On a bright, moonlit night,

I was walking in the garden to sort out my thoughts about Sohee and me when I felt a presence and slowed my steps.

Approaching slowly, I saw a woman sitting on a rock, admiring the garden.

‘Is that Tang Hwarin?’

It wasn’t hard to recognize her. Purple hair. Even from the side, and perhaps because of it, her feminine silhouette was more pronounced. These two clues made it easy to identify her.

Sensing my presence, she turned her head to look at me.

As she turned, her face, not covered with a mask unlike during the day, was fully visible.

“Hey. You. Turn your head back.”

She frowned at me immediately.

“There was a guest here, I see.”

Why did I keep running into her? I naturally turned my body to avoid her gaze.

For a moment, I could see her lower face, not covered by a mask.

Spotted and discolored skin tone.

There were no signs of inflammation or pus, but at a glance, one could suspect she might be afflicted with a contagious disease.

“Hey. Barbarian. You. You saw it just now.”

“I’m not sure what you’re referring to.”

“I saw where your gaze fell.”

“I was merely captivated by the beauty of the outfit.”

“Bullshit. I came out for a walk since I was feeling somewhat okay for once. Geez.”

Her voice was laced with irritation.

‘Is it the early stage of the poison person’s side effects?’

Poison person. Simply put, it turned a person into a being with poison attributes. Naturally, humans were not meant to have poison attributes, so the process involved numerous side effects.

In the original story, Tang Hwarin wore a mask due to the side effects that disfigured her skin. Now, it seemed to be just discoloration.

“Hey. Just to let you know. It’s not a contagious disease. So don’t just blatantly run away. …Never mind. Just go.”

She started with confidence but soon spoke with a resigned attitude.

Glancing at her secretly, she seemed disheartened, gazing down at the ground.

‘Is her discolored skin a complex?’

She’s unusually sensitive about her face. Wearing a mask even inside her home must be to cover her face.

Perhaps walking at midnight is her way of feeling freedom without the mask.

“Hey, barbarian. Are you listening?”

‘Could Tang Hwarin also be a heroine?’

Ignoring her words, I momentarily lost myself in thought. 𝐟r𝗲𝚎𝚠e𝐛no𝘃𝗲𝐥.c𝗼m

If the villain Cheon Sohee in the original work can be a heroine, then the poison butterfly Tang Hwarin could also be a heroine.

I came out to clear my complicated thoughts, but it only made my head more muddled.

“My name is not barbarian; it’s Kang Yun-ho.”

Since I hadn’t formally introduced myself, it was necessary to at least let her know my name.

“I can’t remember barbarian names. If you’re going to run away, do it quickly. Let me take my walk.”

She turned her head away, indicating with an annoyed tone that she didn’t want me to see her face.

‘I need to lay the groundwork.’

Though her attitude was off-putting, now was the best opportunity to lay the groundwork.

Just as Cheon Sohee’s change of personality could make it difficult for her to become a heroine, Tang Hwarin’s progression into a poison person could similarly complicate her heroine transformation.

‘Let’s go with a concept often used in martial arts fiction.’

For now, the issue with Sohee was more pressing.

It’s sufficient to just throw some hints to Tang Hwarin and temporarily halt the side effects of her transformation into a poison person.

“I haven’t had the pleasure of hearing your name, miss.”

I spoke with a smile, making use of the proverb that one cannot spit in a smiling face.

“You would have heard it from that bastard.”

“I want to hear it directly from the lady herself.”

“Are, are you throwing a pass at me or what? It’s Seong Hwarin. Seong Hwarin. Happy now?”

Why did she raise her voice just because I asked for her name?

In this situation, most people would simply greet and leave, or the socially adept might even ask for a number. But I need to turn the tables.

“It’s not Seong Hwarin, but Tang Hwarin.”

I scoffed, pointing out her secret with a cynical tone.

“How, how do you know that?”

She was startled, forgetting to cover her face as she looked at me.

“I’ll be leaving now.”

I turned slowly, intending to return the way I came.

“Hey! How did you know?”

Tang Hwarin reached out to grab me.

“That’s rude.”

Slow. Even in reaching out. I grabbed her wrist with my left hand. As I did, the sleeve of my left hand accidentally rolled up, revealing a bracelet shimmering in the moonlight.

“The Unforgettable Ring? What’s your relationship with the Sichuan Tang Family?”

She happened to see the Unforgettable Ring from the Sichuan Tang Family on my left wrist.

Though I made sure my left wrist was visible on purpose.

“I have no intention of informing someone who lacks manners.”

I looked at her squarely, my expression serious.


Tang Hwarin’s face was a mix of confusion, suspicion, and astonishment.

This should solidify my mysterious persona. A man who seems to be connected to her somehow. The concept seems to be working perfectly.

“Let’s drive the point home.”

“The medicine you’re taking is not healing your body. It’s making it worse.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Find out what’s in that medicine yourself.”

“Do you know something?”

“My kindness ends here. Next time we meet, be more polite.”

I forcefully shook off her wrist and turned away.

“Hey! No! Excuse me!”

No stopping now. I ignored her and started walking back the way I came.

“Ah! Damn it. What on earth?”

She dared not follow me and ended up muttering to herself.

‘Leaving just this impression should suffice.’

The mysterious man.

A man suddenly appeared, revealing Tang Hwarin’s real name, with the Unforgettable Ring from the Tang Family in his hand.

She’ll mistake him for someone from the Sichuan Tang Family.

Who could this man be?

Although she can’t directly investigate the man’s identity, she might delve into the medicine she’s been taking.

If she uncovered the secret of the medicine, the name Kang Yun-ho would firmly embed itself in her mind.

This was sufficient for now.

As I enjoyed the Sung Family’s hospitality and recovered from my journey, my birthday celebration day quickly approached.

Sohee and I were about to enter the feast prepared in the inner courtyard when the guards at the door stopped us.

“Only those invited may enter. The woman beside you cannot.”

What’s this now?

“She is my wife. I can only perform confidently with my wife by my side.”

“Only guests and household members may enter.”

The guard spoke firmly, showing he had no intention of stepping aside.

What to do? This performance was too risky without Sohee.

I might refuse to perform and turn back. If that happened, being expelled from the inner courtyard could complicate Sohee’s assassination mission.

I exchanged glances with Sohee, pondering our next move.

“Please go in, my husband.”

Sohee nodded slightly and spoke softly.

Right. If we miss this opportunity, who knows when we’ll get another chance for an assassination mission. Sohee might be overtaken by murderous intent before the next mission.

Since Seong Sehwi’s close associates have promised to protect us, there shouldn’t be any major issues.

“Then, I’ll finish the performance and come out immediately.”

Leaving Sohee behind, I entered the banquet venue.

“Greetings! I am a storyteller from Joseon, named Kang Mo!”

When my turn came, I stepped onto the stage and greeted the guests.

“Ah! It’s the storyteller’s turn now!”

“Kang Mo? Isn’t that the famous storyteller from Chilgok County? He must have been invited.”

“My son went all the way to Chilgok County to hear stories from Kang Mo. Thanks to the head of the Sung Family, we can hear them without going to Chilgok County!”

As I introduced myself, everyone stopped their drinking and looked at me.

‘Seong Sehwi, aren’t you being too obvious?’

I quietly observed Seong Sehwi, who was glaring at the head of the Sung Family as if he wanted to kill him.

Around him, his allies appeared vigilant, ready to draw their swords at any moment. It was too obvious, even with many warriors around the Sung Family head.

“Today, I will tell you the story of Prince Hamurin!”

The atmosphere felt less like the joyful feast day of the Sung Family head and more like the eve of a bloody banquet.

Seong Sehwi, you do plan to protect me, right?

With uneasy feelings, I began the story of Prince Hamurin.

“Hajiro! How dare you betray me!!!”

The highlight of the performance at the Sung Family.

I started to act out the events of that day as told by Seong Sehwi.

The mysterious death of the previous Sung Family head, Sungjoru.

Sungjoru encountered bandits during a journey, an event not uncommon, but the circumstances of that day were strange.

There were suspiciously few attendants, and most of them were close associates of Sungjiru. Moreover, all who died at the hands of the bandits were close associates of the former Sung Family head, Sungjoru.

This was too suspicious to ignore.

“Brother! Today, you! Will be unexpectedly attacked and killed by bandits! Hahahaha!”

“You, Hajiro! How dare you! Poison me!”

I acted out Sungjoru being poisoned and staggering.

“That, the former Sung Family head…”

“Shh. Quiet, man. Isn’t that just a rumor?”

“The fact that the Sung Family head was poisoned and killed by bandits isn’t well-known?”

Whispers began to spread among the guests.

It seems we’ll need a bit more time for the murmurs to spread.

I continued the standoff between the two characters, waiting until the murmuring had spread enough.

“Kuhuhu! Brother! If you’re going to die, die gracefully. Why resist so much when you’re like a rabbit at night?”

“Where do you get off speaking to me like that!”

“Speaking off? Your wife came to my bed because she wasn’t satisfied with you. After a few times, she said she couldn’t live without me.”


“Lies? When do you think you drank the poison? The drink that woman gave you before she left, warning you to be careful, was poisoned. She said if she wanted to be my woman, she’d have to offer at least as much as the Ha Family head. And she really did!”

“You, you, you, you monster!”

I passionately portrayed Sungjoru’s rage, revealing the secrets of that day to the audience.

“Look at these crazy fools!”

“Is it true that Sungjoru’s new wife has been visiting the current Sung Family head’s room lately?”

“Huh. How could you? With your brother’s wife.”

“While I’m at it, managing the wife, I’ll take care of the estate too. Farewell!”

I attempted to deliver the final blow to Sungjoru while acting as the villainous Sungjiru.


If only someone hadn’t flown onto the stage.

“I can’t stand to watch any longer.”

The person who flew onto the stage was the head of the Sung Family, Sungjiru.

He flew from the furthest part of the banquet hall in one go? How powerful was his martial arts?

The unexpected situation froze the entire banquet hall.

“Head of the family. Even if the acting is realistic, you shouldn’t come up here.”

This was serious. Should I make a run for it?

“Realistic? It’s not about being realistic; it’s an insult.”

Sungjiru strode towards me.

“An insult? I, Kang Mo, have given my best in acting without intending to insult anyone.”

I smiled as if I didn’t understand the situation. Backing down now would mean showing weakness. I had to act as naturally as possible.

“Sungjiru! Insult? Are you trying to silence the storyteller who speaks the truth?”

Seong Sehwi yelled loudly from where the guests were. When did he even get there?

It’s good to make the guests aware, but not in that manner. He could have simply said it was a coincidence that the stories were similar.

“Seong Sehwi! After sparing your life! You dare to cause trouble! This must be your doing!”

“Guests! Look! Sungjiru, in his greed for the Sung Family leadership, conspired with his stepmother to kill his brother, my father, a heinous act of parricide!”

“Seong!!! Sehwi!!! You ungrateful wretch!!! Drive him out!”

At Sungjiru’s shout, the warriors all drew their swords.

“So, it comes to this! They draw their swords! Our warriors, draw your swords too! Let’s drive out this brutal parricide!”

At Seong Sehwi’s command, his allies also drew their swords.

“Save me!”

“Run away!”

The banquet hall instantly turned into chaos.

‘I need to run away.’

As I tried to get off the stage, someone blocked my way.

Looking up, I saw an enraged Sungjiru standing there.

“I don’t let insults pass.”

Something flashed in front of my chest. Damn. It’s a knife.


I quickly twisted my ankle to dodge the blade.

“You dodged this?”

He sounded surprised. I had practiced self-defense diligently. It was lucky, but I dodged well.

But it seems my luck was only good for one hit.


Something hot pierced my chest suddenly. I got stabbed after all. Damn.

Sungjiru, seeing the knife embedded in my chest, calmly left the stage.

“The storyteller has been stabbed by Sungjiru’s knife!”


Seong Sehwi rushed onto the stage and held me as I collapsed.


“I’m sorry! I failed to protect you! I couldn’t prevent your heart from being pierced!”

As if he hadn’t planned to protect me at all, only stirring up trouble. Was he really trying to protect me?

“My, my heart.”

Hey. It didn’t hit my heart.

Thanks to the Jade Face Self-Protection Technique, my skin became hard, and the stab was deflected.

“The blood is gushing out as if the heart was pierced. Your sacrifice will not be forgotten.”

“Get medical attention…”

There’s a lot of blood, but I can survive if treated now! The knife didn’t go deep!

“With this dagger that pierced the benefactor! I will pierce Sungjiru’s heart with this dagger. See you in the afterlife!”

No. Pulling it out will cause more bleeding.

Idiot. Hey!

Blood is everywhere.

Dizziness overwhelms me. Damn.

Feeling dizzy.

Was it a mistake to trust someone planning deceit?


Within my fading consciousness,

I seemed to hear a familiar voice from afar.

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