Di Xin's expertise in formations is indeed high; everyone underestimated this formation master's ability to break through formations. When the fake Long Xuan arrived, he discovered that Di Xin had already dismantled the formation. On the surface of the lava, numerous stone pillars had emerged, densely packed, leading to a stone gate on the distant rock wall.

Unsurprisingly, this stone gate was the entrance to the cave mansion that Li Laodao had mentioned.

At this time, everyone was already walking towards the stone gate under Di Xin's lead and had covered half the distance.

Hearing the commotion behind them, they turned to see Long Xuan returning. They immediately looked disappointed.

He actually caught up and returned so quickly—how did he manage that, does he have a straight path?

"Sorry to keep you all waiting. I hope I'm not too late!" Long Xuan greeted them with a useless remark and then followed them.

Since the formation had already been dismantled, there was no need to worry about triggering any traps. He walked straight through.

"Did you break the ancient formation so quickly? How did you do it?"

As soon as Long Xuan caught up with them, he impatiently asked.

He hadn’t gone to the restroom at all, so his return was very fast. Di Xin dismantling the formation in such a short time left him in awe.

Just from the surface, this ancient formation didn't seem easy to break.

Di Xin raised a token in front of Long Xuan, showing a somewhat proud expression, "This ancient formation isn't easy to break; I just forged a fake formation key."

"The master of this cave mansion went to great lengths to set up this dangerous formation, considering all possibilities, but he overlooked that some people in this world can forge formation keys."

Upon hearing this, Long Xuan suddenly understood. A formation key is like a remote control for the formation. With it, one can control the entire formation without needing to dismantle it laboriously.

He never expected passing through this dangerous formation to be so simple. He thought this would be a significant hurdle.

Li Laodao also looked surprised and asked, "Since you have the formation key, does that mean the dangers inside the cave mansion won’t pose any threat to us?"

"Exactly!" Di Xin nodded, "It's fortunate you didn't open that stone gate recklessly. Your caution was correct."

"If you hadn't resisted the temptation and opened that stone gate rashly, you would've been greeted by a waterfall of lava, drenching you like a soaked chicken."

Upon hearing this, Li Laodao shivered involuntarily. Just thinking about being scalded by lava gave him chills.

He had relied on the undying ability of his Little Strong Gu as a backup, but there was a 50% chance he would’ve opened the stone gate.

In the end, he decided not to open it by drawing lots, and his extraordinary luck saved his life once again.

Thinking about it now, it was like walking through the gates of hell. No matter how strong the Little Strong Gu is, it couldn't survive bathing in lava.

At that moment, he would have been incinerated into ashes by the lava. Even with eight Little Strong Gu, they wouldn't have saved him.

He had to be thankful he sought out Di Xin; otherwise, he would have faced certain death regardless of who he teamed up with.

While chatting, they had already reached the stone gate. Without a doubt in her fake formation key skills, Di Xin pushed open the stone gate and walked in first without hesitation.

Long Xuan followed closely behind her, as if she could bring him a sense of security.

The journey was unexpectedly smooth, without any incidents. They walked straight to the cave master's dwelling without encountering any danger, making the ease of their journey seem unbelievable to everyone.

At least one battle should've occurred before obtaining the treasures, right? However, there was none. They directly reached the treasure-dividing stage. Why did so many of them come when just Di Xin was enough?

At the deepest part of the passage was a secret chamber with a stone gate locked by a password, seemingly the cave master’s treasury.

In the center of the secret chamber sat a skeleton in black clothing, in a meditative posture, on a grass mat with a storage bag hanging from its waist.

Seeing the storage bag, everyone's eyes lit up.

"It seems this senior failed to break through during his life-and-death retreat," the little medicine boy remarked after a glance.

He forcibly averted his gaze, understanding that whatever was in that storage bag was not meant for him.

Li Laodao first looked at the stone gate with the password lock. As the initiator of this treasure hunt and the discoverer of the cave mansion, by right, the most valuable item in the cave mansion should belong to him.

But now, everyone could see that the cave master’s most valuable possession must be in that password-locked treasury.

There was no need to think twice; if it were just junk inside, why lock it with a password? It would be redundant.

So, there must be peak-grade treasures behind that door, evident to all.

Following his gaze, everyone else also looked at the stone gate.

Li Dashan first spoke to Di Xin, "The most valuable treasure must be behind that stone gate. How about we open it first?"

"By right, the most valuable treasure belongs to Li Laodao, but I'm curious about what's inside. How about opening it for us all to see?"

Everyone else looked at Di Xin, their eyes full of anticipation for what was behind the door.

Di Xin rolled her eyes at them and said helplessly, "Can’t you see? The password is a mechanism, not a formation. My formation key can’t open that door."

"Unless someone knows the password, I can’t do anything about this door."

"Don't even think about forcing it open. If this door could be broken by force, there wouldn't be a password mechanism."

"If you mess around, you’ll trigger mechanisms, not formations."

"Mechanisms are beyond my expertise; they’re my knowledge blind spot. I have no solutions."

"I don't know what will happen if you tamper with the door, but it won't be good."

"Lava might suddenly flood the entire cave, killing us all."

Her words were like a bucket of cold water, splashing on everyone’s heads, waking them up instantly.


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