After listening to Elder Long's words, Long Xuan felt a hidden excitement in his heart. Creating one's own cultivation method is as difficult as ascending to the heavens for others, but for him, it is entirely achievable. The method for cultivating the Gu also applies to cultivating techniques.

The Ten Absolute Body is a lethal condition for others, but for him, it has become an opportunity. In his hands, the Ten Absolute Body might shine brightly in this world, becoming his invincible capital. He clenched his fists tightly.

The urgent task now is to quickly create a cultivation method suitable for the Ten Absolute Body. With a method, the cultivation speed can be further enhanced.

Nothing is more important than this. Long Xuan immediately decided to make creating his own cultivation method his next project. He was determined to create an unparalleled method, making his journey to this world worthwhile.

Even though he thought this way, Long Xuan put on a very dejected appearance. After bidding farewell to Elder Long, he left in a daze.

Back at his residence, Long Xuan sat on a chair, spread a blank sheet of paper on the table, and began to ponder deeply, furrowing his brows.

Based on his understanding of this world's cultivation methods, a complete method consists of three parts: the route of spiritual energy circulation, the method's Divine abilities, and the accompanying spiritual technique. These three parts are also called the three elements of a cultivation method.

Of course, Long Xuan's "Eternal Life Sutra" is a health-preserving method, not a cultivation method, and does not belong to this system.

If one is creating a basic cultivation method, just considering the route of spiritual energy circulation is sufficient. The other two parts can be ignored.

But if you want to create a powerful method, all three elements are indispensable.

The route of spiritual energy circulation determines the speed of cultivation, the attribute of the spiritual energy, and its strength.

The same attribute can have varying strengths depending on the method.

Different attributes also have differences in strength. Mutated spiritual energy is always stronger than basic spiritual energy. There are also vast differences among different types of mutated spiritual energy.

Poison spiritual energy, star spiritual energy, dragon spiritual energy, earth spiritual energy... All attributes that differ from the basic seven elements of metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, and thunder are considered mutated spiritual energy.

The way to cultivate mutated spiritual energy is determined by the first part of the method.

Divine abilities are the unique features of a method. Some methods produce purer spiritual energy than others. Some methods create a larger spiritual sea, allowing for a far greater amount of spiritual energy than peers of the same level.

Some methods can cultivate five spiritual seas, making one invincible at the same level. These unique features are the method's Divine abilities.

Even the ability of the "Eternal Life Sutra" to extend lifespan is considered a divine ability.

Accompanying spiritual technique are the attack methods of a cultivation method. They differ from the universal spiritual arts that anyone can learn.

Each cultivation method produces unique spiritual energy. Even methods cultivating the same attribute can result in vastly different outcomes.

The diversity of spiritual energy naturally affects the compatibility of spiritual technique. The same spiritual technique, when used by practitioners of different methods, can have completely different power levels. Therefore, the compatibility between spiritual technique and methods varies.

Achieving a 100% compatibility is extremely rare unless the accompanying spiritual technique are tailor-made by the same creator for the method.

Because of this perfect compatibility, accompanying spiritual technique are always stronger than universal spiritual technique.

This is why creating accompanying spiritual technique is essential for a powerful method. Without them, no matter how strong the method is, it will be a paper tiger that cannot fully utilize its power.

Of course, the attack methods of spiritual technique and the abilities of Gu are vastly different.

Spiritual technique are attack abilities deployed by channeling spiritual energy, while the abilities of Gu are innate. Innate abilities cannot be mimicked by spiritual arts.

For example, the mind-reading ability of Gu, the spatial teleportation of Gu, the precognition of Gu, the time reversal Gu...

No matter how advanced, spiritual techniques cannot mimic these abilities through textual forms. These are beyond the scope of spiritual energy. Purely manipulating spiritual energy cannot achieve these abilities.

You can think of spiritual technique as martial arts moves, while the abilities of Gu are like fantasy abilities, one being low-tier and the other high-tier.

However, Gu cultivators have a limit on the number of Gu they can possess at the same time. Spiritual technique, though weaker, are a must-learn for Gu cultivators.

In this world, spiritual technique are quite rare. If a small Gu cultivator family possesses even one type of spiritual art, it is considered a treasure, a closely guarded secret.

In some sense, learning an additional spiritual technique is like having an additional slot for a Gu, with considerable strategic value.

Long Xuan already had many creative ideas for self-created spiritual technique and had a preliminary plan for designing mutated spiritual energy for his method.

For instance, in his past life, anime mentioned bloodline limits formed by the fusion of multiple attributes. So, could spiritual energy be mutated by merging multiple attributes?

He didn't know how mutated spiritual energy formed in this world, but he believed it was entirely possible to research mutated spiritual energy through the fusion of multiple attributes.

However, despite his creative explosion and countless magical ideas, he didn't know how to start. He had no clue about even the first word, completely at a loss.

Having ideas is not enough; one must know how to implement them. Daydreaming is easy, but knowing the specifics of what to do is the challenge.

Creating a cultivation method is different from creating a Gu formula. Creating a Gu formula involves a lot of luck and can be done through trial and error. With enough effort, it can eventually be figured out.

But a cultivation method cannot be created by luck alone. It requires reading countless books, understanding many concepts, and learning extensively.

As a small, casual cultivator who had never seen a proper cultivation method, Long Xuan didn't even grasp the basics. How could he have the skill to create a method?

To create a method, one must reference a vast number of existing methods. Working in isolation cannot yield a good method, no matter how hard one tries.

Thus, Long Xuan was stuck. The people in this world are highly secretive, and cultivation methods are not easily accessible.

It's not that there are no methods on the market for independent cultivators, but they are often flawed and lack proper progress.

This means these methods are riddled with errors and holes. The golden finger didn't even detect these as methods. How could he dare to reference such junk?

Therefore, Long Xuan was stumped in creating his method. He couldn't even start the first word and was so frustrated that he was about to turn gray.

Finally, a spark of inspiration struck him. He remembered the illusion technique he had never used, the Original Realm.

His first thought was to use the illusion technique on someone to trick them into revealing their method.

But then he remembered that the Original Realm perfectly replicates real-world scenes into illusions. Everything in the illusion is identical to reality. The person affected cannot detect any differences from the real world and therefore cannot realize they are under an illusion. With this in mind, Long Xuan had a different idea.

The more he thought about the features of this illusion technique, the more he realized it was extraordinary. How could such an expensive eye Gu produce a simple illusion?

Thinking about it, he had neglected to deeply explore the potential of the Original Realm. On the surface, it seemed like an illusion that prevented the affected person from finding flaws. But with some brainstorming, Long Xuan felt it could be developed further.

For example, could he break conventional thinking and apply the illusion to himself instead of an enemy?Long Xuan felt that he had opened the door to a new world.

What if he placed himself in the library of a powerful force? Since the illusion is 100% real, are the books inside also real? Can he get them for free in the illusion without the guardian of the library in the real world noticing anything?

Long Xuan gasped. He felt like he had discovered a bug. Could such a method, which allows easy theft of powerful secrets, truly exist?

Does the Heavenly Dao know this ability can be used in such a way?

Has it overlooked this possibility again?

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