Long Xuan's pen moved like the wind, quickly jotting down some of his ideas.

In reality, his various ideas on manipulating light could only be theoretically realized, essentially just empty talk. Practical implementation was another matter entirely.

Therefore, to play it safe, he didn't dare to write just one idea, but he couldn't write too many either. His imagination was worth more than a billion.

He wrote down the ideas that wouldn't pose a threat to himself, while choosing to keep the overly groundbreaking abilities to himself.

To obtain all his ideas, it depended on whether she could present something that would satisfy him in the future.

But even presenting this minuscule portion of his ideas was profound enough.

Fearing that the young lady might not understand, he wrote very detailed explanations, filling several pages.

Finally, he signed the papers, folded them, and confidently threw them into the bidding box.

If this Light Gu insect could truly realize all his ideas, it would absolutely become a formidable force.

Aside from being nearly useless in dark or overcast conditions, the Light Gu insect would be incredibly powerful during the day.

Unfortunately, his attributes were metal, wood, water, fire, and earth—he lacked the light attribute. Otherwise, he would have definitely tried to cultivate a Light Gu insect.

After throwing the paper into the bidding box, he quickly wandered around the stone betting shop, buying any fossils that showed progress.

However, aside from that king stone, he didn't encounter another fossil with five digits after the decimal point.

He was rational, stopping after buying a few dozen stones. One reason was the lack of spirit stones, and the other was not daring to buy them all.

He feared that the Qian Clan commerce association would suspect someone had the ability to see through the stones if they found the shop filled with waste.

Despite possibly being overly cautious, he didn't intend to take any risks.

Even if he won the bid, he needed to plan carefully on how to safely take the king stone away.

Cutting the stone on the spot might not be feasible, as revealing a peak-grade spirit insect would attract trouble. Selling it on the spot and carrying a large sum of money would also invite trouble, making it a dilemma whether to sell or not. If the treasure's value reached a certain level, the ban on killing in the market might be ineffective.

Taking it away might be even more impractical. His storage bag was the lowest grade, with limited space, impossible to hold a four-meter-tall king stone.

Even if he had a large space storage bag, so many people seeing him take away a stone worth ten million would incite thoughts of robbery. Taking it away or not would both be problematic.

He would be in a difficult situation.

This required him to come up with a perfect solution, testing his intelligence.

While selecting fossils, the bidding time quickly ended. A stunning young girl in a white dress emerged from the store. She had a slender waist and clear, clever eyes.

Although her face was veiled, making her appearance unclear, just seeing her nose and above was enough to confirm her extraordinary beauty.

Who knew if there was a rule that whoever unveiled her veil would marry her.

Her appearance brought silence to the scene, with many people showing eager expressions, all participants in the bidding, anxiously awaiting the results.

With the main character finally appearing, someone couldn't wait any longer, shouting from the crowd, "Enough with the formalities, check the bidding box! My idea will definitely surprise you."

"Nonsense!" Someone immediately retorted from the crowd, "How dare you claim your idea is the best in front of me? You haven't seen what I wrote. You'd feel ashamed."

"Stop boasting. Everyone knows your intelligence is notoriously low. What could you possibly write that's worthwhile? Don't make a fool of yourself."

"You nonsense..."

The crowd quickly erupted in arguments, a chaotic scene.

Everyone was confident in their masterpieces, overly self-assured, lacking self-awareness, as if the winning idea was certainly theirs.

Even Long Xuan wanted to say, "It's not that I'm targeting anyone, but everyone here is trash."


At this moment, Qian Duoduo finally stepped out to maintain order, displeasedly looking at the crowd.

Each of them was a sheep to be fleeced. What was there to argue about? The king stone wouldn't fall into anyone's hands, just a bunch of fools.

Qian Duoduo had some authority. After he spoke, the scene quieted down.

"The young lady will now review the bids. No one is allowed to make any noise."

As he spoke, Qian Duoduo moved the bidding box to Qian Jinjin, placing it down gently with a fawning expression.

"Miss, please. The wisdom of the entire market is here."

"Mm!" Qian Jinjin nodded, sparing words, opening the bidding box, and casually picking up a paper.

The scene was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. The crowd held their breath, afraid of making any noise, all nervously watching the girl reviewing the papers.

Quickly reading one paper after another, the girl soon furrowed her brows.

She was trying to quickly develop powerful abilities for the Light Gu insect using collective wisdom. As a powerful natural-type Gu insect, only having illumination was indeed embarrassing.

This market wasn't her first stop. She had used the same method in many places before, but with little success.

The basic attributes of this world were metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, and thunder.

Most people had one or more of these attributes.

Attributes beyond these seven were rare mutations.

The light attribute was particularly rare, with few understanding it, resulting in minimal gains even from collective wisdom.

This time was no different. Each person was confident, thinking they had developed something extraordinary, but it was all garbage.

Most even went off-topic, boasting about light-speed attacks and light-speed movement. Didn't she already know how fast light was? Did they need to tell her?

The problem was that the Light Gu insect's ability was merely controlling light, unrelated abilities were impossible.

Some even copied existing light attribute abilities, familiar to everyone, like light healing, light ball, light shield...

As if she hadn't read any books.

The loudest ones were the most nonsensical, claiming light reversal could turn back time, which she found insulting to her intelligence.

Until she found a folded paper that caught her eye, the ideas inside were simply fantastical.

The novel theories were ones she had never heard of, broadening her horizons.

For example, why can the human eye see the world, light reflection and refraction...

These concepts were unheard of to her, captivating her.

The various developed abilities made her scalp tingle with amazement, she couldn't help but applaud.

Could controlling light really be developed this way? Incredible.

She had to admire the mind behind these ideas, wondering how this brain worked, thought Qian Jinjin, curiously.

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