Chapter 440

Mission? The Warring Steel division?

Raon lowered Heavenly Drive and walked up to Dorian.

What do you mean? Where did you hear that?

I-I dont know the details either.

Dorian bit his lip tightly and shook his head.

I encountered the bodyguard swordsmen for the Shadow Agents, and they said that the Warring Steel division went missing.

He exhaled roughly while saying that he immediately ran to the training ground as soon as he heard the news that the Warring Steel division had gone missing.


Raon bit his lip while looking at Dorians trembling pupils.

It must be true if the source is the Shadow Agents bodyguard swordsmen.

Dorian had many friends outside the Light Wind division thanks to his friendly nature. Since there was no way the swordsmen who guarded the Shadow Agents would be lying about something as serious as a missing case, what hed said was definitely true.

What kind of mission did they even have for them to go missing during it?

Back at House Arianne, the Warring Steel division had returned to the house before the Light Wind division because they had a mission to carry out.

Hed assumed they were on a mission because he couldnt find them after he returned, but he never thought that they would be missing.

And you dont know why they went missing, right?

Indeed. The fact that they are missing is the only thing Ive heard.


Raon furrowed his brow while brushing his hair back from his forehead.

What happened to you?

He remembered Trevins formal yet warmhearted eyes. There was no way he forgot to report considering the fact that he was far too strict with the rules. Raon was certain that something mustve happened to him.

Wh-what should we do?

We need to gather information for now.

Raon pushed Heavenly Drive into his scabbard. He shook the dust from his clothes and went towards the training ground exit.

Where are you going?

To the Shadow Agents.

Are you going there yourself?

Yes, I have to go right now.

Raon nodded. Since Dorian had mentioned that hed heard it from the bodyguard swordsmen on their way back home, the news about the Warring Steel divisions missing persons case mustve arrived at some point between night and daybreak.

He could guess that he could acquire the latest news by visiting them.


Vice division leader?

When he opened the door to leave the training ground, he encountered the Light Wind divisions swordsmen.

Good morning!

You were here before us like always!

But where are you going?

Are you skipping morning training today?

The swordsmen greeted him brightly since they were unaware of the circumstances.

Todays morning training will be a self-training session.

Raon ordered them to train by themselves before using footwork to get to the main building.

He managed to reach the Shadow Agents building quickly because he used the Supreme Harmony Steps to the best of his abilities.

Two swordsmen were standing like stone statues in front of the main door.

Raon could tell that they were powerful warriors just from the smooth flow of their auras and calm breathing.

He straightened his clothes before approaching the bodyguard swordsmen.

Im Raon Zieghart, the Light Winds vice division leader. Id like to meet with the leader of the Shadow Agents.

It was an urgent matter, but he had to keep to the proper procedures. He started by greeting them before telling them the reason for his visit.

Do you have an appointment?

The old swordsman standing on the right side bowed in return as he spoke.

No, but its an emergency. Please tell him about it at least.


The old swordsman signaled with his eyes, and the middle-aged swordsman standing on the left side went inside the Shadow Agents building.


Wrath licked his lips while looking at the closed door.

Cant you just enter? They are both weaker than you.

That wont do, even though its the case.

Raon slowly shook his head.

I need to stick to the rules since I dont know whats going to happen from here on out.

He couldnt show that he was underestimating the Shadow Agents when he came to get information from them. It was necessary to stay polite, especially in a situation like that.

He waited anxiously, and the door opened as the middle-aged swordsman walked out.

The leader gave his permission.

He asked Raon to follow and returned to the building.

Raon bowed slightly and followed the middle-aged swordsman into the Shadow Agents building.

This is the only way! Theres no path at all on the right side!

But thats a cliff! Are you trying to report them as dead?

Before trying to figure out the direction, shouldnt we ask the villagers in the area for information?

You are stating the obvious, but we need to be prepared in case they dont have any information for us.

The information agents from the Shadow Agents were gathered in small groups around round tables and were arguing with each other.

Judging from what they were saying, they seemed to be trying to figure out where the Warring Steel division went missing.

Investigate if the other Five Demons were in the area.

The same goes for the Five Divine Orders since they are only neutral in appearance. Figure out their locations no matter what.

Haa, how is this happening when their previous report mentioned that theyd successfully completed the mission?

Shut up. We need to come to a proper verdict today!

Raon kept walking into the Shadow Agents building while listening to their shouts.

Its really true.

It was painful to confirm the fact that Trevin and the Warring Steel division had gone missing, and he was getting fired up over the fact that so many agents were doing their best to find them.

He kept walking while resolving himself to personally go out to look for Trevin and the Warring Steel division. He noticed that the middle-aged swordsman had stopped walking.

This is our destination.

The middle-aged swordsman nodded at Raon while pointing at his leaders office.

Thank you.

Raon thanked him and stood in front of the door.

Knock knock.

He knocked on the thin-looking door twice, and Chads voice could be heard from inside.

You can enter.

Raon opened the door and entered the room. The leader of Shadow Agents, Chad, poked his head out from behind the messy pile of various documents on the desk.

Its been a while, vice squad leader. No, I should be calling you the vice division leader now.

Greetings, Shadow Agents leader.

He lowered his head to Chad before closing the offices door.

I shouldve visited you to congratulate you on your promotion already. I was too late.

He extended his two hands together in apology.


Raon shook his head.

What you did in the audience chamber is enough for me.

The direct lines shut their mouths thanks to Chads confirmation about the mission in the audience chamber. It allowed Raon to easily earn the golden tablet and even gain other peoples recognition on top of it.

It was just my job.

Chad shook his hand and smiled, saying that it wasnt a big deal.

But what brought you to the Shadow Agents so early in the morning?

I happened to hear about something.

Raon rubbed the back of his hand while meeting Chads nonchalant gaze.

I heard the Warring Steel division went missing. Is that true?

Ah, about that

Chads calm expression was destroyed in an instant. He didnt look like he was planning to lie to avoid the subject.

The bodyguards that finished their shift mustve told you. Seriously, those newbies need to be trained

He frowned, saying that the newbies hadnt learned to keep their mouths shut yet.

Well, the rumor about it was bound to spread soon enough anyway.

So was it true?

Yes, its true.

Chad nodded heavily.

The Warring Steel division finished their monster extermination mission in the Hoffern region, but they disappeared without a trace on their way back.

He scratched the desk with his nail, saying that it took a while to find out about their disappearance because there was no trace of battle at all.

What do you mean that there was no trace of battle?

Just as I said. No trace of battle was found in the path that the Warring Steel division took. Since we couldnt find anything that looked like removed traces, we are still at a loss about how they disappeared.

Raon remembered the argument the agents were having on his way to the office. They mustve been trying to figure out where the Warring Steel division was and how theyve disappeared.

In that case, are you also unaware of the perpetrator?

No, I have a suspect for that.


Yes. There were witnesses of the Black Towers demonized humans at Hofferns outskirts.

The Black Tower

Raon murmured the Black Towers name and bit his lip to the point of bleeding.

Is this because of me?

He had slain the Black Commander when he went to the Sephia Company in order to help Dorian and took the drake away from them. Hed heard that the Black Tower had been targeting him after that, but he hadnt expected that grudge to be targeted at the Warring Steel division.

You arent the only reason, vice division leader. Our house and the Five Demons are archenemies, after all.

Chad told him to not mind it too much. He seemed to have figured out what he was thinking.

Did the Warring Steel division clash against the Black Tower during their mission?

Thats not the case.

He firmly shook his head.

Its my fault, then. They are trying to avenge the Black Commander on the Warring Steel division.


Chad couldnt refute his words and bitterly licked his lips.

Who was it from the Black Tower?

We arent too sure, but the Demon Ring and the Frozen Scent seem to be the ones.

Demon Ring and Frozen Scent

They were both powerful floor overseers and were famous throughout the continent as demonized humans.

This must be the Black Towers preemptive attack, a declaration of war before targeting me.

I agree with you. Thats why you should wait, and the other division leaders

No, thats precisely why I have to go.

Raon clenched his fist to the point that it made a cracking sound.

Ill teach them myself what happens to them when they mess with Zieghart.

* * *

* * *

Raon went to the lords manor after asking the Shadow Agents leader to gather the information.

Once he arrived at the audience chambers door, he encountered Roenn, who was carrying a bunch of documents.

Vice division leader?

Roenns eyes widened because he hadnt expected to find Raon.

What brought you here?

I came to see the head of house.

Raon bowed to Roenn. His eyes were powerful despite being calm.


Roenn nodded with a faint smile on his face.

Let me ask him.

He went ahead into the audience chamber.

The door was opened once again a moment later, and Roenn waved his hand with a smile.

He gave his permission. Please enter.

Thank you.

Raon thanked Roenn and entered the audience chamber.

He calmly walked over the red carpet and stood in front of Glenn, whose back was buried in the throne.

Greeting, my lor

Such an elaborate greeting is unnecessary. My ears are getting sore.

Glenn shook his hand, asking him to stand up since he didnt need any greetings.

Get straight to the point.

I happened to learn about the Warring Steel divisions disappearance.

Raon stood up and went straight to the point as Glenn had requested.


Glenns brow furrowed slightly, showing that he was neither surprised nor flustered.

Id like to join the search mission.

How arrogant of you.

He sneered faintly while supporting his chin on his fist.

The Warring Steel division leader has disappeared without leaving any trace behind. Do you believe you can change the situation?

Glenn continued while shaking his hand.

Ive already dispatched the White Lotus division that is currently located closest to Hoffern. You should stop paying attention and wait.

But this incident happened because of me. I cant possibly do nothing about it when they are clearly trying to take revenge for me killing the Black Commander.

Raon shook his head. He couldnt back out from that incident.

I already told you, your presence wont change anything.

As soon as his words reached Raons ears, Glenns majestic aura spread towards him. It was a tremendous amount of pressure. It felt like the entire North Grave Mountain was weighing upon his shoulders.


Raon gritted his back teeth to the point of breaking.

Argh I have to endure.

Trevin and the Warring Steel division hadnt mentioned it, but they mustve gone through just as much difficulty before coming to House Arianne for help.

Since he was the cause of the incident, he couldnt allow himself to lie down without doing anything.


Raon raised his head while raising the Ring of Fires output to the highest.


He pushed Glenns powerful aura back and extended his left foot. He severed through the intensifying pressure with the blade of his will and raised his voice.

I wouldnt be his family if I didnt go to help just because it is dangerous. Just like the Warring Steel division, who came to House Arianne for me with a single letter, I also want to fight for their sake. I dont need any achievements or rewards! Please allow me to join the search!

Since hed shown his power, next up was his heart. He went on his knees and bowed.

Ill focus on looking for the Warring Steel division while avoiding danger as much as possible. Please allow me to go, even if I have to go by myself!

Raon bit his lip, saying that he absolutely wanted to help.

I'm going there no matter what. Ill even sneak out if he doesnt allow it.

He wasnt simply being unreasonable. Since the perpetrator was identified as the Black Tower, he would most likely be able to help since he had divine power.

Even if you have to go by yourself? I can see your determination, but you havent realized it yet.

Glenn twisted his lips while taking his hand off the thrones armrest.

Would you leave your subordinates behind?


Glenn shook his hand instead of giving him a response, and Roenn opened the audience chambers door once again.


The huge door opened up, and dangerous glares came from the ones standing in front of it. It was the Light Wind division. Every single swordsman of the Light Wind division except for Rimmer was gathered there.

Where do you think you are going on your own?!

Martha scowled while running up to him.

Do you really want to die?

She raised her clenched fist, scolding him for trying to take care of everything on his own once again.

I agree with Martha.

Runaans lowered lips seemed to show her sadness.

We need to go together, just like mint and chocolate.

She shook her head, telling him that she was never going to send him off on his own.

Stop thinking that you are the only one indebted to the Warring Steel division.

Burren clenched the hilt of his sword and came up next to Raon.

They also helped us a lot.

He furrowed his brow, telling him to stop acting up.

You're not the only one who got close to the Warring Steel division, vice division leader!

Dont try to bear everything by yourself!

Since we were helped by them, its only natural for us to help them in return.

We are going with you!

The Light Wind swordsmen raised their voices, saying that they were definitely coming along.


Raon covered his forehead while looking at the Light Wind swordsmens gazes, which were all full of conviction.

I was only thinking about myself once again.

They were right. The Light Wind division had gotten extremely close with the Warring Steel division. He was embarrassed by his declaration that hed go by himself without considering the Light Wind swordsmens feelings because he selfishly considered his relationship with them to be the most important.


Raon slapped his own cheek and knelt in front of Glenn once again.

Please allow me to correct myself.

His eyes sparked crimson as he raised his head.

The Light Wind division would like to participate in the mission to find the Warring Steel division.

Raon declared his intent, and Glenns lips finally curved into a small smile.

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