The Response to my Drunken Proposal was Surprisingly Good

Chapter 62: Would You Rather Marry Than Have Your Limbs Torn Off? (2)

✦  Chapter 62 – Would You Rather Marry Than Have Your Limbs Torn Off? (2)  ✦

「Translator – Creator」

Inside the imperial palace’s temple, within the infirmary’s reception room, an uncomfortable atmosphere prevailed. In life, there exist situations of acute discomfort—moments where every action feels awkward, uneasy, and suffocating. While one might wish to avoid such circumstances, they often prove inescapable.

This was precisely how Solana, the Third Princess, felt at that moment. It was rare for her to experience such tension. After all, wasn’t she the one who could smile naturally before countless believers and imperial citizens without feeling intimidated? And yet…

She observed the women before her — Ether, the First Princess; Hedera, the Second Princess; and herself, Solana, the Third Princess. The presence of even one would be astonishing, but all three had gathered at the same time, seated around a circular table in the reception room adjacent to Ezekiel’s sickroom.


An awkward silence hung in the air. 

While the princesses weren’t exactly hostile towards one another, they certainly weren’t on friendly terms either; they had only seen each other a handful of times before.

— First Princess, report on your growth.

— Second Princess, report on your growth.

— Third Princess, report on your growth…

It was when they were children, reporting their growth and progress to the Emperor – even that was only once every six months. Despite being blood-related, the princesses had lived their lives in isolation, only aware of each other’s existence.

Even the situation in which they were gathered was different from that time.

In the past, didn’t they just quickly report their own achievements and then leave? However, now, the princesses were gathered with a clear purpose — Ezekiel.

When you think about it, it was almost unbelievable that a single man could bring together three princesses.

“May the blessings of the Sun God be with us,” Solana, the Third Princess, was the first to break the silence. “Fortunately, luck was on our side. Thanks to the use of various elixirs, we’ve managed to overcome the crisis. I hear he’ll even be receiving Sun Elixir soon.”

“You’ve worked hard,” Ether nodded.

“Oh, not at all. You’ve endured far more, First Princess. You even managed to obtain Sun Elixir from His Majesty the Emperor,” Solana responded with a gentle smile.  “Anyway, I feel much more at ease now that you’ve acknowledged it, First Princess. To be honest, I was completely overwhelmed until just a moment ago.”

“Don’t you mean ‘at peace’ rather than ‘at ease’?”

“Haha, you’re right. At peace, at peace.”

“Hahaha! I’m glad my encouragement was worthwhile!”

The laughter of the two princesses intermingled, creating an apparently warm atmosphere.

However, this was merely a facade.

‘Wolf of the snow fields? More like a fox,’ Solana clearly remembered.

She recalled Ether’s piercing gaze, reminiscent of a beast, as she watched Solana administer treatment; the implication was clear — if anything went wrong with Ezekiel, Solana would pay dearly.

……How can you call that encouragement?

Meanwhile, Ether quietly thought to herself, “Does this girl think my memory is as short as a goldfish’s?”

Ahhh, she just accidentally spoke aloud.


“No, it’s nothing.”

Ether, too, remembered clearly. After arriving at the infirmary with the injured Ezekiel, Solana had looked at Ether with resentful eyes, even muttering to herself. Solana’s attitude changed with a single mention of Ezekiel’s improved condition and the acquisition of Sun Elixir.

The two women faced each other, smiling.

“The Third Princess’s eyes are truly beautiful. If I recall correctly, they were sharp rather than round before.”

“It seems the First Princess has made progress in controlling her energy. As I remember, you used to struggle to suppress your killing intent, hmm.” Solana steered the conversation in a new direction.

“Anyway, I believe everyone here is aware of the current situation. The atmosphere on the continent is unsettling, particularly due to the demon realm.”


“Is there anyone as talented as the First and Second Princesses? I hope you’ll leave soon to utilize your abilities elsewhere. Time is of the essence.”

“What about you?”

At that, Solana placed a hand on her chest, “In any case, this is my duty. No matter how difficult it is, I must care for patients to the end with responsibility and a sense of mission. While staying by their side.” She didn’t forget to emphasize the phrase ‘no matter how difficult.’


However, the other two princesses were displeased with this.

Didn’t it sound like she was saying that she didn’t want to do it, but that she had to because it was her job?Such blatant pretense!

In the first place, the bond between the princesses had never been strong. In other words, it wouldn’t be surprising if conflicts arose as they pursued their individual desires.

The princesses were in a position higher than anyone else, and they were even adults. No one could stop them.

As a strange tension filled the reception room, Solana once again invoked the Sun God’s blessing.

“I think we should conclude the meeting here for today. I hope everyone fares well and makes a name for themselves far from the capital…”

But then, at that moment—

“I’ll take care of the Inspector from now on.”

Ether and Solana’s heads turned simultaneously.

Hedera, who had remained silent until now, had spoken.

“Although I’m reluctant due to my busy schedule, as the Imperial Magic Tower’s master, it’s my responsibility. This naturally includes looking after the Tower’s Inspector. I’ll take him with me.”


Solana and Ether’s eyes narrowed simultaneously.

‘This woman has lost her mind too.’

“Crazy bitch.”

“…Excuse me, you spoke out loud again.”

However, regardless of what Ether and Solana said, Hedera continued to savor her tea with closed eyes.

“It’s only logical for the Tower Master to retrieve and return with the Tower’s Inspector. I don’t know why the three of us are occupying the reception room and having a meeting.”

“Common sense isn’t the issue here…”

…Why are you suddenly acting like this?

Solana barely managed to swallow that question.



Soon, only the sound of groans could be heard in the reception room; these women were far from ordinary. They were princesses, after all.

Old enough to be responsible for their words and actions, with extraordinary backgrounds from birth. Their power had grown formidable; a single dispute could have far-reaching consequences.

Even a slight touch could be fatal.

Aware of their immense influence, they all hesitated to make the first move.

At that moment, Ether swept her bangs across her forehead.

“The Second Princess’s ascension ceremony is approaching. You won’t have time to worry about Imperial Magic Tower affairs. Wouldn’t that naturally lead to Master being overworked? That’s unacceptable.”

Hedera immediately furrowed her brow.

“I’ve been steadily preparing for the ascension ceremony, and it’s progressing smoothly. I can easily manage his welfare at my discretion. You know my work style, don’t you?”

“Indeed, I do. Your style of abandoning the Imperial Magic Tower.”


A brief silence fell.

Hedera set down her teacup with a clunk. “But why is the First Princess so confident?”

She looked directly at Ether. “You’re the one who injured my Tower’s Inspector in an absurd duel. Thanks to you, my Tower has suffered tremendous losses.”


Ether too narrowed her eyes.

…See that?

…She’s speaking as if she’s angry because of the Magic Tower?

Ether remembered Hedera’s expression at the entrance. It clearly wasn’t the face of a woman worried solely about the Magic Tower’s losses.

It was a face of genuine concern for Ezekiel.

“I know I was somewhat deceived, but still. Your power is dangerous, so it’s best if you stay away from the Inspector. What do you think, Third Princess?”

Hedera had lobbed the ball, and Solana caught it swiftly.

“I don’t entirely agree with the Second Princess. Telling someone to stay away outright is rather harsh, isn’t it? However, I do agree to some extent that the First Princess should withdraw soon. The North desperately needs her power.”

Solana cleverly used Hedera’s words to push Ether away while simultaneously not aligning herself with Hedera. The battle of wits between the three was already fierce.

“The First Princess must leave precisely because she’s too extraordinary. No one else can protect the North.”

“Hmm, that does make sense,” Hedera nodded, glancing sideways at Solana. It was easier to deal with Solana one-on-one after pushing Ether out first.

She was confident in a direct confrontation with Solana.

Another moment of silence filled the reception room, tension so thick it could snap at any moment.

“I understand,” Ether finally broke the silence, nodding her head, “I completely comprehend what you’re both saying.”

“Finally, you understand.”

“Yes, that my sin against the Master is too great. So I should just get out of here. That’s what you mean, right?” Ether’s lips twisted strangely.

“Oh, surely not? We meant it with good intentions.”

“Abandon your emotions. This is logical advice.”

Solana and Hedera each addressed Ether; they were both certain they had successfully driven one person away.

Just as they thought this, Ether spoke, “Since I’ve committed a sin that would take a lifetime to repay, I should atone by marrying Master.”

A shocking statement entered the conversation.



Various emotions flashed across Hedera and Solana’s faces.

“I, the First Imperial Princess, shall offer my status and body to my Master who has nothing. I’ll wash his feet daily and even bear and devotedly raise his children.”


“Ah~ How empty my life is~ I’ve committed such a grave sin that I must be bound as one man’s wife for life~”


Solana and Hedera simultaneously licked their lower lips; this monster, appearing infinitely unintelligent, was far from ordinary.

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