If the first time I saw Zhang Anqi, she just felt a little familiar, but I can't remember where I met her.

But when Jiang Zehan mentioned the 37th World Gold Award, she knew who the woman Jiang Zehan brought!

She didn't know what Jiang Zehan brought this woman for. She only knew that what she had done to this woman must not be known by anyone!

Especially in such a venue where people all over China are paying attention, she can't let this woman speak!

Because the bottom of her heart was too flustered, she even couldn't care that she was still exposed in front of the camera, so she wanted to rush to stop the woman.

But Jiang Zehan had stood in front of her and looked at her coldly.

Ye shuisu also came over and stood beside the blind woman, looking at Fu Hanxue coldly.

Fu Hanxue's action was blocked, and a flash of hate light flashed in his eyes.

But Jiang Zehan is tall and big. She has no possibility of surpassing him at all.

But in her eyes, ye shuisu and Jiang Zehan are reflected at the same time. Seeing Zhang Anqi behind them, she thinks of something, and the hatred in Fu Hanxue's eyes is deeper.

Conspiracy! It's all ye shuisu's conspiracy! Why didn't she find out at first?

"Ye shuisu, what do you want to do?" Fu Hanxue said to ye shuisu fiercely. For a moment, the cruelty on her face even forgot to hide.

Ye shuisu knew that Fu Hanxue was really anxious.

But she just said coldly, "miss Hanxue, what are you talking about? Why don't I know?"

Fu Hanxue's face was more cruel, but she calmed down after all.

Having seen some means of Ye shuisu and being exposed to the public, Fu Hanxue knows that she can't act rashly at this time.

He could only look for help at Fu Yiyu.

Fu Yiyu has long found something wrong with Fu Hanxue. He also knows that it is because of the strange woman brought by Jiang Zehan.

Although he doesn't know what happened, he is now standing in the same position with Fu Hanxue. Of course, he wants to help Fu Hanxue.

He stood up and said to Jiang Zehan with a smile: "this is President Jiang? I heard that you are young and have good business methods. However, this is a competition place with snow and water. If your friend wants to say something, isn't it inappropriate here?"

With that, he was about to walk over, as if he wanted to push away and do something.

However, Jiang Zehan not only refused to let Fu Yiyu come, but stopped him even more dead in front of Zhang Anqi.

Jiang Zehan gave ye shuisu a look.

After ye shuisu understood, she whispered a few words in Zhang Anqi's ear.

Zhang Anqi didn't care what the people around her said, so she spoke to the microphone: "Hello, I'm Zhang Anqi."

Zhang Anqi's voice just started. Fu Yiyu seemed to want to say something under Fu Hanxue's sign.

Ye shuisu also came to them and said to Fu Hanxue, "Fu Hanxue, now Zhang Anqi has come. Can you hide for a while or a lifetime? Everyone is watching here. It's not very good-looking. It's not good for you."

What ye shuisu said certainly has her reason.

At this time, Fu Linnan, who was originally sitting in his position, looked at the scene, got up, walked to ye shuisu, skillfully took her waist and asked, "what's the matter?"

To ye shuisu's gentle words, people nearby heard it, but it was a little cold.

Seeing Fu Linnan coming, Fu Hanxue stopped struggling.

In front of Fu Linnan, Fu Yiyu's words just don't work.

Just, what happens next?

Fu Hanxue is not sure.

She restrained her look, but still secretly swept her vicious eyes over Zhang Anqi and Jiang Zehan, and fell on ye shuisu's face. Her hate knife seemed to burst out and said, "no matter what you want to frame, you won't succeed!"

Ye shuisu hooked his lips, but his sight had swept towards Fu Linnan as if nothing, but he said to Fu Hanxue, "then wait and see!"

Zhang Anqi is blind, so she can't see what's happening in front of her.

Although her ears seemed to hear something keenly, she didn't care.

She continued to say to the microphone, "I grew up in an orphanage. I was a blind man since I was a child. Because there were no relatives around me and there were defects in my eyes, I ate a lot of bitterness."

"But even so, I have never given up the hope of my life, and what gives me hope is music."

"I like listening to music and composing music, which has been the case since I was a child. Real life will give me hardships, but the world in music has always brought me hope. Since I was a child, I have a wish that I can stand on the music stage of the world and play my music to all people in the world."

Zhang Anqi's voice is very good. It is clear that she is talking, but she speaks eloquently, just like singing.

People don't know why Zhang Anqi appeared here, but listening to her stating her life, they were inevitably attracted by Zhang Anqi's words.

However, many people are very interested in what Zhang Anqi wants to say next. Fu Hanxue doesn't want Zhang Anqi to go on, but she has no way.

Although she kept looking for some words to comfort herself and tell herself it was okay.

But her lips are still turning white.

Zhang Anqi's words continued: "my dream is great and sounds impractical, but this is actually the support I have been living."

"However, in the past, this was the only support for me to live, but after I met my husband seven years ago, my husband was another hope for me to live."

"My husband is from country B. his home is far from China. After meeting my husband, I followed my husband to emigrate to country B."

"He is very kind to me, knows cold and hot, understands all my thoughts and is considerate to me. The key is that he supports my music dream and knows all my music."

"The years I spent with my husband were my happiest days."

Zhang Anqi said that whenever she mentioned her husband and music, her whole person would become soft, and the whole person was filled with a kind of happy brilliance, which could also make people feel her happiness.

However, such brilliance soon disappeared again.

Instead, Zhang Anqi is a kind of cold sadness, just like the cold cold water in winter. Once touched, it will enter people's bones.

At this time, many people were immersed in her story.

Zhang Anqi continued: "unfortunately, it's not long. After I wrote the work called cloud dream three years ago, everything about me was ruined! Not only my music dream, but also my husband!"

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