The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 330 [Bonus Chapter]Ez's True Ability

Ez contemplated the steps he needed to take in this suicide mission. While Rada was fully absorbed in consuming his seminal fluid, Ez utilized post-nut clarity to devise a strategy to save his life.

The relationship between the Wilwatikta Kingdom and the Elf Alliance was currently tense. Regardless of how much the Elf Alliance desired friendly relations with the new species, Ez wondered if their desire was strong enough to overlook the monster killings. Or would Raiden The Necromancer's death lead to war with the Elf Alliance?

Ez didn't know, and unfortunately, the answer to this question was the key to surviving this suicide mission. That's why Ez requested all the monsters not to show any expression when meeting the elves. He even asked them not to draw their weapons, despite the elves having already unsheathed their swords.

Although most mages don't rely on weapons in battle, they usually carry them to display aggression. The same goes for the monsters; most of the members of Ez's delegation were hobgoblins and druids. While a few asuras were part of the team, most of them were Mantra Path users. The valkyries in the delegation were there primarily for translation assistance.

Some of the valkyries were originally elves, but since they hadn't been monsters for long, there was a fear of potential betrayal. So, the majority of the valkyries accompanying the delegation were those who were formerly human, goblin, or sylph. Moku had confidence in the elven valkyries, believing they wouldn't betray the Wilwatikta Kingdom. Still, Ez didn't want to take any further risks.

After observing Gundrid's reaction earlier, Ez understood the approach he needed to take for this suicide mission. Despite Gundrid appearing highly aggressive and harboring resentment towards the monsters, he simply didn't want to be underestimated.

According to Moku's information, the Elf Alliance knew they had fought with Raiden and his forces. However, they were unaware of the exact outcome of the battle. The spying spell placed on Raiden's body was destroyed when Moku and Raiden opened their domains.

Thus, it was reasonable for Gundrid to behave aggressively towards the monsters emerging from the Bog Forest. Still, the fact that he refrained from immediately attacking the monsters indicated he might be open to communication before making any decisions about war.

Perhaps the leader of the Elf Alliance had ordered him not to attack unless they were attacked first. If that was the case, then the answer to Ez's earlier question was that the Elf Alliance had a strong desire to establish peaceful contact with the foreign species, even to the extent of not highly prioritizing the fate of Raiden The Necromancer.

Hence, the demeanor Ez had to adopt at this moment was one of confidence and arrogance, yet not aggressive. Arrogant people are actually easier to deceive than fools. With this attitude, the Elf Alliance wouldn't underestimate them nor immediately cast them aside.

At least until Ez met the leader of the Elf Alliance, Gundrid and his troops wouldn't behead him. However, acting arrogantly in front of someone who could kill him with a flick of their finger made Ez break out in a cold sweat.

His knees trembled incessantly as he walked confidently towards Gundrid. He knew that if this decision turned out to be a mistake, there would be no one to save his life. Rada's life might vanish alongside his own.

Nonetheless, Ez forced his body to keep moving forward. By the time he stood before Gundrid, his fear subsided, and the act he was putting on had become second nature.

"Ez The First Diplomat, what do you mean by Prime Minister? And earlier, you said that we invited you to this place. What do you imply?" Gundrid inquired after dismounting from his horse.

Ez understood that Gundrid's reason for dismounting was to show respect. However, due to his taller stature, Ez had to look down at his interlocutor. He hoped that Gundrid wouldn't feel underestimated or offended.

If he did, Ez was well within the range of Gundrid's sword strike. He was confident that even his hobgoblin body wouldn't spare him from being cleaved in two.

With a tone full of haughtiness, Ez replied, "I am the head of administration of Wilwatikta Kingdom. Why are you not aware of this? Does the elf species not have kingdoms? Do you still dwell in tribes? How pitiful..."

Gundrid's eyebrows furrowed upon hearing Ez's words. Ez held back the urge to immediately flee from this place. His stomach ached, and his lips felt dry from the continuous cold sweat. Nevertheless, he persevered and finished his statement.

"As for your second question, did you not send us an invitation along with an introductory gift? Our King was quite pleased with your offering, which is why I was sent out of the Bog Forest to meet with your King."

Gundrid's forehead creased, a clear question mark written all over his face. "An invitation?"I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

Ez's brows furrowed sharply as he leaned in, looking closely at Gundrid's face. "Don't you know? Raiden The Necromancer himself invited us to the Elf Alliance. He said your king wishes to establish a cooperative relationship with our kingdom. Does that mean he lied? So, you're saying I came all this way just to be deceived by him? And earlier, you said you came here to welcome us. Why are you questioning this now? Are you lying too?"

With each question Ez posed, his face drew nearer to Gundrid's, and by the final question, Ez had bent over, and Gundrid's body was slightly arched backward.

ραΠdαsΝοvεl ƈοm Quickly, Gundrid replied, "No... that's not what I meant, your majesty. I was just a bit confused by the translation of your words by my spell. Hahaha... forgive me, your majesty. It seems there was an error in my spell's translation, so I was merely repeating your words to confirm... hehehe..."

Ez straightened his face, stood tall, and raised his chin. "Oh... I thought you and Raiden The Necromancer were deceiving us. Hmm... My species despise lying, and we view liars as cowards who deserve to be eradicated. I was almost about to declare war on you. Turns out, it was just a translation mistake. Hmmm... quickly fix your spell! It's truly unprofessional."

Ez huffed, crossing his arms, his expression displaying profound disappointment. He seemed like someone tired of conversing with a foolish and inept person.

"Hahaha... understood, your majesty. Ah... but earlier, you mentioned that you are the head of administration of Wilwatikta Kingdom. May I ask if the Wilwatikta Kingdom is the only kingdom of your species, or are there other kingdoms besides it? Ah... also, I'd like to know how we should address your species?"

Gundrid wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve, his words stuttering as if he forgot what to say. Nevertheless, Ez allowed it, knowing he had won the life-or-death gamble once again.

Never had he imagined he could be so audacious earlier. Even now, he wanted to leave this place immediately.

Ez continued his act, his mind racing to analyze what he should say next. The conversation was still under his control, but the slightest mistake could cost him his life.

Looking left and right as if searching for something, Ez's brow furrowed. Then he turned to Gundrid and, with a slightly troubled tone, said, "I don't know how uncivilized your way of life is. But what I do know is that inviting someone for a conversation in an open space without any shade from the scorching sun, drinks to quench our thirst, and food to fill our stomachs is just plain rude. Is this how you welcome guests?"

Gundrid fell silent for a moment, his mouth agape. He seemed like someone who had just realized that seawater was salty. Ez wanted to laugh, but he restrained himself, as he wasn't ready to die just yet.

A few seconds later, Gundrid snapped back and immediately yelled at his troops, who had been silently watching all this time, "What are you all doing? Why haven't you prepared a place to receive our guests? Do you want to embarrass me? Huh? You uncivilized lot!"

His anger was so intense that his face turned bright red. His entire squad sprang into action, hurrying to the campsite fetching tents, chairs, and other necessities.

Turning back to Ez, Gundrid scratched his head and chuckled, "Hehehe... Forgive my men, your majesty. They are just a bunch of soldiers who don't understand etiquette... hehehe."

Ez simply nodded and waved his hand, "No need to feel guilty. Sometimes subordinates can be truly foolish. But if they were smart, they wouldn't just be subordinates, right?"

Gundrid nodded vigorously, "You're absolutely right, your majesty. If they were smart, they wouldn't just be subordinates. Hahahaha."

Ez was secretly amazed. He had never met someone so shameless before. As someone who embraced the philosophy of a thick face, Ez couldn't help but envy Gundrid's confidence.

"Oh... your majesty, while we wait for my foolish subordinates to prepare a place for you and your troops, could you answer my earlier question?" Gundrid asked.

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