Chapter 1544: Chapter 1544 watched over her for the rest of her life


It was just like the clothes in front of him. He knew that she had personally ironed them. So was the food. She had personally cooked them, right He was very clear about the taste of the chef’s cooking. The dishes that had been sent over recently were all home-cooked. It was obvious that they were all made by Zuo Xiaoran.

However, she had never said these things in front of him. She did not complain, nor did she take credit for them.

If she did not have the slightest interest in him, why would she spend so much effort to do all of this?

As long as she wanted to, she could leave at any time… …

She and Xia Jinqi were good friends. No matter how shameless Fang Shaoan was, he wouldn’t pester her anymore.

However, she didn’t leave.

She accompanied him through the most turbulent period of his life… …

How could he not love such a woman How could he not love her… …

With a heavy sigh, Fang Shaoan picked up his chopsticks and ate a mouthful of rice. His stomach and heart warmed up.

When all this was over, he would propose to Zuo Xiaoran.

He had had enough fun in the first half of his life. In the second half of his life, he only wanted her to be alone and watch over her for the rest of her life.

The night outside the window was still so dark that he could not see his own fingers.

Later, a drizzle started to fall from the sky.

Zuo Xiaoran did not have an umbrella, so she could only speed up her running in the rain. Even so, when she reached home, her coat was still wet.

As soon as she entered the house, her mother came over with a dry towel and wiped her wet long hair “Why are you in such a sorry state? How many times have I told you? Our Rao city is different from other places. There’s a lot of rain and snow in winter, especially at this time of year. You have to bring an umbrella with you when you go out! ”

Her mother could not help but mutter a few words. This daughter of hers had always made her worried.

Zuo Xiaoran stuck out her tongue resentfully. “I know, mom. I was in a hurry to come back, so I forgot! ”

She had heard about it for twenty years, but she still could not remember to bring an umbrella. Every time she was drenched, she would be scolded by her mother when she returned home.

As the mother and daughter were talking, Zuo Zhiwei poked his head out of the kitchen. “Xiaoran, you’re back? The food will be ready soon. Quickly change your clothes and wash your hands! ”

“I know! ” Zuo Xiaoran raised her voice and replied. Then, she rushed into her room and changed into comfortable home clothes.

Zuo Zhiwei was filling the soup bowl and didn’t have any free time in his hands. He called out, “Xiuqin, come over and help me with the soup bowl. ”

Only then did Yu Xiuqin walk into the kitchen. As she helped, she complained, “you don’t even know how to talk about her. She came back in the rain in the middle of winter and got drenched! How can a girl catch a cold like this? What should she do if she gets sick in the future? ”

At her age, Yu Xiuqin was about to go through menopause. She talked a lot and complained a lot. As her husband, Zuo Zhiwei knew that he always let her do whatever she wanted in the family.

This time was no exception. Hearing her scolding the child, he hurriedly said, “yes, yes, yes. I’ll talk to her later! She’s already so old, yet she still acts like a child! ”

In fact, whether Zuo Xiaoran was 20 or 40 years old now, in Zuo Zhiwei’s eyes, she would always be a child.

Hearing her husband’s words, Yu Xiuqin was finally satisfied. After a moment of silence, she whispered again, “don’t forget about that. Let’s talk about it later during dinner. She seems to be in a good mood. ”

“okay, I got it. I’ll talk to her. ” Although Zuo Zhiwei answered like this, his face was still full of helplessness.

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