Chapter 13: A Rare Medical Condition?!

"Wow... its even better in real life."

Kaisen's jaw practically hit the ground as he took in the bustling Hero Square.

His eyes lit up at the sight of all the shops and buildings stretching out before him, with a white castle faintly visible in the distance.

The entire area was protected by a massive wall that surrounded everything.

The square was buzzing with life. Markets and small vendors lined the streets, offering all sorts of goods and trinkets.

Kids ran around, playing and shouting joyfully, while groups of adventurers swapped stories about their latest quests.

Blacksmiths hammered away at their anvils, shaping swords and armor for eager customers.

There were plenty of taverns, inns, restaurants, and shops selling weapons and magic items.

It felt like the heart of the kingdom, where heroes gathered and epic adventures began—this was the one and only Hero Square!

"Finally, Alice-san, we are here."

Llyod grinned as he hugged Alice, who returned his smile. The sight of Llyod's happy face made Alice forget her worries for a moment.

"Yes, Llyod-san. We're finally here!"

Alice agreed, looking around the bustling square.

"Now, let's find an inn and something to eat. Shall we?"

Kaisen suggested, his eyes scanning the crowd of women around them - some with big busts, others with slender bodies, blonde hair and brunettes, elves and beastmen.

'Yes. Lets find something to eat indeed.'

"Yes, I'm starving."

Alice-san agreed eagerly.

The trio walked toward the gates of the wall surrounding the capital city, where guards and a knight were stationed to check those wanting to enter.

As they approached, the knight spoke up:

"Ah, adventurers from afar, are ya?"

The knight smirked, eyeing them up and down.

"We've been seeing a lot of your type lately. But hey, with a beautiful mage like her, a handsome warrior like you, and... well, an average rogue like you," he gestured towards Kaisen, "we'll make an exception."

Kaisen bristled at the comment and was about to snap back, but Llyod and Alice intervened.

"It's just a joke, Kaisen. Let's not make a big deal out of it."

Llyod said, giving his friend a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

"Yeah, Kaisen-kun. Don't let it bother you."

Alice added, trying to smooth things over.

"Tsk. Tsk." ƒгeeweɓn૦

Kaisen clicked his tongue in annoyance, letting the comment slide as he listened to the conversation between Llyod and the knight.

He hadn't encountered this NPC before, but he could tell that the knight was an important figure in the ranks.

"Say, have other player--adventures from far away already arrived here?" Llyod asked the guard.

"Oh yes, handsome adventurer. Many of them have already arrived."

The knight replied with a nod.

"But they don't seem too interested in the quests. They're just wandering around, trying to flirt with the women or charm the blacksmiths. I don't get it. Shouldn't adventurers be focused on completing quests and advancing?"

The knight shook his head in disappointment, puzzled by the aimless behavior of the other adventurers.

Kaisen, on the other hand, found the knight's words amusing and relatable, as he had similar intentions himself.

Alice approached the guard and explained their situation.

"Yes, sir knight. We're here to complete the quests. But we're too tired from the journey and fighting the Morning Fox took a lot out of us. Can we enter?"

The guard's expression changed to one of astonishment.

"Morning Fox? In the mountain? You defeated the Morning Fox? You beautiful mage and handsome warrior are too strong. Come on, come on. Let me show you to the inn you're staying at tonight. It's courtesy of her majesty Roslyn herself."

Alice smiled in response, while Llyod nodded in agreement, grateful for the special treatment.

"Yo, Kaisen, you coming or what?"

Llyod called out, not even bothering to look back at the so-called average rogue.

Kaisen was still steaming over the knight's snarky comment.

Sure, he hadn't done much in the fight, but that didn't mean the knight had the right to diss him like that.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming."

Kaisen grumbled, following the others with a bit of a huff.

He muttered under his breath about needing to show these NPCs how cool he really was.

The knight led them to the inn and gave them a quick tour, pointing out the cozy rooms where they could rest.

If they were in the mood for a drink, he added, the tavern was just downstairs.

The other players had already made themselves comfortable, chatting with the NPCs and having a good time.

But the group was too exhausted to join in the festivities, especially since it was already late at night.

They headed upstairs to their rooms, ready for a long, hot shower and a hearty meal of honey pork and bread.

As they ate, they couldn't shake the feeling of eyes watching them—maybe some were assessing their abilities, or perhaps others were simply captivated by Alice's appearance.

Three separate rooms for the three adventurers.

Llyod thought about asking Alice to share a room with him, but he decided not to push his luck this time.

They were given fresh clothes, which was a welcome relief after a long day.

Alice looked stunning in a long dark green skirt and a white blouse that hugged her curves in all the right places. This was her standard outfit for the rest of the time she stays here unless she buys another pair herself.

There was additional night dresses provided by the inn that was also the courtesy of the Queen herself.

Llyod and Kaisen got basic trousers and shirts, nothing fancy, but comfortable enough for a good night's rest.

The night had already fallen, and the tavern downstairs was bustling with noise and energy.

They could hear the lively chatter, laughter, and even some shouting from the NPCs and players enjoying themselves.

"Well, I'll turn in for the night."

Said Llyod, and Alice smiled and pecked him on the cheek.

"Goodnight, Llyod-san," she said softly.

"Goodnight, Llyod."

Kaisen chimed in.

He walked into his room, planning to call it a night, but as soon as he closed the door, a system alert popped up.

[Main quest: Lose virginity]

[Reward: 100 lust points.]

[Description: Lose your virginity tonight to earn an additional 4x lust points.]

'Holy fuck! 400 lust points?! That means 4 fucking levels.'

He rushed to open the door, causing Alice to stop in her tracks just as she was about to close hers.

"Something wrong, Kaisen-kun?"

She asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Alice-san, there's something I need to tell you. It's a secret even Llyod doesn't know."

He said, trying to act all innocent. Alice's expression showed she was curious but cautious.

"Okay, Kaisen-kun. Come inside."

Alice agreed and opened her door wider.

He followed her into the room. She sat on the bed and gestured for him to sit beside her, which he did.

"So, what is it you wanna tell me, Kaisen-kun?"

She asked, her eyes filled with concern.

"The truth is, I've a medical condition, Alice-san. Something I haven't told anyone about because I'm honestly embarrassed to even say it."

He said, acting a bit awkward.

"Kaisen-kun, you can trust me. Your secret will be safe with me."

She assured him, placing a comforting hand on top of his.

"I know, Alice-san. And that's why I decided to come to you and not Llyod. I know you're kind and supportive, and beautiful and hot too. But that's beside the point."

He added, trying to lighten the mood.


She blushed, feeling a bit flustered by the compliment.

"The truth is, I...uh...sleepwalk. Yeah, that's the truth. I sleepwalk at night and I don't even know it until I wake up in corridors and lawns. It''s a medical condition I have. It's embarrassing, Alice-san."

He explained, looking very sad and depressed like this was the end of the world.

If there was an award ceremony in this world, he would've gotten the best actor award without a doubt.

"Oh, Kaisen-kun, I didn't know."

She seemed genuinely concerned as she looked at him, who was avoiding direct eye contact, casting quick glances at her to gauge her reaction.

He needed her to believe his story, and it seemed to be working.

"It's embarrassing and frightening to think that I could sleepwalk here and people might see me like that. So, Alice-san, I have a request for you. Can...can you keep an eye on me tonight? I don't want others to see me sleepwalking and make fun of me."

He said, sounding anxious. She nodded, determination flaring up in her eyes.

"Anything, Kaisen-kun, anything. What do you want me to do?"

'So naive.'

"Nothing too crazy, Alice-san. Just keep an ear out for weird footsteps or loud thumps in the night. If you find me walking around, just guide me back to my bed. But whatever you do, don't wake me up, okay?"

"Alright, Kaisen-kun. But why can't I wake you up?"

Alice asked, a hint of worry in her voice.

"It's because my doctor told me waking me up can be risky. I might end up dead if I'm suddenly startled awake. That's why I came to you. I trust you, Alice-san.

Kaisen said, trying to keep his tone serious.

"Of course, Kaisen-kun. I'll help you out if anything happens, so don't worry."

Alice reassured him with a kind smile.

"Thank you, Alice-san. You're a lifesaver. Oh, and by the way, whatever happens, even if the world is ending or even if we are under attack, just don't wake me up, okay?"

He emphasized, trying to sound sincere.

"That sounds pretty dangerous for you, Kaisen-kun. But don't worry, I won't wake you up no matter what happens, even if everything goes to chaos."

Alice nodded.

"Now go and get some sleep. I'll keep an eye on you, so don't worry about it."

"Thanks, Alice-san. Goodnight."

Kaisen said as he stood up and gave her a small wave.

"Goodnight, Kaisen-kun."

Kaisen left her room and closed the door behind him, feeling satisfied with how the conversation went.

'Somebody's girlfriend is gonna come with me to the pound town tonight. He, He, He.'


The night settled into a deep silence, and Alice was suddenly startled awake by the sound of heavy thumping coming from the corridor outside.

Her heart raced as she listened intently, the rhythmic pounding echoing through the stillness of the inn.

"What the fuck..."

Alice murmured to herself, her mind racing with questions.

But then, as the footsteps grew closer and the thumping against the walls became more frantic, a chilling realization dawned on her.

"Wait... could it be... Kaisen-kun?"

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