The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 1237 Temporary Separation

Lory was perplexed, [What do you mean you have to go?]

Zhao Li Xin sighed then cupped his hands behind his back. [My strength is not strong enough, I'm afraid I won't be of much use to you]

Lory disagreed, [No way, I think you're already strong enough—]

[But my current strength can't even be compared to when we first met and I'm worried that when a strong enemy arrives I won't have enough power to protect you and if you still remember, the fire spirit has warned us of the appearance of a strong enemy, that's why I have to prepare myself]

Lory was silent, she remembered the warning from the Crimson Lightning sword spirit plus Girsha also warned her about the appearance of a mysterious creature from another world, if that happened, Lory wasn't sure if Zhao Li Xin would be strong enough to face the enemy.

Even though Lory understands that, but understanding and accepting are two different things. Lory scrunched up her face and then firmly said [No!]

[Lory?] Zhao Li Xin sighs.

"I got news from Jas—" Coincidentally Garrof came at a bad time

[It's not a problem, I can protect you, don't you trust me!] Lory insisted.

[Of course, I trust you!] Zhao Li Xin's expression softened, he was happy to hear Lory's words, but as a man, let alone a husband, how would he usually let his wife risk her safety for him, once was enough, he didn't want to see Lory get hurt because of him again.

[So?!] Lory squints her eyes.

Garrof was dumbfounded as he realized he was caught in the crossfire, Garrof's conscience told him he should not involved with this but his curiosity took the best of him, Garrof wanted to know what the royal spouse argued about.

Suddenly Lloyd came and grabbed his friend's arm and then forcefully dragged him away so the royal couple could have some privacy.

Lory and Zhao didn't notice Garrof and Lloyd's presence at all because at this time the two of them were arguing but still had a soft and calm voice, at least on Zhao Li Xin's part.

[I know you can protect me but Lory even you can't be in two places at the same time and I'm not the only one you want to protect right?] Zhao Li Xin raised her eyebrows with an understanding look.

Lory's mouth shut together, her eyes glinted with reluctance but had no words to refute after that tears brimmed in her eyes.

Lory looks at Zhao Li Xin with pleading eyes [I don't want to be left behind by you, Girsha isn't by my side and I don't want to be alone...] Tears rolled down her cheeks and she cried sadly.

If there's anything that can make Zhao feel helpless, it's Lory's tears, so when he sees Lory crying, he immediately becomes flustered and panics [Lory dear, my wife, please don't cry...] he immediately pulled Lory into his arms and hugged her tightly [I didn't mean to leave you, Lory it's not like I won't part with you, you know how much I love you right?!]

Lory continues crying her heart out like a kid losing her candy [So whhhhyyyy...?]

[Because...listen to me] Zhao Li Xin cupped Lory's face as he tried to reason with his angry wife [I promise this won't take long, only two months at most—]

[TWO MONTHS!] Lory shrill then more tears gathered in her eyes.

[One month - one month!] Zhao Li Xin immediately corrected it [juJt give me one month, I promised you I wouldn't take any longer than that] Zhao Li Xin's voice was half desperate and half pleading.

Lory rubbed her nose and sniffled, she was still unwilling to be separated from Zhao Li Xin for a month but she felt it was unfair to restrain him from his progress.

Zhao Li Xin smiled charmingly while holding her hand making it even more difficult for Lory to refute him, in a forced tone Lory said weakly: [One month, no more than that...]

Zhao Li Xin smiled in relief. Actually, he didn't want to part with Lory, but he thought ahead and decided that this was the best way for him to protect Lory in the future.

[Thank you, please don't cry anymore] Zhao Li Xin wiped the tear marks on Lory's cheeks with a guilty face [You know at least I can't see you cry]

Lory snorted loudly [However, you always make me cry] Lory mocked him.

[I know, I'm a bad person, this is my fault, after this, you can punish me however you like] He smiled slyly.

Lory pursed her lips even though her cheeks were already a little red, fortunately, because she had just been crying so it wasn't visible.

[Why don't I accompany you...] Lory's face brimmed with expectation. Lory's reluctance to leave Zhao Li Xin alone is because she remembered Zhao Li Xin's terrible condition when cultivating immortal fire, and how it always tormented him. Lory thought if she was not there who would ease his pain, who would take care of him?

Zhao Li Xin patted Lory's head [Unfortunately you can't, my strength is different from yours, cultivation can only progress if tempered by pain and tribulation. One has to go beyond their limits to become strong therefore I can't let you babysit me all the time besides it wouldn't be good for building my foundation] Zhao wanted Lory to understand why he made this decision.

Lory's smile faded and her shoulders dropped weakly, she lowered her head as if she was defeated. Zhao Li Xin's heart ached for Lory if only there was another way but the path to becoming a strong cultivator was never easy. They were very lucky because Zhao Lixin had a spatial ring which made his cultivation time feel shorter.

[Lory don't be sad, it won't be long...] Zhao Li Xin's index finger gently lifted Lory's chin [I'll be back soon...]

Lory's eyes were misty as she was still reluctant but knowing how Zhao Lixin was, she knew she couldn't change his decision. 

Lory bit her lips [Thirty days, can't be more than that, I'll pick you up after thirty days you cannot be late!] Lory firmly said without giving any concessions.

A gentle smile appeared on Zhao Li Xin's handsome face [As you wish]

Lory wiped away the tears that were starting to accumulate in the corners of her eyes again and then looked away while Zhao Li Xin waited for Lory to calm herself down after a while Lory turned towards Zhao Li.

Lory narrowed her eyes [How dangerous is it?]

Zhao Li Xin grins [Let's just say, no one goes there willingly]

Lory closed her eyes before panic emerged from her eyes after she managed to calm herself down, she opened her eyes [We should return to the Black Crow Guild]

Zhao knew that Lory didn't like his idea but he still tried to support her. Zhao Li Xin felt touched but also felt guilty for making Lory have to make a decision that he didn't want, therefore he promised to make the best use of this time.

Zhao Li Xin didn't tell Lory that he was determined to break through to the sovereign level in that one month but in reality even for someone like Zhao Li Xin trying to skip four levels was utterly impossible but he refused to back down besides facing the impossible always been his forte.

Lory, who didn't know anything about Zhao Li Xin's crazy plan, took Zhao Li Xin back to the Black Crow Guild, when they got there they happened to meet Nathalie.

"Your back? do you need anything?" Nathalie looked at them in surprise.

Lory smiled "Yes, I want to ask something" Lory walked to the counter with Zhao Li Xin.

"Of course, anything," replied Nathalie politely.

"May I know if there is any particularly dangerous place in this area?" Lory casually asked.

"Sure" Nathalie ordered the man beside him and the man started to type on the keyboard.

"How dangerous do you want to be?" Nathalie turned her face to Lory.

"Priest level or above" Lory answered calmly but her words shocked the hunters who overheard her.

Nathalie glances at Lory to make sure she's not heard wrong. Lory raised her brows and then gave a reassuring smile.

"Are you and your husband going hunting, Miss Jane?" Nathalie's eyes formed a question.

"Not me, only my husband," Lory answered briefly.

Nathalie subconsciously turns her eyes to the handsome man beside Lory, meanwhile, Zhao Li Xin's expression remains calm and indifferent, he reminds her of an ancient statue that she usually sees in the museum, cold and devoid of any emotion. Actually, she was quite curious about how they met and became a married couple.

Nathalie is like a handsome man but she also has a bottom line. No matter how big he likes men, he refuses to destroy others who are married besides Lawrence treats them as special guests so he does not dare to offend them.

"There is a place quite far from here called the gray valley, there appears an ancient underground labyrinth that is infested with various types of Beasts. We have sent several high-level hunters to find out about that place but only three out of twenty people that we sent to investigate the place even then they were back with severe injuries so they needed intensive care "Nathalie explained without trying to hide anything. Nathalie then showed several photos and maps from the labyrinth.

"We succeeded in making a map of the labyrinth with the help of people who survived the place but they said this might be only one-third of the labyrinth of the labyrinth"

Lory and Zhao Li Xin watched the maps and photos given by Nathalie with a serious face.

[What do you think?] Lory hesitated but not the same way as Zhao Li Xin.

Zhao Li Xin stares at the picture of the entrance of the labyrinth then lightly says: [See and found out,]

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