang Xiang.” She took out the bracelet, and there was still a price tag on it. Jin Zhao stuck his head out to take a look and shook his head. “You guys are really something. Just for a meal of three thousand Yuan, you gave away a gift of more than 100,000 yuan per person. If I were your father, I would break your legs. How can you make friends like this!”

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