"Those people finally stopped beating me and my husband and warned us that now their works have legally become theirs. If we dare to make trouble, we will be overwhelmed and won't get any benefits."

"They came and left fiercely. When they came, they took a killing stick. When they left, they left a room full of mess."

"It was not until they left for a long time that I realized that when I signed my name, my cloud dream was gone. The world music award is awarded every three years, and I can't guarantee that every work of mine is like cloud dream It's so infectious, so I missed this opportunity to be nominated for this world-class award. I don't know when it will be next. "

"My dream was taken away by those robbers, but I have no way. I can only sit there and cry and forget everything..."

"Later, I was afraid that I would regret that night until I died. Why did I cry, why did I cry in front of my husband?"

"My husband called the police after the robber left. He comforted me when he saw me crying, but I was still immersed in the pain of losing my works. My works, like my children, were lost, how could they not be painful?"

"My husband saw me sad and angry, so he went out alone."

"The weather in country B is cold all year round. It's a snowy day. My husband went out under the heavy snow and hasn't come back since he went out."

"Country B is vast and sparsely populated. The place where my husband and I live is sparsely populated, but my husband still called two people around, so he will go after those who forced me to sign the agreement and take it back."

"Because tomorrow is the day when the world's music nominations are finally determined. If we don't catch up now, I'm afraid it's too late."

"I wanted to stop him from going out on a snowy day. I was afraid that my husband was unsafe. But my husband said that this is the place where he grew up. When he called someone, the robbers should be afraid. When the police came, they must not leave."

"So my husband finally left."

"On a snowy day, I was left alone in the house, looking out worried and confused. At the beginning, I paid too much attention to the loss of cloud dream. I didn't notice it for a moment. When my husband left, my stomach began to ache violently."

"Although I can't see it, I can clearly realize that my stomach is bleeding, and my stomach is getting more and more painful. It's like pulling my stomach onto the gallows..."

"However, I can only hear the whistling wind around. I raise my hand and stretch out the house. I can only feel the snowflakes floating in. On the vast snowy night, my husband is not around, and my stomach is in severe pain, but I don't even have a person to help me..."

"Later, my husband finally came back. Unfortunately, what he came back was only a body that was knocked beyond recognition by the car. I can't see it. I can touch it. My husband's body, the warm body I used to rely on, has been deformed by the car. How much hatred and resentment it takes to harm my husband like this..."

"That night, I lost my husband, my children, and the cloud dream that helped me realize my dream..."

Speaking of this, when it comes to the most sad time, Zhang Anqi seems to have no emotional fluctuations, as if the most important thing in her life has been lost, which is just a very ordinary thing for her.

But it happens that in the most sad time, without any emotional expression, it can arouse people's resonance.

In particular, Zhang Anqi has a strong musical talent and is clearly a person with strong emotions. In this way, she expresses her emotions in the most peaceful way, which makes everyone's hearts stir up.

Who doesn't feel sorry for losing everything overnight, dreams, lovers and children?

If you don't want to listen to Zhang Anqi go on, I'm afraid that at this time, someone has already overturned the table and strongly asked who is so excessive and disgusting, forcing a blind man with a dream and love to such a point!

Some emotional people have even wiped tears.

Zhang Anqi's eyes were originally full of emptiness. At this time, her voice and color suddenly became cold again.

But in this sudden cooling, there is still an unspeakable sadness.

"My husband is dead and my children are gone. Of course I won't give up so easily."

"On the second day of the accident, I went to the police station with my newly aborted body. Last night, someone broke into the house for robbery and was suspected of murder, killing my husband and children."

"At that time, I didn't care. I just wanted those who hurt me to pay the price. I just wanted those who hurt my husband and children to be punished. I just wanted my dead husband and children to be comforted in heaven. I just wanted justice..."

"But no!"

"My husband and I live in a remote place with few people around. It was a snowy night. No one heard what my husband and I suffered in the house."

"Not only that, the monitoring of the section of road near my house had been destroyed as early as a few days before the accident, and no one came to repair..."

"The people who broke into my house that night, even if they had destroyed my house like that, were very premeditated and didn't leave any fingerprints in my house..."

"The road where my husband died in a car accident was also not monitored. The driver hit and ran away. Up to now, he has not found the trace of the car..."

"On that rainy night three years ago, my husband and my children lost their lives and tragically lost their lives, but I was a blind girl and an orphan girl. Without evidence, I had no way to deal with those criminals..."

"Not only that, on the second day when my husband and my children were not cold, and on the second day when I struggled to find justice for my husband and children who had just died, my painstaking work cloud dream, which I lost my husband and children, changed its name to September , he made a brilliant display at the 37th World Music Awards and let another person hold this work and enjoy the honor of nomination award. "

"Even soon after, this work was successfully awarded the world music Gold Award..."

"The people who own this work are Fu, Han and Xue..."

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