Chapter 140 Hannah

A normal looking carriage was being driven onto one side of the street that was already a little due to many pedestrians walking on it. Most of them ignored this particular carriage since there was nothing that would cause the commoners to notice its specialness.

The passengers sitting inside were none other than Alex, Hank, and Tom. They were on their way to the pleasure house where the girl also resided during the day.

Alex took this normal looking carriage because he did not want other people to see him going to such places. As a Lord, he now needs to look after his image or who knows what rumors might spread around the city tomorrow.

When they reached their destination, the driver called the guards standing outside the pleasure house to guards that were stationed there to guard it against unruly customers.

That guard who was a real human and previously a gang member of one of the three gangs that Alex’s puppets had started saw the driver of the carriage calling him towards the carriage. After informing the other three guards standing with him he then walked up to the carriage.

When he neared it, the window of the carriage opened a little and it was then that the guard caught the glimpse of Lord Alex sitting inside of it with two other people who he also recognized immediately.

How could he not recognize them? They were Hank and Tom who visited their establishment from time to time even before Alex became their Lord.

Just as he was about to bow down to greet Lord Alex, Hank stopped him in between.

"Guard, be at ease. Go inside and call Hannah to come outside. Don’t tell anyone but her about us ok. We have something important to talk to her. How about that?" Hank said before the guard could alert everyone of their presence here.

The guard did as he was told as he went inside and informed Hanna that she had very important visitors waiting for her outside.

Hannah being a puppet already knew everything since she and her Lord has already talked about it how to deal with this situation.

As it was day time, the pleasure house was not busy and most of the girls were resting in their respective rooms built especially for them to rest and live during their free time.

Tom saw Hannah walking out of the establishment and towards their carriage unhurriedly. Unlike what she wore during the night time, Hannah was dressed properly during the day.

She acted the same as the guard had done previously upon seeing Alex sitting inside the carriage.

Hank did his work and stopped her from calling out Alex’s name in public. He invited her to enter the carriage saying that they wanted to talk with her.

If it was any other normal girl, she would hesitate to board the carriage when asked to. Since Hannah was a puppet, she nonchalantly nodded her head and entered the carriage when Hank opened the door to let her come in. The carriage was big enough for six people to sit inside comfortably with three sitting on one side and the rest on the other side.

Hannah sat beside Tom while Alex and Hank were sitting together on the other seat. She had an hourglass figure and a pretty face well above average. She looked to be in her early twenties.

Hannah first greeted Alex the moment she sat down on her seat.

She smiled at Tom before waiting for Alex to speak.

"Miss. Hannah, don’t mind my presence at all. I believe you know Tom, Right?" Alex asked.

"Yes, my Lord. I’m well acquainted with him" Hannah nodded her head in affirmation.

"Good, the thing is... Tom has something to ask you." Alex said after which he signaled Tom to proceed.

Tom looked nervous since he didn’t expect to get in such a situation today.

Nevertheless, he took a deep breath before turning to Hannah and asking "Hannah, do you want to... quit working in this place?" He wanted to ask her to marry him but it seems it was too hard for him to say that outright, not to mention his two brothers were also present at the moment.

Hannah acted as she thought about the question for a moment before answering "Yes, but not now. I’m thinking of working here for one more year and after that, I will probably leave this place... but why are you asking that?"

"Don’t you want to quit now?"

"Tom, I think I had mentioned this before, but I will still repeat it... I can’t quit working here now since I want to earn money and being a mortal and a girl, I cannot go out to hunt nor do I know any craft through which I can live by all my life. As for the specifics, I can’t reveal it to anyone as that is against the rule. I hope you understand."

"Hannah, if you have family problems then maybe I can help you with it."

"Why would you want to help me?... is it because you pity me or is there something else you want to say," Hannah asked the obvious. but she didn’t wait for him and instead continued "Tom... you have a good heart. I enjoyed talking and listening to you about your family whenever you came to visit me in the past. You would rather waste time having long talks with me than to do what you pay me for. It seems you have developed feelings for me in your heart but... I can’t give you what you are thinking in your heart?"

"...Why not? You won’t have to work in this place anymore and I promise to take care of you all my life."

Hannah placed her right hand on Tom’s before saying "Listen, you are still young. You have a bright future ahead of you and I’m sure you will find a better half in the future than me..."

Hannah stopped him before he could open his mouth "What you feel towards me is not love. Because of what your mother had gone through in the past you feel the need to help women like her and that is good. But my situation is completely different than your mother’s. I work here because it was my choice. The pleasure house that your mother was forced to work at is completely different than this place thanks to Lord Alex. I can leave this place anytime I want without any restrictions plus what I earn completely goes into my pocket and the establishment only takes around three percent of it that all goes to cover the miscellaneous cost."

"Not to mention, no one can treat girls like me here badly whether inside or outside, no matter what their position is in the society...Tom, the main thing is I don’t need you to pity me nor do I want you to fall in love with me... Because I already have someone I ’ve given my heart. He is my childhood friend."




"Tom...Tom, are you listening?" When she did not get any response for some time, Hannah waved her hand in front of Tom’s eyes.

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