Chapter 37

“I finished the assignment.”


Lis looked at the two spears laid out in front of him with a blank expression on his face.

[Red Sun Spear]

[Tier: Advanced] [Quality: Above Average]

[A spear made from exquisitely refined pieces of alloy.

It can store fire mana and assist with forming flame rings.

*Can store fire attribute mana

*Increases efficiency when creating flame rings]

[Black Cross Spear]

[Tier: Advanced] [Quality: Above Average]

[A spear made from exquisitely refined pieces of alloy.

It can store darkness mana and assist with stabilizing flame rings.

*Can store darkness mana

*Increases stability when maintaining flame rings]

The balance of each spear was excellent, and a mana circuit had been flawlessly embedded into both shafts. As plain spears alone, they were already splendid weapons, but when their effects were added, they became truly astonishing.

I didn’t think he’d forge a weapon that helps create flame rings.

From just the information messages alone, one might think that the spears merely aided in forming flame rings, but in reality, they did much more than that.

To create a flame ring, one needed a main and a support spell. Each one was monitored by a spear, and if the mana supplied to either was even slightly too much, the excess would be repelled and the caster would be notified.

These basically act as both a training tool and a textbook.

He thought Se-Hoon would just submit something that roughly made flame rings, so he never imagined that he would bring something like this.

Lis, who had been blown away, looked over at the calmly standing Se-Hoon with an incredulous gaze.

How should I even grade this...

He finally understood why In-Cheol had been so adamant about increasing the budget allocated to Se-Hoon at the meeting last night.

After some contemplation, Lis slowly started speaking, “First of all... they’re remarkable. I’ve been teaching for quite a long time, but this is the first time I’ve seen someone complete an assignment so quickly and so perfectly. I’m truly impressed.”

“Thank you.”

“I was originally planning to grade only after I collected everyone’s assignments ... but honestly, I don’t think I need to delay my assessment for spears of this quality. I’m giving you a full score for this assignment.”

“...A full score?”

“What, really?”

Hearing that Se-Hoon got a full score, a buzz of excitement spread among the other students.

Generally, receiving a full score from professors was nearly impossible since the standards were set so ridiculously high. It was set up this way because Babel Academy believed that students should always aim for the top.

Therefore, to earn a perfect score, one had to come up with an assignment so flawless that no one could deny its perfection. And Se-Hoon had managed to do just that with the item he created for his first assignment.

“Since you’ve submitted your assignment, you’re exempt from attending class until presentation day. However, if you so wish, you can still attend class.”

On top of receiving a perfect score with a weapon forged in just one day, Lis, one of the strictest professors in the department, exempted Se-Hoon from attending the lesson.

With feelings that surpassed jealousy and were in the realm of disgust, the students who were still struggling with their designs, sneaked glances at Se-Hoon.

Can’t they just skip him to the third year?

From what I can see, he should be able to graduate right now.

Why am I classmates with him? I’m so unlucky...

Amidst the pouring gazes, Se-Hoon just glanced at Sung-Ha, who was standing next to Lis.

Do you see this?

The spears that Sung-Ha had disregarded as trash were this remarkable.

Noticing his gaze, Sung-Ha looked him in the eyes and pondered for a moment before slightly lifting one corner of his mouth.

“Good job.”

That single phrase drove Se-Hoon nuts.


For a moment, Se-Hoon wondered if he had been making others feel the same with his own smirk. Reflecting for a moment, Se-Hoon calmed his mind and nodded.

“I’ll be leaving then.”

“Alright. Take the spears with you. Just let me know if you’re going to sell them.”

Once Se-Hoon collected the two spears and left the room, Lis immediately began preparing for the class.

There’s no need to attend if there’s nothing to learn.

While most students wanted to learn from the major classes of the Department of Blacksmithing, Se-Hoon mainly wanted to enhance his reputation as an honor student and rehabilitate his stiff body.

Since there was nothing to learn, it was better for him just to skip; the things he really wanted to learn were mostly from electives.

Today’s class is... that old man Ma Kwang-Soo’s class.

With three hours of free time due to being exempted from Metallurgy, he glanced at the two spears in his void pocket and considered going to the training room.

Maybe I should try these out.

He had never fully utilized spears even before the regression, but considering that he had a young and vigorous body now, with the self-defense techniques he had learned from Kwang-Soo, he might be able to pull it off.

Deciding to try out the spears, he headed to the lecture room for Physiology Control since he didn’t like to practice in front of others.

It seems like... the room’s empty.

Seeing the empty lecture room with Kwang-Soo nowhere to be found, Se-Hoon thought it was a good opportunity and quickly changed into his training uniform.

As he was leaving the changing room, he ran into a familiar face.



Jake, who was also in his training uniform, had also arrived at the lecture room.

“What, do you have class here?”

“No, my class is in an hour, but I came to warm up.”

“I see.”

Se-Hoon had thought that they would end up taking the class together, but it seemed like Kwang-Soo had decided to teach them individually instead.

Given that old man’s personality, one-on-one teaching sessions probably suit him better.

However, upon learning that Jake’s one-on-one session was in an hour, it became awkward to practice on the training grounds. Se-Hoon briefly considered using the private training room as an alternative, but he realized that he wasn’t officially registered in the system yet.

While Se-Hoon was contemplating whether to just go to the regular training room for a normal training session, Jake spoke up.


Jake hesitated for a moment before earnestly continuing his words, “Is it okay if I have a favor to ask?”

“No. It’s not okay.”


At the blunt response, Jake's face stiffened. Se-Hoon just looked at him calmly.

“It’s obvious that your sister ordered you to get a weapon from me. But just give up because I’m not interested.”

“...You’re not even going to hear our offer?”

“Yeah. I’m really not interested.”

The Myers family’s offer would surely be generous, but Se-Hoon had two reasons for his refusal. The first was his discomfort with the existence of Aria Myers, who could potentially awaken as the Destroyer of Light in the future. The second reason was that whatever he forged for her now would likely disappoint her, given her high standards.

Her expectations are way too high.

Se-Hoon still had to decide how to deal with Aria, but regardless of what he ended up deciding, he couldn’t afford to lose her interest.

After all, Aria, a former Perfect One, had turned into the Destroyer of Light because she was no longer able to feel anticipation from anyone.

I should maintain a distance that makes her think about me but doesn’t let her get too close... that’s probably the best approach for now.

Until he figured out the exact requirements that Aria wanted for her sword, this was the right approach.

Biting his lip slightly at Se-Hoon’s firm refusal, Jake spoke up.

“What about this?”

Jake reached into his void pocket at his waist, pulled out a small hammer, and extended it toward Se-Hoon.

The hammer, with a black handle and a silver body, perfectly fit in one hand, and its head, protruding on both sides, was dyed red and black. It exuded strong elemental mana.

Seeing the clearly valuable item, Se-Hoon’s eyes narrowed.

“Take a look.”

Se-Hoon took the hammer offered by Jake and immediately examined the information message.

[Black Flame Hammer]

[Tier: Hero] [Quality: Above Average]

[A hammer forged from Dragonite.

Each side of the head is coated with fire mana and darkness mana, amplifying both types of elemental mana.

*Amplifies both fire and darkness mana

*Enables the use of the skill ‘Elemental Convergence’]


It was a Hero-tier hammer of above-average quality. It seemed to have been made specifically for blacksmithing, with a specialization in maximizing the output of darkness and fire elemental mana. Its performance wasn’t bad at all.

But what Se-Hoon liked the most was that it had the potential to be upgraded.

This is pretty good...?

A hammer of this quality would have sold for quite a high price on the market. He looked at Jake.

“So, what’s this about?”

“Let’s have a rematch. If I lose, I’ll give you this Black Flame Hammer.”

“And if I lose, I will forge a weapon for your sister?”

“That’s right. Of course, you’ll still be paid accordingly.”

To others, this might seem like a win-win situation for Se-Hoon; however, Se-Hoon decided never to show his hand to Aria, so he had no reason to accept.

The hammer looks useful, but... it’s not worth the risk.

He decided to refuse the offer again, but he noticed something.


Jake was staring at him intently, waiting for an answer, but unlike how he seemed reluctant at the auction, there was no such hesitance Se-Hoon could find in him now.

Jake was fully determined to beat him.

Recognizing a genuine emotion from Jake for the first time, Se-Hoon considered it an opportunity and spoke up.

“Let’s add one more condition.”

“What condition?”

“If I win... don’t bring up your sister in front of me for a month. And make sure she knows about it too.”


Depending on the person, a month might be short or long. However, considering the nagging he would have to endure, it would be a bitter pill for Jake.


But Jake still nodded, accepting the bet. He made a bet that he had to win, and he was confident he wouldn’t lose like before.

“Alright. Let’s get started then.”

The two immediately stepped onto the training ground, this time with protective gear meticulously covering their entire bodies.

Last time, I allowed an unexpected counterattack... but I’m going all out from the start this time, Jake thought, drawing up his mana.

Pouring the mana into his fists, a blue mist started to surround them. The amount of mana gathered was enough to easily break a steel sword, but Jake went a step further.


He clenched his fist tighter and tighter, and the mana compressed further, releasing blue steam from the gaps between his fingers. The mana’s concentration continued to deepen as impurities leaked out from between his fingers, turning Jake’s fists a deep blue.

Se-Hoon widened his eyes in surprise.

He can compress mana to that extent just by clenching his hands...?

Noticing that Jake had abnormally high grip strength compared to his physical abilities, he suddenly recalled how Jake caught Sung-Ha’s punch.

That’s why he intervened... he was confident he could catch the punch, even if it was a full-power one.

He knew Jake had potential, but he was surprised it was to this extent. Redefining Jake’s abilities in his head, Se-Hoon also braced himself.

It’ll be over for me in an instant if I’m careless.

He wouldn’t stand a chance based purely on physical abilities, but if he used everything at his disposal, it could be a different story.

Se-Hoon raised his hands and interlocked his fingers in front of his chest. He deactivated the Bond Imprint equipped on his left hand.

[Bond Imprint ‘Harmonite’ has been deactivated.]

Having confirmed that the Harmonite had emerged from his left palm, he immediately activated the Bond Imprint equipped on his right hand.

[Bond Imprint ‘Iron Desire’ has been activated.]

Immediately feeding the recently emerged Harmonite to Iron Desire, he felt all the muscles in his body move involuntarily. It was as if his body had been attached to thousands of strings and was manipulated by someone.

Eventually, his body gradually adjusted, letting him escape the bizarre feeling.


He hadn’t moved much, but his stance became more refined than before. Confirming his entire body was perfectly in sync, he immediately drew his weapon.


He pulled out the two spears from his void pocket. Jake looked on with curiosity.

So he can use spears, too.

It seemed Se-Hoon was quite familiar with them, as there were fewer flaws in his stance than before.

Realizing again that Se-Hoon was not to be underestimated, Jake focused on his tightly clenched fists.

I’ll break his weapon with my first move.

The method might be a bit rough, but it was a surefire way to win.

Readying his full power with Azure Compression, what he called the compression of mana to its limit in his fists, he discarded any hesitation and slowly took his stance.

With the absence of a referee to signal the start, an eerie silence hung between the two motionless figures.


Suddenly, the protection machine made a small noise as it was used after a long period of inactivity. At that moment, both of their eyes flashed simultaneously.


In an instant, they had kicked against the ground and were rushing toward each other.

It’s my victory...!

If Se-Hoon chose to evade rather than flee like before, he would be completely overwhelmed by Jake’s sheer force.

Jake’s eyes sparkled as he thrust his fist that was empowered by Azure Compression with all his might.



In front of Jake’s eyes, flame rings had erupted from the tips of Se-Hoon’s spears.

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