Chapter 1222 A Reminder II

Lory and Zhao finally left the club which was filled with drunk people and loud, deafening noises, until outside Lory's ears there was a ringing sound which she knew was because of the sound system in the club, Lory rubbed her ears while grumbling. annoyance "Uugh, this is why I hate nightclubs"

Zhao Li Xin was amused to hear Lory complain, "But it seems like you often go to places like that"

Lory sighed, "It can't be helped, if I want to find sketchy people I have to go to a place like that and for some reason, many people like to meet at that place."

[I think it's because the music is too loud so it's hard to eavesdrop, moreover, the light in that place is so bad that it's hard to recognize anyone in such a place] Zhao made a logical conclusion and he was right.

"Yes, that's right" Lory opened the car door then she took off her jacket and replaced it with a comfortable knitted sweater then sprayed dry shampoo to get rid of the unpleasant smell in her hair after that she got into the car.

Zhao Li Xin followed suit, he even took it further by putting all their smelly clothes into the trunk so as not to pollute the air in the car.

The fresh night air and quiet sounds in the parking lot improved their mood, Lory and Zhao Li Xin simultaneously let out a long sigh, and inwardly they tacitly agreed that they would not to go that kinda of place ever again.

Lory started the car engine and then looked at Zhao Li Xin [Tomorrow will be our last day in Eagle Rock City, do you want to have a look around before we leave, you won't have time because you're still studying tomorrow right]

Interest lit up his dark eyes, Zhao Li Xin just realized that he was so busy that he didn't take the time to look around this city, "Let's go!" he said with an emotionless tone but Lory caught the fleeting smile on his usual stoic face.

Influenced by Zhao Li Xin's, Lory became more enthusiastic, "But, let's eat first!" as soon as Lory said that, her stomach growled loudly as if it was protesting for something to be filled.

Zhao's laughter broke out in the car, Lory looked back to suppress her embarrassment at the same time she backed the car out of the parking lot and then drove through the night streets that filled with colorful night lights.

Lory opened her car window while enjoying the evening breeze caressing her face and hair, never in a million years did she think she would be taking a night out in a car with Zhao, she lamented to herself how unpredictable life could be.

Lory turned her head abruptly at Zhao Li Xin "Hey, want to try ordering from the Drive-Thru?"

Zhao Li Xin innocently asked, "Through what?"

Lory laughed out loud but didn't explain, she thought it would be more fun if she showed him directly. Lory then saw a giant, brightly lit sign with a picture of Poko-Poko inviting people to visit.

"Ohh, Poko-Poko drive-thru restaurant, it looks like it's new!" Lory exclaimed happily, she then looked at Zhao Li Xin pleadingly, "Do you want to go there?"

How could he say no after seeing those eyes, Zhao Li Xin nodded "Okay"

Lory turned her car into the drive-thru lane, there were only a few cars in the drive-thru lane, maybe because it was late at night. Lory stopped her car next to the menu screen before she decided on their order, not forgetting Lory asked Zhao Li Xin to make the order.

The genius Lord practiced his language with flying colors, as a result, he rewarded himself with a soda drink called Poko-Pop. Lory's mouth twitched but she let Zhao Li Xin have whatever she wanted however, just in case she told Zhao Li Xin to order mineral water too.

After placing the order via intercon they get their order at the next booth. Zhao Li Xin was amazed by how fast the service was, saving so much time that the great Lord was very satisfied. If it's the old days he would reward the employee with gold taels, too bad the great Lord doesn't have cash in his pocket.

Lory drove his car to the next outlet to pick up the order. After that, Lory drove her car out of the diner to look for a nice place to enjoy their meal, Lory then drove her car up the hill not long after she found the picnic spot.

because it was late at night there was no one there so it wasn't difficult for Lory to find a parking space. Lory came out carrying their food and then walked towards one of the picnic tables while Zhao Li Xin was astonished by the breathtaking view of the city lights that scattered like gemstones in a jewelry box.

Lory saw Zhao Li Xin's rare expression, her smile broadened "It's better than the view at the Jiang Wei kingdom right"

"…Yes" Zhao Li Xin stared at the colorful light scene in awe.

[If we go to a big city, the view will be even more dazzling with laser lights and giant screens everywhere, well at least that's what I remember...] Lory doesn't know how much things changed after the war, she's not even sure if 'The King' Herriond will look the same.

"Let's eat!" Lory opened the bento box containing rice, fish, pickles, and fried eggs, there was also soup in a separate bowl. Meanwhile, Zhao Li Xin sat facing the sparkling night view of the city while enjoying his meal.

Lory wrapped a scarf around her neck as the night breeze hit her neck, she took a sip of the warm soup, and a tinge of pink rose to her cheeks. After her stomach warmed, Lory continued her meal while occasionally taking food that Zhao didn't like from his bento box.

Lory had finished her food first and waited for Zhao Li Xin to finish while enjoying the view of the city.

"You remember that guy?" Zhao Li Xin suddenly said as he finished his meal.

Lory turned her head towards Zhao Li Xin in confusion "Who do you mean?"

"The man we met earlier...the saved earlier?" Zhao Li Xin said in a stuttering sentence because he wasn't fluent yet.

"You mean Jason?" Lory thought back to the man with the striking hair color.

"Hm," Zhao Li Xin nodded.

Lory propped her chin and frowned "No, actually, I don't remember at all because a lot of things happened and I happened to often save people at that time" Lory didn't sound proud of that because she was sure she wasn't the only one who did that and what she done was only natural besides she is a Princess so it was her duty.

[Actually, I have found out what happened during the war at that time based on video witnesses and photos obtained from people at that time, from there I can see that the situation was much worse than when Lazarus released the hybrid beasts and monsters from another realm to our previous world...] The conclusion came after taking into account what happened in the previous world has happened to this world for ten years.

Come to think of it, It's a miracle that there are still so many people left after that terrible war, it must be because of people like Lory who fought tooth and nail to protect them.

"Oh, yeah...there's a lot of people recording a video with their phone at that time as a form of last will for their family" Lory mumbled while casting her melancholy eyes to the night lights.

Lory remembers that even though the Net has been down but many people still record videos of themselves in the hope that their families will find their last messages if something happens to them, that's why Lory used to take any cell phone she found and give it to someone to repair and keep it save until they managed to found the owner their family.

[And it's an unwritten rule to keep the broken cell phone when they find it] She lowers her head.

"It must be hard for you...." his heart ached for her.

[Well, I'm not the only one...everyone struggles, we all lose something, our home, family, friends, we all as scared as the next person beside us...] Lory brushed it off like it was nothing.

Zhao Li Xin looked at him disapprovingly, "How funny of you….you tend to ignore your own pain and suffering."

Lory stared at Zhao Li Xin silently after a while a smile slowly appeared on her face [Believe me, it wasn't for any laudable or honorable reason]

Zhao Li Xin doesn't understand what she means [What's your reason?]

Lory lowered her head with a deprecating smile cause it's easier...] she bitterly said [If my pain is no worse than others, if my loss is not as much as theirs so I would have no reason to give up, besides unlike them I was trained for this, it was then I realized that this is what my father has prepared me for. All that rigorous training, and my father's high expectations toward me and all led to that I cannot give up, I don't have that luxury.]

Lory shakes her head [If all those ordinary people could survive after they experienced the same pain as I do I would have no reason to stop, I should be able to carry on...I'm the King's daughter.]

'King's Daughter' was not a noble title but it was a shackle that she could never escape from, as long as she lived she had to live her life by abiding by those words, Therefore, no matter how far she goes she would never escape from cause that what she is.

Zhao Li Xin knew that was not a flattering title or comforting words but it was a stern reminder so she would never forget, in other words, it was a burden for her.

Zhao Li Xin caressed her cheek [You had me now if you tired I can carry you, if it's too heavy I can hold it for you If you forgot, I'm also a descendant of the King] he raised his brows confidently like an overbearing monarch.

Even though it sounded like a joke, Lory knew that Zhao meant it because he was not someone who usually spoke empty words, even to his enemies he always kept his promises and Lory knew that, therefore he felt comforted by Zhao Li Xin's words.

"Let's finish our drinks, then I'll take you to the Arcade~"

He doesn't know what an arcade is nevertheless, he nods excitedly after that Zhao opens the bottle of Poko-Pop and then takes a big gulp without thinking as a consequence he coughs profusely his whole body trembles.

Lory's mouth twitched, and she took the bottle from Zhao Li Xin and checked it It turned out the soda level was higher than a normal soda drink so of course Zhao Li Xin coughed uncontrollably.


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