Chapter 193: Recycled 12 Zodiac (3)

“Good. I’ll go there right now.”

Lee Gun’s eyes flashed.

It immediately sounded as if the Zodiacs’ hearts had dropped.


It sounded as if the sky was falling.

[The Zodiacs are agitated.]

Just the news that the violent god of calamity would come to the divine world was an emergency in itself. They especially went crazy when they confirmed the item in Lee Gun’s hand.

[The Zodiacs are taken aback. They ask why is that there.]

[They are shocked by the item that is supposed to belong to the Dimensional Manager.]

The ground mightily shook because of the Zodiacs’ agitation. Hugo and Sophie, who had been standing off to the side, screamed. The disciples screamed as well.

[Warning! The gods’ agitation is directed at the Serpent Bearer.]

Hugo was taken aback when he felt the electric murderous intent. He knew how dangerous provoking the gods was, so he shouted, “Gun!”

Lee Gun nonchalantly grinned. “Their reactions are quite fierce.”

In truth, it was unexpected. Although he had taken out the Divine World Pass, the pass was in data form. Since the shape of the item differed, he had wondered if the Zodiacs wouldn’t know about its ability.

‘This is convenient since I don’t have to explain what it is.’

These beings were called gods for a reason. They had instantly recognized the item Lee Gun held.

[It is clearly part of the power of the Divine Manger.]

[He really will be entering the Divine World with that.]

The gods directed their anger at the being at fault for handing over the pass.

[The Zodiacs are angry.]

[“What was the Dimensional Manager thinking when it handed over that item to the God of calamity?” The Zodiacs let out a murderous intent.]

[“It probably fell for a ploy by the god of calamity.”]

[The Divine Manager has to be fair. They are angry at this bad behavior.]

[“The tens of thousands of gods won’t let the Dimensional Manager get away with this.” The Zodiacs glare.]

Lee Gun cackled. He had no idea what the Dimensional Manager did, but it had tried to chase him out of the Middle World. The being had committed no sin, but that was none of Lee Gun’s business. “The Dimensional Manager gave it to me personally. It wanted me to crush all of you.”

Suddenly, a terrifying earthquake occurred.

[The rage of the gods has reached the heavens.]

[Their anger is directed at the Dimensional Manager.]

The sky erupted with lightning. It almost made Hugo suffer a heart attack.

At that moment, the flustered Zodiacs glared at Hugo, who was next to Lee Gun.

[The Zodiacs order Hugo Otis to take away the item.]

[They expect you, a human, to carry out their orders quickly. They speak out in anger.]

When the other gods ordered Hugo, the Sagittarius got agitated as well.

[The Sagittarius shows murderous intent when the others dare order around his servant.]

[He will kill anyone that tries to mess with his Zodiac Saint.]

[The Virgo says he should speak after he grows back his hair.]

[The Sagittarius roars.]

When the Sagittarius made a declaration of war, the other Zodiacs backed off from Hugo. They ground their teeth. They seemed very uneasy about Lee Gun having a pass to the Divine World. Even though they didn’t try to show it, they were clearly shaken.

Their reactions were expected. One wouldn’t mind a crazy dog showing up in a different country. But if the crazy dog showed up in their front yard, that was a different story.

Yet, the Zodiacs still laughed.

[The Zodiacs say it’ll be useless even if you do come to this place.]

Lee Gun’s eyes fiercely flashed. “Let’s see if it is useless or not.”

As soon as he spoke, the surface underneath his feet exploded.


At the same time, a black light and a green light surged into the sky! The ground split, and the crystal in Lee Gun’s hand was about to activate. Pandemonium descended within the divine world.

[The Zodiacs are desperate as they make themselves scarce.]

[The Zodiacs have gone to defend their own territories.]

[They have to stop the god of calamity from invading their territories.]

[They order all the gods to mobilize.]

[The Leo is happy. It greets the god of calamity.]

[The excited Leo puts on its wardrobe, and it gets ready to go and greet the god of calamity.]

[It says it’ll kill the insolent god of calamity, who took out its tooth.]

Hugo was taken aback by the movement of the gods and Lee Gun’s behavior. As soon as Lee Gun had held up the crystal, a light had surged toward the sky. Hugo wasn’t sure what was happening, but the Zodiacs were in a state of panic. They clearly thought Lee Gun was going to the Divine World.

That item was something like a pass. However, it was something Lee Gun shouldn’t do.

‘He hasn’t completed Heaven’s Punishment, yet he wants to go right now?’

Doing so would be madness. Going to the divine world without making any preparations would be braindead.

Therefore, Hugo ran forward in fright. Lee Gun’s body was surging with light as if he was about to disappear from this world. The Archer Saint desperately grabbed his friend by his leg. “Gun! No! If you go right now—”


“Let go, idiot. What are you doing?”

“Uh?” Hugo, who held Lee Gun by his pants, blinked. He had thought Lee Gun had disappeared to the Divine World. Yet, Lee Gun was looking down at him as if to ask what he was doing.

Hugo was sure that the door to the Divine world had opened, so what happened? He was about to put on his thinking cap when…

“Let go! You’re pulling down my pants! My underwear is showing!”


Hugo was sent flying from a hit by Lee Gun. Yet, Hugo still had an expression of shock on his face.

Disinfectant(Iaso) had also realized that the door to the Divine world had been opened, so she was shaking like a leaf.

“Weren’t you going to the Divine World?”

Lee Gun snorted at those words.

“Why would I go, idiot? They want to kill me. I’m not dumb enough to go to their base equipped with nothing.”

Hugo grabbed the back of his neck, finally falling back in relief. “Jeez! I was surprised! You took years off my life!”

That destination was the stronghold of the gods. There was no way Lee Gun would go there. That was what Hugo thought. But Lee Gun sometimes did things Hugo couldn’t fathom; he sometimes jumped in a weird direction. He might really lose his mind and go attack the gods from top to bottom.

That was why Hugo let out a sigh of relief. As someone with low divine status, that place was truly dangerous to Lee Gun.

“That’s good to hear. At the very least, there is some rational thought left in—”

“I can use this pass only once. I need to create a net that will be able to capture them all. Ah! They’ll be heavy, so I need to make a weight-lightening bag.”


Son of a bitch!

“That’s the only reason you didn’t go?!”

“Of course. Ah! Now that I think about it, I just have to make a couple of duplicate passes. Ok. I’ll have to use the asshat for that.”

“Why did you make a declaration of war if you were going to do this…”

“Idiot. You have to provoke them like this, so they’ll make full preparation. They’ll take out all the useful stuff.”

“Useful stuff?”

Lee Gun laughed like the devil as he looked at the kettle that he had made. He seemed very satisfied with how the holy item made with the body of a Zodiac performed.

Hugo’s face turned pale with fright.

‘He plans on grinding down the Constructs to make holy items…’ The divine world would become Lee Gun’s hunting ground.

The twelve Zodiacs were located on the highest floor of the place called the divine world. According to the Sagittarius, it was a vast and beautiful place fraught with danger. If Lee Gun planned on going there, he would have to take Heaven’s Punishment, which he was upgrading.

However, Disinfectant(Iaso) was still puzzled.

[I’m sure I felt the door open…!]

“Ah. I didn’t cross the door. I just opened it and did some work.”


Lee Gun laughed slyly. What he had sent through the dimensional crack was none other than the Cancer’s data.

[Crab’s Black Foam]

[The power of the Star of Darkness is polluting the crack between dimensions.]

[The enormous pollution has blinded the vision of the divine world.]

[The Divine World can no longer observe the earth.]

[The Zodiacs shake in fear. They have no idea where the Serpent Bearer is.]

[They are angry and saying they have to quickly get rid of this pollution.]

[The Dimensional Manager states the Star of Darkness can’t be purged without the Aquarius’s Purify skill.]

Lee Gun laughed as if it served them right.

That’s right. The pass opened a tunnel that connected the Divine World and the earth. So what would happen if he polluted the tunnel with the power of the Cancer?

‘All gods must pass through the tunnel to be able to descend to earth.’

Even if the Zodiacs wanted to send a tracker, they would have to pass through the tunnel. And the power of the Star of Darkness was a power that all the Zodiacs avoided. This meant no one could pass through the polluted tunnel.

“Those arrogant bastards won’t be able to do much for a while.”

The Zodiacs were omniscient and omnipotent as they observed the humans. They would probably feel fear that they had never felt before. They would still be able to learn about events through the subordinates they had left behind on the earth, but this would be much different from seeing for themselves.

Moreover, they wouldn’t be able to strike first by sending their forces.

‘Half of the Constructs are located in the divine world.’

The gods could not move now. They were isolated.

Lee Gun would use this time to upgrade Heaven’s Punishment. He would grow his temple while the Zodiacs were scared to death.

Of course, one being was despairing at this development.

[The Sagittarius says you shouldn’t do this.]

[He wants you to hurry up and come to the divine world to heal him.]

[The Virgo says the Leo is waiting night and day in front of the door to wait for the Serpent Bearer.]

[A nameless force has started worshiping the Serpent Bearer.]

Lee Gun ignored them as he turned around. Why would he do something that would benefit them?

“E… Excuse me….”

When Lee Gun was about to turn away, someone called out to him. It was one of the reporters reporting live about the disciples’ rescue attempt of the Saintess. The reporters shook in fear as they watched Lee Gun’s Construct take away Sophie.

“Is the person you’re taking really the Saintess?”

Lee Gun furrowed his brows. He had to hurry up and take her; he wanted to work her as a drug manufacturing slave. “What are you talking about?”

“That person can’t be the Saintess-nim since… Lee Gun-nim beat her like a dog… We thought you had to be beating up a monster…”

Ah! Lee Gun finally realized that the video of him beating up Sophie had been broadcast to the world. Even he knew that the world finding out that he had beaten up Sophie would be bad. He didn’t care about it, but in the end, he did assault her.

When Lee Gun looked at Hugo, the latter turned his gaze away as if this wasn’t his problem. Hugo had already tried to stop him, but…

“Lee Gun-nim? Is she really the Saintess…!”

In the end, Lee Gun let out a bright smile. “Of course, no. She’s a monster.”


Lee Gun clapped as he let out a bright smile. “Hey, guys. What are you doing? Hurry up and get rid of the monster! The civilians are scared.”

[We will carry out your orders!!!]

“Kyahhhhk! No! No! Don’t do this! Kyahhhhhk!!”

When Lee Gun turned around, the flustered disciples tried to cling to him.

“Lee Gun-nim! Where are you going…!”

“Ah! I’m going to find the real kidnapped Saintess. You guys should head home first.”

At the same time, Lee Gun’s Construct Eeny threw Sophie off the cliff.

Lee Gun laughed. After getting her tossed off the cliff, he would just say he found the real Saintess unconscious at the base of the cliff. He would tell them he rescued her.

* * *

At this moment, the monsters were watching this scene. They were the ones who had brought Sophie as a hostage to negotiate with humanity.

The leader was secretly looking at Lee Gun, and it furrowed its brows. Its underlings, who it had put on guard there, had all been killed. This was why the leader had planned on stepping forward to retrieve Sophie. However…

‘He killed a Zodiac.’

The leader realized if it clashed against Lee Gun, it would suffer a lot of damage. Therefore, this general that served the monarch called the “King of Abundance and Gold” furrowed his brows. It had come following the monarch’s will, but it also held a grudge. The general had received a direct order.

‘The monarch wants to meet him.’

To be precise, its grudge wasn’t against Lee Gun. The general had an ax to grind with Lee Gun’s Zodiac Saint.

‘Did they say his name was Chun Sungjae?’

The Zodiac Saint brat had killed its sibling, so the general ground its teeth.

[What should we do, General?]

[I’m changing the plan. You guys head toward the Libra as planned earlier. I want you to retrieve the Construct army from the Libra’s holy ground.]

[What? What about general-nim…!]

[I’ll have to approach him using a different method. He isn’t someone that can be destroyed from the outside. He has to be destroyed from the inside.]

Moreover, the general knew someone who could carry out that plan.

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