The Queen's Rise to the Top

Chapter 278: Until the Barrage Goes Away

Chapter 278

The accompaniment sounded for 20 seconds, and Wu Sisi started singing.

It started with an extremely difficult technical showoff segment!

The high notes were so high that they made people involuntarily open their eyes wide. As expected of a two-time Golden Melody Awards winner.


However, weren't these high notes too long?

A full minute of high notes, taking a breath in between, very impressive but.

Was it just nonstop high notes without any other content?

The live audience and online viewers started looking at the lower left corner of the screen to see what song she was singing.

Upon looking, it turned out to be an adaptation of the original song.

The original song was only three minutes and some seconds total. Skipping the 20 second intro, and the minute long high note showoff segment.

Would she only sing the minute and a half of remaining content?

After the high note showcase ended, Wu Sisi suddenly shifted the microphone to the corner of her mouth.

Then, she started brewing emotion, singing the first line of lyrics.

The audience below gave accompanying applause.

But the viewers watching the livestream had differing opinions.

Comments -

:Sorry! No offense intended to the senior artist! But that bloody big mouth is a bit creepy!

:Agree with above, the lipstick too thick? Especially with the white clothes and black long hair, slightly disturbing!


:Can't feel any sense of grief, blatant showing off is unnecessary.

:Looks to be in a lot of pain while singing, is it tiring?

:Was trying to express grief, but overacting makes it seem contorted, like a mask of agony!

:Let's not overcriticize, everyone. Bear the exclusive fan titles of various fan groups, need to give some face!

:Alright! Go Wu Sisi!


At three minutes and ten seconds, Wu Sisi finished singing the whole song.

Applause sounded from below the stage as she cocked a brow and walked off the stage with confident strides.

In terms of technique, she was the best!

Wu Sisi had this confidence, high notes were her specialty.

At this time, Guan Liangzhe went on stage to draw lots: "Wow! Our Wu Sisi is so gorgeous! My eyes were glued to her!"

Wu Sisi responded with a smile below the stage. The camera obligingly gave her a close up.

It was originally meant to capture her grace and elegance.

But the smear of red lipstick on Wu Sisi's face flashed under the ghastly white stage lights, nearly scaring a number of livestream viewers to tears.

Heavens forbid, never wear white clothes with red lips under bright lights, too horrifying!

Guan Liangzhe was also frightened, mainly recalling unpleasant experiences from last week.

So he quickly changed the subject: "Alright, let us spin the display and contestant number 3 is——"


The scrolling text on the big screen froze, three words.

Amidst applause, Guan Liangzhe announced: "Let us welcome! Nan Xiangwan!"


Comments instantly erupted like a tidal wave, densely stacked atop each other, so numerous the video was invisible, only the floating words could be seen.

Those watching the stream could only reluctantly turn off comments temporarily due to the overwhelming volume from Nan Xiangwan's popularity.

Wu Sisi frowned unsatisfied below the stage.

She didn't know if it was her imagination, but she felt the applause when Nan Xiangwan appeared was louder than when she did.

The stage lights were pitch black.

A warm glow shone down after Nan Xiangwan stood in place.

Instantly, everyone present subconsciously quieted their breathing.

Under the dim warm lights, Nan Xiangwan wore black pants and a red silk shirt.

The long sleeve cuffs were rolled up to her forearms, revealing a slender wrist and fingers with prominent knuckles.

Her hair was platinum blonde, an extremely faint shade.

Only those with exceptional looks and skin tone could pull off that hair color.

The black and red contrast, together with the slightly retro style, made her outfit extraordinarily eye catching.

Yet all this only magnified Nan Xiangwan's flawless beauty!

As soon as she appeared on screen, applause broke out below the stage once more.

Simple pants and shirt, but why did she look so gorgeous?

It gave off a high class retro vibe!

As for the livestream, confessions of love for Nan Xiangwan in the comments soared beyond count.

The red was also different.

Wu Sisi's red was excessive. The white dress under bright stage lights made her look somewhat glaring.

Here, Nan Xiangwan's black pants and platinum blonde hair were foils to the red silk top. Choosing warm stage lights that continuously honed the smooth shine of the silk.

The disparity in stylists was clear!

The initial contrasting impressions also caused Nan Xiangwan's score to rise while Wu Sisi's fell.

At this time, the accompaniment sounded.

The bottom left corner of the screen also displayed a line of text.

"Twilight" - Original: Zhou Chuanxiong

The melancholic prelude of the piano accompaniment instantly evoked the feeling of the entire song.

Sorrow upon sorrow all contained within.

The key atmosphere of the prelude was grievous. Nan Xiangwan quietly stood, basking in the warm stage lights.

This song had no choreography or adaptation. One, there was no time, two, there was no need.

Not until 29 seconds did Nan Xiangwan raise the microphone.

Her unique vocal texture contained a hint of slight hoarseness.

[After going through the entire summer]

[Sadness has not gotten any better]


Applause already sounded after the first verse.

No excessive polish, just quietly singing.

Moreover, no adaptations were made to the original. Letting this song show in its original form.

So many years......

This was an old song released in 2000. After over twenty years of time immersion, replaced by generation after generation of eras.

Yet listening now, it was still so amazing, still such a classic!

Nan Xiangwan's voice continued:

[Can't finish singing this song]

[Exhaustion leaving dark eye rings]

Her voice was low and bewitching. The trailing notes contained not a speck of impurities.

The three hundred musicians all subtly reacted, as if able to feel the pain in this song, the helplessness against illness, the reluctance to part with life and death.

[Still remember your goodbye as firm as iron]

[Feeling scalded in the gloom]

As she sang these lyrics, the warm stage lights swept over the shiny red silk shirt, reflecting a hint of antique gold red.

Echoing the line 'scalded'!

Some excessively immersed musicians already unconsciously raised their hands to shield their eyes, unable to watch.

Singing the climax, Nan Xiangwan enunciated clearly. Her low to mid range vocals gradually became melodious.

She did not make any painful expressions, only sang with her head bowed.

It was helplessness and sighing.

This demeanor, strongly swayed by the intense lyric emotions, was like calm seas masking raging undercurrents.

The feeling was heart wrenchingly painful!

Some in the audience already started crying......

The livestream comments also drastically dropped in quantity, with only one or two drifting by in the end.

Behind the scenes, Zhang Rui anxiously glanced at the data and discovered the numbers had not decreased, instead madly increasing!

Just one or two comments was an unprecedented low, yet the online count continued soaring?

How bizarre!

A staff member next to him wiped tears and said: "Director Zhang, you should just listen to the song!"

Zhang Rui: "......"

The disappearance of comments was not due to lack of fans or data errors.

The influx of new viewers was genuine. The reason for lack of comments was simple.

They had cried listening to the song!

Extreme grief could short circuit people's brains, suddenly unable to cope and react otherwise.

The lighting was in place, the costume was in place, the vocals were in place.

The ambience of grief was too strong!


On stage, Nan Xiangwan was singing the last verse.

[The horizon at dusk]

[Severing joy and bliss]

[Love already disintegrated]

The entire 5 minute 44 second song finished. Nan Xiangwan completed the final trailing note, and the three hundred musicians below collectively stood and applauded!

Many were dabbing tear tracks. Such was the charm of music!

No need for flashy technical stunts or excessive flourish.

Most important were emotions, plucking at heartstrings!

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