Chapter 1643: Chapter 1643, he is our way home.


Li Kun took the small bag and reported the latest situation “Young Master, as you expected, Zhao Chongbin’s car indeed left the city half an hour ago. According to the inspectors and surveillance cameras at the city gate at that time, there was only one man in the car with him. He did not bring any dangerous items. The car model was also small and it was a private car. There was no luggage, let alone any banknotes or gold bars.”

“With such a large amount of cash, he would naturally not be stupid enough to bring it out of the city at this time. ” Yan Jun frowned deeply.

After knowing Xia Jinqi’s exact location, the reason why he had delayed his departure until now was firstly because he really couldn’t be separated. Secondly, he was waiting for Zhao Chongbin to leave the city first.

In this way, Rao city would be safe. On the other hand, if he guessed correctly, after Zhao Chongbin left the city, he would probably meet up with Lu Yiming as soon as possible.

When the time came, he would capture these two people in one fell swoop. Only then would there be no fish that escaped the net!

Li Kun nodded. After hearing Yan Jun’s words, he knew that Yan Jun already knew everything about Zhao Chongbin like the back of his hand.

Since that was the case, he had nothing to worry about.

But before Yan Jun left, he boldly suggested, “young master, there’s still one more person who wants to join us. ”

Hearing that, Yan Jun raised his eyes.

Li Kun happened to move his body to the side at this time, allowing the person who had been hiding behind him to stand in front of the lights.

When he saw clearly who the person was, Yan Jun did not hesitate for a moment and asked directly, “have you thought it through? ”

“I’ve thought it through! ” A sonorous and powerful reply.

The person who came was Qu Yang.

“In that case, you will stay with Li Kun. When I am not around, guard Rao city well! ” Yan Jun’s voice was steady, and a king’s aura suddenly surged out.

“Yes! ” Li Kun nodded. After waiting for a long time, he did not receive a reply from Qu Yang. He could not help but push him and remind him, “why aren’t you answering? ”

After being reminded by him, Qu Yang suddenly came back to his senses. He did not care about his slightly red eyes and his choked voice. “Yes! I will not let the chairman down! ”

Yan Jun nodded slightly and did not say anything more. He turned around and boarded the helicopter.

Qu Yang, who could not come back to his senses for a long time… …

He was once Lu Yiming’s trusted aide. He had done many things to hurt the Yan family for Lu Yiming… …

He was originally the last person who would submit to Yan Jun..

However, the world was always so unpredictable.

When he heard Li Kun’s story, he was very moved in his heart… …

After the riot, Yan Jun’s actions completely convinced him!

He mustered up the courage to submit, but Yan Jun did not doubt his motive at all. He even asked him and Li Kun to protect Rao city together!

How broad-minded and farsighted must one be to achieve this!

When Li Kun turned his head, he saw Qu Yang’s expression that was so touched that he was about to cry. He smiled and said, “am I right? He is our way home. ”

Looking at Qu Yang at this moment, it was as if he had seen himself in the past.

This kind of touching continued a second time.

Perhaps there were many, many times, but they did not know it.

But the only similarity was that Yan Jun had brought them this kind of touching!

To follow such a person, one would be willing to go through fire and water!

“You really didn’t lie to me. ” Qu Yang looked at Li Kun, and the two of them looked at each other and smiled!

Some words didn’t need to be said, but a look was enough.

The two of them were smiling when another car drove over. Two people rushed out of the car, and without saying a word, they plunged straight into the plane!

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