Chapter 554 Regrowth

Tenma and the other god stood around in shock, the gigantic frozen gate and Rowan were gone, and the blood of the universe was raining down in this position, coloring space red for endless miles.

Reality shuddered and with alarming speed, everything was being replaced. New worlds and stars began to bloom from the ashes of what was left, and the massive tear in space faded away.

The blood of the universe was not just a method for it to express pain, it also served as a method to heal its wounds.

It was rare for such an event to occur, and it showed the degree of shock in the hearts of the gods that none of them tried to fight for a bit of this blood, as their troubles weighed on their minds.

From the regrowth, twelve new greater planets emerged, all of them were Minor Worlds, a miracle born from the remnants of so many destroyed lives.

It was a sign that although destruction was something terrible, but without it, there was no way for something new and better to emerge.

The Cerulean Galaxy was stronger as a whole, but who would reap the benefits from these newly emerged Minor Worlds was unknown.

As suddenly as this whole debacle had started, it suddenly ended.

"What the fuck is that…" Shario cursed, her flaming blue skin peeling away revealing her pudgy self underneath, and she was bent at the waist vomiting blood.

She pushed herself back to a proper standing position, feeling a bone-deep ache that reminded her of being a mortal all those long years ago. A chill wind of doom blew across her spine and she shivered in dread.

No longer able to stomach her rage, she lashed out,

"Tenma, I understand that look in your eyes, you knew that monster, what is he? Did you drag this calamity to our shores?"

Tenma pulled his gaze away from the planet and seeing the look in her eyes and the demeanor of all the gods around, he rolled his eyes in exasperation,

"You don't think I have any sort of connection with this event, do you? I'm as shocked as you all are. Whatever happened here is one of the trials that will inevitably come our way as the ages roll past, and although we have all paid a painful price, it's done. We have survived it… we can return to our Kingdoms, and from the ashes of what is left, we shall slowly rebuild. We are gods, we are eternal, and the problems we face are beyond what any mortal can comprehend."

His words were having a visible effect on the gods, and Tenma did not stop there, his voice grew louder

"Yet, I do know that for some of us, this is not enough, the affront to our dignity, to our bloodlines, to our thrones can not go unchecked, although we retreat for the moment. Mark my words, we shall make that monster pay a terrible price, we shall…. Yrffus, what is wrong with you?"

One of the female gods had gone pale and she staggered as if she was drunk, and then her eyes widened, and she coughed,

"Tenma… I don't…"

She suddenly screamed and her body exploded into ashes that spread for miles, her horrifying death cries lingered.


Tenma was dumbfounded, and then another god exploded with a scream, and another, and in a short while, four gods were dead!

This was not their corporeal form being destroyed, this was their Divine Spark, the seat of their will, being annihilated!

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