The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to Be in True Love

Chapter 30 - Author: As long as you have 998, you can bring a god beast home.

Chapter 30.1 – Author: As long as you have 998, you can bring a god beast home.

Du Ze looked at the stone egg in Xiu’s hand but did not take it.

“That is for you.” Du Ze pressed on his headphones and said: “A god beast is inside.”

When Du Ze saw the egg at the auction, Du Ze’s plot-capture radar pinged – the oval-shaped stone egg is clearly the god beast egg that the protagonist found in the treasure house after he attacked Kimaris City. At that time, the protagonist realized that although the stone egg emitted a mysterious spiritual pressure, it didn’t have the slightest sign of life.

Hearing Du Ze’s words, Xiu whispered: “God beast ... Don’t you want it?”

“It belongs to you.”

Du Ze immediately said he would not covet the protagonist’s role, but at that moment he saw the disappointment in Xiu’s eyes. Is this an illusion? Xiu didn’t wait for Du Ze to investigate the illusion and continued: “What kind of god beast is inside?”

In the original text of “Mixed Blood,” the protagonist also asked his. His well-informed staff told him that inside the egg is a ...

“Fire Phoenix.”

Isn’t that freakin’ awesome?!1 When they saw the name of the god beast, all the readers trembled. In all YY novels, the Dragon and Phoenix are at the very top; one is the King of Beasts, (PS: The beasts here refer to the monster and other beasts, not the beastkin race.)2 the other is the King of Birds.

When the protagonist got the unknown god beast egg, he already had the three-headed dog Cerberus and a Nightmare Unicorn. With a Fire Phoenix and a Dragon mount in the future, this group of flashy luxury mounts is enough to blind the eyes of all onlookers. Other people can only acquire such things with great difficulty – the cute protagonist to gathering these kinds of mounts is enough to frighten people into peeing their pants.3

In order to look cool, Du Ze explained to Xiu: “To hatch it we will need Flame Crystal Soul.”

The Fire Phoenix is also called the Undead Bird. It needs to bathe in fire to be reborn. Although the egg is currently like a dead egg without the slightest ripple of life, it can hatch as long as enough flame crystals are present. When they defeated the Flame Lord, they got three pieces of Flame Crystal Souls. One was used to treat Alice. The remaining two were not enough to hatch the Fire Phoenix because the number of crystals required to hatch the Fire Phoenix is 1000.

Du Ze’s felt quite bitter. As if he saw the author right in front of him, from Du Ze’s broken heart he cried out: 998! Just 998! You can bring a beast home!4

Xiu was silent after Du Ze told him the number of crystals they would need. He called the demon sisters over and asked them to inquire about buying Flame Crystal Souls in Agares City. Violet and Alice worked quickly and got the news the next day: A businessman said he has enough Flame Crystal Souls and hoped to discuss the price with the Lord.

When Du Ze opened the door to see the green-clothed figure outside, some silly person’s brain blanked out.”

“Long time no see.” The green-clothed person smiled and patted his head with the book he always carried. “It is my pleasure to deal with you again.”

[System: You found the mystery merchant, Dan. Please select option: Attack or Do not attack.]

He remembered the time when he felt extreme despair and his body was a pitiful mass of cuts and bruises. Although Xiu later expressed confidence in him and believed him, Du Ze was unconscious for a length of time so he didn’t know what Xiu had done to get his clothes back. For this villain to carelessly appear in front of him like this ... His hands felt itchy.

Du Ze wanted to roar, but in the end, all he said was just a cool, aloof accusation: “You followed us.”

Violet, who had been the one who brought Dan to the hotel, looked uneasily at Du Ze and Dan. She sensed that the two people knew each other and had a bad relationship.

“Your excellency discreetly inquired.”5 Dan gave a little cough: “I was happy to hear about you.6 As soon as I heard what you needed, I rushed over.” His gaze shifted to Xiu, and the green-clothed demon narrowed his eyes. In a tone both certain and uncertain, he said: “I assume this is Mr. Gnome.”

After being identified by Dan, Xiu finally spoke using the same certain/uncertain tone: “How do you know?”

Very simple; because you look at that person in the same way – no, it’s even more intense and frightening than before, like a drowning man clinging to a piece of driftwood, as though he is the only thing that can save your life.

Dan smiled but did not answer. He clapped his hands and boxes fell from the void into the room. Even with the isolation effect of the boxes, a lot of fire elements leaked out.

Violet looked at the boxes, astonished. She knew that the green-clothed merchant had Flame Crystal Souls, but to see such a large number ... Only thousands of years of collecting crystals would account for this many.

Dan stood at the door and smiled, saying, “Can I come in and make a deal with you?”

“What do you want?”

Dan didn’t answer right away. Instead, he patted the boxes that almost filled the room. Like a real businessman, he described his goods: “There are 10 boxes here and each box has 100 flame crystals – your excellency can count them first ...”

“Don’t talk nonsense.” Xiu interrupted Dan’s words: “Tell me what you’re aiming for.”

“Then I’ll be very rude.” Dan looked directly across at the handsome young man with blond hair and blue eyes. That person had same beauty but had a completely different form. “I want some of your blood.”

Watching from the sidelines, Du Ze was stunned. In the original text, Dan also asked for the blood of the protagonist as his price. Even though the current plot is a mess, the people of this world will still follow the original plot. For example, Heidi still fell in love with Xiu and Dan still asked Xiu for blood.

Another example: Xiu will give his blood to Dan.

“This transaction has been very pleasant ~” Dan probably also knew that he is not welcome here, so after he collected a bottle of blood, he immediately left. Right before he turned to leave, Dan snapped a finger and a note fell into Xiu’s hand. “You can use this to contact me whenever you need something. I’ll try my best to meet your needs.”

“I look forward to our next transaction.”

Chapter 30.2 – Author: As long as you have 998, you can bring a god beast home.

After Dan left, Du Ze looked at Xiu’s still bleeding fingers and made Violet bring some medicine and gauze. The “Mixed Blood” world has a rule: all healing spells can only be used on other people, not for themselves – just as doctors can’t heal their own illnesses.

Violet brought the medicine and gauze but gave it to Du Ze, not Xiu. Du Ze looked at the blue-clothed girl as she calmly retreated, shutting the door behind her. He felt that he should just give up: in the eyes of those two lily sisters, he and Xiu are a pair of gay men!

Du Ze kept his face impassive as he knelt down in front of Xiu to treat his wounds.

F**k! The cuts are too difficult to bandage! Du Ze spread the medicine on the fingers then repeatedly wound the gauze around them. The wounds did stop bleeding, but Du Ze stared at his hideous masterpiece, silent.

Good job, Xiu’s platelets.

“It’s good.” Xiu’s voice was happy: “Next time, please help me again.”

... Are you sure you want to test your healing ability by borrowing this young man’s hands?

Du Ze woodenly cleaned up the medicine and gauze then looked at the note that Dan left. In “Mixed Blood,” it was written that if someone tears up this note, Dan will be on call. After each transaction, Dan leaves another note. The protagonist cannot read the characters written on the note.

Thinking that Du Ze was interested in it, Xiu passed the note to him. “There is something written on it but I have never seen those characters.”

It was similar to the novel. Du Ze took the note and froze.

He could understand the characters.

Like the languages of the world, he can easily read these unfamiliar characters. Du Ze even came to a funny conclusion about this ability: because he is a “reader,” he can read all the words inside “Mixed Blood.”

The note was very simple, with only one name on it: Dantalion.

Du Ze was puzzled. Demon god Dantalion? What does he have to do with Dan?

Dantalion... Dan?

WTF! What! The! F**k!

Du Ze was thunderstruck. The reader’s mood was hard to describe. He had unexpectedly uncovered a spoiler about the plot of “Mixed Blood.” A huge spoiler.

The only thought in his mind was – the true identity of Dan, the mystery merchant of “Mixed Blood” is none other than one of the 72 demon gods, Dantalion? He is a god! A living god! Du Ze had read 500 chapters of “Mixed Blood” but he didn’t find out that the author had placed a god in the middle of the reverse side of the continent!

Now there is only one sentence that can describe Du Ze’s mood: Protagonist, come out to see god!

Du Ze’s strange mood was too obvious. Xiu saw his shaken expression and became anxious. Xiu asked: “What is it?”

“Dan is – “ The demon god Dantalion.

Du Ze’s voice stopped abruptly. He opened his mouth but suddenly could not say “Dantalion.” Once again, that unseen thing or person stopped him from revealing a spoiler. The feeling of his breath suddenly being caught in his throat was very unpleasant. Du Ze breathed deeply then tried to say some less dramatic words: “... a god.”

Thankfully his voice was not stopped this time.

Xiu heard this in silence. He looked into Du Ze’s eyes with an expression that was difficult to read.

“God ...” Xiu’s voice was light, but it sounded like he was biting the word mercilessly and chewing it down. “How can a person become a god?”

Du Ze was puzzled, although Xiu will certainly become to the Supreme God in the future, Yi Ye Zhi Qiu did not specify how exactly a person can become a god. The author just kept writing about how the protagonist became stronger and stronger. So Du Ze can only give a general answer: “Become stronger.”

Then the world will naturally put the path to becoming Supreme God in front of you, because that is why this world exists.

Xiu gazed at Du Ze and nodded gently as though he was making the promise of a lifetime.

Leaving aside the topic of god, they now had 10 boxes filled with Flame Crystal Souls with unusually rich fire elements will attract many people’s attention. Xiu stuffed nine of the boxes into a space ring then he took out the stone egg and opened the remaining box. A dazzling red light suffused the room. The crystals in the box were neatly lined up. Although his motives were unknown, Dan really had brought them exactly what they needed.

Xiu placed the stone egg on the Flame Crystal Souls, and crystals began to melt at a rate visible to the unaided eye. Though the fire elements were not visible, Du Ze could feel that they were constantly being absorbed by the stone egg. Soon, all of the fire elements in the box of crystals were absorbed. Xiu picked up the stone egg that seemed to have become a little brighter and took out a second box.

By the time all 10 boxes were opened, it was the morning of the second day and the stone egg can no longer be called a stone egg; it had transformed into a golden egg. It was smooth, warm, and slightly moist to the touch. A faint movement of the life inside it could be felt.

Xiu and Du Ze watched as the egg’s outer shell cracked – “boom!” – and a golden-red light leaked out. There was a shadowy thing inside that was breaking open the egg’s shell. Du Ze was very excited: Ah! Finally that mighty, domineering god beast will emerge!

Inside the egg the shadow was struggling to break the shell. The cracks became bigger until – “snap!” – it cracked open. A silly, cute person looked on with joyful anticipation as something rolled out from the golden egg.

It was a tiny little ... Chicken.

Xiu & Du Ze: ...

The small Phoenix with a palm-sized face is covered with milky yellow hair – it cannot be called feathers, it’s more like fluff. It’s body was covered in mucus that slowly burned up and evaporated into the air so that the tiny Phoenix became fluffier. It seemed to be a little confused and lay on the ground motionless, a piece of eggshell still covering its small head.

Author, I beg you to show me the mighty domineering god beast! Ah!

When Du Ze saw the soft, cute little “Phoenix,” his heart was broken. Ye Zhi Qiu did write that when the Phoenix hatched it was just a baby, so the protagonist gave it to Alice, who had the fire elemental affinity, to raise. However, the reader did not think that the Phoenix was this young and small – this is just a chick!

Xiu walked over to it and took off the eggshell on its head, exposing a pair of sparkling eyes. Du Ze doesn’t know if it’s a coincidence or not, but Xiu was standing behind it so the first thing that the chick saw was Du Ze. The little thing began to tremble and it’s pale yellow fluff stood up. Even so, it still raised its head and stared at Du Ze, making a tender cry: “Chirp.”

Shamelessly acting cute! And, baby, you have mistaken your master!

Seeing that the cold-faced Du Ze did not respond, the chick flapped its tiny wings and stood up. It stretched its wings out completely but its chubby body was not proportional to its small claws so instead of walking to Du Ze, it rolled over instead.

Du Ze watched the hairball approaching, shaking its baby fuzz: “Chirp, chirp, and chirp.”

Chick, you’re shaking! This young man knows you’re scared, so don’t come near me!

When it saw that Du Ze was about to go away, the chick threw itself forward fiercely and hugged Du Ze’s right foot: “Chirp!”

Chick Complex1vs Reader Deterrence – Chick Complex victory, Long live “Mother” ~

Du Ze looked blankly at Xiu: “Take it.”

This is your family’s pet, but it looks a little bit bad.

“It likes you.” Xiu looked at the trembling little Phoenix on Du Ze’s feet and smiled: “You can raise it first.”

Xiu did not wait for Du Ze to reply. Looking outside of the window at the white sky, he said: “It’s very late. Rest.”

In the candlelight, Xiu’s smile was blurry.

“When we get up, let’s get ready to go back to the Chaos Continent.”

fire phoenix

Du Ze with the little chick~


Rachel looked at the bones in her hand. It was cracked and blackened. Only explosions or lightning could cause such a fracture. She glanced at the bottom of the sea of the undead souls where the only thing that could be seen were bones. All traces were covered and the only thing that could be sensed was the rich atmosphere of the dead.

“What are the main cities around here?”

Hearing Rachel’s question, the black-clothed demon looked at a map.

“My lord, near this place are Ose City, Valac City, Andrealphus City, Belial City, and Andromalius City.”

“Search them.”

Rachel looked at the purple sky and her voice was like a sigh.

“Lord Bael, is that you?”



This person always thinks all good things belongs to him: the powerful artifact is his, the beautiful woman is his, the mighty God Beast is his ... The whole world is his.

In this way, take it for granted,2 without asking for it.

It belongs to you.

What about you?

– [black box]


The author has something to say:

Author: As long as you have 998, you can bring a God-beast (Phoenix) home.

Reader: (Silently pulls out his wallet)

Author: As long as you have 998, you can take a God (Reader) home.

Protagonist: (Silently pulls out his wallet)

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