The Return of the Disaster-Class Hero

Chapter 177: It’s been a while since we got together (7)

Chapter 177: It’s been a while since we got together (7)

The black light encroached on the gods. It felt as if this power could end this world. Of course, that didn’t mean just the destruction of the physical world.


It wasn’t a power that simply put you to rest. This power could destroy the world, the existence of the gods, and Divine power. It was the power of death that could erase even memories and the truth about them.

Naturally, the gods inevitably flinched.

‘This can erase the memories about the gods.’

Gods never died easily. That was normal since gods were born from the yearnings of humans. In times of fear and stress, humans needed someone to believe in. This was especially true in an environment where monsters were invading the earth.

Therefore, the gods could revive again if humans continued to remember and yearn for them. This was why they had eternal life.

On the other hand, Lee Gun’s current power was different. The power of the god of calamity could bring about true death. Stopping the revival was child’s play.

The gods didn’t fear death, yet they feared the thirteenth Zodiac. This Zodiac was the only god in this world that could kill gods.

‘There is a chance that all gods might die by his hands.’

It would be the end of the divine world.

As proof, the Zodiacs became apoplectic at the sight of Lee Gun’s black light. Lee Gun didn’t possess enough power to be called the god of calamity. Yet, the Zodiacs became frightened just from smelling that power. They didn’t even want to approach it.

[The Zodiacs are throwing a fit as they quickly search for the Cancer.]

[They are complaining. They want the Star of Darkness to destroy the rook.]


The Star of Darkness was the only one capable of consuming a Zodiac. It was a dirty star. Thus, they thought the Cancer was the most ideal one amongst them to face off against Lee Gun.

When the gods protested, a dark light fell in front of Lee Gun, a dark light infused with red.

[The Star of Darkness has descended in person.]


This being didn’t look like a beast, unlike the Leo. When it landed, everyone felt a sensation akin to what they would feel if the big bang occurred.

The sky opened up with an explosion.


It was shaped like a black hole. The winds swirled as if a typhoon was raging, and a black hole appeared. A terrifying beam of light appeared from the black hole.


The disciples screamed when the light beam hit the ground.


Animals, trees, debris, buildings, and everything nearby got sucked into the black hole. That was just the start.

[The Star of Darkness is stealing power from the Zodiac Saints.]

The magical energy of the Zodiac Saints was being sucked into the black hole as well. It was a power befitting the Cancer, who coveted the power of the other Zodiacs.

[The Zodiacs are enraged at the misconduct of the Star of Darkness.]

[They complain that their disciples shouldn’t be touched.]

[The god of calamity should be enough of an enemy by itself.]

[The Star of Darkness glares as it tells everyone to shut up.]

The light beam then moved toward Lee Gun. The Zodiacs’ complaints were unnecessary as the Cancer was gunning for Lee Gun. It had sucked in the disciples’ power unconsciously due to its fury.

As if to prove this, a violent vortex appeared on the ground. The vortex turned into an enormous hurricane, which aimed for Lee Gun.

[The Star of Darkness reveals its murderous intent toward the Serpent Bearer.]

[If you plan on tormenting its Zodiac Saint, the Star of Darkness wants you to hand him over.]

The words made Lee Gun smirk. He looked at Jean-Louis, whom he held. Jean-Louis’s head had been burned by Hugo’s flames, and his skin was melting away. The flame of the sun didn’t extinguish until night. It had burned through Jean-Louis’s hair, and his eyes were about to melt away.


Since he was a Zodiac Saint, this damage wasn’t enough to kill him.

‘No! It’s because he isn’t human.’

The flame revealed that by burning his eyes. The eyes changed shape. His eyes no longer had the pupils of a human; they turned into that of a beast similar to a reptile.

His skin was changing color, too. Well, it didn’t matter.

When the Cancer asked for its Zodiac Saint, he let out a wicked laugh.



If it wanted Jean-Louis back, it could try taking him by force. Lee Gun smashed the Crab Saint’s face.

The Cancer’s light flickered violently. It was a bit different from the other Zodiacs. Instead of being worried about its Zodiac Saint, it felt its pride had been hurt.

Moreover, the Zodiac felt as if something that wasn’t supposed to be leaked was being exposed through Jean-Louis.

As if to confirm this, an enormous hand pushed out from the vortex. It was a hand created from the vortex. The building-sized hand tried to snatch away Jean-Louis.

In response, Lee Gun smirked.

[Death Instinct will end in 3 minutes.]

[Level Requirement(20) has been satisfied. You have completed Zodiac Saint designation. Temple has to become whole for you to become able to use Temple energy freely.]

[By consuming Temple energy, you may increase Death Instinct’s duration by 1 second.]

He raised his hand toward the sky. Heaven’s Punishment changed shape in his hands.


Heaven’s Punishment instantly transformed from its first to its third stage. It went from being a firewood ax to its most offensive-oriented form. The weapon became three meters tall, and its blade also enlarged.

The ax let out a fierce roar. It was an item made by Lee Gun, so it could read its owner’s emotions.

[Heaven’s Punishment is angry.]

[It is willing to sacrifice its body. It has made a resolve to never forgive those who tormented its owner.]

The hand made out of the vortex jiggled. It was laughing in derision.

[It asks what can a weapon made by a mortal do to it. It laughs.]

[It laughs as it asks how can that weapon wound an immortal being.]

Lee Gun smirked.

“You dare look down on my baby!” His baby had killed Red Eye, one of the four great calamities of the unknown civilization.

A black light surged from Heaven’s Punishment. Infused with the light, its blade became sharper. Then the powers of the Cancer and the Serpent Bearer clashed against each other!

The enormous hand tried to swallow Lee Gun, but…


Lee Gun swung Heaven’s Punishment, and the ax clashed with the hand made out of the vortex.


The light emanating from Heaven’s Punishment split the enormous hand into three pieces. It looked as if a one-way street had opened to the sky, and the black light swallowed the vortex.


The vortex instantly dissipated.

[The Star of Darkness glares.]

[It asks how can a mortal touch the body of a god.]

The Zodiacs that had descended to earth were stunned at this sight.

[The Zodiacs are shocked.]

[One of the Zodiacs with its face hidden is shaking from fear.]

Was it because of the dark power that they could sense from Lee Gun? He hadn’t awakened as the god of calamity, so his power should be merely destructive.

‘His power can break up a Zodiac’s power.’

The Constructs were also frightened.

[If he awakens, it’ll spell trouble for us.]

As if they were reacting to the same thought, the avatars that had been observing up to this point started to move. Since the Star of Darkness was here, they had earlier planned on watching from the sideline.

[The angered Zodiacs have used their power.]

[They state the dirty god of calamity has to be killed quickly.]

[They have to kill the god of calamity before he awakens.]

[This was why they had used the Zodiac Saints to kill Lee Gun.]

[They agree to give power to the Star of Darkness.]

The Zodiacs in the animal-shaped avatars emitted power in the form of lightning. Then…


Kevin, who had been taking care of the attacking Constructs, flinched. He felt an arrow hit his back. Of course, he knew what this sensation meant.

[Wait a moment… Fuck! If you come in without permission, I’ll put you into a figurine!!]

The Virgo ignored his command to wait, then silver light emanated from Kevin’s body.


[The Virgo is manifesting through her Zodiac Saint.]

[The Virgo, who is affiliated with the Serpent Bearer, has descended.]

The unicorn changed into a beautiful woman with long hair. It was the descent of the goddess.

She found the other Zodiacs unseemly. That was why she had descended through Kevin’s body. Her eyes flashed.

[Do not worry about it.]

The goddess let out a strong power as she landed in front of Lee Gun.

[I will give the full extent of my help to the new Serpent Bearer. You shouldn’t worry—]



Kevin— No, the descended Virgo was sent flying from a kick by Lee Gun.

The Virgo expressed her anger.

[Serpent Bearer! What is the meaning of this?]

She looked aggrieved because of this sudden hit. However, Lee Gun had an apathetic expression on his face.

[How dare you act like an ally? You put a curse on me too.]


Hugo’s eyes turned round. What? Curse? The Virgo did?

Kevin was so surprised that he had almost canceled the Zodiac Descent forcefully.

Lee Gun just snorted.

[You placed a surveillance curse. You watched me 24/7. You even watched me take showers.]


Hugo was shocked, while Kevin bit his tongue.

The Virgo seemed taken aback. She had wanted to see Lee Gun, who had awakened as a Serpent Bearer. There was no way that was a curse.

The flustered Virgo’s face turned red.

[T-That isn’t it…!]

As if he didn’t want to hear her excuses, Lee Gun grabbed the Virgo by her collar and threw her. He threw her toward the Zodiacs, who had descended through their avatars.


[You take care of those bastards.]

Lee Gun then turned his head. The Cancer was returning as the vortex.

As if they had been waiting for this moment, the avatars tried to attack Lee Gun. However…



The Cancer let out its power as if to say it didn’t want them to interfere. This being walked a different road from the other Zodiacs.

[The Star of Darkness will crush the Serpent Bearer. It declares it will take your abilities.]

[The Star of Darkness states it will sell the regeneration ability to the unknown civilization for a high price. It is pleased.]

Lee Gun brought up Heaven’s Punishment as if to say he wanted the Cancer to fuck off. In any case, Lee Gun had developed some resistance through the Cancer’s core. He was consuming his Temple energy, but that allowed him to use Death Instinct.

‘I have to kill it first.’

The Gluttony skill still had a cooldown time, but it didn’t matter.

[You could release your ability after you brought in your Zodiac Saints.]

[You can use a portion of your power of death.]


The vortex’s and Lee Gun’s powers clashed against each other once again.



Heaven’s Punishment let out a fierce roar as it stopped the vortex. As expected, choosing his Zodiac Saints had been fruitful for Lee Gun.



Soon, a strange light came out of all the disciples and the Constructs. The disciples were surprised.

“This is…!”

It was as if a cord was coming off their bodies. The light of various colors rose into the sky. It was the blessing of the Zodiacs, the magical energy that connected the disciples to their Zodiacs.

That power was being forcefully pulled out of their bodies, and something surprising happened.

Suh-guhk! Suh-guhk! Suh-guhk!


The cord, which had appeared outside their bodies, was severed.




When the cords were severed, the Constructs and disciples had been kidnapped into the sky.

[The Star of Darkness has severed its blessing.]

[The Constructs have been cut off from the power of the blessing, and they are defenseless right now.]

[The Star of Darkness has kidnapped the defenseless Constructs.]

[The Star of Darkness is growing its power.]

The vortex, which was in a stalemate, transformed in shape. It was no longer a hand; it changed into a monster.

The vortex’s new form was a half-human, half-monster, and it was the size of a hundred-story building. It had the lower body of a spider and an exoskeleton. Its upper body was that of a faceless man, and its arms were like pincers.

It looked more like a monster than a Zodiac.

[Warning! Your opponent’s body is too hard.]

[Your power won’t work against it.]

[You will have to destroy its carapace first.]

This being emitted its power.


As heaven and earth rang, the disciples fell as they foamed at their mouths. They were so frightened that they couldn’t even stay conscious. The Constructs either hid in fear or got on their knees. The Zodiacs that had appeared as avatars refused to get close to the Cancer.

Hugo instinctively refused to raise his head.

[Warning! The Star of Darkness is pouring out its power.]

[Warning! The power is too powerful to withstand it.]

Lee Gun was indifferent to the warnings. Although that had merely been a living corpse, he had already fought a Monarch-rank inside the basement of the Devil’s Tower. There was no way he would let this spirit oppress him.

‘A mere warning like this…’

Suddenly, Lee Gun flinched.


It was an ominous sound.

‘Oh no!’

After blocking the Cancer’s attack, Heaven’s Punishment cracked. To a living weapon, this probably hurt very much. As if to prove this, Heaven’s Punishment became distressed.

[Heaven’s Punishment is feeling a body-rending pain.]

[Heaven’s Punishment is in great anguish.]

Despite that, Heaven’s Punishment was undeterred.

[Heaven’s Punishment is willing to do anything for its owner.]

[If its owner doesn’t cry for it, Heaven’s Punishment is willing to do anything.]

Amongst all of Lee Gun’s holy items, Heaven’s Punishment could see his inner side. That was why it said all that.

Lee Gun didn’t realize this, so he was about to put away Heaven’s Punishment. However, the ax let out its last cry as it slipped apart the Cancer’s body.



An incredible light surged forth. The next second, having expended all of its power, Heaven’s Punishment broke into pieces.

This probably had to do with the crack that had formed when Lee Gun fought the general rank. He had fixed the crack immediately, but he didn’t have the unique materials needed to fix it completely.

‘Did that have an impact?’

The Cancer laughed.

[It says the weapon was almost perfect.]

[However, it was made from ingredients that were doomed to perish. Such a weapon cannot pierce through the body of an immortal.]

[The Star of Darkness says to give up.]

It laughed as if to say Lee Gun wasn’t good enough to face the Zodiacs.

At the end of the day, Lee Gun was a human who had become deified. That was why the Cancer looked at him as if he belonged to an inferior species.

Lee Gun let out a sharp laugh in front of its derision. “Is that so? That means I just need an ingredient that won’t perish.”


He called forth his inventory book and took something out. It was an enormous canine.

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