The Pleasure Lord

Chapter 364 - Another Trouble?

Chapter 364 - Another Trouble?

"...Fine. I will personally go and take Ronald out of there." Robert finally said after torturing Rudolf for five straight minutes.

Rudolf's heart untensed hearing his father agreeing to take action and solve this dilemma.

"After I get him out, he will no longer have the chance to fight for the throne," Robert added with a sneer.

Rudolf's face froze. He looked at his father in shock.

Robert furrowed his eyebrows. "What? Do you think any problem with my decision? Unless Ronald makes unimaginable merit or becomes an Elemental Master like me, he can forget about getting crowned as long as I'm alive. I hope you stop favoring the second prince over the others; even your eldest son Rowan is ten times better than that waste, not to mention Richard. How could you not see his talent? Have your eyes and head stopped working!"

Robert sneered in his heart and continued, "I'm very much disappointed in you, Rudolf. Get your act together and take your responsibilities seriously. . . Don't force me to interfere any more than I need to. Now get lost."

Rudolf stood up, turned, and left with a black face.

Rudolf's heart was bubbling with anger against his father, but he couldn't do anything against him due to the difference in strength and how important he was to the nation's security.

'Rudolf, do you really think your killing intent would go unnoticed. If you were not important to keep the stability of this kingdom and the family, I would have killed you long ago. Don't think I will let your evil spawn get the throne. It belongs to the Armen; only true Armen descendant can have it.' Robert scoffed inwardly as he thought in his mind. He then clapped his hand.

A figure soon showed himself and came forward from behind the manor gates.

"Bring Richard here as soon as possible," Robert said to his exclusive retainer.

The loyal guard nodded and disappeared into the forest.

Robert's flaming eyes revealed a dignified expression, "Where in the world did you pop out from, Danny Glover?... It doesn't matter; I will meet you soon and find it myself."

Though Robert didn't show much expression on his face when he was listening about Danny's intelligence from Rudolf's mouth, he was very much shocked internally.

Who would not be?

If Rudolf and the lucky few escapees who fled the battlefield after the disastrous defeat, then this young man by the name Danny Glover commanded over at least one powerful Demon Beast of peak Rank 2 order, a powerful subordinate capable of silently reaping numerous soldiers and a very large amount of elite soldiers with terrifying ability to coordinate and defeat their enemy with a crushing momentum.

If that were all true, then this new King would become a huge obstacle for his ambition of expanding the Armen Kingdom's eastern boundaries to the coast. Danny Glover, who had an unclear background and a strong army, could pose a threat to the security of his Armen Kingdom.

No, this new enemy definitely posed a great threat as they not only lost their eastern command forces to them on the battlefield, they already lost a lot of fertile lands and a city with great strategic and economic importance.

Robert would have secretly taken action even if Rudolf hadn't tried to goad him just a while ago.

Robert stood outside the gates of his personal Manor for quite a while before he noticed a bat, the size of a chicken, flying towards him at high speed.

A smile appeared on Robert's face upon seeing the flying animal.

"Come and follow me inside. I've something important to talk to you," Robert said before turning around and heading back inside his Manor. The bat did as it was told and followed behind the old man.

. . .

At the same time, somewhere in the mountains ranges north of the Armen Kingdom, in a hidden palace build upon a snow-covered mountain, someone else was reporting on Alex's alternate persona, Danny Glover.

"Sect Master, it is true. I saw it with my own eyes. That young man had indeed, had achieved Bronze body. Danny Gover could be our key to win the tournament against the other sect." Nolan said as he sat cross-legged in front of a cloth partition. Behind the partition was an open-air Hot Spring that was exclusively utilized by the Braveheart Sect Master.

Kyra was also sitting to his right, sweating a little bit due to the heat and the steam emanating from the hot springs.

"This... Danny, is he credible?" a not-so-quiet voice traveled from behind the partition, causing Nolan and Kyra to flinch by reflex.

"From my personal point of view, I think he is more credible than some of our own disciples, Sect Master. All I can say is that he is our only hope now." Nolan answered.

"Hm, alright, Senior Nolan, I will trust your judgment this time and accept him to enter the sect. You can head back to your residence to rest for the night, and Kyra, you should also go and have a rest."

Nolan's body visibly relaxed upon hearing that the Sect Master would accept Danny to enter the sect. Since his work here was done, Nolan stood up and walked away with Kyra to return to their residence.

Since the Show Cauldron Sect had all agreed with all the other sects on the matter of gaining ownership of the Spirit vein through competition, there was nothing the Braveheart Sect could do other than fight on the arena for the resources.

Though the Braveheart sect had numerous disciples in their younger generation, not one of them instilled confidence in Avyanna's heart that they would win the botched competition. It made her incomparably mad.

Now her only hope was the person that Nolan had found. But everything that her senior brother had said about that young man sounded unbelievable.

After a long time, Avyanna, the Sect Master of the Braveheart Sect, tapped on the hard rock with her slender fingers and looked out through the steam into the distance. It was Nehmor City, the previous capital of the Slyvia Kindom.

"Bronze Body, eh?" Countless thoughts had flashed through Avyanna's mind.

'Should I go and see if he is really as capable as Nolan had proclaimed? Might as well as bring him back as soon as possible rather than let him waste time with secular problems.'

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