Chapter 228: Tasty Meat (1)

Lee Gun activated his skill. The next moment, a wave of cold energy emanated from Heaven’s Punishment. It was the winds from the freezing depths of hell. People felt as if it could freeze everything.

Lee Gun swung the ax toward the ocean.


His hand swung so fast that the move wasn’t even visible.

[December Hibernation (SS)] x 4

– The extreme freezing depth of hell puts everything to sleep.

At the same time, a luminescent ball of ice shot out of Heaven’s Punishment, as if the weapon had fired a shell. The ice ball flew toward the ocean.


When the luminescent ball fell into the ocean, it manifested energy. Then, something incredible happened.


With the sound of ice freezing, the ocean froze in an instant.


[The cold energy of the freezing depth of hell will put everything to sleep.]

[Everything is going under hibernation.]

The small seed of ice froze the violent ocean, a frightening display of power. The range of the attack was the size of a small island!

The frosty energy went against the currents and quickly froze the creatures at the bottom of the ocean.


The rough ocean currents also froze!

They were in the middle of the ocean, where land and islands could not be seen in any direction, yet an enormous land of ice formed there.

This sight shocked Stevens. It was to be expected since this technique was the Virgo Saint Kevin’s specialty skill, Revolution of the Moon.

Amongst the twelve battle techniques, this was the one with ice properties. It was a winter skill. But how was Lee Gun using it?

“That isn’t a rental skill, so how…!”

How else?

Lee Gun had acquired it by kicking Kevin whenever they saw each other.

“Well, I do have about ten of your skills stored, too.”


However, that wasn’t important right now.

Stevens reared back in fright when he saw where they were falling. “Hey! You made the place where we are falling into ice!”

“What about it? With this, we don’t need Ocean Walk, right? We have land now.”

Stevens was dumbfounded. “Do you realize what’ll happen if we crash into the ice? Drachma might not be able to survive the crash!”

“Would you like to become food for the monsters instead?”

It didn’t matter whether they fell on top of the ocean or ice. They would suffer shock and damage either way.

Falling onto ice would be better than the option of falling into the ocean and having the monsters eat everyone before they could swim to the surface.

Moreover, Drachma wasn’t that large.

‘We’ll be sitting ducks in the other case.’

Lee Gun had to acquire a space where they could fight on the ocean. “Anyway, I’ll use this skill a couple more times, and we’ll be able to fight even without the Ocean Walk skill.”

That wasn’t all. Kevin’s frost skill was perfect for this situation. The powerful cold energy froze anything that got close to it.

While it wouldn’t completely freeze them, it would affect the monsters. It would keep them in check.

[The Pisces, who is the owner of the Deep Sea, laughs in derision.]

[It says that ice of that thickness wouldn’t be able to handle Drachma’s weight.]

[It laughs mockingly. It says the island itself will fall into the ocean, and everyone will become food for the monsters.]

The Pisces mocked them after refusing to lend out the Ocean Walk skill. The Zodiac’s comments were understandable. The reason was Drachma’s weight.

Even if the land of ice was used as a landing mat, it wouldn’t change the reality that they would still fall into the ocean. This was what the Zodiac was trying to convey.

“I never planned on using the land of ice as a landing mat.”


The Pisces’s confusion lasted only a moment as Lee Gun activated a skill he had prepared beforehand.

Stevens and Goat flinched when they felt the energy.

[Float(SSS)] x 25

It was a magic skill that was completely unrelated to the Serpent Bearer.

While using the skill, Lee Gun placed his hand on the floor of Drachma. And as if a wind blew…


An energy wave that felt like the sea breeze encircled the entirety of the castle. This was the magic of the Pisces!

The skill coated the entire castle and started to flash.

[Float has been used.]

At that moment…

“Ahhhk! Help!”

Screams erupted all over Drachma since the people in the castle were unaware of what was going on. They were only five hundred meters away from crashing.

“Ahhk! We’ll fall into the ocean!”

“No! We’ll hit the ice!”

“An ice of that magnitude won’t be able to support this castle! Ahhk!”

Now, only four hundred meters were left.

Three hundred…

One hundred…

The people became desperate as the surface got closer.

“Shit! Let’s borrow a defense skill from the Taurus temple!”

“Let’s do something with magic!”

It was a mess inside Drachma., and the magicians within it quickly tried to use their wind magic. They wanted to slow down the castle’s fall even by a bit.

“No! We won’t be able to stop it!”

“We’ll become monster food!”

Within the pandemonium, Drachma finally fell on top of the land of ice.


The impact sent violent waves surging upward!

Drachma’s base had smashed into the land of ice, and the island part had broken away violently.

However, the castle itself had the blessing of a Zodiac, so it was intact. On the other hand, the ice platform couldn’t win against the weight of the castle. It broke apart, and Drachma fell into the ocean.


This made the monsters within the ocean rush forward in glee. The fish-type monsters aimed for the humans, who would fall into the ocean soon.

[It’ll be easy to kill humans drowning in water.]



The monsters that had been anticipating the castle sinking to the ocean floor flinched.

[The humans aren’t sinking!]

Yes, the castle that was supposed to sink into the ocean was floating on top of it. The reason was simple.

[The divine-rank floating skill has been successfully applied.]

[Floaty can now float on top of the ocean.]

[Nothing will be able to easily sink Floaty.]

Lee Gun, who was outside the castle, laughed when he heard the notification. It was the moment when Drachma had turned into a ship.

The people inside the castle cheered when they realized what was going on.

“We are alive!”

Goat and Stevens had thought they would be swept into the ocean, so they were shocked as well, as they looked at Lee Gun. It was to be expected.

“This skill is…!”

“It belongs to the Pisces!”

They were sure of it. This was an innate skill of the Pisces.


The name explained what the skill did in simple terms. However, something was strange about it. The Pisces Saint had refused to lend out the Ocean Walk skill, so there was no way it would lend out its buoyancy skill.

In the first place, a skill capable of floating an island of this size wasn’t a rental skill (F-SS). It was an SSS-rank (Divine-rank) skill!

This was why they were having a harder time accepting the situation.

‘It is a skill that only the Pisces can use. What is going on?’

Moreover, the Pisces looked as much taken aback as they were. Why was Lee Gun able to use its skill?

[The Pisces glares at the Serpent Bearer.]

[The owner of the Deep Sea asks where you got the skill.]

Lee Gun’s eyes turned cold. “You shouldn’t deny reality. When you saw the skill, you realized it, right?”


“Your other half is in my hands. I also have your Zodiac Saint, which you put inside the stomach of the Abundance monarch.”

The words surprised Stevens. “Zodiac Saint? You mean Liv? What do you mean by the stomach of the Abundance monarch? She is supposed to be on TV today—”

“Ah! I got the real one out. She’s already dead, so I’m using her right now as a weapon ingredient.”

“I see… Weapons ingredient— What?! What are you saying?”

At the same time, a cold murderous intent spread in the sky.

[The Pisces is displeased.]

[The Pisces says it will consider the Serpent Bearer as an enemy.]

Murderous intent appeared in Lee Gun’s eyes. What? Enemy?

He was dumbfounded. “What the hell are you saying? You already considered me an enemy, and you messed with me from the background.”

The Pisces reacted to his murderous intent.

[You are a snake that crawls on the floor. Let’s see how you survive in the ocean without my help.]

Lee Gun was about to tell it to cut the crap.


However, a black stalk aimed for his back.

“Lee Gun-nim!”

Lee Gun bent his body on reflex and cut the black stalk. He moved at incredible speed.

At the same time, creepy tentacles surged out from the ocean. The tentacles started to grab people.

[The servant of the Deep Ocean is trying to offer prey to the monarch.]

All the disciples within Drachma made the sign of their deity when they saw this. If they had a place to stand, it was doable.

“Everyone! Charge!!”

The disciples landed on the ice platform and rushed into battle.

Stevens and Goat struck down the monsters that surged toward them.

[Contribution EXP is being received from the affiliate disciples. It is rising.]

[Contribution EXP is being received from the affiliate disciples. It is rising.]

[Temple energy is starting to fill up.]

Chun Sungjae appeared in front of Lee Gun. “Uncle!”

“What about your Noona?”

“She and the others are protecting the central system within the castle. They said the floating mechanism can’t be attacked.”

“Good. Even though I didn’t order it, they know what is important.”

As expected, they were quick to make the right decisions.

Lee Gun immediately raised Heaven’s Punishment. He just had to get rid of the culprit that was pulling the castle into the ocean. It would bring this to a close. Afterward, he could float the castle back into the air. His side would win then.

Lee Gun was about to head toward the ocean when…



The black stalk suddenly grabbed him.


It was like the tentacle of a jellyfish. The black stalk wrapped itself around Lee Gun’s neck as it dragged him away.

This development surprised Goat and Chun Sungjae.

“Lee Gun-nim!!!”

“Uncle!” Chun Sungjae quickly tried to attack the stalk, but someone got in his way.



The one to appear in front of Chun Sungjae was none other than the Gemini Saint, Heiji.

“I’m sorry, but I need the Serpent Bearer to be eaten by the monarch.”


It wasn’t the Heiji Chun Sungjae knew. This person’s energy was different. Therefore, he wondered if it was the Zodiac.

“Fairy Monarch, what are you doing? Hurry up and shove him in the ocean!”


A familiar voice rang nearby. The owner of the voice was the Taurus Saint. No, it was the Zodiac.

The Zodiac had been caught by the same stalk that had dragged Lee Gun away, and it was in an awkward situation. The reason was simple.

[Warning! It is an item that steals the ability of a Zodiac.]

[In front of this relevant item, a Zodiac cannot use its abilities.]

As the notification rang, the black stalk continued to choke him.

Lee Gun furrowed his brows.

‘This power…’

He was sure of it. It was the same phenomenon that had occurred when he had fought the helmeted man. It was stealing the power of a Zodiac. That wasn’t all.

“W…What is that!”

Screams could be heard.

Amphibian monsters were starting to approach them from the ocean. They seemed to have planned on dragging everyone into the ocean.

The disciples shuddered when they saw the monsters.

“Shit! There are so many…”

At that moment, they heard a voice.

[Your petty tricks won’t work.]

The sound seemed to reverberate from the ocean.

‘It is coming from the ocean floor.’

Abyss relaxed after sending its underlings. It spoke.

[Zodiacs are what the monarchs want the most. There are two noble preys. I can evolve even if I just eat one of you.]

Abyss had no plans of letting them go.

[Choose. Which one will be eaten by me?]

The disciples would become food for its underlings, and it was going to eat one of the two Zodiacs for itself. Then there was the Fairy Monarch.

The Gemini had newly summoned this monarch, and there was a reason why it had appeared.

“If a monarch eats a Zodiac, it will be satiated. It’ll go to sleep.”

To save the Taurus, this Fairy Monarch would allow Lee Gun to get tossed into the ocean. This was why she had interfered with Chun Sungjae, who was trying to save Lee Gun.

Chun Sungjae flew up in an instant and grabbed the neck of the Gemini Saint. “How dare you!”

His Sadism attribute made it so that he didn’t know any healing skills, but the level of his attack skills was extremely high.

He tried to activate his skill. However…

“You are too late.”


The Gemini Saint laughed as Lee Gun got dragged toward the ocean.

[First, it is the snake.]


The Taurus laughed.

However, when he was about to get dragged inside the ocean, Lee Gun suddenly laughed. “Hey, hurry up and boil the water. All the ingredients I’ve gathered will spoil.”

As soon as he spoke, the ocean started bubbling, as if it was boiling.

While everyone was taken aback, a powerful beam of sunlight surged up from within the ocean.

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