The poisonous gas that floated up to the treetops began to thin out as the sun rose. The white mist mixed with it seeped into the ground and hid from the morning sun. The little birds began to dare to come out of their nests and chirp to welcome their new life in the morning.

In the middle of the Toxic Jungle, a hole slowly opened revealing the passage behind it. The thousands of roots that were overlapping each other slowly began to move and separate as if being told to move. No one ever thought that the roots of a calm tree could move and shake the ground like this.

The wind trapped in the hole blows out and wipes out all the toxic gases around it.

Several tall silhouettes emerged from the hole. They have a very beautiful and sexy upper body like the Goddess Athena, while their lower body is covered by flowers of horrifying carnivorous plants.

They were alraune, the lord of the Toxic Jungle.

The three alraune shook their roots and erase the poisonous gas that still wouldn't go. After confirming that there was no more poison gas around them, the alraune gave a signal to those behind that the place was safe. Then came a chestnut-haired alraune who was prettier than the others, behind her there are three orcs, a goblin, a sylph, and an elf followed closely behind.

They are Ornell, Moku, Swa, Laya, Tam, Nerphyl, and Nezena.

"KuMoku, don't you guys want to wait a little longer for the poison gas to completely dissipate?" Ornell asked worriedly.

"Ornell, you can just call me Moku, alraune and orcs are already one tribe, you guys are already members of my tribe, so calling KuMoku feels too formal.  And forgive us for being too hasty, I also have to prepare the orcs for our departure" Moku replied with a smile.

"The real reason why we are in such a hurry to go home is because Moku misses his pregnant wife at home" Swa chuckled.


Laya hit Swa's head hard and said with a sigh "Shut The Fuck Up!"

Moku glared at his brother for triggering the overflowing jealousy of the two lionesses behind him.

"Well... I'm also sorry because Luna couldn't accompany you guys." Ornell tried to restore the atmosphere.

Luna was busy with the Moku blood sample that was given to her last night. She seemed to have discovered a new world that had never been explored before. Moku just wished she hadn't used that blood sample to make something weird.

"It's okay, I understand her attitude. I hope you guys have a vehicle to carry all her equipment so she can research on the way. Otherwise, I'm sure she won't want to leave her laboratory." Moku took a deep breath. He understood very well what Luna would do when she started her new research. She wouldn't go out and see the sun even if it took years.

"Hmm... I see.. hmm... Moku, I want to ask... Have you known Luna before?" Ornell was confused.

She takes a long time to get to know Luna's true nature, in the process she often gets annoyed with Luna. She even almost thought the alraune's way of choosing a leader with beauty, sexiness, and body fragrance were wrong. But gradually she began to understand the uniqueness of Luna and adapt to her nature.

Moku saw Ornell's confused face. He understood Ornell's feelings, for someone as hard to understand as Luna, finding someone who understood her in the first meeting was truly an extraordinary accident.

Moku couldn't help but smile bitterly and replied "I've never met her in this world... Ah oh yes! I left Ez with you to be a guide to the Dawnmist Tribe. From there we will move together with the other monster races and head towards Wolf Slope Mountain. I hope you bring equipment that can prevent the cold"

"Hmm.. I see.. do you really don't want to meet with Ez first? He's still under hypnosis and sleeping. I asked the alraune who guarded him to give him sweet dreams" Ornell explained.

As Moku expected the alraune didn't hurt Ez and just kept him locked up for a while. They waited for the results of the conversation between Moku and Luna.

Ez will only be in a state of danger if Moku and Luna's conversation ends in a fight and battle between orcs and alraune. However, by Luna's decision, Ez has a very safe position.

"Hmm.. no need, I'm sure he already knows if I will succeed in getting you guys to join me" Moku said with certainty. Moku is very sure that Ez has considered if the alraune tribe will join Moku. Otherwise, the cowardly Ez wouldn't want to become a diplomat for the monster tribe that would become their enemies.

"Hmm.. well.. I won't delay your journey any longer. I hope our welcome in this humble lair doesn't offend you. I also wish you a safe journey." Ornell lowered her head.

The alraune's demeanor was very different from other monster races they were filled with grace and friendliness. Perhaps this is because they do not need to hunt and use violence to get food.

Then there is the hypocritical ideology where they think that the prey will die happily when eaten by alraune. Therefore they always give sweet dreams to the prey they catch. Their prey will fall asleep with a smile on their face while their bodies are melted by the digestive substances present in the alraune flower.

"Hmm.. your welcome is amazing. I'm thinking of making the alraune to welcome our monster kingdom's guests later. hahaha... Alright, let's go!" Moku nodded gratefully.

Moku carried Nezena with both hands, Nerphyl jumped to sit on Moku's shoulder, and Tam jumped and hugged Moku's neck.

Before there are some 'Ne' protested, Moku had jumped from one tree branch to another quickly. Swa and Laya took positions to the right and left of Moku, keeping him in the center and watching out for attacks.

Not long after, Moku's group had gone so far that Ornell and the rest of the alraune were no longer visible. They waved and said goodbye to Moku and co who had already gone.

"Wait.. Wait.. Wait.. Moku.. Why is this short, green, and ugly creature still hanging on your body? Isn't Swa no longer carrying Ez? Why are you still carrying her?" Nerphyl protested and pointed at Tam who was tightly hugging Moku's neck.

"Who are you calling ugly? I am the prettiest goblin in my tribe!!" Tam did not accept.

"That's because all goblins are ugly!" Nerphyl scoffed.

"What?!! You are so racist!!" Tam shouted angrily.

"Hey.. hey.. Nerphyl it's okay, my body is stronger than normal orcs. So I won't feel heavy if I just carry Tam.

Tam, you don't need to be discouraged. I used to be ugly too, but after evolving I became this handsome. You will also become very beautiful after evolving Tam" Moku comforted Tam's aching heart.

"Eh really! I will be beautiful heheheh... Will I be as beautiful as Nezena and Nerphyl" Tam blushed.

"Of cour—"

"Of course not! We were born to be this beautiful! Our beauty is natural!" The fairy queen cut off her Ku before he can answer, "After all, even though the orcs had slightly ugly faces, they had tall and muscular bodies like bodybuilders. Women will still find an attraction to their perfect bodies. As for the goblins, they're ugly, short, and thin how can they become beatific as us." Nerphyl snorted.

"Yoouuu!!!! Racist!!!" Tam is really angry.

"That's the truth!" Nerphyl smirked.

"What do you say?!! say it again?!!" Tam is angry.

"What!" Nerphyl snorted.

"What!!" Tam was furious.

"What!!!" Nerphyl was furious.

"Nezena help me to make this ugly and short goblin self-aware!... Nezena??" Nerphyl asked the other 'Ne' for help.

However, Nezena just kept quiet and didn't answer Nerphyl. The three of them turned their eyes to Nezena who is being carried by Moku like a princess. Her eyes were closed and her breath was flowing slowly. A gust of wind brushed the wavy champagne hair. She was fast asleep on Moku's arm.

Before Tam and Nerphyl can scream in anger and wake her up, Moku says "She's exhausted from staying up all night. She talked to Luna and they discussed about plant language. Nezena is looking for a way to become a mage without needing to worship the Tree of Life. Her faith in The One is very strong. We better not disturb her sleep." Nerphyl and Tam held back their anger.

Swa, Laya, and Moku jumped out of the Toxic Jungle, there was no more visible poison gas hanging around the ground and tall trees came into view. The orcs rearranged their formation, Laya jumped onto the tree branches and Swa ran faster to be at the forefront.

"Nerphyl, I remember your story about the sylph queen's blood purification. You said that your mother drew two circles and some symbols as a medium for the blood purification process" said Moku, while adjusting Nezena's body position so that she can sleep more comfortably and be protected from the bushes of the Bog forest.

"Yeah, you're right. My mom drew a big circle where she and my sibling were standing, and a small circle where I was standing. Around the two circles, there were strange symbols that I didn't understand." Nerphyl answered.

"Do you remember what the shape of the symbol was? Or can you describe it?" Moku asked.

"Hmm.. My mother bequeathed the painting containing the drawing she made to me. So that I can pass it on to my children who will become queen and got the Eye of Queen ability." Nerphyl's face darkened.

Moku stopped asking and was silent.

Not long after, her face brightened again, and asked Moku "Why do you ask that? Do you want to see the painting?"

"If it's allowed, I want to see it" Moku asked.

"Right now?" Nerphyl tilted her head.

"Hmm? If you take the painting with you then I want to see it right now" Moku replied.

After his second evolution and lost the sin of sloth. Moku can no longer rest, this loss of sin also makes him unable to stop doing activities. If he was no longer training or fighting then his brain would have to keep thinking.

This is very tiring but with a body that has penetrated the limits of the astral body, Moku has physical endurance that can make him not need to rest or sleep, as long as there are nutrients in his body.

"Okay, I'll show you!" Nerphyl nodded.

She jumped off Moku's shoulder and landed on Nezena's stomach who was still fast asleep. Then she started to undress. Nerphyl tugged at the tie of the shirt that was on her collar then slowly untied it. She twisted it behind the waist and continued until layer by layer of the cloth is released.

Moku and Tam could only see Nerphyl taking off her dress which turned out to be only made of one sheet of cloth folded over her body with wide eyes.

Not long after, Nerphyl's body was naked and there was a piece of cloth in her hand.

Tam with a gaping mouth, couldn't hold back and cursed Nerphyl in a loud voice

"What the hell are you doing perverted?!!!"

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