The Return of the Disaster-Class Hero

Chapter 167: Eye for an Eye, Tooth for a Tooth (3)

Chapter 167: Eye for an Eye, Tooth for a Tooth (3)

[The Serpent Bearer’s power has been released.]

[Caution! You are clashing against a power that is opposite of a Zodiac’s power]

[Warning! The power of the Zodiac may be stolen.]

Lee Gun’s eyes flashed.

Finally, the green and the black lights surging through the air surrounded Lee Gun. The space-time was starting to change, but he just had to kill his enemy before the completion of the change.

Since he had amassed Temple energy, Lee Gun could use Zodiac Descent once or twice more. Therefore, he extended his hand. “Come here, Heaven’s Punishment.”

Heaven’s Punishment, which was on the first floor, flew toward him. It had been waiting for him to call it.


After reaching its owner’s hands, Heaven’s Punishment let out a fierce cry. Right now, the weapon was infused with the Serpent Bearer’s powers, so it was letting out chaotic magical energy more so than ever before.

It was as if the ax had reacted to the hate its owner held toward the monsters. Heaven’s Punishment went crazy as if it wanted the blood of monsters.

[Heaven’s Punishment says it’ll do whatever its master wants.]

[Heaven’s Punishment says it’ll kill anyone who makes its owner shed tears of blood.]

[For its owner, it is willing to sacrifice itself.]

Heaven’s Punishment seemed to have instinctively realized that the foe in front of them was formidable. Soon, it changed itself in accordance with the power of the opponent.

[Third Stage]

Heaven’s Punishment could transform itself in three stages. Its appearance changed a bit stage by stage.

In the first stage, it was as long as a forearm, small enough that Lee Gun could carry it around on his waist. It looked quite cute since it resembled a firewood ax. In truth, Lee Gun used it frequently in his daily life to cut wood or dismantle the corpse of a monster.

The second stage of the ax was the evolved form that he used to kill monsters. The shaft would elongate and become comparable in height to Lee Gun. A sharp blade would appear on one side, but it curved and elongated to look like a fang of a beast. It looked savage. This was why Lee Gun looked like he was swinging a scythe, an envoy of death on the battlefield.

Usually, Heaven’s Punishment never went past the second stage. The shape the world knew it by was that of its second stage.

However, there was a third stage. It was the final evolution form, and the blade looked completely different at this stage. Lee Gun would bring out this form only against red zone rank and above monsters.

In this stage, the single blade morphed into a double-headed ax. Moreover, each blade was bigger than a person. On top of that, the two blades were opposite of each other, making the blades almost look like a circle. Its shape was more ideal for crushing than slicing.

Lee Gun didn’t possess a rugged figure, yet the ax was big enough to where he could swing it easily with one hand.

A while had passed since Heaven’s Punishment had gotten the chance to get into its third stage. It let out a fierce magical energy.


However, the monarch found such hostility laughable.

[Unless you become a monarch, you will be unable to leave this place alive.]

Then, a monster appeared out of the black fog. However, Lee Gun swung Heaven’s Punishment in contempt.


He had killed the monster in an instant. Lee Gun then ran toward the center of the room where the monarch was wriggling around.

Light exploded forth from the middle of the room, but that place had no surface. Instead, there was a space that looked like an incredibly deep hole.

The depth of the hole wasn’t clear, but the monarch’s black body wriggled as it let out a fierce energy.

When Lee Gun suddenly disappeared, the skull became flabbergasted.

[Old monarch of space-time!]

Lee Gun laughed as he appeared above the monarch’s head.

[Zodiacs are an existence weaker than the monarchs. Moreover, you’re an underdeveloped Zodiac. Do you really think you’ll come out alive facing a monarch?]

Lee Gun just snorted. “You speak a lot for a corpse.”

Without wasting another word, he split the monarch with Heaven’s Punishment.


Light exploded forth. The magical energy of the Serpent Bearer ruthlessly ripped apart the monarch.

[Old monarch of space-time!]

The skull screamed, but Lee Gun furrowed his brows as he jumped into the air. His reaction was related to the carcass dispersing below him.

‘As expected, it’s a living corpse.’

Yes, the monarch in front of him was a living corpse close to death.

‘I was wondering why I smelled the scent of a dead body.’

Its size and power were probably half of their normal selves.

Lee Gun had felt it when he invaded this place. This monarch was a bit weaker than the others. That was why he had been able to deflect this monster’s attack with relative ease. Still, it probably possessed a lot of EXP.

[The power of the decomposing monarch of space-time is dissipating.]

Lee Gun thought the fight would end here. However…

[Do you really think you can kill a monarch with just that?]


Accompanying its laughter, light exploded forth from the tower.


Something amazing happened next.

[Time is being rewound to the past.]

[The tower’s power is reviving the monarch’s body.]

[The wounded body will be returned to its past state.]


Lee Gun narrowed his eyes. This was a familiar power.

‘I experienced this power when I was inside that trap.’

Reset! That was the power being used right now; he was sure.

Back then, he had killed the administrator of the tower to unravel the curse of the infinite reset. However, he didn’t have such a target right now.



Lee Gun’s surroundings changed as he threw up blood. A black shadow had appeared behind him and brought down a dagger on his back.

[Warning! You have received direct damage.]

[Your power as an owner has been stolen.]

[Your bodily functions have come to a stop.]

As if to make things worse, the dagger was planted in a bad location.

‘It is near my heart.’

When Lee Gun threw up blood, the skull yelled as if Lee Gun deserved what he got.

[You’re a scammer Zodiac! No matter what you do, this energy… No, the monarch of space-time will never die! Moreover, the other generals will come in the meantime to take care of you guys!]

In response, Lee Gun smirked as he grabbed the tentacle piercing his heart from the side.

‘I have a rough idea of what’s going on.’

The monarch that had turned into a living corpse was using the tower to prevent its death. Now, it became understandable why the exhausted Red Eye had entered the tower to recover its power in the past.

‘This tower is ruled by a monarch that deals with time.’

In other words, the time on the corpse was reversed to recover its body. The Tower Administrator, whom Lee Gun had killed, was like a Zodiac Saint to the Time monarch.

The monarch laughed as it let out the stench of a dead body.

[I will be revived if I die within this tower. You can’t escape this place alive unless you choose to become the god of calamity.]

At that moment…

“Really? You will be revived even if you’re killed?”


The corners of Lee Gun’s mouth savagely lifted. “In other words, I can eat your EXP endlessly?”


As soon as he spoke, a green light surged forth from his body.

[Super Regeneration(B) has been activated]

[Your body is being newly created from its horrible state.]

[The destroyed tissues have been recovered anew to their baseline state.]

Green light surged from his heart. His damaged cells, muscles, and vessels quickly regenerated. The Super Regeneration’s speed was monstrous. It surprised the skull.

[This power…!]

The skull had seen this earlier, but at the time, it had thought Lee Gun had rewound time with his power. But, this was clearly different.


It was a power that the unknown civilization didn’t possess! The unknown civilization didn’t possess any healing abilities. That was why healing was done through skills like “Time Reversion.” However, this skill possessed a critical weakness.

‘Time Reversion can return one to the past, but that means one can never grow.’

The Aquarius also possessed healing abilities, but the process took a long time. That Zodiac also couldn’t revive what was gone. It also had a downside.

However, this ability was different. It was a power that could create something anew!

The skull’s heart trembled at the mighty light.

‘We must possess this power! It’s almost a shame that a Zodiac has such an ability!’

However, this thought lasted only a moment.


The energy emanating from Lee Gun turned the skull into ashes.

At the same time, Lee Gun brought Heaven’s Punishment crashing down toward the monarch.


The light of destruction once again surged into the sky. Then a notification appeared!

[The monarch’s body has been ripped apart.]

[You have gained a massive amount of EXP.]

[You have leveled up.]

Since it was a living corpse, this being didn’t possess the power of its original body. It only possessed a portion of its original body. Yet, at the end of the day, it was a monarch!

The EXP Lee Gun gained was unimaginable.

The monarch immediately used Reset to recover its body. Then, it clicked its tongue.

[Do you see? I won’t die even if you kill me. This is the worst situation for you.]

“Worst? Why?”


“Once again, I can indefinitely acquire so much EXP. This is amazing.”

Finally realizing Lee Gun’s intent, the monarch flinched.

[W-Wait a moment. It isn’t as if you can use your power of regeneration endlessly…]

Lee Gun wickedly laughed. “Just shut up and become my EXP sandbag!”

Light erupted from the Devil’s Tower once again.

* * *

Around the same time…


Chun Sungjae vomited blood. The black-armored man had pierced through his chest. The man then aimed for Sungjae’s heart.


The black-armored man clenched the young man’s heart. He sounded impressed as he laughed.

[You’re a mere brat, but you surprised me. I never expected someone who isn’t a Zodiac Saint to use the Demigod state.]

Then there was this strange armor skill.

[I’ll acknowledge it. The monarchs will be very satisfied if I present them to you.]

The armored man was about to pull out Chun Sungjae’s heart when…


The tower violently shook as light erupted from the floor. The familiar light surprised the armored man and the woman.

[This light!]

[It’s the tower reset!]

[However, Reset cannot be used without the Tower Administrator! The time monarch isn’t here….]

They soon realized what had caused the reset.

[Shit! Something happened to the underground monarch.]

The tower reset could be controlled by the Tower Administrator, but the Tower Administrator was dead. On the other hand, the underground held the Space-time monarch that the other monarchs were using as a rechargeable battery. The reset would happen if it had died.

[Someone is attacking the underground monarch.]

[Who could do such a thing…]

[Let’s hurry up and go to the basement!]

The armored man quickly turned around as he tossed Chun Sungjae aside.


“Where are you going?”


Despite having his chest pierced, Chun Sungjae got up. The hole in his chest was recovering to its normal state.

The armored man realized his mistake. ‘The tower reset must have caused this!’

In the end, Chun Sungjae lived once again, and he immediately used his ability.

[Demigod Status!]

[I’ll Kill You if you Mess With My Disciple]

A half-translucent Lee Gun appeared in front of the armored man. When this version of Lee Gun attacked him, the armored man gnashed his teeth.

[He used that troublesome skill again…!]

However, it would be fine. Although the man didn’t know who had made this armor skill, it had caused him a lot of trouble. Nevertheless, the act of killing Chun Sungjae wasn’t that hard.

The young man had the ability, but he was too young. He lacked experience. Obviously not used to his Demigod skill, he had made critical mistakes.

[Alright. I’ll pull out your heart— Koohk!]

The armored man was swinging his hand when he vomited blood.

Chun Sungjae’s attack had grazed his shoulder. But this shocked the armored man.

‘What is it? Something has changed from before.’

Chun Sungjae had been easy to defeat earlier, but it was different now. It felt as if his opponent had gotten much stronger.

The flustered woman stabbed Chun Sungjae’s back. Chun Sungjae once again crumpled to the ground.

[That should do it. The reset won’t happen again, so this should be the end…]


Light erupted from the tower once again, making the two generals jump in fright.

[What the hell? It is another reset?!]

[Shit! Who is doing this to the underground monarch?]

[Hurry! Let’s go to the basement!]

However, it didn’t take long before they were stopped from going to the basement.

“Where are you going?”

The generals’ eyes flashed as they looked at Chun Sungjae, who had been revived once again.

[You’re going to die again, so stop interfering—]

At that moment…


Both the armored man and the woman fell. This time, the movement was not visible to the naked eye. It was clearly the doing of Chun Sungjae.

Green light had pierced their bodies. The two generals lay on the ground, shaking.

‘He’s completely different from before…’

What nonsense was this? What was going on?

Chun Sungjae had started using his Demigod state perfectly. He let out a cold laugh. The phantom of Lee Gun manifested by the “I’ll kill you if you mess with my disciple” skill stood next to him.

[Genius attribute(Studying Effect 200%) has been activated.]

[Persistent Obsession(Tracking Specialization, Increased Thoroughness, Increased Success Rate) has been activated]

[Idol Worship (All personal attributes will increase when working with an idol—Lee Gun) has been activated.]

[Persistent Obsession special attribute: 500% ▲ Idol Worship Buff in progress]

[Genius attribute(Studying Effect: 500% ▲) Idol Worship Buff in progress]

[Skill level is being increased to the max.]

With the Genius attribute, Chun Sungjae could grow faster than anyone. If he got the chance to experience fighting the same opponent a couple of times, he could leapfrog them in short order.

Even his senses got used to everything.

The armored man, who had his body pierced, ground his teeth as he got up.

[When did this brat— Kuh-huhk!]

He was instantly decapitated.

At the same time, the light of Reset surged forth from the tower once again! The armored man got up as he ground his teeth.

‘I’m alive.’

He didn’t know who was pressuring the underground monarch so much that the monarch had to use Reset several times, but the armored man had gotten lucky!

After coming back to life, he unsheathed his weapon.

[I won’t go easy on you this time, brat— Kuhk!]

He was decapitated once again.

[Disciple 1 has gained a massive amount of EXP.]

[A portion of the EXP has been sent to the Serpent Bearer.]

[The Contribution is accumulated as Temple energy.]

[Since the Temple energy and EXP have left Disciple 1, it won’t be reset.]

[The EXP of Disciple 1 has been reset.]

[However, the sensation learned through the Genius attribute has not been erased.]

“What did you say earlier? You said my uncle is a Zodiac that you have never seen or heard of before?”

Taken aback, the woman sank to the ground.

Chun Sungjae’s eyes flashed in anger. “Lee Gun! He’s the great Serpent Bearer. If you’re ignorant of him, you should remember starting from now.”

As if to signal it was his turn, a vicious green light exploded forth.

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