Translator: StormFrost

Editor: Misogi

Primitive Society is Good [12]

Chen Liguo’s fever came very suddenly.

Without any warning signs he directly burned up till he became muddle-headed.

Fu Die was worried but could only go find some wild herbs for him. Even so, Chen Liguo’s body was too weak compared to the ordinary primitive person and the herbs had practically no effect. He was still burning red and had already fallen into a half-unconscious state.

There was nothing Fu Die could do and she could only constantly wipe Chen Liguo down with wine, hoping that he would cool down quickly.

The first time they met was when Chen Liguo was feverish because of the slave imprint. Fu Die fed Chen Liguo medicine as she murmured quietly by Chen Liguo’s ear, saying that he needed to stay strong, that he had to get through it.

Chen Liguo’s mind was in a mess and all sorts of memory fragments flashed through his mind. Memories from too many worlds made him a little confused about which world he was in and he began to speak nonsense.

Fortunately, his gibberish wasn’t too clear, else this would be counted as breaking his character.

He burned for seven to eight days before his temperature finally lowered. Still, this fever burned away his entire appearance. The little meat that Lang Qing managed to raise for him with difficulty was lost.

Chen Liguo opened his eyes and felt himself move up and down. He knew that he was probably on Fu Die’s black snake.

"Zhi Shui, you’ve woken up!" Fu Die saw Chen Liguo open his eyes and asked in surprise, "Are you hungry? Do you want to eat something?" While Chen Liguo was unconscious she could only feed him various kinds of honey, water, and juices from food. Because she was worried, she had not closed her eyes for several days now.

"Wu......" Chen Liguo weakly said. "I, how long have I slept?"

Fu Die answered, "Seven or eight days." She almost thought that Chen Liguo wouldn’t wake up again.

"Oh." Chen Liguo said, dazed. "I am a little hungry."

Fu Die heard this and rushed to prepare food for him.

Chen Liguo ate the food and looked at the familiar surroundings. He asked, "We’ve returned?"

Fu Die put on a light smile and said, "En, we’re back."

Lang Qing was dead and Fu Die was afraid that Chen Liguo would die on the road, so she rushed back at full speed.

Fortunately the little priest survived and didn’t die on the way. Otherwise Fu Die would never forgive herself.

Chen Liguo’s head was still a little wooden. After eating the food he rested for a while before asking the system, "How come I had a fever for so long?"

It was reasonable to say that the system would generally not let their host suffer sickness for so long.

When the system heard this it said, "Without me you would be dead." Chen Liguo’s illness was life-threatening. If it weren’t for the system improving Chen Liguo’s constitution he would have died long ago——Even if he did not die he would have become a fool.

Chen Liguo was silent for a while and then suddenly trembled out, "I already miss Lang Qing."

When the system heard this sentence it opened its mouth to comfort Chen Liguo, so that he would not be sad but then it heard his next sentence, "Damn it, my butt is so itchy!"

System: "......"

Chen Liguo’s face was covered with tears. "So, without Lang Qing, how am I supposed to live the rest of my life?"

This was a problem. Ever since Lang Qing stuffed the snake bead into his bum it would start itching a lot every ten days. Although he would occasionally solve it himself with some toys but the problem was that he couldn’t always do it like that ah——These toys weren’t that useful.

Chen Liguo really regretted it.

He lay on the snakes body and cried bitterly.

The system had nothing to say to Chen Liguo.

However, no matter how much he regretted it his beloved human-shaped dildo has forever left him. Chen Liguo looked as though he had nothing left to live for. He felt like he had been abandoned by the whole world.

Fu Die came back and saw this kind of Zhi Shui.

She looked at the Zhi Shui’s appearance and an inconceivable thought rose in her mind, one that made her heart a little panicked. So much so that her voice trembled slightly when she called out "Zhi Shui."

Chen Liguo heard Fu Die’s voice and responded lightly.

Fu Die walked over and picked Chen Liguo up. This child became lighter again, so thin that he was almost only bones. Fu Die’s heart hurt for him and she quietly said, "I have prepared a new place for you."

Chen Liguo didn’t make a sound and let Fu Die carry him.

Fu Die’s heart became even more panicked but she didn’t dare open her mouth and confirm with Zhi Shui and only carried him to the place where he would live.

After putting Zhi Shui on the bed Fu Die looked at his weak appearance and finally asked, "Zhi Shui, do you like Lang Qing?"

Zhi Shui stiffened.

Fu Die felt as if a bucket of ice water was poured down on her. She asked, "You really, like Lang Qing?"

Chen Liguo lightly said, "No, I don’t."

Really? If you don’t like him, why are you so sad? So sad that it’s like you don’t even want to live anymore. Finally, Fu Die couldn’t laugh anymore.

Chen Liguo completely didn’t notice Fu Die’s strange look. In fact, he felt like the itch down there was going to drive him into insanity——To some extent, Lang Qing really was a bastard. He had expected such a day when he had stuffed the bead inside Chen Liguo’s bumbum. Even if he passed away, Chen Liguo would never be able to easily forget him.

Chen Liguo cried to the system, "I just want ten bottles of mosquito repellant."

The system coldly said, "Is ten bottles enough?"

Ten bottles are definitely not enough. Thinking so, Chen Liguo cried even more miserably.

After Fu Die put Chen Liguo down she hurried away. After she found out that Zhi Shui was quivering she couldn’t stay any longer. If Zhi Shui really liked Lang Qing, then she probably did the worst thing she could have ever done since she came to this world. However, why would he like him? Shouldn’t Zhi Shui hate Lang Qing?

Fu Die’s mind was a little chaotic. She recalled the scene where she first saw Zhi Shui. The little priest was branded as a slave and because of his fever he was a little delirious. Fu Die saw him and saw the appearance of her older brother from before she transmigrated over. It was because of these similarities that Fu Die paid special attention to Zhi Shui.

Fu Die found a place with no one and wrapped some tobacco with leaves.

She let out a breath and for the first time, felt a little weary.

When the itch finally passed, Chen Liguo was already stripped of all his strength. He lay in bed with nothing to live for and asked again, "Lang Qing really died?"

The system said "Completely dead."

Chen Liguo: "I......"

The system vigilantly said, "The golden finger has already been used ah."

Chen Liguo: "......" Daddy, why do you understand me so well.

The system said, "Since Lang Qing is dead just properly complete the task and try to get to the next world as soon as possible."

It said these words very gently. After all the only person who could fool around with Chen Liguo had already been disposed of by Chen Liguo himself. Didn’t that mean that it didn’t need to look at mosaics again in this world?

Chen Liguo was shocked by the system’s sinister heart.

Fu Die trying to absorb Lang Qing’s tribe didn’t go too smoothly. These warriors were all proud and arrogant because of Lang Qing and for a time, could not accept the death of their family’s chief.

Fu Die knew that rushing these things was useless, so she added carrots and sticks and prepared to erode them little by little.

Chen Liguo watched as Fu Die’s destiny completion degree continued increasing slowly until it finally went past 80 and was nearing 90.

Both Chen Liguo and the system thought that they could wait for Fu Die’s destiny completion degree to become full just like this and then leave the world.

But evidently, both of them were too naive.

The system said Lang Qing was dead and Chen Liguo really believed it. Thus, when Lang Qing appeared in the tribe on Gunzi’s back Chen Liguo thought that he was dreaming.

He blankly stared at Lang Qing and with a single bite he was immediately picked up by Gunzi who dashed over and thrown into Lang Qing’s embrace.

Lang Qing held Chen Liguo and sneered, "I didn’t die, are you very disappointed?"

Chen Liguo thought, ’This dream is really too realistic."

Lang Qing said, "Speak."

Chen Liguo didn’t utter a sound, afraid that he would wake up if he said anything.

Lang Qing saw Chen Liguo didn’t say anything for a long time and directly turned his head over and heavily kissed him.

Only then did Chen Liguo realize that he wasn’t dreaming——What dream would be so real? He would wake up every time he dreamed of Lang Qing okay?!

Chen Liguo was excited and said, system, system look, Lang Qing didn’t die!

System: "...... This is impossible!" It had checked the data and Lang Qing had not shown any vital signs. Was this the aftermath of using the golden finger?

Chen Liguo was so moved that tears streamed down his face.

The system coldly reminded him to not rush to be happy. Don’t forget who Lang Qing was almost killed by.

Chen Liguo: "......" Aiyamaya, I was so damned happy that I forgot this.

System: "......"

Just as shocked as Chen Liguo was also Fu Die. She stared at Lang Qing who had returned unscathed, her eyes practically popping out.

Lang Qing sneered at her and said, "Are you very disappointed?"

Fu Die asked, "How did you escape——It’s impossible——"

Lang Qing coldly said, "Nothing is impossible."

It had already been a few months. If it wasn’t for Lang Qing appearing in front of her, Fu Die would never believe that he was still alive.

Lang Qing ordered, "Kill her!"

Gunzi pounced at Fu Die but Fu Die’s black snake blocked the blow.

Chen Liguo saw that things weren’t good and quickly turned to Lang Qing. "Don’t kill her——Lang Qing, don’t kill her, I beg you!"

Lang Qing pinched Chen Liguo’s chin, his tone full of disgust. He said, "Based on what do you beg me?"

Chen Liguo’s voice trembled. "It was me who wanted to do it...... It was me, It was me who begged Fu Die to kill you."

Lang Qing felt as if his heart was being stabbed with swords from Zhi Shui’s words. He said, "Zhi Shui, do you know what you are saying?"

Before Chen Liguo could speak, Fu Die’s voice sounded out. She sat on the black snake and said to Lang Qing, "Don’t touch Zhi Shui, he’s lying to you——It was me who wanted to kill you, I forced him."

Lang Qing sneered, "You forced him?"

Fu Die said, "I forced him."

Lang Qing finally loosened his hold on Chen Liguo. Fu Die’s words made him feel a little better. The biggest blow to him was not that he was almost insidiously killed but that Zhi Shui actually wanted to kill him too.

One snake and one cat fought once again. However, just like before, the black snake was not Gunzi’s opponent. In addition, Gunzi did not hold back this time and so it quickly beat the black snake until it couldn’t get up again.

The worst part of the fight was that it was at Fu Die’s tribe. Although the fight did not hurt anyone the two huge mounts still destroyed a lot of buildings in their fight.

Fu Die was a little distressed but what her heart ached for the most was the quiet Zhi Shui in Lang Qing’s embrace. If it was the era she was in, she would be very happy that Zhi Shui met someone he loved but did Lang Qing love Zhi Shui? How could a slave’s master fall in love with their slave!

The fighting became more intense and both Gunzi and the black snake were injured.

Chen Liguo couldn’t continue watching. He turned and hugged Lang Qing, begging him to stop.

Lang Qing grabbed Chen Liguo’s hair and asked with a sneer if he couldn’t bear it.

Chen Liguo cried and said that it was his fault and begged him to not kill Fu Die.

Lang Qing asked, "So how do you plan on compensating me?"

Chen Liguo choked with sobs. "Anything is fine. I agree to anything...... Please, please."

Lang Qing looked at Chen Liguo’s messy crying face and was a little upset. He was betrayed by Chen Liguo and according to reason, should be incompatibly furious but after seeing tears stream across the little slave’s face unexpectedly most of his anger died out. Even so, he didn’t plan on showing it and instead his expression became even more fierce. He asked, "What do you have to give me?"

Chen Liguo almost said, ’Just take my tattered body.’ But he knew that he would probably transmigrate to the next world if he said such a thing, so he could only say, "My soul, my body...... My everything..... I’ll give them all to you."

Lang Qing coldly said, "Gunzi, stop."

Gunzi meowed and seemed a little reluctant. However, Lang Qing had spoken, so it had to temporally let off that long black worm.

The black snake was at the gate of death with wounds all over its body. Fu Die was also distressed. She said, "Zhi Shui——Wait for me——"

However, before she could finish her words she was interrupted by Chen Liguo.

He said to her, "Don’t come to save me Fu Die."

Fu Die’s eyes widened slightly.

Chen Liguo’s tone was somewhat melancholic. He said, "Fu Die, forget me and live on well."

This time, miraculously, Fu Die did not feel that Zhi Shui said this because Lang Qing was threatening him. Zhi Shui’s expression was so calm, she couldn’t see a trace of reluctance. This sentence, it was really from the heart.

Fu Die said, "Zhi Shui."

Lang Qing was already telling Gunzi to leave.

Fu Die looked at the back of the two and her tears fell for the first time. She gently cried, "Zhi Shui......"

Lang Qing brought Chen Liguo back to the tribe. The first thing he did was to help Chen Liguo relieve his itching.

After the two stripped bare Chen Liguo suddenly came near Lang Qing’s ear and lowly murmured, "Don’t you think I’m missing a little something?"

Lang Qing stared at Chen Liguo, his eyes shining. He lowered his head and sucked on Chen Liguo’s ear lobe. He vaguely said, "Yes, you’re missing a beautiful earring."

At this moment his inner thought was confirmed. Chen Liguo’s heart was filled with happiness——Thank goodness Lang Qing did not die.

The two did not dare talk more. Lang Qing kissed Chen Liguo’s lips and let out his inner desire.

This time the system saw mosaics for no less than three days. And of course, it left for a while to attend a Buddhist exchange meeting.

Chen Liguo felt that these three days were extremely long.

It was okay in the beginning because he had a great time too. However, as more time passed he couldn’t go on anymore. Lang Qing, this person, thought of every possible method to toss him about. Begging for mercy was useless and in the end he even shouted ’daddy’ but Lang Qing didn’t care.

Lang Qing really was angry. When he was betrayed by Chen Liguo it was like being stabbed in the softest part by someone without any hesitation.

When he was swept into the pit by the vines he even doubted if he could survive......

However, in the end he still came back. He not only returned, but also got back his adorable little priest.

Chen Liguo’s tears had already run dry. He groaned softly and heard Lang Qing say that once the weather warmed up he would make some crucian carp for Chen Liguo to eat.

Chen Liguo’s voice quivered as he refused.

However, Lang Qing coldly laughed and pinched his waist. He said, "No? Is this something you can choose? You are just my slave."

Tears glistened in Chen Liguo’s eyes and he said please don’t do this to me.

Lang Qing harrumphed and said I want to you not go out and be my slave alone.

Chen Liguo choked with emotion but his tears really had run dry. Lang Qing this bastard really didn’t hold back this time and all the gadgets bought from the thousand flowers festival were used on him.

When it was finally over there was no place on Chen Liguo’s body left untouched by Lang Qing.

Lang Qing watched him sleep deeply and reached out to pinch Chen Liguo’s ear lobe.

The blow Fu Die received this time was a bit big. Lang Qing’s sudden return completely disrupted her plans.

Because of their fight most of their homes needed to be rebuilt. However, this was only the beginning——On the third day of his return, Lang Qing came with a group of warriors and fought with Fu Die.

Rather than a fight, it was more a one-sided robbery.

They took away most of Fu Die’s weapons. However, to Fu Die’s surprise, they did not touch the people of her tribe.

Lang Qing looked at Fu Die and mockingly said, "You should thank Zhi Shui."

Fu Die was expressionless.

Lang Qing said, "If not for him begging me you would have long since been dead."

Fu Die pursed her lips. Her entire face taut. Her mood was in an extremely chaotic state. Lang Qing not dying was a very terrible matter but the worst part was that she began to doubt her conviction.

Can she really do it? Can she really change the world? She couldn’t even kill Lang Qing......

Lang Qing’s people left, leaving the place in a mess.

In fact, before coming someone suggested to Lang Qing that they should simply kill Fu Die and pocket her tribe.

However, Lang Qing decided against that. He said, "Fu Die can bring even more things to us."

So in the eyes of Lang Qing’s tribe, Chen Liguo became the enchanter than brought disaster to the nation and suffering to the people.

When Chen Liguo went out people would point at him and say that he almost caused Lang Qing to die, that if not for his good looking face Lang Qing would never spoil him so.

Chen Liguo heard these rumors and slanders and profoundly felt an indescribable sense of....... pleasure. That’s right. He felt great. He said to the system, "It’s all because of my too good looks that Lang Qing lost his reasons."

System: "......"

Chen Liguo said, "My beauty is indeed a sin."

System: "......"

Chen Liguo asked, "Dad how come you’re not saying anything ah?"

The system asked, "What did you say? I was listening to the Diamond Sutra just now and didn’t hear it clearly."

Chen Liguo: "......"

In any case, the chief of the tribe, Lang Qing, was bewitched by an enchanter and so the priest of the tribe wanted to rush up and beat Chen Liguo with his walking stick whenever he saw him.

Chen Liguo acted weak and pitiful in front of them but once Lang Qing came back he began to complain.

Lang Qing asked who bullied you?

Chen Liguo said this this, that that. His heart was pretty small and he clearly remembered everyone who bullied him.

Lang Qing found it a little funny and said okay, I’ll help you get revenge.

Thus the people who gossiped about Chen Liguo found that every time they mocked him they would be sent out to hunt and collect and could not come back for ten days to half a month.

This kind of situation happened more often and no one dared to ridicule Chen Liguo anymore.

Of course, the exception was the priest of the tribe. Everytime Chen Liguo saw him rushing towards him with his walking stick his first reaction was to turn and run.

Lang Qing asked him why he was running, could it be he can’t even beat an old man?

Chen Liguo said it wasn’t that he couldn’t beat him but was afraid that an accident would happen if he did.

When Lang Qing heard this he rubbed Chen Liguo’s head and smiled.

Fu Die still didn’t know that her beloved Zhi Shui was developing into Daji and Bao Si in Lang Qing’s tribe. In her memory, Zhi Shui was still the pure and not artificial little priest.

Recently, Lang Qing would always go find trouble with Fu Die. Their two tribes still did business but no matter how one looked at their ’cooperations’ it was just the alms Lang Qing gave to Fu Die.

The trade was just Lang Qing not destroying their tribe. On top of that, when Fu Die made weapons, someone from Lang Qing’s tribe had to be present and she had to answer every question sent by Lang Qing’s tribe.

Fu Die protested at first but later Lang Qing let Gunzi who had grown bigger by a fold put one of her people into its mouth and only let Gunzi spit them out when Fu Die agreed to his conditions.

Gunzi was a little unhappy when it spat them out and meowed several times.

Lang Qing patted its head and said that people weren’t delicious and were all bones. At night he’d catch pigs for it to eat.

Only then was Gunzi satisfied.

Fu Die watched the interaction between one cat and one person and thought of her black snake that was still recovering and her mood became even less wonderful.

Lang Qing also mocked her, saying that he had already trained Zhi Shui into a hussy who can’t go on without a man and that Fu Die should forget him.

Fu Die said, "Bullshit, my Zhi Shui is the purest!"

Lang Qing’s mood was very delicate when he heard this. It was estimated that if the system heard Fu Die’s remark, its mood would probably be the same as Lang Qing’s.

If Chen Liguo was the purest person in the world, then he would probably by the only breathing creature left on the world.

The Author Has Something To Say:

Hahahaha don’t talk about such deep problems kay? I’ll be scared if you are all so serious. Come come come, if everyone is unhappy after reading come scold the author ah. After scolding remember to fill two bottles of nutrient solution to comfort her hahahaha.

Thank you darlings for the mines, grenades, and rockets. Especially elder sister (Pervert Xizi)’s deep water torpedo. Hugs =3= heiheiehei.

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