Chapter 107

After finishing her evening boxing practice, Nan XiangWan had just enough time for a quick shower to wash off the sweat.

But when she walked into the bathroom, she froze - she hadn't brought a change of clothes.

Just then, a hand reached out next to her, handing her a set of workout clothes.

Gu Beihuai said, "Mine, clean, might be a bit big."

He had originally brought them for his own morning exercise routine. Of course, now with the wounds on his arms, it wasn't suitable for him to exercise as it could tear them open.

So it worked out conveniently for Nan XiangWan.

"Thanks!" Nan XiangWan took the clothes and went into the bathroom to shower.

Gu Beihuai quietly stood outside the door until he heard the sound of the shower starting before leaving.

His eyes were deep and profound.

Little girl, how much longer before you grow up?

20 minutes later.

Nan XiangWan emerged, tousling her half-dried hair. Downstairs, Teacher Huang Shi was already calling her for breakfast!

When she got to the courtyard, she saw Yun Shi hiding far away, using his huge white body to block her.

Nan XiangWan shot the dog a glare before jogging over to the pavilion in the yard.

Huang Shi had prepared an extremely abundant breakfast, laying out all the various pickled snacks he had made himself.

There was also a large pile of zongzi and assorted grains, filling up the whole table!

He was determined to make sure Nan XiangWan ate well and ate her fill!

At this time, Gu Beihuai was already sitting at the table, still wearing those gold-rimmed glasses.

Hearing the sound of footsteps running over, Huang Shi smiled and turned his head.

But when he saw what Nan XiangWan was wearing, the smile froze on his face.

Huang Shi's neck swiveled quickly as he stared at Gu Beihuai.

His whole face spelled out two words: Shocked!

Gu Beihuai glanced up at him, said nothing, and lowered his head to eat the assorted grains.

The steamed yam was pretty tasty, so he passed one to Nan XiangWan.

Nan XiangWan sat down and started eating.

After staring wide-eyed for a while, Huang Shi also didn't ask or say anything, just lowered his head to eat.

But at this moment, the livestream viewers exploded!


- What's with Nan XiangWan's clothes? Why are the sleeves and pant legs rolled up so high?

- XiaoWan's clothes are way too big! They don't fit at all!

- Clearly not her own...

- Yesterday when Nan XiangWan arrived, she didn't bring anything, only Gu Beihuai brought two boxes of things and a bag. The boxes were supplements for Huang Shi, and the bag contained Gu Beihuai's personal items!

- Yes, Gu Beihuai brings a change of clothes and towel with him wherever he goes, old fans all know this!

- Especially workout clothes, for his daily training routines! Since they're worn close to the skin, he's very particular about them!

- Gu Ge has a bad habit of liking expensive, comfortable custom royal workout clothes!

- Gu Beihuai's morning exercise outfits are all custom-made by the royal tailors of a certain country, each set is hand-cut and sewn, and there are no repeats! In other words, completely one-of-a-kind in the world!

- Did you guys see the royal insignia?

- Saw it! Super obvious!

- What are you all talking about? Gu Beihuai is a celeb, and it seems like he has quite the background, is it not normal for him to wear nice clothes? He used his own money to buy them, what's the issue??? I'm not a fan, what are you all saying???

- I'm also confused, am I just too old? What are the earlier comments analyzing so intensely?

- As a shared passerby fan, let me strongly explain - Gu Ge gave his own clothes for Nan XiangWan to wear [doge.jpg]

- You there, shut up!!!

- Everyone be quiet! Don't say anything! It's overthinking! Overthinking!

- Can we be normal about this? Isn't Gu Ge also about 25?

- Shut up! Ahhhhhh!

- Heh! This brick ain't worried at all, Nan XiangWan is silly, even if you guys have ideas, our XiaoWan won't get it!

- XiaoWan won't get it! Won't get it!

- XiaoWan got royal custom clothes for free! That's all, thanks!

- Alright, got it, hahahaha! Sudden auntie laughter from the 30+ old folks...


After eating breakfast.

Huang Shi went to wash dishes.

Originally Nan XiangWan wanted to help.

Huang Shi: "Little kids shouldn't do housework, go play."

Okay then, Nan XiangWan went back to the pavilion in the yard to rest.

With his injuries, Gu Beihuai naturally sat there as well.

He drank tea and read a book, the lenses of his gold-rimmed glasses were polished shiny, reflecting the dazzling sunlight.

Nan XiangWan watched him for a while, then gazed out at the distant mountains and sea.

Her fingers lightly tapped the table, humming a melody in fits and starts.

Next to her, Gu Beihuai put down his book and got up.

When he came back out, he handed Nan XiangWan a stack of paper and a pen.

Nan XiangWan's eyes lit up as she took them!

She immediately started swiftly writing music notation on the paper.

Gu Beihuai picked his book back up, but could no longer focus on reading it.

His mind was filled with the melody Nan XiangWan had just hummed!

Little girl...

Are you a genius?

Originally, Nan XiangWan had scoffed at the Gaming System's Songwriting and Lyric Writing specializations. But at this moment,

she was suddenly very excited!

Because she discovered that the beauty and happiness she had encountered could be recorded this way, transformed into music to let others know her state of mind.

Thank you, Gaming System!

The purpose of this skill became apparent in this moment.

It turned into an inborn talent imprinted in her mind, then expressed in a more intuitive way!

Composing music was not such a simple matter, there was still a long process from melody to finished song.

This was the first time Nan XiangWan tried creating something herself, and she was fully immersed in it the whole morning.

Page after page of discarded drafts covered the table, crowding the entire ten-person table!

In the middle, Gu Beihuai even got up to give her more space.

When Huang Shi finished his chores and came back to see this scene, he silently kept his mouth shut.

One must never disturb an artist deep in the creative process!

However, he truly looked forward to what kind of song Nan XiangWan would compose after yesterday's thrilling battle and experiencing the extremes.

Finally, nearing lunch time.

Nan XiangWan stopped her near-frenzied creative burst, raising her slightly sore wrists to massage them.

In front of her on the paper was the complete lyrics and melody.

Very quickly, she frowned again, having hit another roadblock.

Gu Beihuai looked at her: "Don't know how to arrange it?"

Nan XiangWan raised her head, eyes a little lost and innocent.

Nan XiangWan: "Don't know how."

Gu Beihuai: "I can do it, do you need help?"

Nan XiangWan nodded furiously: "Mm!"

Gu Beihuai smiled. He took off his gold-rimmed glasses, revealing his deep eyes.

He got up and bent over.

Picking up the sheet of paper in front of Nan XiangWan.

He carefully and meticulously folded it up and put it away.

The entire process was gentle and seemed to want to protect the little girl's creative inspiration and everything, preventing it from being damaged.

Now wasn't a good time to prematurely reveal it on the livestream. Earlier when Nan XiangWan was scribbling away, the cameraman had wanted to go up and take a close-up shot.

But was stopped by both Huang Shi and Gu Beihuai.

Nan XiangWan wasn't just a new idol, she was also a singer-songwriter!

No matter how good or bad a singer's song was, the essence of the creative process could not be revealed prematurely!

However, Gu Beihuai had already seen the lyrics and song title on the paper.

"Saturated Field"

The saturated field, where the phoenix chick eats, and heavenly dew is drank.

The smile in Gu Beihuai's eyes grew even more obvious. Drawing inspiration from the Classic of Mountains and Seas?

After spending a night in the mountains and wilderness, she had this realization?

Little girl, you're pretty impressive!

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