The Queen's Rise to the Top

Chapter 101: Wild Boar Rushes to Village

Chapter 101

This incident had a serious impact. The livestream viewers were very engaged due to the relationship between Gu Beihuai and Nan Xiangwan, with many people watching.

The relevant authorities have taken notice. Foreign species invasion!

Major event!

In addition, public welfare campaigns about "Don't Release Captive Animals Blindly" were also launched on Weibo, trending on hot search. Some official verified accounts also reposted the video of Gu Beihuai talking about this during the show, adding more authoritative and educational captions.

In short, higher authorities are paying close attention to this incident!

"Nan Xiangwan Hanging Upside Down from a Tree to Whip a Snake" also trended on hot search, though one spot below the public welfare topic.

Serious matters take precedence, and the silly funny video rightly gave way.

Fans were also very understanding, pushing both trends upward.

But most still supported the educational campaign!

Nan Xiangwan doesn't care about online debates here. She happily carries the snake to the kitchen.

The meteorite avoids her when it sees the snake. It's afraid of snakes.

Huang Shi takes the snake from Nan Xiangwan and starts preparing it on the spot.

The little girl insists on eating snake tonight!

Huang Shi has no choice but to cook it!

But he finally understands why Gu Beihuai is so fond of this little girl. Nan Xiangwan really is endearing.

Nan Xiangwan squats nearby, watching Huang Shi prepare the snake, saliva dripping.

Just then, her phone rings.

Seeing it's her mom calling, she goes outside to take the call.

The villagers are still gathered outside the yard!

Gu Beihuai is giving the villagers some educational tips, teaching them what to do next time people come to release captive animals, checking whether the species can be released here without impacting the local ecology.

He lists out which species can be released on this island without ecological consequences.

He even pulls out his phone to search for pictures to show the villagers.

The villagers listen very seriously. Protecting this island means protecting their home!

Nan Xiangwan rests her arms on the railing, greeting the villagers cheerfully while taking the call.

Nan Xiangwan: "Mom~!"

Xin Zi: "Baby! You scared your mother to death!"

Immediately Nan Song's voice chimes in: "Little Wan, if this happens again, run, you hear me? Run, my silly girl!"

Dad and mom chatter on anxiously.

Nan Xiangwan responds while listening to Gu Beihuai's lecture.

Teacher Gu sure knows a lot!

Nan Xiangwan doesn't understand this stuff. She studied biology in high school, grasping the general concepts about ecological chains.

After all, she chose to study chemistry and physics as electives...

Not like Gu Beihuai who knows so much detail.

A genius!

Seeing the sun about to set, Nan Xiangwan's stomach rumbles, craving snake.

Wondering how Teacher Huang will cook it?

Dad and mom finish talking and hang up.

Nan Xiangwan leaves the yard to learn along with the villagers.

Not that she finds it very interesting, but Gu Beihuai teaches so well, it's easy to get absorbed!

Just as she's listening intently to Gu Beihuai explaining carefully.

Suddenly a villager shrieks in the distance!

Next, Nan Xiangwan sees something.

Charging over!

Pitch black!

Extremely fast!

The villager up ahead is desperately running, but the huge beast barrels straight into him, knocking him flying!

Chaos erupts instantly.

Staff hurry to get the cars, call the police, find people.

Gu Beihuai swiftly returns to the yard to grab his bow!

But Nan Xiangwan is even faster!

She's already rushing forward!

The villager is about to smash his head on the wall.

Nan Xiangwan abruptly throws herself behind him, cradling his head in her hands.

The villager doesn't hit anything!

After catching the villager, Nan Xiangwan immediately shoves him aside.

Because the big fellow is charging again!

It's a wild boar!

An extremely ferocious beast, a protected animal.

Cannot be hunted!

But right now, no one considers that a mountain boar would burst into the village, even nearly goring a villager to death.

Nan Xiangwan half-crouches on the ground, arm and calf muscles taut!

She observes the boar, estimating over 100 kg, a mature adult.

Its entire body covered in coarse, sturdy black bristles. Powerful limbs for charging.

The surrounding villagers scatter in all directions, hiding away or the men fetching makeshift weapons!

A wild boar rampaging through the village means dead bodies!

The boar bellows aggressively at Nan Xiangwan before it.

Its hind legs brace to spring.

Nan Xiangwan's pupils contract instantly.

In a flash!

Body tilting aside.

Concurrently dropping her center of gravity. 𝑓𝓇𝘦𝘦𝔀𝓮𝒷𝘯𝓸𝓋𝓮𝘭.𝓬𝓸𝘮

Right leg!

Lashes out fiercely!


Striking the boar's knee with full force!

Her blow is precise.

Throwing the boar off balance!

Nan Xiangwan knows it's bad, she's still not strong enough!

The enraged boar goes berserk!

Whirling to charge Nan Xiangwan, maw gaping wide!

Those jaws could snap her arm in two!

Just then, an arrow shoots in from afar.


Piercing the boar's mouth in an instant.

Embedding in its throat!

In the distance, Gu Beihuai stands at the wall of the small yard, bow in hand!

The boar shrieks loudly.

Then crunches the already coarse arrow shaft in its mouth.

It thrashes its head, flinging away half the arrow fletching. The arrowhead still stuck in its mouth, tearing the wound.

In great pain, yet still attacking madly!

Growing more and more frenzied and violent.

The next second!

A figure leaps out!

Jumping right off the roof of the yard. Landing fiercely between the boar and Nan Xiangwan.

It's Gu Beihuai!

Gu Beihuai pushes Nan Xiangwan back forcefully with one hand.

Just then, the boar charges up.

Gu Beihuai drops low and sideways, one hand braced on the ground. The other hand.

Grabs and yanks the boar's front leg violently!


The massive boar is flipped heavily by his fierce jerk!

Weighing over 100 kg, yet flung down by him!

Pushed back, Nan Xiangwan does not approach again, but swiftly returns to the yard.

Snatching up the bow and arrows Gu Beihuai left nearby!

She rapidly fits an arrow and draws the bow taut!

Single eye fixed, gaze steady.

Arrowhead dead aimed at the boar!

By now on the ground, Gu Beihuai and the boar are locked in intense, high-stakes combat.

Gu Beihuai's earlier arrow, stuck in its throat, hurts the boar severely but not fatally.

Crazed with pain, the boar is extremely dangerous!

Gu Beihuai is already injured, arm bleeding.

But he shows no fear or intention to retreat, ceaselessly punching and kicking the boar.

Loud, violent impacts ringing out!

Nan Xiangwan holds the drawn bow steadily for a long time.

No trembling whatsoever, eyes unblinking.

She waits for her chance.

One strike to kill!

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