Chapter 125: Chapter 125 if it’s over, then it’s over

Xi jingxing forced himself to stay in the hotel for three nights. Even though he had left the furniture in XI Lulong’s villa, he still firmly believed that Yan XI would take the initiative to come and apologize to him. Because he had something on his mind, he had been absent-minded during the past few days at work. When XI Yaohua, who had returned from a business trip, saw him like this.., he could not help but sigh. “The poor hearts of all parents. You’ve always been thinking about Yan XI, understanding that she was ill and had extreme thoughts. You wanted to give her a chance to take the initiative to apologize, but great-aunt already came to visit, yet she’s still so heartless. She doesn’t even care about the relationship between father and daughter. It can be seen that it’s really easy to be a child.” When XI jingxing heard this, he suddenly felt a little sad. “Yes, the child has grown up, and his wings have also hardened.” His daughter’s behavior this time really hurt his heart. XI jingxing was not in the mood to work. He held on until six o’clock and planned to leave work early to return to the hotel. The driver, Zhang An, specially drove over to pick him up. These few days, Zhang An was responsible for both Chen Xiangxiang and XI Jingxing’s transportation work. He was quite active. After all, the workload had increased. Xi Jingxing had seen all the hard work, so he was sure that the other party would give him a raise. For this, he had even personally gone upstairs to pick up Xi Jingxing, helping him carry his bag and hold his umbrella. He was deeply afraid that the late spring afternoon sun would burn Xi Jingxing. “Sir, about that, I’m really sorry. I have a lot of things going on at home recently, so my expenses are quite high...”Zhang An’s face was full of smiles as he deliberated over the beginning. He had originally hoped that XI jingxing would be able to pay them earlier, but he hadn’t been paying them at all. Even if he knew that Xi Jingxing wanted to give them a raise, Zhang an couldn’t help but feel a little anxious. XI jingxing casually said, “Yeah, it’s not easy.” Zhang an was delighted. He knew that Sir had a compassionate personality. “Then...” Then when can I receive my salary so that I can ease my recent financial stress? Zhang an wanted to ask this question. After all, the people who stayed behind at Zhitinglan had all received their salaries, and it was said that they had even received a few hundred yuan increase. Of course, Zhang an felt that even a few hundred yuan was something to show off. They were all inexperienced people, unlike him. He was a distant relative of the Xi family, and he was so perceptive in handling matters. How Could XI jingxing mistreat him? A few thousand yuan increase was a small matter. He wanted to receive a salary as high as Wu Liang’s. However, before he could finish his sentence, xi jingxing suddenly asked, “Yan Yan?” Zhang an glanced outside the floor-to-ceiling glass and really saw Yan XI. She came to apologize so quickly? Hehe, she made such a big commotion a few days ago. He really thought that she was that bold. Xi Jingxing was also a little excited. He felt that Yan Xi was willing to come to the company to pick him up. Later on, he had to teach her a good lesson. Don’t always be so extreme. He could forgive her once, but he would never let her have a second chance. He walked out of the company quickly. When he saw Yan XI looking at him, he slowed down. Since Yan Xi was here to apologize, he couldn’t rush her. Yan XI glanced at XI jingxing and suddenly smiled. XI jingxing puffed out his chest and put on the airs of a strict father, waiting for her to speak. “Sister Yang.” Xi Jingxing: ? ? ? What? ? What sister Yang. ? Xi jingxing even thought that he had heard wrongly for a moment. Behind him, a familiar voice said, “Miss, why are you here in person?” “I took leave today to go to the hospital for a follow-up check-up, so I came by to pick you up for a meal.”After Yan Xi said that, she turned around and nodded at XI jingxing. “Father.” Yang Mei greeted XI jingxing as well, and then Yan XI called out to her, “Get in the car quickly.” Then, under Xi Jingxing’s gaze, that person got into the car and closed the door. The car gradually drove away. When the car really drove away, XI jingxing suddenly woke up. “Yan Yan!” Yan Xi really came to pick Yang Mei up for a meal? Xi Jingxing’s face turned completely black. Xi Yaohua was one step behind and saw this scene. He was different from XI jinxing. He could see through the essence of the situation. Yan Xi must be trying to bribe that old woman, Yang Mei, so that she could plant a confidant in the company and then snatch the company away from him! The sensitive nerves in XI Yaohua’s heart instantly perked up. No, he absolutely would not allow the company to fall into Yan XI’s hands. Don’t even think about it! Originally, he had planned to have a meal with XI jingxing after work and chat while giving Yan XI and Xi Yan some eye medicine. However, seeing this scene, Xi Yaohua could not let down his guard no matter what. No, he had to go back to the company to work overtime. He had to see what projects that old woman, Yang Mei, had been involved in during his business trip these past few days. He had to fight for control of those projects! Xi Jingxing was in a daze, but Zhang An was gloating. Yan XI had humiliated Xi Jingxing and went over to look for Yang Mei. It was extremely foolish! She would be completely disinherited by XI jingxing! As the subordinate who was the best at Reading People’s expressions and caring for the leader, Zhang an decisively shut up and did not mention anything about the salary. — Yan Xi invited Yang Mei for dinner because she had something to discuss. She went straight to the point. “Sister Yang, there are a lot of problems with Xi Empire right now, right?” Yang Mei was a little excited. “Miss Yang! It’s great that you’re here! Next time, you should find some time to go to the company for an inspection. If you don’t do something soon, the company will really be finished!” Xi Yaohua’s attitude was very strong after he entered the company. He relied on the fact that he was a member of the Xi family, so he quickly colluded with those sycophants to squeeze Yang Mei’s power step by step. As a director, Yang Mei had gradually become marginalized. If it weren’t for Xi Jingxing still thinking of their old friendship and thinking that she had worked hard and achieved great things, those people wouldn’t have dared to go too far. She would have long left. Yan Xi’s expression was very calm. “If it’s over, then so be it. It’s not my company anyway.” Yang Mei’s expression instantly froze. She looked at Yan Xi in surprise. Yan XI sighed. Her words were direct and cold-blooded, which was why Yang Mei found it hard to accept it. Yang Mei thought she would save Xi Empire, but she wasn’t the Savior, and she didn’t have any intention of doing so. “Miss. .”Yang Mei was only shocked for a moment before she calmed down. “Are... are you saying that out of anger?” “No. Xi Empire has nothing to do with me. When mother split the assets, Xi Empire was left to father.”Yan XI smiled, “No, Xi Empire belongs to everyone in the Xi family except me. Do you understand?” The XI family would never hand Xi Empire over to her. Yan Qingcheng understood this and decided to leave Xi Empire to XI jinxing. Xi jinxing had vowed to hand xi empire over to Xi Yan, but his words were the most useless. Xi Empire was a piece of fat meat in the Xi family’s eyes, and everyone wanted to take a bite. The XI family had always valued sons over daughters, so they didn’t think daughters had the right to inherit, not to mention that Yan Xi’s surname was Yan. Yan Xi’s expression was very gentle. “I won’t bother with Xi Empire anymore. On the contrary, I’m here today because I hope sister Yang can leave Xi Empire and help me manage the company.” Yang Mei thought about it and shook her head. “Miss, I’m sorry, I don’t want to leave Xi Empire yet.”

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