Chapter 2136: Chapter 2136 is even younger than you


Speaking of which, the video ended.

The screen stopped at Xiao puff’s smiling face.

The housekeeper saw that the young master was only looking at the screen and didn’t say anything. He then looked around the young master’s study. When he saw the most eye-catching robot and remote-controlled racing car on the desk, he couldn’t help but laugh “I remember that the young master stopped playing with these toys when he was four years old. “

Hearing this, Quan Che shifted his gaze away from the screen. He grabbed a silver racing car and played with it. “She gave it to me. “

He was indeed not interested in these things.

When he was four years old, he already had his own study room.

From the simple picture book where he read pictures to the dazzling array of books in the room now, it took up almost all of his spare time.

However, since it was a gift from her, it was naturally different.

Even if he didn’t play, he still had to place it where he could see it at a glance.

The smile in the Butler’s eyes deepened. “looks like young master likes Miss Yan very much. “

“She’s very good. ” Quan Che turned his gaze to the screen, moved the mouse, and pressed the play button again.

The entire video started playing again from the beginning.

Seeing this, the housekeeper turned around and left with a smile.

For a moment, the study was so quiet that only the gentle and pleasant sound of the piano could be heard, as well as the gentleness between the young man’s brows.


Not long after Xiao puff’s gift was sent out, the Quan family came to Rao city.

It was the end of the year, so the family and friends moved around more frequently.

In addition, the JI family held a large-scale birthday celebration for Ji Heng and sent out invitations widely. The Quan and Bai families were both invited, so Quan Rui and Bai ran brought their son Quan Che along.

As the adults discussed matters, the children gathered together. There were also servants watching from the side, so there was no need to worry at all.

Today, Xiao Puff was wearing a pink bubble dress with a large bow tied at the back of her waist. Even the hair tie was of the same color. Coupled with her snow-white skin, it made her look like a princess from a fairy tale.

At this moment, she was holding a large red apple in her hand and handing it to Quan Che. “Brother Che ER, EAT THE APPLE! “

“Okay. ” Quan Che nodded. He took the apple, took the knife, and began peeling.

The maids wanted to help, but he waved them off indifferently.

Xiao puff sat beside him. She watched him peeling the apple while shaking her short legs, which were still not touching the ground. She tilted her head and asked, “Che Er, I heard from mommy that you have two twin brothers! Why didn’t you bring them with you? “

“They’re still young. They can’t come out for the time being, ” Quan Che answered. He paused for a moment, then looked up at her. “If you want to see them, you can come to Sanjiang city anytime. “

“How young are they? Are they as young as me? Mommy always said that I’m too young to go out and play… ” Xiao puff pouted, her eyes filled with longing.

As they spoke, Quan Che had already peeled the Apple. He was worried that she wouldn’t be easy to chew, so he carefully cut it into small pieces and fed it to her. “They’re even younger than you. “

“Oh, ” Xiao puff answered dully. She opened her mouth and bit down on the Apple.

After she finished eating, Quan Che continued feeding her, never getting tired of it.

Yuan Bao, who had been squatting on the lawn for a while, looked up and saw Xiao puff eating. He immediately threw away the small shovel in his hand and eagerly went over to eat.

However, he had only run two steps when he was stopped by Yan Yuhan who came from the side. “Yuan Bao, where are you going? “

“Yuan Bao wants to eat apples too! “

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