Chapter 203: Army of Abundance (2)

[The trap of the Serpent Bearer’s holy ground has been activated.]

Screams erupted. As the ground split, black light erupted forth. Black hands grabbed the general and its underlings.

The monsters were flustered when the black hands entwined them.

[Shit! How?]

Right now, these monsters had transformed into normal flying animals with the Transformation ability. Of course, this transformation ability wasn’t the ability of their owner. It was the ability of the Pisces, acquired through a special avenue a very long time ago. Moreover, this power had been modified to make it more perfect.

In truth, these monsters hadn’t faced much resistance when invading the other holy grounds since the holy ground recognized them as wild animals.

[Koo-oohk! Our power is being taken away!]

[Shit! How did they find out…!]

Despite their surprise, it didn’t take them long to realize what was happening.

[General! This is a trap! This trap wasn’t made by the power of the Zodiac!]


[I can feel the magical energy of an ally from the trap…!]

The monster didn’t have to finish its thoughts.


The black hands grabbing them dragged them toward the ground. What appeared next was an endless hole, which looked like a black hole!

When they fell into the hole, the monster immediately recognized the trap.

‘I’m sure of it. Someone from our side made this trap…!’

At a glance, the trap looked like something made with the power of humans, but the black magic of the unknown civilization was mixed into it.

That was why the trap had been able to perceive these monsters despite the Transformation ability. The trap had the unique scent that only one of the same race could smell.

This surprised them.

‘Why is someone of our race in the Serpent Bearer’s holy ground…!’

Then something shocked them even more.

‘This feels like the Red Monarch’s—’

There was no mistaking it. This was a high magic used by the monarch-ranks. It was the reason for these monsters’ shock.

‘Why is the Serpent Bearer’s trap giving off the power of the Red Monarch?’

‘In the first place, the Red Monarch shouldn’t be involved with anything related to what we are doing…!’

The trap didn’t even give them time to think.

<You are arrogant enough to think you are the best!>


Accompanying the awful energy, a goosebump-inducing voice rang out.

<Lament in front of a power that runs counter to yours!>

Then, something extraordinary happened.

[General— Kuh-huhk!]

The general’s underlings, who had been sucked in together with him, instantly turned into mummies. Those under the Abundance faction became impoverished before they disappeared.

The situation for the general was the same. Everything the general had was stolen, and it was staring at the endless darkness in poverty.

<You are next!>

With the unknown space, the general felt as if it couldn’t breathe. The general quickly tried to return to its original form!


[The Serpent Bearer’s trap has captured the intruders who dared to invade the holy ground without fear.]

[The first level of the trap has sucked away the power of the invaders.]

This trap was one of the traps specially made by the Scorpio Saint Hailey.

After sucking their powers out, it became nourishment for the holy ground.

[It is a high-quality nutrient.]

[The high-quality nutrient is being used as fertilizer for the Serpent Bearer’s holy ground.]

[Temple energy is being filled.]

[The Temple EXP has increased.]

When the Virgo Constructs saw the intruders disappear, they sank to the ground. All of it had happened so fast that even the goddesses were taken aback. Moreover, this was a type of trap they had never seen before.

[Is that the security system of this holy ground?]

[What the hell just happened…!]



The Virgo Constructs jumped in surprise when they suddenly heard the cry of a monster coming from the sky! A monster was roaring in the sky.

The goddesses ground their teeth as they raised their weapons.

[How dare they come to Baby snake-nim’s holy ground…!!!]

“Ha ha ha. It’s quite effective. I never knew I would get to test the trap like this.”


The Virgo Constructs were surprised by the familiar voice.


Yes, the ones riding the flying monster were Lee Gun, the Chun siblings, Hugo, and the Secretary. The flying monster was teleported alongside them.

Chun Sungjae stood next to Lee Gun, covering his mouth as if he had overeaten. Despite being a Zodiac Saint, Sungjae still either overstretched himself or became queasy whenever he teleported anything above his weight.

The flying monster suddenly screeched.


The monster said it had done as asked. It wanted to be freed.

However, Lee Gun hit the flying monster on its head for being loud. “Shut up and go down.”



The flying monster fainted from the hit, and everyone fell.


No one would call it a proper landing, but Lee Gun flicked his finger when he reached the ground.


The fertile ground split.


It was as if a door to the underworld had opened. Black hands appeared from within and brought out the mummified monsters. These monsters were the underlings of the general.

Lee Gun grabbed an underling by the neck as if he were going to snap it. “Guisoon, will this be fine?”

The Secretary had been riding the flying monster and had suddenly fallen along with it. She looked at Lee Gun as if she was fed up.

Lee Gun just smirked as he grabbed the monster by the neck. “This isn’t the first time we have met, right? I felt your presence when I went to look for the bedwetter. I was disappointed when you disappeared. I’m glad to see you again like this.”

The captured underling looked to be in denial.

[W-We were contacted that the Serpent Bearer had been eliminated— Kuhk!]

Lee Gun laughed as he snapped the monster’s neck. “Yes. Your subordinate probably said that.”

Instead of answering, Lee Gun kicked the monster Hugo was holding by the neck.

[Huh-uhk! This place is—]

Amongst the several riders, one had been spared. This rider was undoubtedly from the advanced force sent to the Archer Saint’s holy ground! It was the one that had sent the message that the corpse of the Serpent Bearer had been secured.

When the rider awoke, it was frightened to see its senior officer in Lee Gun’s hands.

[Huh-uhk…!? Lieutenant! What happened? Why are you in such a state…!]

The lieutenant, who had followed after the general, became angry.

[Are you playing with me? You guys sent a report saying you got rid of the Serpent Bearer!]

[Yes! That’s correct! The Serpent Bearer was taken care of! So why are you in such a state…]

The excited rider suddenly trailed off. Having seen Lee Gun, it screamed.

[Why is the Serpent Bearer alive??]

[Have you lost your mind?]

Lee Gun cackled, and the Virgo goddesses were confused. However, the goddesses soon assessed the situation.

They caught sight of the Secretary, who stood next to Lee Gun. She was glancing at Lee Gun as though to ask if she did well.

[Can it be!]

<Information Distortion!>

There was no denying it. The Secretary had used her ability.

Secretaries tracked the record of the gods. In theory, they were awakened beings capable of messing with the history of the gods. They were capable of distorting a living creature’s recognition of information. Of course, the risk was high. If the opponent realized the truth, the skill dissolved instantly. Still, it was very powerful.

‘The risk mostly involves injuries or sickness connected to the Secretary’s life. This was why their lifespans were short…’

However, Lee Gun led the temple of regeneration. He could make up for the downside and much more.

Anyway, the rider had perceived the wrong information and sent that message to its senior officer. When the underling realized what had happened, it emitted a powerful area.

[You were swayed by someone like that! You won’t get out of this unscathed!]


The cold hate was then directed at Lee Gun.

[Do you think a trap of a Zodiac would work against the general below…! The general will quickly escape—]

The underling screamed.


The black hands, which had appeared from the ground, dragged the underling away once again.

Lee Gun smirked.

[Their energy has been drained further. More nutrients were extracted.]

[Temple energy is being filled.]

[The Temple EXP has risen.]

“Ok. I made it into dried fish. It can no longer speak.”

The Virgo goddesses trembled.

‘My god! This trap is capable of swallowing a general rank…!’

Despite looking like birds, these monsters were the general’s horde, which had attacked Kevin.

This was the reason for these Constructs’ surprise. The Virgo goddesses hadn’t noticed the monsters until the monsters had revealed their killing intent.

However, the holy ground’s trap was different. It recognized them, and when their exact location was confirmed, the trap swallowed them up.

[How were they detected…!]

Lee Gun grinned when he heard those words. As expected, the Scorpio Saint Hailey was brilliant when it came to designing traps.

[The Abundance general has escaped the first trap.]

Lee Gun laughed at the notification.

‘If he escapes from there, it just connects to the second trap.’

“It’ll be troublesome, but you’ll have to go get the general.”

When Lee Gun spoke those words, Chun Yooha grabbed her brother by the collar. Sungjae was still trying not to retch.

“We’ll bring it.”

“Yes. Don’t overextend yourselves.”

Chun Yooha nodded as her brother teleported them.

There was a reason Lee Gun had tasked his niece and nephew to do it.

[Warning! Affiliate Zodiac Saint “Kevin Hazard” is dying.]


When Lee Gun turned his head at the unexpected notification, he saw Kevin in his white clothes. Kevin was lying down on an outdoor bench nearby, close to death. Blood was continuing to flow out of him, and he had yet to heal.

Therefore, Lee Gun furrowed his brows as he approached Kevin. “What the hell? I sent him the Regeneration ability. It didn’t work?”

[Yes…! Actually, the ability is working, but the curse placed on him hadn’t been dispelled…!]

[The wound forms again every time he regenerates…]

Lee Gun immediately summoned his kettle and poured the water on Kevin’s body.


It was a sudden downfall of water.


The effect of the water was clear.

[The power of Purification has dispelled the curse of Abundance lodged in his body.]

[Super Regeneration has properly activated.]

The Virgo goddesses let out deep sighs of relief when Kevin’s wound started to heal. Then, they made an expression as if they had suddenly remembered something. They took out a small jewel box from Kevin’s pocket.

[Master, these are the Royal Constructs that we brought from the Libra’s territory!]

[We have no idea what sleeps within. However, the Royal Constructs are the highest rank amongst the Constructs. I’m sure Baby snake-nim— No. It will be of help to Headmaster!]

[You have acquired the Libra’s royal Constructs.]

Lee Gun looked pleased as he took the jewel box. “Did he bring this by himself?”

[No. Both Kevin and Carly…]

“Is that so? Where’s Carly?”

Hugo, who was next to Lee Gun, flinched when he heard the name.


[Kevin! Are you awake?]

Super Regeneration seemed to have worked. Kevin opened his eyes. As soon as he opened his eyes, he looked for Lee Gun. The reason wasn’t anything else.

“Did you receive the Libra’s Constructs?”

“Yes. Here.”

Kevin let out a deep sigh of relief when he saw the item in Lee Gun’s hand.

“That’s great. Now I can say something with an easy mind.”

“What is it?”

Blood was running down his lips, yet Kevin seriously grabbed Lee Gun. “Lee Gun, you might not believe this, but this is an important truth.”

Lee Gun was a bit annoyed. “What is it? Why are you hesitating and milking the moment?”

“Listen to me well, Lee Gun. In truth, Carly is your d— Poo-hahhk!!!”

[Ahhhk! Kevin!!!]

Hugo stepped on Kevin’s wound, knocking the Virgo Saint unconscious.

The Virgo goddesses screamed in shock.

Hugo laughed as he said, “Hey, his wound will worsen if he talks. He should go to sleep.”


Lee Gun also looked taken aback, but he got over it soon. He knew these two had always been on terrible terms.

On the other hand, Hugo’s heart was beating fast.

‘T…That was dangerous.’

He didn’t know how, but Kevin seemed to know Carly’s identity as well.

Of course, Hugo didn’t mind if Kevin spoke about Carly.

‘However, Kevin has no filter when he speaks!’

Moreover, Lee Gun had a fiery temper, and Hugo would have to be the one to clean up after him! Therefore, they had to be careful about what they said. An adult like him had to step up and tell Lee Gun the news.

‘Yes. I’ll buy him some chicken he likes, and I’ll tell him later.’

Maybe tomorrow….

However, Hugo let out a bright smile when he tried to imagine how Lee Gun would react to the news.

‘Ah. I’ll do it 100 years later when I’m dead…?’

Anyway, this wasn’t the right time.

“Lee Gun!” Kevin suddenly got up.

Hugo’s eyes turned round in surprise. He was about to step on the wound again.

‘That damn Super Regeneration ability…!’

Kevin immediately kicked Hugo as he said, “Listen to me well! Lee Gun! Carly is your daughter!”


Lee Gun’s head turned in a mechanical manner.


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