Chapter 137 : A Scheme Within the Forest

Trigger Warning: mention of suicide, potential sexual assault, premarital sex.

Zhao Jin was from a martial arts family, so her hearing was much more acute when compared to Jiang Ruan, hence she was able to pick up on some movements. She gave Jiang Ruan a look and gestured with her hands, as she silently walked forward. Jiang Ruan indicated for Tian Zhu to stick by Zhao Jin’s side as a precaution should anything happen, while she also trailed behind.

The group put forth much effort to lighten their footsteps, and just before they got to the forest edge, they heard a coquettish female voice reprimand, “You! You’re shameless!”

Another voice immediately replied, and it was a male. The voice seemingly embodied an element of anger and chagrin. Perturbedly he stated, “You are the one who’s strange otherwise why would you undress right before me? Utterly without any sense of shame!”

Zhao Jin exchanged looks with Jiang Ruan before carefully parting the dense foliage hindering their view. What they saw were a man and a woman with their backs to them. The man seemed to be a young man who was attending today’s Golden Chrysanthemum Banquet, and going by his attire, he should be one of the aristocratic young masters. The woman was an unfamiliar stranger. Her clothing was askew and had been pulled off of her shoulders, revealing her fair skin. She cut a rather sorry figure.

“That’s Guo family’s Fifth Miss, Guo Meng, and is Assistant Minister Guo’s shu daughter.” Zhao Jin leaned close and whispered into Jiang Ruan’s ears. “Today she accompanied her elder di sister to the event.”

“You…..” That Fifth Miss Guo’ voice hitched with the sound of impending tears and misery, “You’ve both dishonoured me and spat such words at me. I, I will not be able to face anyone now, I might as well die!” So saying, she stood up and set forth in an attempt to ram her head into the tree.

The young man was so startled that he immediately stretched out his hand to grab hold of her, and was almost crushed into the tree by her forceful movement. Hurriedly he said, “There has to be some kind of misunderstanding. Our Zhao family men aren’t the kind of shameless and irresponsible people that you speak of!”

He turned around, revealing a familiar face that the people hidden behind the trees were able to recognise. He was indeed the Zhao family’s Third Young Master, Zhao Feizhou.

Zhao Feizhou was a young lad in his teens, and at the moment his face was flushed. However, his face did not indicate any guilty expression, just a harried indignation. Zhao Jin seemed to have seen through the farce and gave Jiang Ruan a nudge, “Ruan Meimei, there is something fishy about this scene.”

Jiang Ruan arched her brows because obviously there was something fishy about it. That Fifth Miss Guo had been continuously harping on the fact that Zhao Feizhou had dishonoured her, but even until now, there had been no attempt on her part to tidy her attire. If it was any young maiden from a good home, surely she would have quickly covered herself up if she had just been dishonoured. This young lady sure was something else all together; it was as if she was afraid that everyone would miss out on seeing her exposed skin. Amongst the three young masters of the Zhao family, Zhao Yi was the calm and determined one, and Zhao Yulong followed Zhao Yuan Ping’s temperament and resourcefulness. However, this Zhao Feizhou had not inherited Zhao Yuan Feng’s cunning, but had instead only inherited his father’s impetuous irritability and temper. Moreover, he was not the scheming type, therefore, if someone really wanted to plot against the Zhao family, it would be strange if they didn’t find Zhao Feizhou.

Zhao Feizhou was only about 17 or 18 years old and was at the age when he could take a wife, but this Fifth Miss Guo, who was only a shu daughter, was way out of her league if she wanted to associate with the General fu. However, should Zhao Feizhou have dishonoured her, then a marriage was unavoidable even if he didn’t want to marry. Still, he would have to marry her, and Guo Meng would have obtained what her heart desired.

It’s just that…. How could a shu daughter show such audacity? Immediately a harsh looking face appeared in Jiang Ruan’s mind.

“Third Young Master Zhao, are you thinking of shirking your responsibility?” Guo Meng began to sob, “I only intended to accompany my elder sister to attend today’s Golden Chrysanthemum Banquet, but who would have thought…..” she paused, “Third Young Master Zhao, if you’re unwilling to take responsibility, Meng’er’s entire life will be utterly ruined. Then what is there to live for, and I may as well just resolve it all by ending this life.”

Jiang Ruan surveyed the surroundings and noted a small outhouse. Such houses that were usually built within a fu’s garden were usually used to relax and while the time away, and should visitors come visiting and were worn out from strolling the gardens, they would come to this outhouse that was in the middle of the forest of peach trees to rest and have a cup of tea. However, there wasn’t a sign of any person there today, not even a maid-in-attendance. Immediately Jiang Ruan understood the situation at hand. Presently, Fifth Miss Guo was crying and wailing, thus putting the simple and honest Zhao Feizhou in a difficult position. Which also meant that it wouldn’t be long before an instigator would lead people to pass by and ‘accidentally’ happen to witness this scandalous scene.

In this way, Zhao Feizhou would not only completely lose his honour and face in the presence of these numerous noble madames and young ladies from the capital, but also the many government officials and gentlemen too. Both of the madames of the Zhao family were kind and gentle in nature, and no matter how much they would defend him (Zhao Feizhou), they would be heavily outnumbered with impossible odds. And then in front of everyone, if someone forced Zhao Feizhou to make his position clear towards this Guo Meng, Guo Meng would be able to enter the Zhao family smoothly in the future.

If Guo Meng really entered the General fu, then the Zhao family would no longer have a moment of peace. Guo Meng would definitely sow discord within the family and ultimately cause the utter destruction and extermination of the Zhaos.

If this Fifth Miss Guo were to enter the Zhao family under everyone’s watchful eyes, and all because of Zhao Feizhou’s wrongful behaviour towards her, then she would be treated like a precious crystal; one that can’t be beaten, can’t be reprimanded. Based on Zhao Guang’s temperament, without a shadow of doubt, he would be angered to the point that he would fall sick from it.

Not only would this destroy Zhao Feizhou, it would add much stress to the Zhao family. To be able to gain so much at one fell swoop, it was hard for anyone not to be highly suspicious.

Jiang Ruan collected her thoughts and asked, “What’s the background of this Fifth Miss Guo?”

Zhao Jin was slightly taken aback before she quietly replied, “Assistant Minister Guo’s Furen is very ill, and possibly won’t live past this year, and Assistant Minister Guo favours his concubine and neglects his wife. Guo Furen only has Eldest Guo Miss as the di daughter, while Fifth Miss Guo was born from the concubine. Above her is an elder brother. These pair of siblings are tyrannical and oppressive within the fu, and poor Eldest Guo Miss has to deal with them on a daily basis. Just like today, Assistant Minister Guo allowed her to attend today’s banquet, otherwise how would a shu daughter have the right to attend the Golden Chrysanthemum Banquet?”

Jiang Ruan’s eyes hooded, yet another man who favoured his concubines and neglected his wife. This Fifth Miss Guo sure had some gumption, but then…. If you have the courage to do things, you must have the courage to bear the consequences.

She reached out her hands to part the shrubbery when a stunned Zhao Jin stopped her hand, “Ruan Meimei, what are you trying to do?”

“I’ll provide Fifth Miss Guo with a witness.” Jiang Ruan smirked.

Guo Meng and Zhao Feizhou heard some movement and immediately turned around. They were stunned to see Jiang Ruan. Zhao Feizhou had not seen Jiang Ruan for over three years, and upon facing this young lady’s gaze, he had immediately recognised the exceptionally beautiful young lady in red, his own biaomei. Fifth Miss Guo had not met Jiang Ruan before and at the moment only saw an exceptionally beautiful young lady appearing before her that bore a noble and graceful bearing that she herself did not have. In that moment, there arose a feeling of envy and embarrassment within her.

The one thing that really bothered anyone born as a shu daughter was that they were considered second-class citizens and were not able to rise above their position. Guo Meng was just like Jiang Su Su- if they met anyone who could belittle them, they would instantly become hostile and consider them as a foe. As she stared at Jiang Ruan, resentment and indignation flooded her heart, “Who are you?”

“This junzhu happened to walk past, and just happened to come across a good play.” Jiang Ruan smiled.

“Junzhu?” Guo Meng was flabbergasted, the young lady before her eyes had such bearing and presence, that even her own eldest di sister would fall short before her. If she was a junzhu, wouldn’t she be…? She looked at Jiang Ruan, and immediately two trail of tears began to fall, “Begging Junzhu to make a decision on my behalf. Third Young Master Zhao has forcibly taken my innocence…..”

Jiang Ruan nodded, “Okay.”

Zhao Jin and Zhao Feizhou were stumped, the former did not know what Jiang Ruan was planning to do and the latter was very indignant. Afterall, Jiang Ruan was his own biaomei, how could she side with a total stranger?

Lu Zhu and Tian Zhu were quietly standing by. They had been with Jiang Ruan for quite some time now and they were very clear that the more Jiang Ruan was calm, the more it signified that someone was going to suffer.

Guo Meng seemed to be extremely embarrassed and covered her face as she sobbed, “I was with my sister in the garden just ahead admiring the chrysanthemums and happened to notice a butterfly. In a moment of playfulness I followed it here, but who would have thought that I would meet Third Young Master Zhao. Third Young Master Zhao and I engaged in a conversation, and then…. Then I twisted my foot and when Third Young Master Zhao supported me up, he knocked me out with some drugs, and when I woke up….” She was not able to speak further, only to burst out wailing loudly.

“That’s not what happened!” Zhao Feizhou stomped in anger, “It was you who twisted your leg and out of kindness, I supported you. Then you took your handkerchief to wipe my sweat and the next thing I knew I fainted. When I woke up, I found myself here with you insisting that I had forcefully taken your innocence when in actual fact I did no such thing!” Upon recalling this point, Zhao Feizhou became absolutely irate; now that he had time to think about it, it was almost certain that that handkerchief must have had some drugs on it.

“There is no rationale to what Third Young Master Zhao just said. It is implying that I purposely rendered you unconscious just so that you could defile my innocence. If this news were to be spread out, how would it benefit me?” Guo Meng was indeed clever and eloquent, turning to face Jiang Ruan as she emphasised, “Junzhu, you are highly principled and I am sure that you will make the right decision for me.”

Jiang Ruan knelt down and her eyes were levelled with Guo Meng. Smirking, she replied, “Okay, I will make a decision on your behalf.” Quietly she asked, “Then…. Miss Guo, did you really lose your innocence?”

This question sounded rather peculiar, and Guo Meng looked at Jiang Ruan warily. Jiang Ruan smiled at her and her gaze was like a pool of clear glossy spring water, but on a closer look it seemed to look like a black maelstrom, deep and bottomless. And should anyone seek to explore its depths, it was like a ferocious beast that was hiding in its depths just waiting to burst forth and swallow her in one go. Under such a gaze, Guo Meng could not help a feeling of guilt and immediately lowered her head as she pleaded, “Why would Junzhu ask such a question. After what has just happened, aren’t I better off dying than living?”ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

“I did not___” Zhao Feizhou wanted to say more but Zhao Jin shook her head pointedly at him.

Jiang Ruan smiled as she stood up, “Then, Miss Guo should stop crying. We will arrange to have a matron come examine Miss Guo shortly, and if you have really lost your innocence then we will have Third Young Master Zhao marry you. How’s that?”

“No way, no way, I didn’t even touch her!” Without waiting for Guo Meng to reply, Zhao Feizhou had already jumped up and retorted.

“Isn’t Junzhu bringing disgrace upon me?” A flash of panic flitted in Guo Meng’s eyes before it changed into the posture of one who had suffered a great disgrace and appeared ashamed and indignant as she voiced the question.

“That’s not really the case,” Jiang Ruan slowly responded, “It’s just that this feels very much like a misunderstanding. Since Fifth Miss Guo is adamant that you’ve been forcefully defiled of your innocence, then there definitely ought to be some staining of virgin blood. However, this junzhu has looked around the surroundings and has not noticed any red stain. Unless this is not the place that Third Young Master Zhao has taken your innocence, and he carried you over here? Wouldn’t that be overkill[1], unless it was to boast of Zhao Feizhou’s great prowess.”

[1] 画蛇添足 (huàshétiānzú) – lit. draw legs on a snake (idiom); fig. to ruin the effect by adding sth superfluous / to overdo it.

As soon as these words came out, all three people present were absolutely stupefied, and even Lu Zhu and Tian Zhu, who were used to Jiang Ruan often doing something unexpected, could not help pursing their lips.

Presently, Zhao Jin and Zhao Feizhou’s thoughts were identical; Jiang Ruan had just casually discussed such an embarrassing topic in front of them. For an unmarried girl, she was able to speak of such matters in such a forthright and open manner. Moreover, she doesn’t seem to feel any sense of embarrassment nor was she shy about it, and in fact she was so undisturbed and calm that it caused everyone to be in awe. This had completely upturned her prior image of a genteel and indifferent daughter of a noble family.

Zhao Feizhou’s face had turned scarlet, almost as if he had been knocked unconscious from Jiang Ruan’s blase flippant dialogue. When his own zumu and those aunts of his talked about Jiang Ruan, they would lavish her with praise and extol her qualities, saying that she was a model of propriety and her bearing was like someone who was brought up in those noble families. Who would have thought that her action would cause him to doubt if this was really the same well-bred biaomei that his family had spoken of.

On the other hand, Guo Meng was totally rendered speechless by what Jiang Ruan had said. No matter how she calculated, she had not anticipated that Jiang Ruan would use such forthright words to stump her. Who would have ever imagined that out of a Junzhu’s mouth the words ‘virgin blood’ would be uttered. However, virgin blood could not be faked, so if she really solicited a matron to check her, then she would have to suffer the consequences[2]. Guo Meng’s face immediately changed, and she suddenly declared, “Does Junzhu have something against me? Why do you speak in such an insulting manner?”

[2] 吃不了兜着走 (chī buliǎo dōuzhe zǒu) – lit. if you can’t eat it all, you’ll have to take it home (idiom) / fig. you’ll have to take the consequences.

Jiang Ruan’s smile was gentle, without a trace that she had taken offence from her words, but rather she softly replied, “It wasn’t meant to be insulting, it was for the sake of fairness. I can’t be biased just because Miss Guo is a female, moreover, Third Young Master Zhao cannot suffer in silence. It’s just like when one goes to the marketplace to buy something; it is expected that the person has to inspect closely if the goods are in good condition.”

She had just compared Guo Meng to a commodity. Momentarily, Guo Meng’s pallor was drained of blood. In turn, Zhao Jin covered her mouth and guffawed. This was indeed her first time watching Jiang Ruan behave in a menacing and overbearing manner. Never had she expected that Jiang Ruan could be so eloquent that she could strip down Fifth Miss Guo with just a few sentences, to the point that she could not be able to face others.

“Fifth Miss Guo does not have the proof of virgin blood, yet you want Third Young Master Zhao to take responsibility, now that is way too bizarre. Either it could be that Fifth Miss Guo is still a virgin and what had just transpired was merely a misunderstanding, or….” Jiang Ruan looked skeptically at her, “or is it that Fifth Miss Guo is no longer a virgin?”

“Pffft….” Zhao Feizhou was elated, as he felt that Jiang Ruan was just like his Second Uncle; both spoke in calm gentle manner, but in actual fact was scolding the person in a twisted way, ultimately causing the person to be confused and perplexed. So no matter how Guo Meng were to answer, she had already been set up.

Frantically, Guo Meng’s eyes turned red and she was exceptionally angry. So what if she was a shu daughter, she too had taken her pride and face to ensnare Zhao Feizhou but ultimately she was not of marriageable age. She had not expected that she could be rendered totally speechless in front of everyone by Jiang Ruan’s words and was beginning to panic. And now if she had to admit that it had all been a misunderstanding, she felt rather disgruntled. But if it was as Jiang Ruan suggested and the matter of her having lost her virginity was exposed, even if she gained an upper hand, still others would look at her differently henceforth.

In the end, Guo Meng could not remain calm, and in her frenetic moment, she asked, “Don’t tell me that Junzhu is biased towards Third Young Master Zhao because of your relations- this is too unfair. How could someone from royalty bully someone on a whim?”

Jiang Ruan snickered and laughed as her eyes shone brightly as she stated, “I never mentioned that I was a relative of Third Young Master Zhao, so how can you turn around and say as such?”

Zhao Feizhou had to restrain his expression, while Zhao Jin also ceased her laughter. Zhao Feizhou might have an honest and straightforward personality, but he was not stupid. Upon hearing Jiang Ruan highlighting this point, he immediately understood that he had been set up by someone. He had also inherited Zhao Yuan Feng’s temperament and was extremely volatile. Earlier on, he had thought it was merely a misunderstanding and had not done anything towards Fifth Miss Guo, but now fury erupted as he strode towards her, “How dare you set me up?”

“I really don’t understand what you’re implying?” Guo Meng realised that she had made a slip of the tongue so she had no choice but to persist to the bitter end. While in her heart, she was terribly upset, how could this Hong’an Junzhu be so much more troublesome and difficult to deal with compared to what the rumours had purported. Just when she had almost succeeded today, somehow because of Jiang Ruan’s manipulations, it was impossible to triumph. At this moment, she felt extreme hatred and anger.

Placidly Jiang Ruan responded, “Doesn’t Fifth Miss Guo not understand? How about I help you by explaining?”

“Ruan Meimei, what is there for you to explain?” Zhao Jin acted in concert with her.

“Fifth Miss Guo, the men from the General fu are all very outstanding and many of the capital’s young di daughters hope to be able to marry into the Zhao family. But if anyone could make use of such botched and clumsy methods to scheme, I’m afraid that the Zhou family would already be overcrowded. What I just can’t understand is where a mere shu daughter would find the audacity and gall to aspire to enter the General fu?”

Guo Meng’s heart skipped a beat as she raised her eyes to look at Jiang Ruan. She felt that this young lady wrapped within a lotus green jacket was obviously gifted with a complexion so bright like a flower in bloom, yet at the same time seemed to be shrouded in a layer of darkness that could eclipse the sun. Almost as if…. She was a mystical demoness reborn from the white bones from the depths of hell, beautiful yet terrifying.

“Junzhu, this is all a misunderstanding,” Guo Meng made a prompt decision. As a shu daughter, she had learnt within the fu how to act pragmatically[3]. Seeing that her well-laid plans were not coming to fruition, and that Jiang Ruan was no pushover, if she were to pursue any further, she would be the only person to suffer a loss. No matter how much Assistant Minister Guo doted on her- much more in comparison to the di daughter- still, if he were to find out that she had offended Hong’an Junzhu, she was sure that he would not let her off.

[3] 见风使舵 (jiàn fēng shǐ duò) – lit. see the wind and set the helm (idiom); fig. to act pragmatically / to be flexible and take advantage of the situation.

The more she thought about it, the more fearful she felt. Reluctantly Guo Meng smiled, “There seems to be a misunderstanding between Third Young Master Zhao and myself. Since the misunderstanding has been clarified there is nothing much the matter, and it was all my fault for wrongfully accusing Third Young Master Zhao. Allow me to offer my apologies to Third Young Master Zhao.”

Zhao Feizhou was somewhat annoyed. As someone from a military family, he hardly had many opportunities to come into contact with females, moreover his mother and aunts were all kind and gentle by nature, so the household was always peaceful and tranquil. There wasn’t any plotting or scheming against one another like those ladies from other fu. So now that he had encountered such a shameless person, he was utterly stunned, so much so that he was left without any words of rebuttal.

Zhao Jin also stated, “Fifth Miss Guo, this apology of yours appears to be without sincerity.”

Jiang Ruan looked towards Guo Meng saying, “You did not falsely accuse him.”

Zhao Feizhou was dumbfounded, totally unable to comprehend as he turned towards Jiang Ruan. At the same time, Guo Meng also did not understand Jiang Ruan’s meaning and could only affix her gaze on her expression.

Jiang Ruan blandly smiled, “Fifth Miss Guo, hasn’t anyone ever told you how dangerous it is to negate and run away after making a mistake?”

Guo Meng’s heart startled, intuitively sensing a bad premonition as she once again took in Jiang Ruan’s expression. With nary a care, she immediately opened her mouth to holler.

“Tian Zhu, knock her out,” Jiang Ruan instructed. As soon as the voice fell, and even before Guo Meng could let out a sound, all she saw was the maidservant who was silently standing behind Jiang Ruan leap up. Guo Meng felt darkness covering her eyes and then she saw nothing more.

Guo Meng’s body collapsed softly onto the grass. Zhao Jin knitted her brows while Zhao Feizhou asked, “You…. what do you plan to do?”

Jiang Ruan looked at the person on the ground, “In future, I won’t have much patience to come rescue you from your own foolishness. If you continue as such, the Zhao family will sooner or later be ruined by your hands.” She laughed grimly, “Tian Zhu, bring Fifth Miss Guo along to watch a play.”

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