The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 328 The Fate Of Male Hobgoblin

[A few days ago]

A carriage pulled by three Mutated Wolves emerged from the canopy of Bog Forest. Escorting the horse-drawn carriage were two rows of fearsome, green-skinned giants. They were all dressed like jungle dwellers, wearing animal skins and a few palm leaves to cover their bodies.

However, not a single mutated animal dared to approach this convoy.

Inside the carriage were two individuals dressed more luxuriously than those outside. Though they also wore animal skins, theirs were more colorful and covered more of their bodies.

One of them was a pale, emaciated man with bright green skin as if all the fluids had been drained from his body. He looked weak and was struggling to catch his breath. Beside him was a beautiful woman with long, wavy black hair. Her green skin glowed, and she wore a cheerful smile.

They were Ez and Rada.

"Ez, we've left Bog Forest," Rada said, peeking out of the window.

"Pant... pant... thank goodness," Ez replied, panting.

He looked as if someone had drained years from his life, not just figuratively, for at that moment, he truly felt as if he had aged several decades, and the dark witch was sitting right beside him.

During the journey through Bog Forest, Rada had been draining him relentlessly. He was only given a mere three hours of rest at night before being awakened by Rada again.

At first, Ez enjoyed it as a way to pass the time during the long and tedious journey. However, he had underestimated the libido of a female hobgoblin. Even though his "weapon" had become flaccid and powerless, Rada had some astonishing tricks to make it stand proudly once more.

When he asked where she learned those tricks, Rada's answer was simple: "From the Valkyries." Hearing that, Ez cursed the Valkyries and their husbands.

What possessed them to teach a female hobgoblin, who had a male hobgoblin husband, such intimate tricks of the Asura household? Didn't they know that dragon prana was only possessed by lecherous races like orcs? Were they unaware of the origin of the term "dragon" in dragon prana?

Ez's resentment toward those lecherous races grew, especially when he recalled the face of his tyrannical king.

He believed that this was one of Moku's plans to eliminate all monster races except orcs. How could it not be? At present, he felt like he was going to die, and he couldn't possibly refuse his wife's request for intimacy.

Why is it like that?

Just imagine a hobgoblin refusing his wife's request for intimacy because his weapon has already raised the white flag. Rumors about hobgoblin's weakness in bed and their inability to satisfy their wives' sexual desires will soon spread like wildfire in the Kingdom Market.

Idle gossiping women will undoubtedly elevate these rumors into facts. Eventually, young female hobgoblins will become anxious about choosing a male hobgoblin as their partner.

While sex isn't the only factor in choosing a partner, when societal trends label it as the main factor, it inevitably becomes a significant consideration. Ez is convinced that the Valkyries, whose minds have been brainwashed by orc's semen, will start boasting about their husbands' prowess to these female hobgoblins.

As a result, these female hobgoblins will look towards monster races that can fulfill their sexual desires. If this happens, the number of single or unmarried male hobgoblins will skyrocket, and goblin families who prefer to have daughters rather than sons will follow suit.

At this point, all Moku needs to do is ask Luna to create a potion that guarantees the birth of female babies. Ez is confident that a genius like Luna is capable of making it, or perhaps the potion already exists in R18, waiting for the right time to be distributed to the public.

"Sly... So cunning..." Ez thunders in his heart.

He never expected that a lecherous and lazy king like Moku could devise such an elaborate conspiracy. Reluctantly, he has to admit Moku's brilliance in this matter, though biting his lip while doing so.

If only Moku would use that cunning and intelligence to handle the administration of Wilwatikta Kingdom, Ez's workload would decrease drastically. Finally, he might be able to enjoy his leisure time and be lazy.I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

But unfortunately, he knows that's just wishful thinking. Moku would never let Ez go. He wants Ez always by his side because the more valuable Ez becomes to Wilwatikta Kingdom, the more dangerous it could be for Moku's interests.

Ez has never had any intention of opposing Moku. Even if he did, he lacks the ability to do so. Moku is an asura with the most sensitive inner eye among all asuras. It's like he can read someone's mind just by observing their facial expressions, body language, and eyebrows.

Whenever Ez showed even the slightest hint of wanting to challenge him, Moku would immediately sense it. Besides, he was the strongest monster, not just currently but perhaps of all time. In the concept of monster civilization, it was always the strongest who led. Even for races like the sylphs, their queens always had bodies twice the size of an average sylph.

That's why, as long as Moku remained the strongest monster, he would always be their king.

Ez still longed to live longer and feared death and pain greatly. So instead of taking the thorny path that might lead to a deep abyss with his chest puffed up, he chose to crawl with a chain around his neck like a dog on a silk road filled with gold and beautiful gardens.

Because of this, Ez never cared if Moku had intentions to exterminate the entire goblin race. As long as he survived, he didn't care what happened to others, even his own kind.

But why, even though he had surrendered and submitted, he couldn't live peacefully and be lazy? Once again, Ez cursed himself for being too intelligent, making himself exceedingly useful to Moku.

If only he had average intelligence, he probably wouldn't have caught Moku's attention, and he might still be one of the goblins sleeping soundly on his bed. The reason why the apocalypse's date was not revealed was to let creatures sleep peacefully with foolish smiles on their faces.

*Knock! *Knock! *Knock!

"Prime Minister, the asuras have detected the presence of the elves. As you predicted, they are indeed waiting not far from the Bog Forest,"

The report from a hobgoblin snapped Ez out of his reverie. He rubbed his face and straightened his clothes. Rada did the same, but she seemed very nervous. As the wife of the Prime Minister, her behavior would reflect on Ez.

Ez gave a firm order, "Raise the flags!"


Instantly, two flags with different hues were raised. One was the flag of Wilwatikta Kingdom, and the other was the symbol of The One's Church.

The Wilwatikta Kingdom flag had a dark background, symbolizing the mysterious night from which the monsters originated in the dark Bog Forest. In the middle of the flag, there was the image of a giant bird with sharp, outstretched wings staring fiercely. It was Garuda, representing the close connection between Wilwatikta Kingdom and the Mind Realm.

At the bottom of the flag, there was an image of a pair of daggers shaped like the claws of wild creatures, symbolizing Moku with his Dawnshadow Blades. It represented the origin of the monsters' power, which was the silat art that Moku had taught them. The edges of the flag were adorned with plant motifs and chains, symbolizing unity and solidarity among the various monster races.

Meanwhile, at the top of the flag, just above Garuda's crown, there was The One's symbol. It represented the inseparable connection between Wilwatikta Kingdom and The One's Church.

The One's symbol was in the shape of a symmetrical triangle, signifying the strength and power at the core of The One's worship. Each side of the triangle consisted of three small circles representing three fundamental principles: strength, courage, and sacrifice. The small dot in the center symbolized The One, indicating that everything originated from one point and would ultimately end at one point.

Around the triangle, there were flowing lines representing dragon prana as the permeating energy flowing throughout the world. Each outward-flowing line was adorned with arrowhead carvings, indicating the direction of growth and development desired by The One's worshippers—namely, domination and war spreading across the entire universe.

ραndαsΝοvεl.cοm The color palette of this symbol included green and red. Green represented the color of the monsters' skin, signifying their origin. However, Ez knew that the green here symbolized dragon prana, which was exclusive to asuras and valkyries. Meanwhile, red symbolized the blood that needed to be spilled to drench the world as a form of the struggle towards The One's Heaven.

When both flags were raised, their convoy was noticed by the elves. Subsequently, a group of mounted elves raised the flag of the elf alliance and moved to intercept them.

From the way they held their swords and their readiness, it was clear that they had no intention of letting Ez pass without a fight. The convoy came to a halt, and both sides locked eyes.

"Sigh... I guess it's time for me to get to work," Ez said with a long sigh.

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