The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 151 - Morning Stroll

"You don't lack anything, what do you need it for?" Lory rests her head on his chest.

He stroked the back of her head gently, "That's what I thought too, but after I met you, I realized I lack a lot of things," he pulled her close then wrapped his arms around her, "I began desiring a lot of things, I started feeling things I don't understand. I never knew I'm such a clueless person."


She giggled when she heard him complaining. Zhao Li Xin is known for being cold and indifferent, so it was weird listening to his complaint about his own flaws. "It's fine, no one in this world has everything and no one knows everything. There's so little we could do on our own, that's why we need other people."

"Hmm… I think you're right," he smiled inwardly. His Princess is wiser than most people he knew.

"Of course, I am!" she said smugly.

Zhao Li Xin chuckles. He inhaled the faint scent from the top of her head then suddenly he asked her, "Why is your name Lory?"

Lory looks up to him, "In this world, is there a big blue star who rises on the west? It's mostly seen above the ocean."

"Hmm… I don't have much knowledge about astronomy," he rubs his chin while pondering.

"Well, in my world, that blue star is called Orient. In the old days, the sailor uses that star as guidance when they are lost in the sea. The star is big and bright, it's easy to find even on a cloudy night. That star has brought many lost sailors back to their home, and my mother's name is Lorenna. My father combined both names, Lorenna and Orient, that's how they got my name, Lorient."

"So, that is your real name… What about Lory?"

"Lory is short for Lorient. Afterall, Lorient sounds too… royalty and formal. That's why most people who are close to me just call me Lory." Her lips pursed. Only a few people call her by that name and even fewer call her that outside Cestine Palace.

"By the way, what do you want for a reward anyway?" she suddenly shifts the conversation, she feel slightly guilty for interfering with his decision about Hei Shen Sect matters.

Zhao Li Xin's smile became brighter. He lifts her waist easily as if she weighed nothing, he puts her on his lap, then he wrapped both his arms around her waist like a koala, he rests his head near her bosom, "Stay like this for a day," he heaved a long sigh with his eyes closed.

Lory has mixed feelings for having him bury his face on her chest. His chest already touched her bosom, just a few more and he could touch the most sensitive area on her chest, but she acting like a shy maiden would only make him tease her more, so it's better to act nonchalant about it, but her beating heart clearly told Zhao Li Xin her real feelings. The Lord only smiled faintly without letting her go.

Lory's face turns red like a ripe tomato when she felt his warm breath on her chest which sent heat all over her body like electricity. He suddenly lifts his head, smiled dazzlingly, and then said with a gentle baritone voice while looking at her chest, "Oh, it's getting bigger."


'Is he harassing me now?'


Somewhere far from the hustle and bustle of Sun Jan City, a great Manor stands majestically. The courtyard is filled with peach blossom tree and a man-made pond with floating pink lotus adorn the garden beautifully. There's a beautiful maid wearing a soft green uniform, half running towards the woman inside the small pavilion. The beautiful woman inside, wearing a light peach hanfu, looks anxious and her hands twisting the handkerchief she's holding.

"Young Miss, it's no good… the Young Master's condition is getting worse!"

"What?! How could he be getting worst?!" her leg becomes limp that she almost fell on the floor, the maid quickly helped her young miss to stand.

"Is the medication from the White Moon Tower Sect not helping?" she said with grief.

"The elder said it can only calm the Young Master for a while but the lady of the White Moon Tower didn't know what kind of illness the Young Master has," the maid also worried.

"Can anyone help him?" she murmured to herself. Her fiancée's condition has been like this for months and she's worried that sooner or later this would ruin him. She already used all her resources to help him and so did her fiancée's family but everything is useless. When she heard about the rising power of the White Moon Tower Sect, she thought that they could help him. The rumor said that the White Moon Tower is filled with talented alchemist and physician, she put all her hope to them but now, once again, she fell in desperation.

"Young Miss, what about Hei Shen Sect?" the maid nervously asked. "You said you've met with the Sect Master once, maybe they would help you?"

"It's a long time ago, and it's not like we became close. I just met them once, and you also knew the rumor about Hei Shen Sect's behavior. They are not someone who likes interacting with other people," she said shaking her head weakly.

The woman is Yang Xi Ying that had an ex-lover, Han Yuan, who made troubles with Lory and Zhao Li Xin once. After what happened, she cuts her relationship with Han Yuan completely, but who could have known that man is so vile he began slandering her and ruined her reputation.

Even though she cleared up the rumor, the damage has already been done. Some people still believed the rumor, one of the reasons why, because some people envied her. But things changed for the better when she met Li Mo Zhen, the young master of Jiu Yun Sect.

"Can we at least ask first? Young Miss, I'm worried about your future if something happened to Young Master Li," the maid genuinely care for her young miss, they had grown up together. Her mother is the Young Miss' nanny, that's why they became more like a sister than servant and master.

Her young miss, on the surface, might look overbearing and arrogant but deep down she's very kind and gentle, she is hard on the outside but soft in the heart. In the past, the Young Miss was once taken advantage by a worthless man.

Fortunately, the relationship ended before they got married but the man still slandered her, making it harder for the Young Miss to find a good husband. But then her young miss met this great young master who cares for her dearly.

"You're right. I have to try, even if I must give up my life, I will not regret it." she clenched her fist tightly.

"Young Miss, don't say that. Didn't you say the lady who accompanies Master Long is a good woman? She might help you if you asked nicely!" the maid encouraged her.

"Yes, she is," she can only hope that the lady's behavior remains the same. Some people change after some time just like Han Yuan did, but she didn't have many options now.

"Let's find Hei Shen Sect's whereabouts now. I will talk with the Jiu Yun Elder about this too."

"Yes, Young Miss!"


The next day, Lory was eventually released from the 'Demon Lord's clutches. She never thought that when he said for a day, it literally means for the whole day except for bathroom time. He clung to her like a baby koala. Even at mealtimes, he still forced her to sit on his lap, and even though she's not the same shy-type kind of woman compared to the conservative ones, having him breathe so close to her is stimulating her inner forbidden thought, plus she could feel something hard poking her. She could only convince herself that he's hiding a secret weapon down there. She could feel a sudden rush to her head, she might get another nosebleed again!

This morning, Zhao Li Xin is cultivating again and she knew it would take the whole day before he goes out, so out of boredom, she decided to take a stroll alone, of course, not leaving completely alone.

"Brother Mong Yi!" she shouts to the air aimlessly as she knew he is somewhere close.

"Yes, Young Miss?" he suddenly appeared from thin air while kneeling courteously.

"I want to go out, can you come with me?" she smiled kindly.

"Right now? Did the Lord allow it?" he asked, suddenly frightful.

Lory tilted her head, "I haven't asked but I don't think he would be against it. It's not like I have people who want to kill me anyway," she laughed but Mong Yi gave her an 'Are you sure?' look, while Lory looked back with a 'So someone wants to kill me?' look. There was silence between them for a moment before Lory gave up and waved her hand carelessly.

"Can you coordinate with the other shadow guards for my safety? I'll take responsibility if something happened. I'm just gonna leave for two—" Lory shuts her mouth when Mong Yi gave her a disapproving look. She corrects her words, "—one hour?"

Mong Yi nods his head with a satisfied expression, "I'll talk about it first with Brother Mong Ki and the others, please wait for a moment."

"Sure!" she answers lightly, "Don't take too—" but Mong Yi already disappeared, "—long." Lory can only sigh and go back to her room.

Maybe some women might think she would feel suffocated being restricted like this by Zhao Li Xin but as a princess, she'd been used to this, especially if she wants to leave the safety of her Kingdom. Even when she became overly strong, she would still be accompanied by Girsha or her brother and the Archknights.

In the past, Fargo used to tell her, 'Overestimating your own power is the recipe of disaster,' that is why she would always prepare herself thoroughly. Now that she's weak as a 'rabbit', as what Girsha would say, she has to be extra careful. She might not have any enemies but Zhao Li Xin have a lot. Who knows which one of them may have gotten news about her?

She will never forgive herself if someone used her to hurt Zhao Li Xin. She can also be overprotective when it comes to her loved ones.

After a while, someone knocks on her bedroom door. She unhurried open the door, "Yes?"

"Miss, I heard you want to take a stroll?" he smiled coquettishly that could make an idol run and hide their face from shame.

"Master Bei?" Lory gasped.

"I will join you for a stroll. How about we pretend to be siblings? Please call me Brother Bei~" he smiled coyly at her.

"Sure, I'll be your ugly sister then…"

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