The Path of Immortality: Starts With Creating Water Bear Gu

Chapter 90: (1): Brainstorming the next Peak-grade Gu

After finally selling the map, Long Tian no longer paid attention to Long Xuan and turned around to find the next buyer.

Long Xuan picked up the map and looked at it. He discovered that it only showed the tomb passages and various chambers. However, the dangers associated with each location were described vaguely, indicating that the map's creator only had a limited understanding.

He located the position of the herb garden and then checked the location of the sleeping chamber.

The sleeping chamber is where the Empress’s coffin is placed. Without a doubt, the most valuable treasure in the tomb must be in the sleeping chamber.

But this location is also undoubtedly the most dangerous in the tomb, a place where entering is almost certain death. It seemed that the two Gu Kings perished here, and the most valuable treasure in the tomb has not yet been taken.

Long Xuan wondered if a lowly Gu cultivator in the Spirit Gathering stage like him could possibly take the tomb’s treasure, something even the Gu Kings couldn't do.

Even if he managed to obtain it, it would likely be difficult to bring out.

Judging from what Long Tian said, it wasn’t hard to deduce that anything taken from the tomb must be handed over to the clan. There was no way it could belong entirely to an individual; at best, he might get a small portion of it.

Even if he did have a way to obtain the tomb’s treasure, he would likely have to find some means to hide it, using his wits to outsmart the higher-ups.

But such matters could be dealt with later; for now, it was uncertain whether he could even obtain the treasure. It was too early to think about such things now.

However, since he had already decided to join the group in entering the tomb, he needed to be fully prepared.

For example, the Dragon Silkworm Robe—time was tight, with only seven days until the tomb raid. He didn’t have time to study the world's best silk garment, so he could only buy an ordinary Dragon Silkworm Robe for the time being.

He hurriedly looked at Long Ziyan and realized that the previous conflict had ended while he was talking with Long Tian.

From the discussions around him, it seemed that Long Yan had won and bought half of Long Ziyan’s dragon silk.

Long Bao, on the other hand, walked away with the other half, his face livid. However, the remaining dragon silk was enough to make a full set for someone else, but for him, it could only cover his navel.

This left him deeply dissatisfied, and he glared venomously at Long Yan’s departing figure, his eyes filled with fierce intent.

With no face left to stay, he left in disgrace.

"Has the transaction ended?" Long Xuan frowned slightly. Although Long Ziyan no longer had any dragon silk, he still decided to try his luck.

Even if she had sold out, she must have kept a Dragon Silk Robe for herself, so she at least had one in her possession.

Braving the icy atmosphere, Long Xuan mustered his courage and walked over, raising his hand to greet her, "Senior Sister, I’m Elder Long Ao’s new disciple, Long Xuan. I would also like a Dragon Silk Robe. Do you happen to have any left?"

Upon hearing this, Long Ziyan stopped in her tracks, her expression unperturbed, indicating she already knew she had a new junior disciple.

“You’re a step too late. I no longer have any stock,” Long Ziyan finally spoke, her words few.

Long Xuan had expected this and didn’t show any disappointment. He probed further, “I know, I was wondering if Senior Sister has one for yourself—don’t get me wrong, I mean one you haven’t worn yet. If you do, I can offer a higher price.”

Long Ziyan frowned slightly but quickly relaxed.

If it was for her own use, she indeed had one; it was just a matter of whether she was willing to part with it.

Long Xuan's identity as her junior disciple granted him significant leeway; otherwise, she wouldn’t have even considered the request.

“I do have some dragon silk for my own use, but it’s different from what was sold earlier. The dragon silk that was just sold was first-grade.”

“But my dragon silk recently underwent a transformation, evolving into a spiritual Gu, capable of producing second-grade dragon silk, which can withstand all attacks from a Spirit Gathering stage Gu cultivator.”

“I don’t have much second-grade dragon silk, just enough for my own use.”

Long Ziyan showed a hint of reluctance.

“Forget it! Since you’re preparing to enter the tomb, and it’s dangerous in there, you need this second-grade dragon silk more than I do. I’ll let you have it.”

With that, Long Ziyan took out a large roll of white silk from her storage bag. Long Xuan's eyes immediately lit up with joy.

It was second-grade dragon silk, strong enough to withstand all Spirit Gathering stage attacks.

Wearing a second-grade Dragon Silk Robe in the tomb would make him nearly invincible. Combined with the protection of the Water Bear Gu, no one could break through his defenses.

Long Xuan rubbed his hands excitedly. This senior sister was too generous; he was overjoyed!

But just as he was about to reach out and take the dragon silk, his hand suddenly froze mid-air.

He suddenly realized that this was just dragon silk—a semi-finished product, not a finished Dragon Silk Robe.

He didn’t know how to sew. His Clones never learned women’s needlework.

So he could only rub his hands together, looking embarrassed as he thickened his face and asked, “I don’t know how to sew. Could Senior Sister help me make it? I’m willing to pay a high crafting fee and won’t let you work for nothing.”

As soon as he said this, Long Ziyan hadn’t responded yet, but the people around them erupted.

“What? He actually wants the most beautiful woman in the clan to sew him a garment? How thick-skinned can he be!”

“Such audacity! To ask Senior Sister Ziyan to make clothes for him, does he have a death wish?”

“How dare he! Asking Long Ziyan to make him a garment, where does he get the nerve?”

“Don’t agree…”

The crowd was filled with outrage, their eyes burning with fury.

Long Xuan was stunned. Asking a seller to process the material into a finished product was a reasonable and normal request, right? He hadn’t expected such a big reaction from the crowd. Was it really that outrageous?

If this was considered rude, then how could young girls making a living by sewing survive? Should female tailors refuse to make men's clothing orders?

His thinking wasn't wrong; after all, few men knew needlework, so clothes mostly had to be made by women.

But he overlooked one issue: if the woman was ugly, then making men’s clothing would be fine; no one would care, even if she made a thousand garments.

But if the woman was beautiful, that was different. A beautiful woman making clothes for a man would incite jealousy from other men.

This was precisely the situation.

If Long Ziyan were ugly, these beasts wouldn’t say a word, and they would probably have left long ago.

“Come in!”

Long Ziyan glanced at Long Xuan before turning to walk inside.

Long Xuan was overjoyed, knowing he had succeeded. He ignored the howling animals behind him and stepped inside.

As he entered the courtyard, a woman identical to Long Ziyan approached with a measuring tape, getting close to take his measurements.

Long Xuan, an expert in using clones, quickly recognized that this was one of Long Ziyan’s clones. It seemed this avatar would be the one making the garment, not Long Ziyan herself.

He began to observe the clone with curious eyes, his interest piqued.

Being skilled in clones, he was naturally curious about others’ clones. He wanted to see what differences there were between her clone and his own and whose was stronger.

With his expert eye, he quickly noticed many differences between this clone and his own.

First, the similarity: this clone was also a corporeal avatar, meaning it had a physical form, which indicated it had a certain combat capability, not much weaker than the original body.

But the method of controlling the clone was entirely different from his.

Long Ziyan controlled her clone by splitting her soul, using a multitasking technique. In other words, she controlled two bodies simultaneously.

Both bodies were her, with no separate consciousness, fully synchronized in memory and thought.

The biggest advantage of controlling an clone this way was safety. Since the clone had no independent consciousness, there was no risk of rebellion, and Long Ziyan would never face the threat of her clone taking over.

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