The hundreds of trees shake and pull out their roots from the ground. They were the canopy of Bog forest but now they walked as if they were alive. They moved toward Deak like a soldier summoned by his king. They moved slowly but the ground shattered with every step they took letting Moku know he was in a very dangerous situation.

Deak is preparing his second spell, the mana vortex is gathered inside Deak's body. "I won't let it!" Moku shouted. Whatever spell Deak was setting up it would only make his current situation worse. He had to stop Deak from casting his spell or he would lose this battle.

With [Padakacarma: Rocket], Moku shot through the trees that seemed to want to block him. However, their movements are so slow that they do not pose any threat to Moku's speed.

When he got very close to Deak and was about to attack, a fiery sword stabbed into his heart. "[Sword Fire Thrust]!" Gojo jumped up and stab with his giant fire sword. Moku flexibly shifted his shoulders so that the giant flame sword just missed through his chest.

Moku then spun around and slammed his foot into Gojo's head, but before his heel and Gojo's face met, a spear of lightning swooped down from above and aim at his head. "[Thunder Spear]!" Sean jumped over and threw his lightning spear.

Moku could only block the lightning spear with his hands and continued to launch his kick. BAAM!! Moku's heels hit hard Gojo's face. BAMMM!! Gojo crashed to the ground. BZZZZTTT!! electricity zaps Moku's body but it doesn't have much effect because the biofield has protected his body.

Moku jumps in the air and lunges at Deak. Without looking, He pointed his right palm at Sean and activated his skill "[Brajamusti: Machine Gun]!"


Hundreds of blue bullets spewed through and hit Sean's body. "[Thunder Wall]!" some of the blue bullets managed to be blocked by the lightning wall but some managed to pierce through and injure Sean "Arrggghh!!" Sean was thrown backward and fell to the ground.

Deak looks like he's getting further away. Dozens of tall trees blocked the way there and the tree he was standing on was slowly moving further away from the chasing Moku. Even so, the tree is too slow to avoid Moku's pursuit. With the speed of Padakacarma Rocket, Moku managed to catch up with him.

Deak's eyes were still closed when Moku's fist lunged toward him. Moku wants to finish Deak with this punch. However...

BAAM!! Moku's fist was blocked by a giant hand. The hand was very rough and its hard contour reminded Moku of a tree trunk.

Moku saw where the giant hand came from and his eyes widened.

The giant hand came out of the tree trunk as high as 23 meters besides him. He seemed to be stretching out his hand to block Moku from disturbing his master.

Behind the giant palm, Deak was smiling "hehehe you are late.. Today, you will understand the power of Mana Child!! [Mana Wood Puppet Form]!" Deak's closed hand opened and the mana vortex broke.

The invisible mana dots spread out in the blink of an eye and touched all the trees that were approaching them slowly.

The trees shook violently and their trunks cracked. The small trees drew closer to each other before merging into a large tree. While the tall trees seem to be shortening but their width is getting bigger.

It didn't stop there, as if their roots were being twisted by something, they were merging to form an organ of movement commonly seen in humans, a pair of feet. Their sturdy branches fused, shattered, and grew two new branches from each side that which plants impossible to have, a pair of hands. All their lush leaves withered and all their sweet fruit fell. There were only bald trees as far as the eye could see.

Then on their tree trunks, the width of the cracks looks wider and wider. Until the crack seemed to want to split the tree into two but the crack stopped after extending half of the tree's width. The crack then opened its wide mouth, revealing ferocious fangs that couldn't be found in plants. The trees that used to shade the inhabitants of the Bog forest from the hot sun turned into a terrible creature that only exists in myth, The Treant.


The roars of dozens of treants boomed that could be heard throughout the forest, they seem wanted to wake up all the nightmare creatures from their dream realm. It makes the hearts of those who hear it tremble with awe.

Moku moved backward but his vision was almost filled with giant trees that had become treants. The danger alarm was ringing louder in his mind signaling a threat he had never encountered before.

Deak clasped his hands together again, but this time the mana vortex didn't form but the mana threads from his heart spread and connected to the treants. With a ferocious gaze and a bloodthirsty smile, Deak recited his spell "[Mana Wood Treant Dance]!".

Suddenly dozens of Treants seemed to have come back from their long sleep. They move like humans and express themselves like humans. The big trees are no longer slow, one big footstep can reach a distance of 6-7 meters. Although they are not as tall as before they are still quite giants with a height of 10-15 meters.

Moku could only see dozens of treants approaching full of bloodlust. He knew that this battle would be even more dangerous now. Moku reactivated the skill [Padakacarma: Rocket] to get away before he was surrounded by the Treants.

But before he could see the sky his vision become dark because a giant fist was plastered on his face. His entire perception becomes dark due to how big and fast the fist was. Moku didn't have time to dodge and could only hold it in with the biofield that shrouded his hand.


Like being hit by a truck Moku's body was thrown far before hitting the ground and being dragged up to 10 meters away. Luckily his body was already very strong after reaching the pinnacle of astral body strength. But he couldn't breathe a sigh of relief. A tree giant's leg fell on his head like a meteor that hit the earth.


Moku managed to escape from the treant stomp but the shards of dirt and stone hit him from behind so hard that he had to roll on the ground.

He tried to get up but a treant hand swept back towards him. The dust that the giant hand carried was so great that it looked like a herd of rhinos running toward him. Once again, Moku can only survive with his biofield.


Moku's body was thrown into the air before another treant's hand hit him back down and crashed to the ground.


Moku is being beaten badly. He did want to dodge but he didn't have time to dodge. Maybe when viewed from a distance the treants' movements look slow with their giant bodies. However, what happened was that they were moving very fast like an aircraft carrier which looked slow from a distance but they were traveling at a speed of 30 knots or the equivalent of 56 km/hour. Coupled with their very precise and fast coordination, Moku feels like he is fighting 30 giants with the same thought. Even so, Moku should still be able to avoid them with the speed of his abilities.

However, the reality is not like that, the use of skills like [Padakacarma: Rocket] requires Moku to concentrate to condense the air on the soles of his feet with friction force and then push his body with the spring force in his calves. It's not the ability to fly that Moku can do in a single thought, but the ability to use the laws of physics. So that Moku didn't have time to use his skills before the treants beat him.

Seeing Moku being beaten so badly by the treants, Deak smiled cheerfully "How about that KuMoku? Have you experienced the true power of a Mana Child? This is what mana gave me. Unlike you who can only use the power that is in your body, I am a person loved by the world, I can make this world submit to me. Fighting me is the same as fighting this world. What can a pest like you do against me? You can only accept your fate and die like a pest you are!"

Sean and Gojo came and stand beside Deak. Although some wounds were still visible on their bodies they seemed to heal quickly. Seeing his injured student, Deak asked "are you guys okay?"

Sean and Gojo nodded, "we are fine, teacher. We have [Health Potion]" Sean added.

Moku was thrown back into the air. The biofield that protected his body was depleted, and his arm was broken then quickly reconnected. He continued to use dragon prana to speed up his regeneration abilities, if he didn't have a body that had reached the peak of the astral realm and the ability of orcs to regenerate then it was certain that his body was already been destroyed from the start the treants ganged up on him.

Even so, Moku remained powerless against dozens of treants who surrounded him and ganged up on him in turn.

When he was in the air, Moku tried again to use the skill [Padakacarma: Rocket] but before he could use it, a treant grab him and try to crush Moku's body with his palm.

​ The sound of his muscles and bones crunching against the strength of the treant's grip resounded in his ears. The pain made him want to scream but Moku hold it back and kept trying with his strength to free himself from the grip. Seeing that Moku was still able to resist, the treant slammed its hand on the ground with all its might.


Blood spurted out of Moku's mouth because of his injured internal organs. Before he could catch his breath, three treants punch him from above with blows after blows.


Moku's entire vision was filled with giant fists that kept hitting his body relentlessly. His vision was getting more and more blurry. His consciousness was fading. He knew he had lost.

Moku has no other way to win or even survive this situation. He was too arrogant and selfish, he consider himself stronger than a mage. He had only ever faced adventurers who were exile mages not trained and resourceful like military academy mages.

Now he instead dared to face the Mana Child, someone who mana loved more than any other mana species. If this world is ruled by mana then it can be said that Mana Child is the main character of this world.

Just as his heart and mind become more blurry and this defeat became the end of his life, a sweet female voice sounded from behind his mind.

"Is that it? Are you gonna lose? Is my Hero gonna lose? Is the main character of my story gonna lose? Are you gonna lose my son?"

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