Chapter 519: Kicking the Door

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Looking at the content of the contract and Yin Wen’s signature, the fans fell silent.

The director raised his eyebrows proudly.

He had long expected this to happen. He would rather go through a little trouble at the beginning and write this matter down in the contract in black and white so that no one could refute it.

For the sake of the contract, he found three lawyers to discuss it. In the end, it was a hundred pages as he wrote everything that could be written on it.

Yin Wen was actually not afraid. Her manager had mentioned before that there would be horror games. She was only doing this to emphasize her delicateness.

With Lu Ming as her guardian, she could just wait for him to protect her. Lu Ming thought that Yin Wen was really scared and started to search around the room to see if he could find any clues.

Yin Wen kept sobbing but her face was expressionless. The room was so dark that she could not even see her own fingers, so Lu Ming would not be able to see her face.

However, the night vision camera clearly recorded everything. Yin Wen’s crying without tears shocked everyone in the livestream.

[Yin Wen’s really good at pretending. She’s not afraid at all.] [As expected of a celebrity. She really knows how to act and lie.]

[Poor Lu Ming is still trying to save her.]

[Wenwen was scared silly, that’s why she didn’t have any expression. Don’t talk nonsense if you don’t understand.]

[That’s not the expression when one’s scared. I’m almost afraid that she’ll laugh out loud.]

[The contract’s been signed. It proves that she’s not scared of horror games at

[Yin Wen’s fans even said that she’s gentle and kind. Don’t insult these words.]

The few teams that were sent into the house were all in the same situation. The girls were locked in the prison cage and the guys were outside to rescue them. Bai Lin and Yan Ruffs three-legged walk was stopped because of this.

Yan Ruo was also looking for clues about the key, but Bai Lin did not give him a chance to save her. She raised her leg and kicked the door of the cage. The metal door did not last a third kick and collapsed before everyone in the livestream.

The director, who was looking at the monitor, opened his mouth wide. This was not how the game he designed should be played. He had envisioned the guys saving the girls like heroes, not a girl kicking down the metal gate!

Bai Lin seemed to know what the director was thinking and said to the camera, “The hero saving the damsel in distress is already outdated.”

[Lin-jie is right. This is no longer the era of the hero saving the damsel in distress.]

[Girls can save themselves too.]

[Lin-jie is so mighty and domineering. She directly kicked the door open.] [The director forgot to consider Lin-jie’s strength. This cage can’t hold her at all.]

[Lin-jie is someone who can survive in the wilderness. This cage is nothing to her.]

[Compared to her, Yin Wen’s really weak. She only knows how to cry in a cage.]

[It’s normal for girls to be afraid. Not every girl has Bai Lin’s strength.]

Through the livestream, Bai Lin was not the only one to refuse the cliche of the hero saving the damsel in distress, the other girls in the prison cages were also actively saving themselves. Ruan Jing, who was the least courageous, also tried her best to calm herself down.

Sheng Chuan knew that she was afraid, so he did not dare to stop talking for Ruan Jing to be able to hear him and feel at ease.

Bai Lin had already found the first treasure chest. She and Yan Ruo rummaged through the corridor without a care.

Although two NPCs would occasionally appear to scare them, the director told the NPCs not to get too close through the walkie-talkie as it would not be a light case if they were kicked by Bai Lin.

Therefore, it was not difficult when Bai Lin and Yan Ruo searched around. They were not like the other teams who would be scarred by the NPCs and different screams could be heard from the entire venue.

There was a note on the treasure chest, which could be seen clearly under the dim light of the corridor—”The sorrow of the red-dressed girl”.

Bai Lin took the note and said, “Let’s go. Let’s go find the NPC in red.”

Before Yan Ruo could see what was written on it, Bai Lin took him and rush away. When the director saw it, he shouted into the walkie-talkie, “All NPCs wearing red, hide well. Bai Lin’s already set off to look for you.”

The NPCs who were still wandering around instantly panicked. They had all heard that Bai Lin had kicked open the metal prison cage. If they were found, they might end up even worse than the cage.

Those who were not wearing red clothes were also fleeing in a panic. If Bai Lin saw the wrong color in such a dark place, they would also be in danger.

The NPCs were running wildly, captured by the cameras. The scene was absolutely chaotic.

The others did not know what had happened and wondered why the NPCs had suddenly disappeared.

The director was furious. He shouted through the walkie-talkie for the NPCs to go back. If they all hid, the game would not be able to go on.

Bai Lin focused to listen and said, “What’s going on? Why are all these people running around at the same time?”

Although Yan Ruo did not know what had happened, he would definitely not let Bai Lin’s words go unanswered. “Maybe it’s a necessary process for the game..”

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