The Queen's Rise to the Top

Chapter 476: A Speech by a Freshman Representative

Chapter 476

Nan XiangWan and four other people walked into the National Defense University gate at 11:15 p.m. As soon as they entered, they took off their disguises. It was too hot to cover their faces in the middle of summer.

The guard Teng ShiHai at the security booth recorded the time when the five people arrived and handed out their waist bags containing personal belongings, then continued to wait as 27 people had not yet returned. He needed to record them one by one before submitting the report to Commander Guan Fei.

Guan Fei would assess and score the 27 people based on their mission completion rate and time efficiency, and there would be a series of subsequent reviews.

But that was for later. Nan XiangWan separated from the others and headed to the official departments to report.

On the surface, she had enrolled in the Music Department of the College of Liberal Arts. The others were also in different departments. The Special Forces Department was a special, undisclosed department that could not be searched, and all the students in the Special Forces Department would be assigned another department as a cover.

At 11:30, the registration office for new students in the Music Department of the College of Liberal Arts was busy with several senior students.

From afar, they saw Nan XiangWan running over alone, with only a waist bag around her waist.

The seniors' eyes lit up as they immediately stood up to welcome her.

The female seniors were even more excited, some were shy with flushed cheeks.

The registration process went very smoothly. Although the seniors were military personnel, they were still very welcoming to a capable celebrity who could pass strict political screening to become their schoolmate.

Nan XiangWan instantly became the darling. She received the enrollment documents and materials prepared in advance by the seniors, as well as her student ID card and campus card, all neatly organized in a file bag.

There was even a faint fragrance left by one of the female seniors.

A female senior personally led her to the dormitory building, introducing the school's rules and regulations along the way.

Senior sister: "I'll take you to get bed sheets, quilts, and military uniforms. You can pay with your campus card online. The login for the National Defense University website is your name, and the password is your birthday plus the last four digits of your ID number."

Nan XiangWan took note of everything very carefully.

The senior sister was especially enthusiastic. After taking her to the destination, she also helped pick up the bedding and uniforms.

In addition to the necessary dormitory supplies, there were a total of seven military uniforms, including dress uniforms and seasonal service uniforms, military overcoats, etc.

It was Nan XiangWan's first time learning that military uniforms were divided into so many types, and different clothes should be worn for different occasions. For daily training, camouflage uniforms or service uniforms were worn, but for the freshman assembly at 2 pm this afternoon, dress uniforms with military caps must be worn.

The senior sister helped carry everything along the way, and saw Nan XiangWan off at her dorm room, encouraging her before leaving: "Do your best!"

Nan XiangWan: "Yes senior sister! I will work hard!"

The senior sister left with a smile, blushing cheeks, and got Nan XiangWan's WeChat - she was really happy. 𝔣𝖗𝔢𝔢𝔴𝖊𝖇𝖓𝔬𝔳𝖊𝔩.𝔠𝔬𝖒

After simply tidying up her bunk in the dorm room, Nan XiangWan compared it to the process at the College of Liberal Arts. The procedures at the Special Forces Department on the 3rd were so casual - they didn't even provide bed sheets.

Just imagine, that night she directly slept on the wooden boards with nothing to cover her. She guessed it was the same for the others.

With her campus card, Nan XiangWan quickly went online to top up her balance, then went to take a hot shower in the bathroom.

Finally she could take a hot shower!

After freshening up, she put on the dress uniform and military cap, turning left and right to check herself out in the mirror.

So handsome!

She looked so cool in the military uniform!

By now it was almost 2 pm. Nan XiangWan brought her phone and hurried to the auditorium for the freshman assembly.

The spacious auditorium was already filled with people, but it was not noisy at all. The military personnel were disciplined, sitting upright in their uniforms, silently waiting for the freshman assembly to start.

Entering the auditorium, Nan XiangWan saw several of her comrades from the Special Forces Department sitting in different places, blending in among the students from various departments.

Just as she was about to find a seat, a senior sister pulled her away.

The senior sister was anxious: "Nan XiangWan, why did you come so late?"

Nan XiangWan: "???"

Senior sister: "Where's your speech draft? Did you come empty-handed?"

Nan XiangWan: "???"

Senior sister: "Hurry backstage and get ready. The principal will finish speaking soon and then it'll be your turn to go on stage for your speech!"

Nan XiangWan: "!!!"

In shock, she was brought backstage. She was dumbfounded.

She was told that as the freshman representative of the National Defense University class of 2021, she had to go on stage and give a speech!

Damn, why didn't anyone tell her?

She didn't prepare a speech at all!

At that moment, in the front row of the VIP seats below, Guan Fei was playing with a piece of paper in his hand. On it clearly read the notice appointing Nan XiangWan as the freshman representative to give a speech.

Next to him, Vice Principal Zuo Zhiye leaned over for a look and said: "Isn't it too harsh of you to put her on the spot like this without telling her family?"

Guan Fei's smile froze: "Are you ratting me out?"

Zuo Zhiye: "I wouldn't go that far."

Guan Fei: "This is her personal assessment. If she can't think on her feet, how can she be a special forces soldier?"

Zuo Zhiye shook his head: "As expected of the most demanding head of the Special Forces Department in history. Do your graduated students ever come back to beat you up?"

Guan Fei sneered coldly: "I'd like to see them try."

In the left rear section of the auditorium, among the new students of the National Defense Research Academy sat Nan ChaoYang in military uniform.

He sat upright, nervous and proud. The military academy was indeed very different from other universities.

Just look at the wide variety of military uniforms before his eyes, it was so impressive!

Nan ChaoYang's sense of glory kept rising, almost bringing him to tears of excitement.

Unfortunately everyone around sat straight and no one was on their phones, so he didn't dare take photos.

Otherwise it would've been great to post on Moments and show off a bit!

Just as he sat there with pride on his face, he suddenly saw a familiar figure in the corner of the backstage ahead - staring blankly at the ceiling of the auditorium.

Nan ChaoYang almost cried out!

Damn, what was his sister doing here?

And she was wearing a military uniform!

Nan ChaoYang rubbed his eyes, thinking he was seeing things. He looked again carefully.

It really was Nan XiangWan!


Nan ChaoYang was desperate to jump up right away and get to the bottom of this, but no, he was a soldier now. He could not cause a ruckus.

But he was very anxious and kept craning his neck to look.

Mentally he kept shouting - Sister, sister look this way!

What are you doing here, sister? Did you get the wrong school, sister?

Whether it was twin telepathy or not, Nan XiangWan finally looked away from the ceiling and turned her head in Nan ChaoYang's direction.

Then her eyes lit up!

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