The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 56 Unification Of Monster

In a room not far from the meeting room. Moku, Laya, Swa, and Zalthu were sitting cross-legged and in front of them were the five higher-ups of the goblin tribe.

This room didn't feel cramped to the nine of them but to a goblin who was small in stature it was a huge room. Moku was once again amazed by the architecture of the goblin tribe.

"Hoddurt, Hez, Shizz, Volx, Tam, don't you guys have anything else to do? I know you guys are busy, we just need to talk to one of you. The five of you are on equal footing right?" Moku said in a soft voice.

The five goblins glanced at each other, before Hoddurt answered Moku's question.

"We have the same position in the tribe, this has an advantage because we can negotiate and avoid mistakes. However, we are also slow to make decisions because there are often disagreements.

That's why we're all here because we don't want to be suspicious of one another. I hope you understand" Hoddurt explained.

"Hmm.. I see.. shouldn't you have a tribal chief? ah.. if you don't want to tell me you don't have to answer my question" Moku said.

"Hmm.. I'll answer it, because this incident is related to the real reason why we wanted to attack the orc tribe. Isn't this also one of the reasons you came here?

I want to explain so that there is no misunderstanding between us" Hoddurt looked nervous.

"Hoddurt the orcs and goblins are currently one tribe, your life and death is the life and death of the orcs. I know that the goblins aren't that rash to attack the orcs.

Even though our numbers are small but a battle with the orcs will definitely cause great casualties to your tribe. So I'm of the opinion that there's another threat so big that you guys don't care about orc grudges.

Am I right?" Moku asked.

"You're absolutely right KuMoku!! We don't want war either but we're in a state of urgency and need to get out of here as soon as possible." Hoddurt and the other four goblins looked very frightened.

"What really happened?" Moku sat up straighter and leaned forward. The same thing happened to the other three orcs, they also wanted to know the real reason.

"This incident originally started from 3 months ago. At that time we were trying to dispel a group of humans who were trying to approach our cave.

However, one of them attacked us and the other three entered the orc territory. Even with quite a lot of casualties we managed to keep them from approaching our cave.

One of the victims was Tam's father, our tribal chief.

After that nothing else happened. We want to immediately elect a new chieftain but it's not the same as the orcs, the selection of the chief for the goblins must be based on the joint decision of all the goblins.

Usually the head of the goblin tribe is the first son of the old chief, but the old chief does not leave a son, but only has a daughter, namely Tam.

We wanted to appoint Tam as the new tribal chief, but before we held the ceremony for the election of the new chieftain, a strange thing happened that made us wary and postponed the election of the new chief.

This incident stems from the number of humans entering the Bog forest which suddenly increased many times than usual.

Usually there are only a few adventurers who enter and look for rare plants in the Bog forest, but their number has increased many times.

They seemed to be the guides for the human army with iron armor behind them. I don't know what's really going on in the human realm but they look like they're looking for a way into the deeper areas of the Bog forest.

If that's all we can just stay hidden in the cave for a while and wait for the danger to subside. However, not only humans entered the Bog forest but the same thing happened to the elves.

I was afraid that the outskirts of the Bog forest would become a new battleground for humans and elves, so I asked for a meeting of the higher-ups to be held." Volx described the beginning of all this happening.

"In the meeting. We decided to go deeper into the Bog forest area. So that's why we had to pass through the orc territory.

We just want to pass by and not fight, but we don't know how you will respond if you find out the entire tribe of goblins are passing through your territory. So we're ready to war if you decide to attack us." Tam continued the story.

"Hmm... three months ago? Were there any female humans among the humans you met at that time?" Moku asked.

"Human female?" Volx is confused.

Just as humans can't tell the difference between male goblins and female goblins, goblins also can't tell the difference between male and female humans.

To them all humans looked the same, the only difference they could see was whether the human had long hair or not. Most of the goblins are also color blind so they can't tell the difference between the skin color of humans.

If only all humans had goblin eyes then they would get along a lot more.

Moku daydreams of his old world that often fought and enslaved each other only because of skin color.

"I mean, were among the humans you met three months ago have longer hair than the rest?" Moku repeated his question.

"Hmm.. I think you're right, some have white hair up to their neck, some have blonde and chestnut hair up to their back. Did you guys catch them? I never knew it was a female human" Volx replied.

It seems Volx is not a colorblind goblin. Or the hair color is different from the skin color in the eyes of the goblins.

"Hehehe.. that's right, thanks for making them run all the way to our territory, the orcs finally got another woman" Moku chuckled.

'Because of you too, I was forced to advance my plans. But at least I got to meet Anna' Moku, thanking him deeper in his heart.

"it's just a coincidence" Volx scratched the back of his head.

Moku then fell silent.

He thought, it looked like the iron armored human, who was of course a soldier, entered the Bog forest not to fight with the elves.

He remembered that a few days after meeting Anna and the girls, Moku managed to evolve for the first time. This is too strange just to be a coincidence.

He had a hunch if his evolution was felt by the powerful creatures in this world. Because according to Moku, dragon prana is very different from mana, so this new power might make all mana rulers feel it.

Like the king of the jungle who feels the birth of a new king of the jungle from a different forest. Perhaps this was the alert alarm that the mana in this world gave its users.

If that was the case then not only the outskirts of the Bog forest would become extremely dangerous but also the orcs' encampment. In fact, it seemed that the humans and elves were looking for the orc tribe's campsite.

Moku's hairs stand on end. He didn't know how strong a mage was, but based on the strength of a mutated animal then he could currently face a mage with two constellations alone.

However, if there was a level three constellation mage or there were more than two level two constellation mages then he would not be able to protect the orcs and the girls.

Although Moku believed he could escape even if a level four constellation mage attacked, he had to sacrifice all the orcs to give him an escape room.

Moku doesn't want to live alone in the world for a second time. No matter how strong he was, a living being couldn't bear the feeling of being alone. Especially for Moku who used to be a human being who is a social being.

"I agree with what you guys have decided. We have to run away, the orc tribal camp isn't a safe place to hide either. We have to escape to Wolf Slope Mountain." Moku said.

The orcs and goblins were taken aback. They didn't expect Moku to feel more danger than they did.

"Why we should escape too? even as far as Wolf Slope Mountain?" Laya asked.

"Yes! Even though humans are creatures who like to do useless things and waste their resources, the movement of armed forces is something we still have to watch out for.

I feel that the movement of the human and elf armies is not just a search but the beginning of the sparks of war. It's likely that they will return to war like 100 years ago." Moku replied.

The faces of the monsters who heard it turned pale. As someone who had already reached the pinnacle of the astral realm, Moku had sharper hunches than all of them.

"Alright! we will speed up our preparations to escape! I request permission to exit and supervise the preparations of the goblins" Volx asked for permission.

All eyes turned to Moku. It was a confession for everyone that Moku was the one who would lead them all.

Moku nodded and said "Don't forget to bring all the skins and furs that you have in your storage. We will pass through the very cold mountains. I don't want any goblins to die of hypothermia!"

"YES KU!" Volx nodded and left the room.

Moku looked back at the monsters "We will not only bring orcs and goblins on this run. We must also warn and invite all the monsters there are to go with us" said Moku.

The orcs and goblins who heard it became shocked for two different reasons.

The goblins were taken aback by Moku's great ambition.

They did not expect that Moku not only wants to conquer the goblins at this time but also all the monsters that exist on the outskirts of the Bogor forest.

While the orc's surprise was..

"Including alrune?!" Swa screamed in disbelief. The same question was also seen in the eyes of the other two orcs.

"Including alrune. We really need their knowledge of plants. With their cooperation we might be faster to unlock the inner eye potion and the way of goblin evolution." Moku answered.

The gaping orcs didn't know what to say. If the relationship with between goblins and orcs is an ambiguous relationship then the relationship between orcs and alrunes is very clear.

They hate each other. Hate that does not come from revenge or war. The hatred that stems from mutual disgust for one another.

They detest each other so much that they hate each other.

"Hoddurt, Tam, Hez, Shizz, could one of you come with us to meet the alrune tribe?" Moku asked.

Looks like Moku for the second time has to speed up his plans.

At first he wanted to prepare the orcs first before any other monster races would join them. Moku wanted the laws and socials of the orcs to be tough so that even if other races joined them, it wouldn't interfere with the lives of the orcs.

Moku can only hope that this decision doesn't turn against them.

"I' will go with you guys. Their tribe is not far from this place only a half of an afternoon's journey" Tam volunteered.

"Okay thanks Tam" Moku smiled and stroked Tam's head.

Tam froze and trembled, she had never been treated like this before by anyone but her father.

Ignoring Tam's reaction, Moku turned to Hoddurt and said "We will leave after sunrise. In the meantime you guys please rest. hmm.. Hoddurt, you said you had an interesting captive. May I see it now?"

"Of course KuMoku, from its shape I'm sure our captive is an elf. I don't know what gender it is. But I'm sure an orc can recognize it at a glance" Hoddurt smiled.

"Of course, Shaman Hoddurt, of course" Moku also smiled.

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