The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 138 Boku's Learn With Inyiak

Boku stood on a tree branch and crouched down to stalk his prey. It had been three days since he left the tribe. On the first day all the provisions he had brought ran out, and he was forced to find his own food in the middle of the forest which was getting darker by the day.

On the second day, his cold clothes were damaged so he had to sleep at night shivering. Luckily, he didn't fall asleep so deep that he realized a snake was creeping near him.

On this day his stomach is very hungry and rumbling sounds can be heard from it protesting to be filled. Actually, this was common with the orcs before Moku became the chief of the tribe. They are used to sleeping on an empty stomach because they are not able to get food during the day.

However, as spoiled by their circumstances, they forget the feeling of hunger due to the meat that is always there for them to eat. Even at this time, the orcs could already eat three times a day with each meal they consumed more than 5 kg of meat.

Something that the orcs had never imagined before. Boku closed his eyes and then returned his focus to the prey below him. He can thank Moku later by becoming a Pandeka and helping him to protect their kingdom.

The prey this time was a large female deer that casually ate berries. Even so, her ears are like a radar that continues to move alert on her surroundings. A habit that exists in every animal that is hunted by predators.

Boku waited for the doe to finish eating. He knows that this animal will be very alert when eating but its alertness will decrease when its stomach is full.

A few minutes later the doe stopped to eat and prepared to leave the place. This is Boku's only chance to ambush her. He took out a dagger made of animal bones from his songket.

When the doe starts walking, Boku lunges down and uses gravity to increase his speed.

The doe sensed danger, her ears squeaked, and she quickly turned to Boku. But she was too late, Boku had already come within striking range and drew his dagger at the doe's neck.


The bone dagger pierced the doe's neck and made her blood gush out profusely. Then Boku wrestled with her while trying to cover the doe's mouth so she wouldn't scream.

Hunting in the middle of the forest like this is a very dangerous thing. He would never know when a carnivore was nearby. The sound of an animal being in pain or injury will provoke their hunting instincts and make them move to investigate.

Even though Boku can defeat carnivores or iron and copper tier danger mutated animals in this forest easily, he still remembers his goal. He didn't want to get hurt or exhausted before meeting the silver tier danger mutated animal he was after. For that Boku is very careful in his every move.

Two minutes later, the doe was no longer struggling, her body became very weak with blood dripping from her injured neck. Boku quickly tied the doe's legs and arms and then made a knot so he could carry his prey on his back.

Boku jumped up and started climbing the tree. The ground is not the right place to eat lunch. He had to find a safe place before he started eating the doe. Otherwise, what had happened to the doe could also have happened to him.

Boku jumped from one tree branch to another until a few minutes later he arrived at a small hill filled with trees around it. The hill itself is covered by vines from creeping plants such as betel, ferns, and others.

These plants emit an unpleasant odor so that rarely any animals want to approach them. As a result of these plants, Boku can sleep peacefully at night because the smell is also disguised.

Boku came down from the tree and pushed aside the curtain made of vines. Behind the curtain, a small cave can be seen, in which there are many bones and animal skins that Boku has processed to make it easier for him to pass the Learn With Inyiak exam.

Boku put down the carcass of the doe and walked over to get a small knife made of flintknapping. Boku doesn't know what stone this is but he knows that it can be very sharp and strong.

He started skinning doe, not that orcs don't like eating animal skins but these skins have other uses besides filling Boku's stomach. He wanted to make leather armor from the game he could get but he didn't seem to have a talent for sewing so he always broke the skins of animals.

"Or rather, orcs have no talent other than fighting" said Boku with a bitter smile.

He was now starting to understand more and more why Moku cared so much about the other races of monsters and wanted them so badly to join the orcs.

The One had indeed created the orcs as a fighting race that could not be defeated by any monster race, but apart from fighting they had no other use. So it is impossible to create a civilization if there are only orcs in it. Maybe they could have a large territory and defeat the other weaker races around them but this wouldn't last long because the orc technology would never develop.

Gradually orcs will only become barbarians who only know how to fight and end up being enslaved by other monster races. Maybe Moku has seen the future of the enslaved orcs who are pitted against each other to fight in the arena to satisfy their master's sadistic desires until the end of their lives.

Boku currently really feels that The One really loves them by making Moku born as an orc.

He managed to skin the doe all over and Boku started eating his lunch. The amount of meat he gets will not be enough to fill his stomach for a day but he still has to be patient because the sun has started to fall and night will come.

Even so, Boku still had to refill his empty drink bag. This drink bag was made by Claire with her own hands, Boku recalled how his wife wiped the sweat from her forehead when she made this leather drink bag.

He already felt longing even though he had not seen his wife for a few days. But Boku has focused again, he can go home quickly if he is able to finish Learn With Inyiak quickly.

After that, he will start to revive his inner eye and then activate the use of dragon prana by turning on the generator room. Eventually, Boku will evolve to be like Moku and he can have sex with Claire.

"Heheheh" Boku's perverted laugh.

He took Claire's drink bag and exited the cave. The distance from the water source to the cave is not too far, the location of the river is behind this hill.

Boku walked quickly because he didn't want to go home when the sun started to set. Even though the odds were small, he didn't want his tracks to be sniffed by dangerous mutated animals. If that happens then Boku will be forced to fill his nights with fights and in the morning he must immediately find a new hiding place.

However, what he found on the way to the river made all his plans change.

He found a silver tier danger mutated animal.

It was a three-meter wolverine. He was engrossed in eating the elephant's body which was bigger than him. Its fur is red with black streaks mixed in it.

His sharp claws easily tore apart the flesh of an adult elephant he was devouring. Of the four nails on his hands, there is one yellow nail that looks very sturdy and curved with a very sharp tip.

Boku knew the two yellow claws were a mutation or mana organ of this wolverine. From the size of his body and the two claws, Boku judged that the wolverine in front of him was a silver tier danger mutated animal.

Boku immediately lay down trying hard to disguise his smell and appearance. He whispered beside him in a very small voice. "Reha, is the wolverine over there a silver tier danger mutated animal?" asked Boku.

A sylph who had been accompanying him came out of his collar. "Hmm... let me ask the queen for a moment," said Reha, closing her eyes.

Boku was silent and waited for Reha to contact Nerphyl.

A few minutes later, Reha opened her eyes again and nodded toward Boku. "You're right, it's a silver tier danger mutated animal. Moku has confirmed it!"

Boku is surprised because it means Moku is nearby and watching him. Boku didn't know how fast Moku was flying and how far his current location with the monster caravan was but he understood that right now he was being watched by all the monsters connected via sylph.

Because Moku must have brought Nerphyl with him and Nerphyl was able to connect her sight to all the existing sylphs.

Boku's heart was racing and he couldn't wait to show them his first fight against a silver tier danger mutated animal.

He hoped that his wife wouldn't have a heart attack if it turned out that he was seriously injured later. But there was no such thing that he would lose in Boku's mind.

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