The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 1219 The First Experience

Chapter 1219 The First Experience

The next morning Lory received the good news that his SUV was finally ready and had been delivered to Hamilton's residence.

Lory signed the receipt letter then she carefully checked the car. Lory opened the hood to check whether the conditions were correct then he checked the body, glass, and tires of the car which had been replaced with much stronger material so that this car would not be easily destroyed in an accident, Lory also plans to add strengthening spells on the car as well as fire and water proof spells.

Lory's cell phone rang and once again it was an unknown number, Lory picked it up nonetheless.

"Who is it?"

"It's Dirty Fingger" the voice answered.

Lory's mouth twitched, she thought she had gotten some strange phone scam, "Excuse me?"

"Garrof told me to call you!" the man immediately clarified himself.

Lory immediately remembered Garrof's hacker acquaintance who would help him make fake identities for her and Zhao Li Xin "Oh yeah, you called at the right time"

"I know, Garrof already explained it so I have prepared, an identification card, bank card, driver's license including marriage certificate, and much more, but I need your husband and your photo," despite his name, this person seemed quite adept at handling such matters.

"Sounds good, by the way, did you take a job looking for missing people?" Lory asked as she leaned against the hood of the car.

"At a fair price, of course," he answered honestly.

"There's someone I want you to look for but I can't talk to you on the phone"

"Okay, let's meet! That way I can give you all the documents as well." the man sounded carefree, he didn't sound worried at all.

"Where can we meet?" Lory asks.

"Come to the Sweet Molly club in the red light district at eleven o'clock, the first drink will be my treat!" the man chuckled teasingly then he hung up the phone.

Lory stared at her cell phone indifferently and then put her cell phone into her back pocket after that she walked slowly towards the Manor because she had other things to discuss with Hugo while Zhao Li Xin continued her studies.

That night Lory looked at the cupboard with a restless expression then glanced at the handsome man who was diligently revising his studies. Zhao Li Xin had already said she wanted to come with him and that was what bothered him the most.

To be honest, he didn't want to take Zhao Li Xin there because the Red Club district in his world was more seedy and cheap compared to Bei Li Yan's brothel.

[Do you need to come along? You don't want to study, tomorrow is your last day of studying] Lory tried to persuade him.

Unfortunately, Zhao Li Xin refuses to be left alone, besides he is curious about what the Red District is like in this world. In his world, brothels and gambling houses are not illegal businesses as long as they can get a permit and pay taxes to the local government. The Hei Shen Sect also has many brothels under Bei Li Yan's supervision, of course, even though the use of his sect's brothel is not strictly to offer sex and entertainment but rather to gather information and connection. From Lory's description of the club, it seemed like a combination of a brothel and a tea house, so Zhao Li Xin was interested in checking what the place was like.

Lory took a deep breath, she knew the standards of the sketch place between Zhao Li Xin's world and the rest of the world were very different because she had entered a brothel and in her opinion, it was like a high-class gentlemen's club with tight and skimpy clad women. many clubs also like it here.

"Fine, but cover your face!" Lately, Lory spoke in a mixture of the language of the cultivator world and Harland's language to speed up Zhao Li Xin's progress.

"Okay," he replied nonchalantly with his eyes on the book.

Lory rolled her eyes, she wanted to see Zhao Li Xin's reaction when she entered the club and saw all those people.

Lory grinned mischievously then went into the bathroom to put on thicker makeup and changed into tight black jeans, a shirt, and a black leather jacket, when she got out Zhao Li Xin was startled.

"What?" Lory confuses.

[Your eyes...] Zhao Li Xin's brows knitted tightly.

"What's wrong?" Lory checks her face in the mirror.

[Your eyes like a raccoon and why do your cheeks look so hollow?] Zhao Li Xin was dumbfounded.

Even though Lory usually wears smokey eyes every day, this is still within the criteria for natural smokey eyes which used to change the shape of her eyes. However, Lory never wears heavy smokey eyes and fake eyelashes that give sexy and fierce vibes then she adds nude lipstick that only makes her eye makeup even more distinct then she makes countour and highlight her face to utterly changes her face even more.

The red district area usually had more surveillance because it attracted troublemakers and shady people so Lory didn't dare let her guard down so she disguised herself.

[Do I look like a different person?] Lory shows her disguised proudly.

Zhao Li Xin nodded while assessing Lory's look then raised his thumb [You look like arrogant Racoon]


After Lory dressed Zhao Lixin in a simple black turtle neck shirt, black jeans, and a leather hoodie jacket, not forgetting a mask, they were finally ready to leave, although beyond Lory's expectations, Zhao Li Xin still looked like a model with her long legs. and broad shoulders.

Lory then braided Zhao Li Xin's hair and made him wear a trucker hat combined with the face mask leaving only his beautiful dark eyes, finally, she managed to reduce Zhao Li Xin's charm a little.

Lory looked at Zhao Li Xin's captivating eyes and sighed helplessly, 'This is the best I could do'

After a fruitless effort to force Zhao Li Xin to stay home, they eventually got into the car and as usual, Lory became the driver., Zhao Lixin became a little curious to check out their new car so he pressed almost all the buttons he could find.

[Li Xin don't change the rearview mirror, I can't look back] Lory reminded Zhao Li Xin.

[Oh?] Zhao Li Xin pressed the button to return the rearview mirror to its original position.

Lory laughed looking at Zhao Li Xin who couldn't sit still, [You're not this enthusiastic about Lilly's car, I think Lilly's car is much better than this]

[But it's not our car, I can't be rude, right, what if I accidentally break something, you'll definitely feel bad] explained Zhao Li Xin while busy touching the car audio screen.

The volume of the music in the car went up and down uncontrollably and the songs kept changing which would have been very annoying for anyone in the car but Lory let Zhao Li Xin tinker with the stereo system as he pleased.

After a while, they finally entered the red district area. There were no signboards or anything but one could feel the atmosphere gradually change as they got deeper into the area.

One of the obvious changes that everywhere they look they can see more and more young people in flashy outfits are gathering in front of sketchy shops or clubs, they gather in groups while smoking and drinking cans of beer and occasionally flirting with a group of beautiful women in skimpy clothes and thick makeup that pass them by.

Zhao Li Xin's attention was drawn to the young people who were wearing strange clothes and the women could be said to be wearing almost nothing. Zhao Li Xin glanced at Lory and felt relieved that she was not wearing clothes like all these women.

[Are they prostituted ?] he suddenly asked Lory.

[Hah? Which woman do you mean?] Lory looked left and right guessing which woman Zhao Li Xin was referring to.

[All of them?] Zhao Li Xin said with a serious expression indicating he was not kidding at all.

[What? No, they aren't] Lory quickly refuted him.

[Then why are the women dressed like that?] Five minutes through this street Zhao Li Xin had already seen more cleavage and bare legs than he had seen his entire life in his world.

[Well, they dress like that for themselves, to express themselves!] Lory tries to explain.

Zhao Li Xin confused [Express themselves? a prostitute?]

Lory stared at the road blankly [No,...are they?] She wasn't sure either.

Another group of women wear a skimpy dress that shows every intimate area in her body past their car, they laugh vulgarly while flirting with men.

Zhao Li Xin was taken aback by their behavior and his face was filled with disgust [Prostituted wear skimpy dresses to attract customers to make them spend money to sleep with them and if they were lucky, their customers might bail them out of the brothel to be their concubines, that being the case, I wonder what is the purpose of these women dressing like that?]

[They do not try to sell themselves though...] Lory mumbles in a small voice.

[Oh, so they had no intention to sleep with these men?] Zhao Li Xin becomes more confused to understand the motive.

Lory tilted her head [Well, some of these men and women do end up sleeping together, eventually...]

[Do they get paid?] Zhao Li Xin probed further.

[No...] Lory's voice wavered.

Zhao Li Xin baffled [You mean they are doing this for free...without any benefit at all?]

Lory sighed "Yeah.."

"Why?" Zhao Li Xin was flabbergasted and Lory clamped her mouth reflexively, she didn't know how to answer the question.

Lory recalled one of their stupid conversation with Fargo.

"No man can so easily appreciate something given to him"

Lory then mocked him, "Yet you still sleep with them."

Fargo opened his arms and grinned "No one refused free stuff, Lory"

"!!!" Lory received mental damage that lasted for a few days.

Even though Lory was still upset by Fargo's answer, his words stuck in her head into adulthood. That's one of the reasons Lory had never had a casual relationship with another man, even just for a simple date before she met Zhao Li Xin, apart from the impenetrable wall of her family, uncle, and friends Lory also never had an interest in that because of her busy schedule however what truly makes her kept her distance with the opposite sex it's because Fargo words that day.


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