The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 1217 The Pain Of Regret

Hugo was annoyed thinking about Ethan's stupid actions, he didn't understand why Ethan didn't tell him what really happened so that his family would understand what they were facing and how to guarantee their safety, but Ethan left leaving only a piece of paper without giving more explanation, causing stress to his entire family.

Hugo doesn't understand what prompted Ethan to make this decision, why does Ethan think this is the best way?

"I don't know what that stupid kid is hiding that made him run away but I'm sure it has something to do with the reason why all these big groups have sunk their claws into our family," said Hugo with heavy emotions, which can be seen with the naked eye.

The sadness and disappointment in the old man's eyes pierced his heart, Lory looked away and then asked, "How is your family handling this situation?"

Hugo sighed in resignation "Edmund as usual is trying to remain calm, I'm sure he will use all his resources to find Ethan while Marsha is utterly devastated because she changed her plans allowing Ethan to slip up. We told her so many times it was not her fault since there was a high chance that it was Ethan's doing. As for Lilly...Lilly was quiet, I think she was still trying to digest the whole situation..."

Lory could see the lingering sorrow in Hugo's eyes, and softly she asked, "....And what about you, how are you holding up?"

"Me?" Hugo turned his heavy gaze towards Lory, he was stunned for a moment because Lory was the first person to ask about his whole being after he got the news of Ethan's disappearance.

He suddenly felt an unfamiliar warmth surging in a corner of his heart, subconsciously his lips curved into a weak smile. "I... I'm okay, Ethan is a smart kid, he's strong and very cunning despite her outer appearance, I know he's been planning this for a long time, maybe since he woke up from his coma..."

"So you knew he was pretending...?" Lory gives a meaningful gaze.

The old man chuckled lightly, "I have my suspicion but I didn't probe further cause I thought he needed more time before he ready tells us everything..." Hugo's expression was filled with regret, He asked himself if he had made the wrong decision, maybe if he had been a little firmer if only he had been a little harder on Ethan and forced him to be honest, would things have been different?

Lory could guess what Hugo was thinking so he suddenly said: "Your grandson has already made up his mind, you said yourself that your grandson is a tough and smart man so I think he has thought this through carefully, hence he made this there's nothing you could do about it"

"Thank you Raven" Hugo appreciated the kind words still it was hard for him not to feel responsible for Ethan's action.

"So, what are your plans now?" Lory crossed her arms.

Hugo took a deep breath. "Continue with our plans, the only way to ensure my grandson is safe is to speed up our plans"

Lory exchanged glances with Zhao Li Xin then she nodded, "Okay, when you managed to gather your support remind them to be wary of the S.A.I.N.T. organization and Luxemborough, you should also investigate what Ethan's activities were during the past two years before he got on the expedition to the Quiet Peak mountain, Meanwhile I will check the appearance of that strange beast"

Hugo nods in agreement "Let's do that"

"By the way, is Lilly home?" Lory suddenly asked.

"Yeah, I think he's in his room even though he's trying not to show it but I know he's devastated by what just happened to Ethan" Hugo looked down in concern.

"I understand, may I talk to him?" Lory asked permission first because she didn't want to be seen as interfering too much with their family.

Considering how the Hamilton family owes Lory a lot and how much Lilly admires Lory so she doesn't mind, maybe Lory will be able to cheer Lilly up.

"Of course, I will really appreciate it" Hugo gratefully said.

They discussed again about the painting and the exhibition after Hugo left Zhao Li Xin to continue his paintings, while Lory went to check Lilly's condition, Lory did not forget to bring a box of cakes with him. In Lory's opinion, no one can ease a woman's mood other than the consumption of unhealthy sugar amount.

Lory knocked on Lilly's door for a while she didn't hear Lilly's voice then she heard a soft groan, Lory came into the room. Inside, she found Lilly lying on the bed holding Lucas's human-sized pillow tightly like a koala, Lory was so shocked that she almost dropped the cake box.

'Dam* that scares me a bit' Lory patted her chest.

"Hey, Lilly, are you okay?" Lory called her.

Lilly turned to Lory, the corners of her eyes red as if she had been crying. Lory pretended not to notice as she lifted the cake box in her hand while grinning widely, "Care for some sweets"

Even though Lilly had no appetite for anything, when she saw Lory's cheerful face, she felt there was no harm in just having a taste. Lilly pursed her lips as she got out of bed.

Lory put the cake on the small table then she walked to the small bar in the corner of the room, Lory then made simple hot black tea which meant throwing the tea bag into the hot teapot and then pouring the tea into teacups and then served it in front of Lilly.

"You bought a lot of cakes" Lilly was quite stunned to see the box containing various types of cakes and desserts then a smile lit up on Lilly's gloomy face.

"You could say that's my habit, every time something bad happens my instinct is to always look for something sweet." Lory sipped her tea and then continued eating the strawberry cheesecake deliciously.

Seeing Lory enjoy herself, Lilly took a bite of the chocolate mouse cake. The combination of sweet and bitter aroused her taste buds then she took another spoonful of chocolate cake and then took a sip of unsweetened tea.

"I didn't add sugar to your tea, I thought it would be too sweet for you," Lory said while licking her spoon.

Lilly glanced at Lory's teacup. She assumed Lory had added sugar to her tea, then she shifted his gaze to the box full of desserts. "Don't you think you eat too much sugar?"

Lory shrugged, "I like living on the edge" she joked

Lilly chuckled a little then she dipped her spoon into the mouse cake after finishing suddenly she was tempted to take the cute vanilla macaron, while Lory finished her second cake but it wasn't enough so Lory took the strawberry Macaron.

After a while Lory wiped her mouth with a clean tissue then she took a sip from the teacup and sighed after that Lory turned her gaze at Lilly "I heard what happened to Ethan from your grandfather, are you okay?" 

Lilly glances at Lory from under her eyelashes "I'm fine...."

Lory looked at her with a questioning gaze, as soon as their eyes met, Lilly subconsciously averted her gaze and laughed dryly. "Well, actually I'm not fine, but I don't want to make my family feel worse..." Lilly took a deep breath and then forced a smile. "After all, we have more important things to do like looking for him and finding out the reason he left...that being a case, we don't have time to be grief"

Lory leaned forward she crossed her arms on the table later on her green eyes fixed on Lilly's face "Lilly, I'm not your family, you don't have to act strong, just let it out, I won't tell anyone..."

A wave of sadness hit her and tears immediately rolled down her cheeks, Lilly was stunned by her honest reaction. She immediately wiped her tears but more tears flowed down her face uncontrollably as she started involuntarily sobbing.

Lory took a deep breath and then stood up from the chair, she walked across the table then wrapped her arms around Lilly's shoulder "Now - now, you can cry... just cry" Lory's voice came out soft and warm, offering a feeling of comfort.

"Why...why did Ethan leave, why didn't he tell me anything...I may be useless but I'm her only sister, should I mean something to him, doesn't he care about my feelings at all?!" Lilly complained with a choked voice.

Lory stroked the back of Lilly's head "You meant a lot to him, that's why he didn't tell you anything because he doesn't want to make you worried" 

"But, I'm still worried!" Lilly's voice shrilled in frustration, "What if something happens to him, how am I supposed to continue with my life without knowing anything, what should I do with this helplessness and pain? He's my only brother, why did he do this to us?!"

A great pang grips Lory's heart, like a knife piercing through her heart soon Lory's face is set in resigned sad lines, guilt, and pain molded in her eyes.

"He...uh.."Lory looked up to the ceiling to keep her tears from falling "I guessed he just wanted to protect you and all his family.

Lilly pulled her head away from Lory's waist, her face contorted, she shook her head and wept "We don't need his protection we just wanted him to tell the truth so maybe we can do something to help him even if we don't we can talk about it and we might find a way out of it together, why can he let us tried to help him?! Why Ethan can't understand that what he does only hurt us more?!" 

Lory opened her mouth but the words strangled in her throat, she actually had no words to refute that.

"I...don't know Lilly..." Lory said wearily.

" I hate him!" Lilly burst into tears again. She hugged Lory's waist and continued to cry, while Lory stroked his head trying to comfort him, and muttered in a quiet voice "Everything will be fine, you'll see..."

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