The President is Being Shameless Again

Chapter 344 - Actually, My Boyfriend’s Coming Over Today

Chapter 344: Actually, My Boyfriend’s Coming Over Today

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Where should we go now?” Tian Yuwen asked. “I drove here so why don’t we go to a coffee shop? We haven’t seen each other in years, we can have a nice chat over there.”

Xu Moyan looked at the time. She should leave for the airport an hour before her flight, plus she needed to prepare the food so that she could cook for Wei Zilin at night. It looked like she didn’t have much time.

Hence, Xu Moyan rejected him. “No, thanks. Actually...”

“You have something going on this afternoon?” Tian Yuwen asked. He looked warm with the afternoon sun shining down on him.

Even though Tian Yuwen didn’t look as good as Wei Zilin, he did look like a delicate scholar, and he always gave people good impressions of himself.

Since he brought it up, Xu Moyan answered, “Yeah, actually, my boyfriend’s coming over today.”

Tian Yuwen looked stunned, without hiding his disappointment, he said, “You already have a boyfriend? Director Li and Teacher Xu said...”

He thought Xu Moyan was looking for excuses to reject him.

Xu Moyan shook her head and said. “We got together after Chinese New Year. I stayed in B City all the while, so my parents don’t yet know about it. I came back today because my boyfriend suggested it. He wants to meet my parents.”

Xu Moyan’s face lighted up when she talked about Wei Zilin.

Her complexion was clear and was glowing from within, there were stars in her eyes signaling the love she felt towards that man.

This made Tian Yuwen’s heart sink.

“I wanted to surprise my parents, but something happened on the way back. I didn’t get to tell them when I got inside the house. Actually, my boyfriend already bought two tickets to come back here with me. But he has been out of town for the past two days, so he finished his work quickly and booked the flight for this afternoon. He will arrive at 5 pm. I need to tell my parents about this when I go back later,” Xu Moyan said, smiling gently. She did not show off or boast, only reminisced fondly about her boyfriend.

She took out her cell phone and showed Tian Yuwen a picture.

It was a picture that she took of Wei Zilin last week after she woke up.

Wei Zilin was still sleeping, his face looked peaceful. One would feel as if they were in a dream just from looking at him.

He was smiling gently, and it was unclear what he was dreaming about.

Wei Zilin woke up after she snapped this photo. He attacked her with kisses after he caught her, he almost slept with her right then.

Luckily, he stopped and only gave her a light kiss on the tip of her nose.

His voice was hoarse, unlike the initial kiss which was gentle.

“If I didn’t have to go to work, I would’ve...” Wei Zilin stopped himself midsentence. He stopped after realizing he did not have a choice.

Come to think of it, the two of them have not even reached third base yet.

It was unsure what he was thinking, perhaps he thought she was not ready. Even though they were sleeping on the same bed, he would never push her into doing anything she was not comfortable with no matter how much they kissed.

However, she could never bring herself to say that she was ready even if she genuinely was.

Wei Zilin could only find out with time.

Xu Moyan blushed when she remembered what happened that morning. She looked even more charming under the springtime sun.

No one would ever doubt that she was in love. But right now the one standing in front of her was Tian Yuwen, people would think that they are a couple.

Tian Yuwen felt frustrated and bitter, knowing that he was not the one that made her like that.

The curiosity and doubt in his heart slowly went away after looking at the photo on her phone. How could she have a picture of him sleeping if they were not close?

Xu Mouyan did not want to show anyone such an intimate photo of Wei Zilin. She only showed it to Tian Yuwen because she was afraid he would not be convinced otherwise.

She put away her phone.

Since her boyfriend was coming over, Tian Yuwen did not feel comfortable staying any longer. He chuckled and said, “If that’s the case, I should get going. Let’s talk more when we’re back in B City.”

If he could not be her boyfriend, Tian Yuwen would at the very least be a good friend.

Plus, he was such a gentleman, and he was also polite. Xu Moyan thought that he would be a good friend to have around based on his qualities.

Hence Xu Moyan did not decline, she nodded and said, “Alright.”

“I’ll be heading off then. You should go back too,” said Tian Yuwen.

Xu Moyan felt sorry and watched him leave. He got into his car and waved to her after lowering his window. Then, she watched him drive away slowly.

Xu Moyan turned around and went upstairs. This building was not old nor was it particularly new, therefore its elevator did not go up to the sixth floor.

She was used to taking the elevator every day, and now coming back, she felt a bit out of place taking the stairs. Perhaps it was because she rarely worked out. During her university days, she would be perfectly capable of running up four flights of stairs every day, she would not even be out of breath. But now she was used to the luxury of using elevators wherever she went, so she was exhausted even after four flights.

She forgot her keys, so she pressed the doorbell.

After a while, Li Lanying came to open the door. She was startled to see Xu Moyan come back so soon. She craned her neck to see if Tian Yuwen was behind her.

“You’re back so soon? Where’s Yuwen? Why didn’t you chat with him a bit longer?” Li Lanying grumbled, “We decided to let Yuwen have dinner here just now. What’s wrong with you? It must be that you were too cold toward him that’s why he left. I think Yuwen’s not bad, you...”

“Mom!” Xu Moyan interrupted, unable to listen to her anymore.

She changed into her house shoes and walked into the living room. “Tian Yuwen’s a good person, but I don’t feel that way toward him.”

“You can still be with him even if you don’t yet have feelings for him. Don’t you know that love develops in time? Love at first sight doesn’t happen that often you know?” Li Lanying quickly interrupted, not giving Xu Moyan a chance to elaborate.

Xu Moyan sighed. “Mom, can you please let me finish before you give your opinion?”

“Let you finish? You’re always saying the same things. Every time I introduce a guy to you, you’ll surely have a reason to turn them down. There are no perfect guys in this world. How can someone satisfy all your expectations? Even you’re not flawless. Do you think your father has no flaws? A married couple needs to spend time to get to know each other and deal with each other’s shortcomings.” Li Lanying got a bit frustrated.

Xu Moyan was getting older, how could she not be worried?

The young teachers in her school already had boyfriends. It did not matter if they were married or not, the most important thing is that they have partners.

“Mom, I have a boyfriend!” Xu Moyan could not help but exclaim.

Li Lanying stopped, her mouth fell open for a while before saying, “Y-You have a boyfriend? Why didn’t you say so?”

“You never gave me the chance. You told me that dad was hospitalized, and when I realized it was a lie, Tian Yuwen appeared. You were in a rush to pair us up. And you got angry when I declined. You said so many things, but never once did you let me say something?” Xu Moyan said.

Li Lanying wanted to argue, but she did not have anything to argue about. The only thing she could do was shut up and sit down.

When Xu Moyan saw that she was not talking anymore, she said, “I came back as a surprise solely because I wanted to tell you about this. Come to think of it, he’s the one who brought this up and wanted to come to visit you today. Even though I come back during the weekends, he said would not be enough time for you two to get to know him so we chose a long holiday to do it. We got the tickets, but he unexpectedly needed to go out of town for business. He’s a very busy man but he still wants to come all the way from Li City to meet me and visit you two after work.”

Xu Moyan explained briefly, not forgetting to compliment Wei Zilin while she doing so.

After listening to her, Xu Ruiqing and Li Lanying’s expression brightened. They did not expect that this mysterious man would be so caring and so attentive.

“His plane will be arriving at about 5 pm. I need to go pick him up, so I don’t have the time to accompany Tian Yuwen. I told him when we were downstairs. He told me that he understood and left. We’ll keep in touch when we go back to B City, we’re still friends,” Xu Moyan explained.

“What’s your boyfriend’s name? What does he work as? What does he look like? When did you two start dating? Why didn’t you tell us? If you did...” Li Lanying got embarrassed. “We wouldn’t have had this misunderstanding.”

Xu Moyan could not help but laugh. “Who would’ve thought you’d have prepared a surprise blind date for me? I know you’re worried about me so you wanted to help me with it. You were so smug about it, so I wanted to give you a surprise.

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